Harry Potter, The Bronze Boy

By Flickering_Fox

523K 15K 7.9K

After a bit of accidental magic while running away from his cousin, Dudley, and co. Harry meets a nice wolfma... More

important A/N
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True Train Compartment Companions
voting on stuff
a bROOM'N aND a zOOM'N
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continuations of the story


16.5K 622 144
By Flickering_Fox

Harry sat in his spot. In one of the far corners of the library, next to the restricted section. He began pulling out the books he needed. It seemed he had all of his books, save, One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi.

He pouted as he needed the book. Harry was certain they had bought it. But he didn’t have the book, so why complain?

Quickly getting out a piece of parchment, he began to write.

Dear Mooney,

I seem to have misplaced “One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi.” I was positive we bought it, even more, that we packed it. Alas, I am left without the book.

Could you get it for me? I'll use the library's copy, but having my own would be so much better.

Thanks again your loving sun,
Harry James

Stifling a laugh at the small pun, Harry signed his name. He left off his last name, as wizards would often steal the letter before the werewolf could read it.

It wouldn't be the first time a letter was lost due to his name being on it. Some wizards tried to discover his whereabouts via his mail. It was positively annoying.

Getting up from his chair he made his way to the Herbology section.

After a few minutes, he found the book. Grabbing the book he felt the magic around him stir ever so slightly.

Someone set off a prank, or a seventh year was trying out a powerful spell. Shrugging it off, Harry took the book back to his normal seat.

Unbeknownst to him, Harry had just disturbed some powerful magic. In the highest tower (by two feet, they counted) two pairs of identical brown eyes met. Identical smirks made everyone around them take a step back.

Harry was on the fifth chapter when he felt a presence behind him. Two to be exact.

“What ‘cha-” the first one started, then an identical, but different voice continued, “reading?”

Turning he saw two older boys leaning on his chair looking at the book he was reading. Confused, he marked his place and showed the two the cover.

His forehead scrunched up in thought, where had he seen these two before?

“Why Forge-”
“Yes, Gred?”
“As our cute,” one poked his scrunched nose, “little friend here-”
“Has taken our book-”

“It's in the library, therefore public property,”

“Our oh so-”
“oh so-”
“very needed book,”
“Why it makes me wonder-”
“Why does-”
“he not-”
“have his-”
“Very own?”

“I forgot it when I was school shopping,” Harry answered the question as he tried to continue his book.

“Or were-”
“you distracted by-”
“an icky red-headed

Harry's eyes lit up. That's where he knew these two from, Does's bookstore. It was as if the red sea was there.

“You mean your brother Ron?”

The two lit up like Christmas lights. Harry suddenly felt as if he made a very grave mistake.


Harry rushed through the hallways of the ancient school. He had just finished defense, and some instinct told him to hurry back to the common room.

After seeing the two redheads on his way to harass Quirrel with the snakes, he had begun to be wary. It became full blown when he stepped out of the classroom and saw them waiting.

Instinct kicked in and he told Anthony he was heading to bed early.

Anthony, not one to meddle in others business, just nodded and continued to dinner. For this Harry was thankful. He would fight a troll for his friends but was uncomfortable telling them his problems.

Two hallways from the stairs that would lead him to safety. That's how far he was.

A hand pulled him into a secluded corner before he was roughly pushed to the floor. He landed with a thud as eyes adjusted to the darkness.

“Look who finally decided to show up,” a cold nasally voice spoke.

Looking up Harry saw three upperclassmen standing over him. His advanced senses told him another was on lookout.


The right guy was skinny, but the gleam in his eye said that he was not to be forgotten. The rightmost guy was a mammoth. No joke.

Standing at least six foot and arms thicker than young trees, Harry was beginning to not like these odds.

The leader was a pompous looking guy. His nose seemed stuck in the air as if letting it down an inch would cause physical pain. His hair looked like it was held captive due to the amount of hair gel holding it down.

“Hey guys, let's talk about this,” Harry said, trying to defuse the tension.

“Nothing to talk about, kid,” the nasally one hissed, a malicious grin on his face.


Harry blinked. Great, Harry thought miserably. That voice lead him to as much trouble as it caused. He was really not looking forward to this now.

Punch the mammoth’s throat. Smash Leader's head into the wall.  Kick Lanky. Slide under watcher.

