Supernatural Imagines

By spn-sammy

194K 4.4K 450

Imagines for anyone and everyone: •Sam •Dean •Castiel •Jack •Kevin •Charlie •Gabriel •Bobby (Maybe) •Crowley... More

Closed Door/Dean
How you met
Best Friend/Kevin
Shark Week/Castiel
Guardian Angel/Sam
Panel/Jensen Ackles
I Love You/Dean
Nature and Books/Sam
Super Mad/Castiel
In love/Dean
21 Questions/Kevin
Read to me/Jack
Fathers day/Bobby
I Don't need you/Dean
Leaving PART 1/TFW 2.0 (Jack)
Leaving PART 2/TFW 2.0 (Jack)
My Human/Cas
Video/TFW 2.0
Take me home/Jack
Glitter and Pie/Dean
We'll take care of you/Jensen, Jared, and Misha
Wrapped up/Castiel


1.9K 40 2
By spn-sammy

"Hey Y/N. Just a heads up, we asked Charlie to come for a visit." Dean informed you, smirking.

A grin broke out on your face. The Winchesters knew about your major crush on Charlie and they also knew about her major crush on you. Both of them tried to convince you to tell the other but both of you were too scared to.

You quickly ran to your room to get dressed from your pajamas. Charlie would be here in an hour. You quickly dressed in a pair of leggings and a Harry Potter t-shirt, your's and Charlie's favorite movie. You brushed out your hair and did some simple make up, just to make yourself look better. You debated on whether or not to do something with your hair.

The bunker front door banged open from what you could hear. You panicked and quickly put your hair in a ponytail. You walked out of your room after putting on a pair of socks and walked towards the main room. Charlie had just finished her hugs from the boys.

"Hey Char." You smiled.

She beamed back and wrapped you in her arms. Your hug lasted longer than the boy's.

"Wow. You look great." She smiled at you.

"Me? You got freaking bangs." You gasped, looking at her hair.

She blushed and shrugged. All four of you sat down in the living room, chatting and catching up.

"Oh by the way, I think I found us a case." Sam spoke.

"Seems like a witch. Strange cloth with chicken bones, dried blood, a silver 2005 dime, and a ring inside. A symbol drown on the cloth and it was tied together with a small piece of string." Dean read.

"Sounds like it. What do you say Charlie? Ready to be a hunter." You asked.

"Hell yeah." She agreed.

All of you packed your stuff and headed out to the Impala. You and Charlie talked for almost an hour, mostly about the fandom's you both enjoy. The boys ignored you and Dean cut in a couple times when you two talked about Lord of the Rings. Then, you fell asleep with your head on her shoulder.

"You guys would be cute together." Sam told Charlie as you were already asleep.

"Sam. You know I can't tell her." Charlie huffed.

She was afraid to breathe in worry that you would wake up and move. She liked your body against hers. Your head in her shoulder, your thigh touching hers.

"Why not?" Sam asked.

"Because for one, she isn't into girls-"

"Ha! Y/N is about as straight as this road." Dean laughed as they went down a curvy road.

They went right then made a curve left and it was basically swerve after swerve. This made you fall into Charlie's lap, never waking up. Your head remained on her thighs as you took up the rest of the seat. Charlie blushed a bright red.

"We'll see when we get back." Charlie mumbled.

"Well we already know where the witch is. So we're probabaly gonna get rid of her then get a hotel for the night, then go home tomorrow morning." Dean explained.

Charlie nodded in understanding, begining to play with your hair, making a small smile appear on your sleepy face. About two hours later, Sam ordered Charlie to wake you up. Charlie gently poked your face until your eyes cutely fluttered open.

"Rise and shine. We're gonna go kill this son of a Bitch." Charlie beamed at you.

You smiled and sat up, apologizing for sleeping in her lap.

"It's okay. You're a cute sleeper." Charlie instantly regretted those words.

Sam and Dean smirked at each other. You blushed and couldn't find anything to say back. The next 10 minutes was silent until you pulled into a sketchy neighborhood. Dean pulled in front of an old house and the four of you instantly got out. You slipped a knife in both your boots and grabbed your favorite gun. This should be easy. Sam knocked on the door acting like FBI. A woman in her late 40's answered the door. Sam talked for a moment before both him and Dean kicked the door in.

The Witch stumbled backwards. She snarled and tried to cast a spell at you. You instantly shot her, making one of her words mess up. A spell still shot and hit Charlie. She instantly dissapeared and her clothes lay on the floor.

"CHARLIE!" You shouted in terror.

The clothes began to move amd there sat a cute puppy.

"Oh, my, god." Dean gasped.

"She turned Charlie into a puppy." Sam gasped.

"Oh god, Charlie. You're actually quite adorable." You beamed, kneeling down to pet her.

"Like you didn't think that before." Sam scoffed.

"Not the time. We have to find a way to change her back." Dean ordered.

"It's late. We're all tired. Let's just get a hotel. She's a puppy, not dead so what's the worst that could happen?" Sam asked.

Dean huffed but agreed. You carried Puppy Charlie into the car, where she curled up with her head on your thigh. When you arrived at the hotel, Dean got two seperate rooms. You got to room with Charlie as Dean and Sam shared one. You walked in the room with Charlie at your side. You instantly changed your clothes and crawled into bed. Charlie hopped up on the bed and curled up right on your stomach.

"You know, you are quite an adorable puppy." You beamed, scratching her behind her ears.

She barked in responce and leaned into your hand. The two of you fell asleep like that.

In the middle of the night, you woke up to the room being way too hot. You glanced down and sat a naked Charlie curled up on your chest. You instantly blushed and covered your eyes.

"Charlie. Wake up." You spoke.

Her eyes opened she immediately realized what was wrong. She shot up and grabbed her night clothes from her bag, quickly dressing.

"I am so sorry." She told you.

"It's okay." You laughed.

Suddenly, both of you were laughing together. You accidentally rolled off the bed and this made you both laugh harder.

"Are you okay?" She asked, still laughing.

You managed to nod, laughing along with her. Eventually, she joined you on the floor because she was laughing so much. Finally, after 5 more minutes of laughing, you both calmed down. You turned and over and leaned in your hands as you hovered over the red haired woman.

"Hello there." She giggled.


"Yes Y/N?"

"Can I kiss you?"

She was obviously taken back by this question, not expecting it. But when she got over it, she nodded frantically. You chuckled and began to lean down closer and closer to her face, by then she couldn't take it and just crashed your lips together. They molded together like two puzzle pieces. Butterfly's exploded in both of your stomachs and there was no where else you'd rather be.

After a full sixty seconds of your lips in contact, both of you were running short of breath and pulled away, breathing heavily.

"I love you." You managed to say.

"I love you too." She smiled up at you.

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