Only You Shawty. A Justin Bie...

By Meganxooo

468K 9K 973

[A Justin Bieber Love Story] Charlotte Brooks, Justin Bieber, more than friends to everyone around them, but... More

♥Chapter 1
♥Chapter 2
♥Chapter 3
♥Chapter 4
♥Chapter 5
♥Chapter 6
♥Chapter 7
♥Chapter 8
♥Chapter 9
♥Chapter 10
♥Chapter 11
♥Chapter 12
♥Chapter 13
Authors Note: Important.
♥Chapter 15
♥Chapter 16
♥Chapter 17
♥Chapter 18
♥Chapter 19
♥Chapter 20
♥Chapter 21
♥Chapter 22
♥Chapter 23
♥Chapter 24
♥Chapter 25
♥Chapter 26
♥Chapter 27
♥Chapter 28
♥Chapter 29
♥Chapter 30 - Justin's Letter
♥Chapter 31 - Epilogue
The End

♥Chapter 14

11.5K 253 16
By Meganxooo

3 months later.

-This chapter sucks & Its short. Its just a filler. Next Chapter will skip 2 years.


So, three months later and I've slipped into a stupid routine. Alice picks me up with a stupid smile plastered on my face, we go to all through school where I pretend to make stupid notes. Then we eat with the stupid populars(yes, we got invited over with the cheerleaders&football players), where I'm still fake smiling. Then Alice eventually drops me home, and I cry on my bed for an hour or so, before going out to some stupid outing that the populars wanted to meet up.

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid.

So, here I am, crying on my bed. I don't even know how long for. I just miss Justin so much, I really thought he loved me... yet not one text from him to tell me how he's doing since he moved.  Sometimes I look on google and search 'kidrauhl' (Justin's user name), and watch some of his home video's I filmed. He has such a big fan base right now. he actually hit one million the other day on his newest video when he sang to Usher. I knew this kid was going to do so well, but my biggest fear was that he'd leave me behind... and he did. Here I am, a whole three months later and i'm crying still. 

My phone starting buzzing, without a ring-tone. Trying to ignore it I lay back down. I usually set a ring-tone to the type of mood, depressed, sad, happy. But recently, I can't find a song to fit my mood. So I have nothing. The vibrations my phone was kicking off still didn't stop. Sitting up, I answered it before even reading the caller ID.

"Hello?" I bluntly spoke down the phone, hearing my own voice echo.

"Charlotte! I miss you so much, I-" Putting a stop to Justin's voice I hung up. I knew if I spoke to Justin, that it would only be harder for me to let him move on. Pain struck me again and I really felt like I was at rock bottom. I obviously wanted to talk to him, but I knew that we couldn't talk often and the times we did would upset me more. Putting my head to the pillow, I wished that time would hurry up. That way I could get over Justin quicker and out of school too.

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