‘I don't need to fight, I can talk my way out,’ Harry thought, then as if an afterthought added, “I will not be getting into a fight before the halfway point”

Slytherins never get caught,” the voice reminded him in a growling tone. It was not happy with this.

He never thought about that saying much before. Understanding dawned upon him, this was planned out. No one was going to come and save him.

He could only rely on himself.

Trying a nice route first he began, “Excuse me, but I'm not feeling too well,” thinking of the corpse of a skunk, his face went green, not a pleasant smell, “I must be heading to bed now,”

Getting up to make his leave Harry started towards the narrow exit, only to be stopped by the mammoth of the group.

The voice said, “halfway point

The Leader began to growl out some insult but was cut off when the mammoth was knocked into him.

Green eyes gained a yellow hue as teeth took on a sharper shape.

With the mammoth and the leader taken out, ‘Harry’ rushed towards the Slytherin right of him. Lanky had only a second before his head was banged into the wall of the small inclement, via a nice uppercut.

Crouching Harry sprung at the lookout, knocking him down as the smaller boy jumped onto his back. A quick blow to the head and all four were out like lights.

Or so he thought.

Only his honed instincts kept him from the reaching hand of the mammoth. Not wasting any time, Harry took off.

Harry had no clue where he was going. He went down some stairs. Then up another flight. Down a few hallways. Another flight of stairs later, up or down he knew not, Harry ended at a door.

It was a normal door. Nothing special. Really it was boring. So why was he stuck there, staring at it?

Shrugging it off as one of his many odd quirks, he opened the door.

Only to find it locked. His companion did not like this.

Open it,’ it growled with animalistic need.

‘No way, I could get in trouble!’ Harry shot back. He was NOT getting kicked out of school before his fourth year.

Trouble smuble

‘Do not dismiss my worry, this is our education I'm thinking of,”

School's for nerds,’ the voice shot back lazily.

‘you are in school,’

Oh sh-

Ignoring the voice, Harry grabbed his wand and cast a quiet, alohomora. Hearing a soft click, Harry grins as he turns the handle.

His grin slipped as voices came from down the hall, carrying threats and promises of pain. Opening the door to find darkness he slipped inside, casting a colloportus behind himself.

Knowing that his pursuers were not first years by any means (looking at you mammoth), Harry played his trump card.

Like the week before, his uniform disappeared, fur taking its place. Splotches of white and black littered the brown coat.

Large black ears sprung from where his messy curls once sat. Opposingly white paws took the place of his hands and feet.

Green eyes gained their full yellow tint as they opened and adjusted to the darkness.

Surprised he bared his now fully canine fangs in fear. A giant,three-headed-dog sat there.

Each head seemed to have its own personality. The leftmost head watched him with interest. The rightmost head tried it's best to snap him in half with its fangs.

The head in the middle was slightly larger and was snapping at the right head. It bared its fangs and spared the smaller canine the quickest of glimpses. Preferring to tell the other head to stop making him look like a fool who deserved the name Fluffy.

An almost whisper-like voice said, “But they're not even fluffy…?”

Three pairs of eyes snapped to the small bundle of color in front of them.

It had spoken.

It had spoken, and they understood what it had said. The head on the middle looked at the small canine in interest.

“You speak our language?” the middle head asked.

“Why would I not?” the small canine answered, every semblance of fear disappeared like smoke.

“You're tiny, and we're big,” It paused. “Why I could eat you in one bite!”

No you couldn't, your mouth is too small to eat me whole,”

“Did it just insult me?!” the head began to try it's best to bite him. However, the fact was that it was a good twenty feet from him, so he was relatively safe.

“Stop being daft you fish-faced fool!” the middle head snapped, seeming beyond over the other heads tomfoolery.



A sigh escaped his lips as scarred hands rubbed a scarred face in exasperation. Remus let out another exasperated breath as took a swig of a nearby firewhisky.

With the small buzz, he read the letter again.

Dear Father,

So, I may have gotten into a fight. I did not start it, scout's honor. Some older snakes were mad that I'm friends with Draco.

Also met a giant dog. It had three heads, so that was cool.

Your sun,
Harry James


Another big thank you to my friend, CrimsonSkitty with this chapter.

If you want some other Harry Potter things to read while you wait for the next update, why not check out my other two.

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