It's Kinda Complicated

By Udonhav2no

71.2K 2.4K 487

Hot Boss? ✔ Love-Hate Relationship with Boss? ✔ Weird Best Friends? ✔ Complicated friendship with Best Friend... More

Author's Note
1. Hot with a capital H
2. What an idiot!
3. Monday Morning Misery
4. Got to stop saying it
5. Chocolate's the answer
7. You are a lot like Vivi
8. Dots? But she said, 'damn girl he is hot?'
9. Because I Love You
10. Vodka, gin or tequila
11. Snap our fingers and BAM
12. Just being a complain box
13. Green witch in black robes
14. Don't pollute my heart
15. Little drunken brain's imagination
16. Bad feeling is a time bomb
17. Living Conditions of Aliens on Pluto
18. More damage than an atom-bomb
19. I brought you coffee, M&M
20. Media-appearance catastrophe
21. I am not leaving
22. Girlfriend. Love. Serious. Happening.
23. Mocking babies
25. It will never happen again
26. When I am unwanted
27. Sailor and the Ocean
28. I am confused
29. Snap out of it, betrayer
30. Please stop and just listen
31. Not going to creep him out
32. Are you dying
33. You and I
34. Why settle
35. What if

6. On my bucket list

1.8K 88 17
By Udonhav2no

"I*bang*AM*bang*GOING*bang*TO*bang*KILL*bang*YOU." I express my love for Nick banging my head to the metal rod that I have been clinging onto in the past half an hour.







"Why are you so angry with me?"

"I don't know let's see. I could be happily snuggling in my bed by now. But no, I am HERE and this place stinks and it's creeping me out."

"Hey just look at the bright side you at least got me as your roommate." He smirks wriggling both his eyebrows.

"Nick I would hardly call this being roommates. We are behind bars, we are in jail. In case you lost your ability to see or comprehend what is going on, I am in jail all thanks to you. Not in a park. So I am sorry if I don't come off a little peachy"

"You said your legs hurt and wanted to sit somewhere."

"So, you thought it was a great idea to have all peace in the world in a JAIL?"

"No. That is why I suggested a park."

"One that had a board which clearly stated, 'NO TRESPASSING'"

"Yet you followed me."

"I was... no, I am stupid"

"That you are"

"Says the guy who called the cop, fake" I exclaimed. After we entered the park we were looking around for a place to sit and just then a cop walked towards us saying we shouldn't be there. Nick just laughed in his face, pulled out some money from his wallet and said

'Hey, I know who you are and I know exactly who put you to this. Here, take this money.'

Let's just say the officer was not very forgiving and here we are.

"I thought he was a con or something like that," Nick mumbled like a kid who was caught doing something naughty.

"You asked me to trust you when I was trying to warn you. And that it would be just fine because you have been there before."

"And you trusted me and as promised it will be fine once Sasha comes to bail us out."

"Do you really think she will come? I don't think so. I know her enough to tell that she will have a very good night sleep come in the morning look at our sore faces, smile at us, babble some nonsense as to why she couldn't make it, when in reality she did it on purpose thinking I deserved it."

I know, my friend is evil like that.

"I don't think she is that cruel"

"Then you don't really know her."

"Maybe I do. And maybe even, I have a feeling that she won't show up anytime soon, but not for the reasons you mentioned."

With that he pulled his legs near his chest and folded his hands around them and smiled at me from the far end of the prison cell, where he had been sitting and chilling from the past half an hour we have been here.

"This is not how I pictured the night going" he whispered.

"Really? How exactly did you picture it when you said, 'cut it out dude, now you are over doing it, I know you are fake' to the officer who came to warn us?"

I tried my best to imitate him with a deep voice. I don't think it sounded anything like him.

"LIKE I said, I thought he was faking it ok? We have a lot of cons around here." He then muttered something under his breath that I couldn't hear.

"Well your assumption that he is Neal Caffrey landed us in JAIL"

"Who the hell is Neal Caffrey?"

"You know, Neal Caffrey? White Collar? Don't tell me you haven't even heard of White Collar" now my hands were on my hips and eyes were narrowed.

He simply shook his head looking lost.

"God! I have never regretted anything in my life ever. Not when I filled James' school bag with water. Not when I egged Ash's house. Not when I pulled Mel's fake extensions and stuck a bubblegum in it, not when I drenched dad's files with ink. Not when I burnt Sasha's favorite skirt. Not when I filled Ryan's whisky bottle with appy and water. Not when I left my neighbor's dog by itself after which it ran away. Not when I smashed some tomatoes and convinced my mom it was sauce. Not" My confession session was interrupted by a very deep rumble of laughter. I narrow my eyes and point at him "But you, I regret even meeting you, and you don't even know who Neal Caffrey is."

At that, any hint of laughter vanished from his face and he looked away with a very serious expression on his face. And that ladies and gentlemen is how you make your already disastrous day a catastrophe.

At times I said things I didn't mean and this was one such time. I don't regret meeting him. Hell if it wasn't for the horrible day, I would be celebrating the occasion of striking off another thing on my bucket list.

Don't look at me like that, so what if I had some hideous things on my list?

"Hotzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Nick I am sorry ok? I didn't mean it. It's just I don't know. I..." great now I am just rumbling. Explaining is not going to work. It never did, it never will. I am kind of hopeless when it comes to expressing. So, I went for the option that always worked I stood a little straighter, let go of the bars moved towards Hots... I mean Nick, keeled before him and looked him straight in the eye. He looked at me with a stoic expression but I just smiled a little

"I am sorry. I really am. I don't regret meeting you. I didn't mean what I said. For the record getting arrested is on my bucket list."

