Remember me?

By bluebearwriter

23.3K 1.1K 158

This book is about a 18year old Girl Briland, who is in a relationship with her 20 year old boyfriend Jaylen... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Author Note

Chapter 22

619 33 5
By bluebearwriter

                      Briland pov.

When I turned around from Leon I seen Chris standing there smiling at us...... "Chris how long was you standing there!?" I said to him, "Wellllll a big tv, some new clothes...." Chris said in a Girl voice. "Shut up." I said laughing and shoving him in the chest, Chris starts kissing me and Leon comes and says "Aye!!! go to yall room with all that.!" .. We start laughing and tuck Leon in for bed, then we went to bed..

                       Chris pov.

This morning Jackie called me and and said to come get the rest of Leon stuff so thats where I'm heading..I slid out of bed..  Did my hygiene routine then put on my true religion jeans and a Nike hoodie..And was out the door. When I got to Jackie house I rung the doorbell and there she stood with nothing but bra and panties on...look like she was pregnant ...but  I gotta admit she was looking good but I ain't trying to hurt bri....  "Where lil man stuff at?" I said to her "In the living room by the couch." she said to me. So I walked in to get his stuff and she pushes me on the couch and climbs on top of me. "I want you back daddy. " She says to me, then starts kissing on my neck and rubbing on me. "Man get the fuck off of me." I said moving her onto the couch and getting up. "You know I'm better then her so why you trippin?" She said to me with a disgust face,  "No ma you trippin,  you know I ain't gonna hurt Briland like that so stop trying so damn hard for somebody that don't want your ass." I said to her. Then took Leon's stuff loaded up my car then left.. I was driving back home when I glanced at my phone I saw Briland had text me so I read it.

Hey I woke up and you wernt here text me back...

Aye Ma,  I'm good I had to Get more stuff from Jackie house for Leon.


It's not like that ma nothing happend I promise.


I got home and Briland and Leon were at the table eating breakfast. "Yours in the microwave. " Briland said to me and got up and Washed her and Leon plate. Then they went to the living room and watched Tv....

"Aye lil ma come here." I said to Briland

"Whatchu want." she said coming to me.

I just gave her a dead glare, she just giggled and hugged me.

"We going out tonight Okay?" I said to her

"Yeah were were going?." she said back.

"A club."

"Okay." Briland said then left.

........................................................... Later that day.....

"Come on Briland!!! " I yelled to her from downstairs.

"I'm coming!!!!!" she said back to me.

Then 20mins later Briland came down in a red strapless mini dress with Red heels with her hair down and curly with a little bit of jewlery on and no makeup. She was looking sexy as hell.

"Alright Jamel we leaving." I said yelling to him cause he watching Leon.

"Alright don't have to much fun." he said back laughing.

Me and Briland  got in the car and left off to the club.... When we got to the club we went in and I felt Bri tense up. "Aye baby you alright?." I said to her "Uh Yeah I'm good." She said back to me.

                       Briland pov.

When me and Chris got to the club it was the exact same one Jaylen abused me at....."Um Chris." I said to him "Yeah baby?" he said to me pulling me to the dance floor "Um nothing I just....I just love this song." I said to him and he just smiled at me and we started dancing. I was gonna see if we could leave but we just got here and I ain't trying to ruin his night.... After a little of twerking and grinding we sat at the bar and had a drink but he made me get pop while he drank he said as long as he was there I wasn't drinking. And he only fucking 19 but whatever that's cool I guess...... Later that night we were walking to the car and Chris pushed me up against the car and started kissing my neck. I knew he was drunk but not this drunk. "Chris not here we in a parking lot. " I said laughing trying to push him away. But he just came onto me more...... I managed to slip my hand in his pocket to get the car keys and I drove us to a hotel cause I don't Want Leon seeing him like this....... When we both to the hotel the manger kept staring me down giving me the creeps but I didn't let it bother me.... Chris and I went up to our room and he pushed me on the bed and started to make me moan.......

                        Chris pov.

This morning I woke up in a hotel with Briland on my chest and my hand on her ass. I don't even remember what happend last night.  "Chris. " Briland said to me in a sleepy voice "Briland." I said to her "I had fun last night." she said to me "Me too babe." I said back. "And um one more thing Chris." She said to me " I think I'm pregnant. " she said to me..........

I'm so sorry it took so long yall I've been busy but here ya go I hope y'all like the chapter!!!: -)

and also shout out to




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