The Tale's Willow

Bởi Freak-of-Madness

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Collection of unrelated one shots. And mini-series'. Random Home Free members, Home Free crew, Home Free fri... Xem Thêm

The Accident
I Hate You
I Love You
Mutually Used
Mutually Beneficial
Mutually In Love
Gym Crush
The Game
Gym Crush 2
Gym Crush 3
Miserably Infatuated
Miserably torn
What the...
One Wild Night
One Wild Night 2
One Wild Night 3
Wicked Life
Wicked Road
Wicked Woah
Angel in the Thorn
Angel Misunderstood
Angel in Love
Angel Lives
Midnight Pleasure
Midnight Pleasure 2
Midnight Pleasure 3
Winter Seduction
Winter Seduction 2
Winter Seduction 3
Winter Seduction 4
Dangerous Friend
Dangerous Kiss
Dangerous Feels
Dangerous Heart
Voracious Angel
Whiskey Lullaby
The Teacher
Drunken idiots
The Lusty Boss
The Lusty Boss 2
The Lusty Boss 3
Taste of Heaven 1
Taste of Heaven 2
Taste of Heaven 3
Beautiful, Beloved 1
Beautiful, Beloved 2
Beautiful, Beloved 3
Moonlight and Mischief
Moonlight and Mischief 2
Fire of the Butterfly 1
Fire of the Butterfly 2
Fire of the Butterfly 3
Tarzan and the Emerald 1
Tarzan and the Emerald 2
Tarzan and the Emerald 3
Tarzan in the New World
Unexpected Changes 1
Unexpected Changes 2
Unexpected Changes 3
Some Kisses Should Yearn
The Secretary
A Midsummer Storm 1
A Midsummer Storm 2
A Midsummer Storm 3
A Flicker of Confusion
A Flicker of Love
A Flicker of Redemption
Sunlight Prince
Moonlight Prince
Starlight Prince
Fire and Silk
Voracious Angel 2
Convenient Love 2
Moonlight and Mischief 3
Flames of Adventure 1
Flames of Adventure 2
Flames of Adventure 3
Pining For You
Ravished and Ravenous
Ravished and Ravenous 2
The Confusing Desire
The Confusing Want
The Confusing Love
Sinful Hours
Sharing Season
Sinful Hours 2
Sinful Hours 3
Moonlight and Mischief 4
What happens at night. . .
Simple Fire

Convenient Love

682 18 41
Bởi Freak-of-Madness

A/N: How about a little Austim love? I know I've been doing mostly Tidam, Tivi, and Avam lately. I hope you enjoy this ;)

Austin couldn't help it. If his ass didn't look so good in those jeans, he wouldn't stare so much. If his sense of humor wasn't so great, he wouldn't laugh at all his jokes and sarcastic comments. Austin poked fun at him all the time for this or that. Much like what small boys did when they liked a girl but were too immature to actually say it. They acted out.

He was getting irritated with Austin. With his jokes, his snide comments, his pranks. Austin knew just how far to push the slightly taller man before he'd reach his limits. Then he'd back off for a few days and start all over. Whenever he'd get angry, he got a bit aggressive and that turned Austin on. He didn't know why but it did.

Rob was the only straight man in the band. Tim was bisexual, Adam was bisexual, Austin and Chance were both gay. Tim was divorced after only a year and a half of marriage. The band had rallied around him as he went through hell with their now ex-tour manager. Austin had felt a certain sadness for the bass man seeing how depressed he had gotten over the ordeal. Despite his usual teasing, he did his best to cheer his friend up whenever he saw the depressed moods coming over the Texan.

A year and a half had passed since then and Tim was back to his usual sarcastic self. It made Austin happy to see him smiling, laughing, and joking around again and actually mean it. That also meant that he had returned to his teasing, joking, and pranks. One day it had nearly gone too far and the rest of the band were shocked to watch the display.

Tim had had enough of Austin's remarks and pranks. After asking him several times to stop, the tenor kept on. He thought he knew Tim's limits and wasn't quite there yet. The bass man was having a bad day and Austin wasn't making it any better. One snide remark was all it took. Tim shoved the tenor up against the wall and rested his forearm against Austin's throat. His pupil's dilated as he stood there staring into Tim's eyes.

"I fucking told you to stop it!" Tim growled, voice dropping significantly since he was angry.

"I...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to really piss you off." Austin stuttered, heart hammering in his ears.

"When I ask you nicely to stop doing shit, that fucking means stop. Do I make myself clear?" Tim pressed his arm further against Austin's throat as he held him against the wall.