"That's fine but, I was just thinking about my phone that I left back... wait what? You have going to jail on your bucket list?" he asked with a very confused expression. Ah! How can I explain the amazing wishes and hopes of the AWESOME Riya to mere mortals?

"Yaa I mean, actually, hmm hehee, I can't really explain but getting arrested is on my bucket list not rotting in it. Now I can add a new one and strike it off too."

Today is just not my day. I sighed and sat beside him maintaining a respectable distance.

"You are really weird. Anyway you don't have to explain your rants. I know that you don't regret meeting me. In fact, I have inkling that you rounded off yesterday with a red marker and stuck a note that read 'best day of my life'."

"More like pink day." I rolled my eyes, he really was self-obsessed.

"What is a pink day?" he asked confused.

"You know how people go on and on and on about black days, I think that is not fair I mean what has black ever done to anyone in its life, the poor thing gets attached to all the bad things in the world. So, I am just doing it a favor and shifting a little burden over to pink," I said grinning. Color black should be eternally grateful to me.

"What? From where do you come up with stuff like this? And what has pink ever done to YOU, hypocrite?" he asked chuckling.

"I am not a hypocrite OK. Pink and I have been arch enemies ever since I was a teenager. Going with stereotypical girl baby-pink room, my dad filled my childhood with pink. Initially it was fine and up to a certain age even I had that 'I love pink' phase but after few years I had a feeling that it started mocking me and appeared everywhere I went. Ever since then I hated it with passion. And I may or may not love black so..." he had a very amused smile on his face but just asked "What is your favorite color?"

"Green and yours?"


"Great party, but what I cannot understand is why I have not been invited. I mean just look at this, late night, locked in a prison cell, playing twenty questions, getting to know each other better. Come on, this is my scene and I am missing it?" came a voice that actually startled me. What was he doing here? How did he know where I was?

When my mind was busy playing who can ask more number of questions, words left my mouth "Ryan? What are you doing here?"

"I was happily on my way to my home sweet home when I got a call from a dear friend of mine, who works here. Now imagine my surprise when the roles have been reversed. So, tell me, what have you been charged with? Drugs? Mugging? Robbery? Murder? Come on now Riya don't disappoint me."

"Ryan, I swear I will never say a word against you in my entire life if you could just bail us out of this hell hole as soon as possible. Please I beg you."

"Ooooo that is one tempting offer but thanks I will pass. I just love the way we exchange love notes every day. Now coming back to the topic, why are you here?"

"We went into a park we were not supposed to, that's all. Come on it isn't even a tenth of what you do, yet I am on this side of the bars."

"What? That isn't even a good reason. Anyway, Riya because I have the heart of gold and I am still waiting for the list you promised to send me before mid-night I will bail you out," if only there weren't any metal rods between us and if he didn't weigh a ton I would have lifted him and whirled him around in happiness.

"Oh, Ryan thank you, thank you, thank you so much. I love you."

"So it is true, you ARE my secret admirer. But don't thank me just yet; in exchange you will have to do me a favor. I don't know what it is but you owe me now."

He can say whatever he wants to me and I will still be beaming like I am right now. Yay finally out of this scary place.

I was beaming like an idiot. Hots was still chilling in his place and Ryan didn't move a nano inch, what is he waiting for? A call from heaven saying, the time is right for him to bail us out?

"Ryan?" I called, when he did not move even after 5 minutes.

"I didn't hear you promise," about what? Oh that.

"Ryan I promise you to do you a favor when the time comes and will not back down from it. Ever" as soon as I said that, he grinned and walked away from our sight and was back within a minute with a scary looking cop with a huge mustache and pot belly.

"Because it is your first mistake and because Ryan here has assured us that you two will never do something so stupid again, I will let you go" he unlocked the cell and let us out. We walked out of the prison in silence and once we were outside I looked at Hots and was about to say something when,

"You are out already? Am I that late? I am so sorry Ry I was caught up..." Sasha stopped with her blabber when I gave her a pointed look and she slumped her shoulders a little, sighed and said "fine I was mad and thought you would have some fun inside the cell. What? I know it's on your bucket list."

"You have going to prison on your bucket list?" Ryan's words made Sasha acknowledge Ryan's and Nick's presence and asked,

"Nick what are you doing here?"

He recited the entire tale of how the two of us ended up here.

Sasha nodded at the end of his story telling session looked at me and said "come on now let's go. I will drive you home." I nodded, but then thought about Nick and turned to him.

As if reading my thoughts Ryan faced Nick and said, "I can drop you off man."

Nick just nodded and then looked at me "I am sorry that we ended up here at the end of the night. This was not what I had in mind. I am sorry. And thank you Sasha for coming. Drive safe and good night."

With that the two men got into the car and drove away. Somehow Ryan and Nick acted like they have met before but I pushed away that thought when Sasha asked the most dreaded question,

"Why did the two of you meet in the first place?" now, what was I supposed to say to that? That I didn't know? That I completely forgot to ask him why he called or just when I wanted to ask him about it the cops thought it was the perfect time to crash our party?

I don't think so, I looked her right in the eye and said "he wanted to plan a surprise party for you" I said that for two reasons, one it was believable and two because I was still guilty for ruining her own party plans.

"Now why on earth would you tell ME if it was a SURPRISE?" Sasha yelled. I just smiled and said "what do think? That I will lie to you about it. Stir some doubt in you, make you doubt in me and your boyfriend. Nope, now just get in the car and drive, I am more than just tired."

I started to walk in the direction of her car picked out my mobile and quickly fired a message to Hots 'plan a surprise party for Sasha ASAP'.


How do you think it is going? What do you think of all the characters so far? Let me know.

Vote. Comment. Share.

Until next time, stay happy :)

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