morsel || H.S.

By noacf_

6.6K 138 38

these are my daydreams More

Idea 5 : banana cake & feelings
Idea 16 : goodnight sweet possum*
Idea 2 : "Friends"
Idea 3 : Home
Idea 1 : (If it's not with you)
Idea 4 : M.O.N.E.Y*
Idea 6 : love (or lack of)
Idea 8 : Head. Cars. Bending
Idea 9 : monophobia
Idea 10 : art imitates life
Idea 11 : headlights
Idea 12 : anything
Idea 15 : nightswimming
Idea 13 : (taxi)
Idea 14 : dreams are dreams

Idea 7 : you

265 7 10
By noacf_

"Blue eyes, black jeans
Lighters and candy, I've been a fool
Strawberries and cigarettes
always taste like you."

I like to match my moods to the weather outside. If it's bright and the suns out I feel light. When the clouds roll over there's an underlying gloominess in my body.

I don't think Harry was the same. He liked to live in the future, imagining all the glorious things he would do to save the world. Things like these play on my mind often when I'm alone; I like to try and decipher people.

Of course, I'm wrong a lot. It used to bother me but now I accept it, I'd almost call it a character strength. Harry's never wrong. He doesn't enter arguments unless he knows he'll win, he doesn't invest time in things that are of small value and most of all.. he doesn't converse with me.

I've never enjoyed talking bad about other people but there's something about the way Harry holds himself that really sets me off. He's looks so confident and cocky but is extraordinarily polite when you speak to him

When we first met, we were young. I was almost sixteen and he was seventeen. We were both caught up living temporary dreams that were set up to crash and burn.

We began dating in spring, the perfect timing. All of the trees were beautiful shades of green and flowers blossomed everywhere. Whenever I walked outside I felt a sense of fulfilment. I think Harry could tell too.

Spring was strawberry season. Harry and I would lie among the plants I grew in the garden, picking strawberries and tasting each other's lips in between bites.

Harry ruined Autumn for me. It was my favourite season. I loved to watch the leaves turn golden brown and fall to the ground. I loved hoodies and jeans.

He never smoked and neither did I, which is why I found it obscure when he came home one afternoon tasting of smoke and smelling like freshly cut roses.

I still wonder how he found the nerve to kiss me after what he'd done. My antipathy heightened at that point. I had never hated Harry Styles more.

I left him not a second later and moved across the globe to start university. Italy brought me life and new wonders and I'd completely forgotten about Harry until I picked up a paper one day.

He stared directly into my eyes, the words "harry Styles; international rock phenomenon" jumping from the page.

I tossed the paper into the nearest bin and began to quickly walk towards the nearest public toilet block, locking myself in a stall.

I remained composed although I don't know how. I discovered the implications of Harry and I. He had absolutely broken my heart and after all this time strawberries and cigarettes still reminded me of him.

Updating a lot because this is my way of procrastinating for exams.

How old do you think I am?
- A x

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