Since he couldn't really speak, due to Tim's arm pressing against his windpipe, he just nodded. Blood was rushing southward and he hoped Tim didn't notice. Or anyone else for that matter.

"Tim! Let him go!" Chance stated.

The bass man growled again, staring into Austin's now-near dark blue eyes, before he released his hold on the tenor then stalking to his dressing room. Everyone watched as their bass singer walked away which gave Austin time to readjust himself and hide his erection. His erratic breathing could easily be explained by Tim pressing on his windpipe. Chance quickly walked over to him to see if he was alright. He laughed and said he was fine and that he really didn't mean to push Tim's buttons so much.

"Yeah well he shouldn't have done what he did either." Rob exclaimed earning a head nod from the other two.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Adam looked at his friend with concern.

"I'm fine. Maybe need a bottle of water but I'm ok." Austin smiled at the trio.

Austin liked the reaction he got from Tim. Aggressive Tim was super hot to Austin. Chance excused himself to go talk to his friend. Rob decided he'd go to his dressing room and call his wife and little girl. Adam went with Austin to get some water. The blond was very worried about Austin and Tim. The tenor seemed to really enjoy pushing the bass singer's buttons and he couldn't figure out why. Sure, they all loved teasing one another. Austin seemed to take it to a whole other level. Only with Tim, though.

Austin didn't talk the rest of the night until it was show time. He wanted to make sure his voice was ok to sing. That was the main thing. Tim wouldn't even look at him during the show although he was stealing glances at the bass man every so often. "Hillbilly Bone" was Austin's favorite song in their current set list because he knew how they moved and knew what Tim looked like during their choreography.

He hoped his excitement wasn't noticed by any of the band or the fans as he side-eyed Tim as they did their routine. All too soon, for Austin, the song was over. The show continued, as it always does, until they came to the last song of the night. Then they would have a short ten-minute or so break and then they'd meet fans for a signing line. After the signing line, they would have a hotel room tonight. Chance was talking about going out to find a local place to grab a bite to eat and maybe some drinks.

Austin decided he didn't want to go out. The more he thought about the reaction he got out of Tim earlier, the more his body reacted. The more his body reacted, the more he had to think of his beloved grandmomma naked surrounded by dead kittens & puppies sitting on his brand-new truck and it was broken down and unable to be fixed. He tried to focus on the fans and what they told him, questions they asked, and the like. All his mind wanted to think about was the reaction from Tim.

Super aggressive. That low growl. Almost commanding. He had gotten lost in the moment but if didn't know any better, he might have sworn Tim's eyes had darkened some as they stood there. But maybe that was just wishful thinking! After what felt like forever, the last of the fans had finally left. They were ushered to the bus where they were taken to the hotel.

Tim bolted for his room and all Austin could do was stare at the magnificent ass as it left. Rob laughed as he slapped Austin's back. The smaller tenor began to slightly panic thinking his secret had been found out.

"He's just having a bad day. Give him some space and a day or so and he'll be back to his usual funny, sarcastic self." Rob smiled warmly at his friend.

"Thanks. I honestly didn't mean to anger him." Austin sighed as they waited for the elevator.

"Well you know how it is when you're having a bad day. Even little things can irritate you to no end." Chance shrugged, "You coming out with us?"

"No. I think I'll stay in my room tonight. Watch a movie, soak in a nice, hot tub. Try to not let Tim kill me while you're gone." Austin joked making them all laugh.

"Well you know where we'll be if you change your mind. Have yourself a good evening." Chance smiled as people split to head to their own rooms.

Austin glanced down at Tim's door before opening his. What was it about Tim being so aggressive that turned him on so? He sighed as he walked to his bed and dropped his bags on the floor. Knowing he needed a shower, he began stripping his clothes off then walked to the bathroom. His mind, yet again, wandered to aggressive Tim. Those eyes. That growl. That aggressiveness.

Austin needed to find a way to record that growl for future use. All he could hear in his head was that glorious sound as he jerked himself off. His breathing was ragged as he shot his seed and moaned out Tim's name. 'Why does he do that to me? Get me going like this without even knowing it.' Austin sighed as he finished his shower. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and was drying his shoulder-length hair with another when there came a knock at the door.

Not thinking anything of it, he set the towel down on the counter and walked to open the door. In one swift move, he found himself pinned up against the wall and the door to his room was shut. Tim was standing in front of him, almost smirking. The bass man had his dominant hand wrapped around Austin's throat and for a while he thought something seriously bad was about to happen to him. His body was trembling. He could feel the blood rushing south despite the slight panic in his mind.

"Oh yes. There it is. The dilated pupils again. The ragged breathing. (Tim removed the towel from Austin's waist with his free hand) The raging hard-on." Tim stated making Austin swallow, "Why?"

"Why what, Tim?" Austin asked.

"Is that why you've been pushing my buttons? Why you've been trying my patience?" Tim dropped his voice and watched as the younger man shivered slightly.

"I...I don't know what you're...talking about..." Austin stuttered.

(Tim squeezed Austin's neck but not enough to cause serious pain or damage; Austin couldn't help but whimper) "Oh I think you do. All the snide remarks. The pranks. The "jokes". You're continuously trying to piss me off. What do you want?"


"Don't lie to me. (Tim wrapped his free hand around Austin's prick) This tells me different. (Tim let him go making Austin whimper again) I'm going to ask you one more time. What do you want." Tim demanded

Austin just looked down, unable to speak. Tim smirked before letting out a deep growl. He watched as Austin shivered. A low, almost inaudible moan escaped the younger man's throat.

"That's the way you want it. Fine. I'll take what I want then." Tim removed his hand from Austin's throat and pushed the younger man onto his knees making him look up at Tim, "Give me head."

Austin watched as Tim pulled himself out of his pj bottoms. The bass man was already hard and pre-cum was dripping from his slit. The tenor looked up at his band mate who was just staring back at him. Austin's heart was hammering in his ears as he cautiously bent forward to take Tim's dick in his mouth. The older man moaned at the warm, wet sensation. He rested his left hand on the wall to help steady himself while wrapping his right hand in Austin's damp tresses.

Austin wrapped his arms around Tim's hips, cupping his ass cheeks in his hands, and pulled the bass man further into him. It didn't take long before Tim was moaning and grunting. He began thrusting into Austin's mouth so the smaller man moved his right hand to play with Tim's sac. Louder moans echoed throughout the room. Tim's legs began to shake some as Austin licked, sucked, and kissed his prick.

The tenor wanted to prolong Tim's release as long as possible. He'd dreamed of this moment for a long while. He wasn't sure if this would be a one-time thing or not but he wanted to make the most of it for himself. Denying Tim release seemed to anger the taller man. The growling he did made Austin's cock twitch. It was hard for the tenor to not take care of it himself. After bringing Tim to the brink twice more and not letting him release, Tim growled that if he did it again he would regret it.

'Fuck that aggressiveness is so hot!' Austin thought as he continued his oral assault on Tim. The tenor didn't deny Tim his release again. When he shot his load, Tim honestly saw stars bursting behind his eyes. It had to be the most intense orgasm he'd ever had. The longest one at that. So much so, that Austin had to hold him up or else he would have fallen to the floor. Once Tim had recovered enough to walk, he put himself back into his pj bottoms.

Austin was sure he was going to leave. Tim watched Austin look down then up to his chest. He knew what he was doing, what Austin wanted. Tim lifted Austin's chin up so they were looking at one another before smirking. He watched as Austin bit his lower lip and his eyes darkened yet again.

"Get on the bed." Tim commanded.

Austin's eyes went wide as he just stood there staring.

"Did I stutter?" Tim said making Austin shake his head no.

While Austin walked to the bed, Tim was slipping out of his bottoms. When Austin saw Tim standing there, completely nude, his eyes widened.

"See something you like?" Tim dropped his voice making Austin shiver yet again, "Maybe you'd like to feel this hard cock inside more than just your mouth?"

He watched as Austin's face turned crimson.

"Lay on your stomach and turn your head towards the window." Tim told him.

While Austin was doing that, Tim moved back to his pj bottoms where he grabbed his small bottle of lube and a condom from the pocket. He moved to the bed and sat down. Tim spread Austin's legs apart so he could move to sit between them. He squirted some lube onto his finger then began his prep of his soon-to-be lover. Austin hissed at the coldness but soon relaxed again. Tim was kneading Austin's cheeks with his free hand while the other was busy.

"Roll onto your back." Tim commanded, "Keep your legs spread. Don't touch your dick."

Austin did as he was told. Tim's eyes looked completely black. There was already a condom on him, Austin noticed. When did that happen? Austin watched as Tim lubed his prick up before pushing himself into the smaller man. Tim closed his eyes having not had sex in over three years and the "do-it-yourself" jobs just weren't the same. Austin was very tight and Tim loved it. The bass man hadn't even pushed himself all the way in yet and both were already moaning.

Once he was all the way in and he'd let Austin have a moment or two to adjust to him, he pulled out then rammed all the way back in. Austin screamed out while gripping the bedding. The look on his face told Tim he wasn't in pain so he began pounding into the younger man.

"Pull your feet up as close to your ass as you can." Tim told him

Austin complied loving the aggressive, commanding side of Tim. It gave the bass deeper access and a tighter hole. Austin felt things more intensely as his lover pounded into him. The tenor wanted to touch Tim, to kiss Tim, but he wasn't sure if he was allowed to or not. Austin was painfully hard. Pre-cum was oozing out. He was fighting with himself on whether or not to touch himself. He needed the release but Tim had told him explicitly to not touch his manhood. Tim could only smirk as he watched Austin fighting with himself.

He began to pound faster and faster into the tenor. The bed felt like it was going to break at any moment. Austin just gripped the bedding and watched Tim's face. Eyes closed, biting his lower lip, moans, groans, and grunts escaping his throat. Austin felt Tim's body tensing up at his impending release. He had started pushing his hips upwards in time with Tim's thrusts. Austin finally felt a warm, full feeling in his bowels as Tim emptied his seed into him. The blissful, satisfied look on Tim's face would be burned in his memory forever.

Tim fell on top of Austin with a grunt. The tenor wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. Did Tim mind being touched? A minute or so later, Tim pulled out of the smaller man and slid the used condom off. He rolled onto his back and just laid there. Austin didn't know what to do or what to say. He'd wanted this for so long but this wasn't exactly the scenario he'd envisioned.

"Want me to take care of that?" Tim purred in Austin's ear making him jump, "Or would you rather fuck me?"

"Oh God, Tim..." Austin trailed

Tim let his hand slid down Austin's chest, down his stomach, and over his painfully hard member. The tenor bucked his hips upwards at the sensation.

"I don't think you'll last long either way..."

"Tiiiiiiiiim..." Austin moaned out.

"I guess I'll have to take care of this myself then." Tim chuckled.

"NO!" Austin yelled out.

"Oh? Then you do want to fuck me?" Tim looked up at Austin from between his legs.

Austin couldn't say anything as he just stared at the man looking up at him. The blush that rose to the younger man's face made Tim chuckle before he rolled off the bed. Austin watched him carefully as he grabbed another condom from his pj bottoms pocket. The smaller man was practically salivating at the idea of what he was about to do to Tim. How long had he fantasized about this? How long had he masturbated to thoughts of what this would be like?

Tim laid down on his back and waited for Austin. He didn't have to wait long as the tenor immediately got to prepping the bass man. Curling his fingers made Tim grunt and squirm. Just hearing these sounds made his member ache. Austin made sure Tim was stretched and prepped as best as he could considering how desperate he was to be inside his friend and lover.

"I'm ready." Tim told him.

Austin swallowed as he cautiously rolled the condom onto himself, feeling Tim's gaze watching him, then squirted some lube to make sure he wouldn't hurt his friend. He lined himself up and pushed in. Tim watched the look of utter bliss wash over Austin's face. It wasn't just the need for sex. It was the desire for sex with him. With another smirk, Tim flipped them over making Austin gasp. Tim alternated moving his hips back-and-forth and side-to-side as well as in circles. He had Austin moaning out his name.

Austin soon began thrusting upwards as Tim rode him. The bass man could feel a third 'O' coming, so he grabbed Austin's hand and placed it on his member. He put his hand on top to regulate the speed at which the tenor pumped him. Between Austin's cock in his ass and his hand pumping his shaft, both men were soon screaming out as their release hit them. Tim slid off his lover when his legs didn't feel like jelly any longer.

He once again laid on his back but this time he pulled the smaller man into his arms. Austin rested his hand in the middle of Tim's chest while his head was perched on Tim's shoulder. The pair laid quietly together for a little while. Austin's mind was racing about what had just transpired between them.

"Just so you know, the next time you want sex you don't have to piss me off to get it. Just ask."

Austin looked up at Tim with wide eyes. It was almost enough to make Tim laugh. The bass man began rubbing the younger man's back in slow, deliberate circles.

"You're not as subtle as you think you are. (Tim chuckled) I've caught you staring more times than I care to count." Tim explained, "And your reaction when I had you pinned against the wall at the venue told me all I needed to know. Don't think I didn't notice your not-so-little problem."

Austin looked away from Tim's gaze as he felt the heat rising to his cheeks.

"Care to tell me what that was all about, anyhow? Or why you seem to like pushing my buttons?" Tim kept his voice calm and soft.

"I guess I push your buttons because..."


"Well, uh, because I like you. And I'm attracted to you." Austin avoided eye contact with Tim making the taller man smirk.

"Ok. That answers my second question. What about the first one?" Tim urged.

"Uh...that was kind of by accident. I discovered when I pushed you too far that I really, really, REALLY like your aggressive side." Austin got quieter as he spoke.

"I see. Is that why you never fought back tonight? Just obeyed me when I told you instead of asked you to do things?" Tim chuckled.

"You all aggressive like that is the fucking hottest thing ever." Austin gushed before his brain could stop his mouth from blabbing.

Tim began laughing vibrating Austin's head and hand. The tenor looked away, almost ashamed, as Tim laughed. The bass man finally got himself under control and moved Austin's head so they were looking at one another.

"I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I just thought it was funny. Don't worry, love, my aggressive side is for you only. But I meant what I said earlier. The next time you want sex, just ask. No need to piss me off to get it." Tim kissed his forehead.

"Next time?" Austin cautiously asked.

"Unless you want this to be a one-time thing and be without sex for who-knows how long." Tim sassed.

"I've wanted you for so long..." Austin whispered, unable to meet Tim's gaze.

"I know. I've known for a long while now. (Tim moved some hair out of Austin's face) Adam's a light sleeper you know. And you do talk in your sleep. He's come to me on more than one occasion telling me the things you've said in your sleep about me. (Tim chuckled) And the things you want me to do to you." Tim whispered the last part making Austin turn scarlet.

"Oh my God..."

"Don't worry. We'll eventually explore all your fantasies." Tim once again kissed Austin's forehead.

"I'm confused. Is this just sex?" Austin took the chance to look up into Tim's lightened brown eyes.

"Do you want it to just be sex? Do you want it to be more? Something in between?" Tim asked.

"What do you want?"

"I know what I want. I asked you what you want." Tim sassed, "Either give me an answer or I will make it what I want it to be."

"I want more!" Austin quickly answered making Tim smile

'He really does love the aggressive side, doesn't he?!' Tim smirked.

"See? That wasn't so hard was it?" Tim laughed, "If this is more than just sex, then I suppose that means we're now in a relationship."

He had to smile to himself when Austin snuggled even closer to him at that. The boy was beyond happy. Tim noted that not once had Austin tried to touch or kiss him. Now that the aggressiveness is out of the way, it was time to show Austin the soft, sensual, romantic side. Tim cupped Austin's cheek in his hand right before he leaned down and pressed their lips together.

Austin couldn't help but moan into it. Tim gave him so much passion as they lay there kissing! The reality was 1000% better than any fantasy he'd had about this moment. All Austin wanted to do was lay there and kiss. Just to enjoy his lover's embrace and soak up the affection. Tim began kissing his way up to Austin's ear.

"Do you know how long I've fantasized about you?"

Tim's words made Austin shiver. He ran his fingers through the brunette's hair as Tim kissed his way down his neck and over his throat. Moans and groans were the only things that could be heard in the room. They let their hands slowly roam and explore, memorizing the imperfections of their lover's body. Kisses. Caresses. Love nibbles. Moans of pleasure.

The pair spent the remainder of their night making love before finally cuddling up together and drifting to a very contented sleep. The next morning, Austin woke first. He was laying on his side facing another human. He was naked. He knew he had bottomed the previous evening. As his mind awakened, everything from the previous day came rushing back and he couldn't stop the smile from spreading across his face.

"I was wondering when you were going to wake up." Tim chuckled, "You have an adorable 'just woke up face', do you know that?"

Austin looked up and realized he and Tim were on their sides facing one another. The younger man's face tinted slightly at the compliment. Austin scooted closer and buried his face in Tim's chest, inhaling as he did. The smell of Tim's cologne, body wash, sex, and sweat hit his nose. It was definitely a smell he liked! The taller man wrapped his arms around his lover and rested his head on Austin's.

"Want to get dressed and go find something to eat? We'll probably be leaving soon-ish." Tim said.

"We should probably shower before we go." Austin suggested.

"I'll meet you back here in about half an hour. I still need to pack up." Tim kissed Austin's forehead before untangling himself.

Austin pouted but knew if they tried to shower together they'd most likely wind up back in bed. As Tim was getting back into his pj bottoms, he climbed out of bed and headed into the bathroom. He wanted to shower as quickly as humanly possible so he was ready when Tim arrived. The brunette grabbed his room key out of his pocket and quickly left Austin's room. He showered in record time, dressed as quickly as he possibly could, and packed his stuff.

He noticed Austin's door was ajar and he began to panic some. Tim knocked then pushed the door open. Austin was rushing around throwing things in his bag, hair still wrapped in a towel. Tim chuckled at the sight as he walked up behind the tenor and slid his arms around the Georgian's small waist.

"Relax, we have some time." Tim kissed his neck, "Let's go find breakfast."

"I still need to dry my hair and get it brushed." Austin turned around in Tim's arms

"Well get to drying instead of worrying about packing. We can do that when we get back from breakfast." Tim stated as he took the towel off Austin's head.

Austin laughed and shook his head, trying to keep the smile off his face. He sat at the edge of the bed and bent over to finish drying his hair.

"I like this position too." Tim stated.

"Oh my God, Tim!" Austin exclaimed making Tim smirk even though his lover couldn't see it.

They finally left Austin's room to head downstairs for breakfast. For once, they didn't see any of their crew or bandmates. They ate in relative peace and quiet. To anyone on the outside, it looked like two friends having breakfast. To the pair, it was their first meal as a couple. Luke sent a group text letting everyone know they had half an hour before the bus left. Tim paid for their breakfast making Austin blush slightly.

Tim helped Austin finish his packing, despite stopping to make out every so often, before heading back to his room to grab his bags. They walked down to the lobby together to check out and hand in their room keys. Rob and Adam were already on the bus. All they were waiting on now was Chance. Once everyone had finally boarded, Rob looked over at Tim who was reading peacefully with Austin sitting next to him playing a WII game.

"Is everything ok between you two? Things got a little heated yesterday." Rob asked.

"Yeah, we're fine." Tim replied without every looking up from his book the same time Austin mumbled, "More heated than you know."

"What did you say, Austin?" Chance furrowed his brows.

"Nothing." Austin never took his eyes off the TV.

"Guys, seriously. We need to talk about what happened. We're all a family. Even if someone is having a bad day, they shouldn't react the way Tim did. No one should be trying to push buttons deliberately either." Adam said, "So, what was yesterday all about?"

"Sexual frustration." Tim replied, still never looking up from his book.

"Say what?" Chance tilted his head to the side.

"You heard me. More than three years of no sex. However long it's been for him. He was pressing buttons and I snapped. Simple as that. We talked last night and everything is cool." Tim tried to explain.

"Until some little thing sets you off again because of 'sexual frustration'. Tim..." Adam started out making Tim put his book down.

"It won't. There is no more sexual frustration. For either of us." Tim smirked.

Chance, Rob, and Adam's jaws practically hit the floor. Since no one was saying anything, Tim picked his book back up and began reading once more.

"Woah, woah, woah. Let's talk about that." Adam's eyes widened.

"If you didn't get his meaning, we slept together." Austin blurted out, "And it was unquestionably the best sex I've ever had. I'd say you should all get him in bed but I don't share."

"Holy fuck." Adam stared at the two on the couch.

"Yes, it was." Austin retorted making Tim laugh

"Oh my God, Austin!" Rob shook his head making Adam snicker this time

"Hey, y'all are the ones wanting to talk about it." Austin shrugged, "But besides the absolutely amazing sex, we did talk about what happened yesterday. No, it won't happen again. We are cool, ok?"

"I just have one question. Are you two together as in you're a couple now?" Chance asked as he looked between the pair.

"That we are." Austin tried to hide his smile.

"Well ok then." Rob chuckled, "Guess that settles that!"

"Are you going to come out to the fans as a couple?" Chance asked.

"Probably. Eventually." Tim said from behind his book, "Just not yet."

"We'll make sure you guys share hotel rooms. Just try not to be too loud? And no screwing on the bus!" Rob said.

"Do blow jobs count?" Tim smirked as he looked over his book.


"What? It's a legitimate question!" He retorted making Austin and Adam both snicker.

"What are we gonna do with you?" Chance shook his head as he laughed.

Austin quit pushing Tim's buttons unless he was truly trying to get the aggressiveness to come out. Usually he just had to ask for it but sometimes Tim made him work for it. The tension between the band was gone and life was good.

A/N: I hope this was as good "on paper" as it was in my head. Aggressive Timmy is also pretty damned hot imo, what about you? Please vote and I'd love to hear your thoughts/feedback in the comments below!

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