Idea 11 : headlights

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I watch intently at the way he moves his straw around in his glass. The liquid creates a tiny whirlpool. His fingers are covered in rings of all different kinds; animals, stones, you name it. We aren't on a date, we just happened to stumble upon each other at an uneventful cocktail party.

"Why did you pursue music?" He asks, taking a little sip of his drink. I look down at my fingernails, tapping them slightly before giving him an answer.

"I think I did it because it was something I was good at. Although, at the same time, I definitely find it relaxing." I explain as I look him in the eye. The way he holds my gaze makes me feel like he wants to be here.

"Interesting." He says and I nod slightly. "What would you have done if you didn't make it?" He seems to ask without giving opportunity for reciprocation. I think I've answered more questions tonight than I have in my entire lifetime.

"I don't really know." I sigh, "I never really found a huge excitement in anything. I guess I probably would have been a vet or if that didn't work maybe I could've studied business or finance."

"It sounds like you were good at school."

"Oh, I was alright. I think it just happened that I'm alright at a lot of things rather than having particular strengths." I explain.

He nods and drinks again. "What were you like in school?" I take the opportunity to ask him.

"Much the same by the sounds of it." He smiles and I watch as the corners of his eyes crinkle. I can't help but smile too, it seems happiness is infectious.

It's quiet as Harry drains the remaining liquid from his glass. He stands, removing the coat from the back of his chair. "Do you want to come somewhere with me?" He asks.

I shrug, "sure."

He leads me through the large entrance hall. It's an old building with frills carved along the walls into the stone. "It's a nice building." Harry says when he looks over at me. My eyes are trained on the skirtings where the wall meets the ceiling.

"Beautiful," I say softly. We walk a few more paces slowly.

"Tell me why you like it?" Harry's statement comes out as more of a question. I consider an answer for a short period of time before clicking my tongue.

"I like the way the architecture of a specific period matches with the music, and the art, and the clothing." I say. Harry squints his eyes a little bit, running over my words.

"I can't believe I only just met you." He laughs. I smile lightly before leading the way through the large double doors. The flashing of cameras reminds me of the end game. I slow down slightly so our footsteps are matched.

"Did you drive?" I whisper above the noise.


"My cars around the corner." I say as I gently pull Harrys sleeve.

The street is lit by lamps and the dull glow of the moon. It isn't busy except for the occasional private car.

"Um, would I be able to drive?" Harry asks me, scratching the back of his neck. I hand him my keys. "Thank you, I didn't think about that."

He adjusts the seat to cater for his longer legs. I almost stop him when he reaches out to readjust the mirror, knowing I'll never be able to get it back in the exact right spot.

Harry's a smooth driver. He zips in and out of the streets taking us wherever. I know if I ask he won't tell me.

He pulls the car to a stop outside of an open area. "Come on." He almost whispers. I climb out of the car and follow harry along a brick pathway.

"Where are we going?" The uncertainty of this situation sits in my stomach.

"It's not much further." Harry says, dismissing the question.

I follow his shape through a small gate. There's lights built into the ground showcasing a large marble water feature. I lost count of the turns he'd taken while we were driving so I have no idea which part of the city we're in.

"How did you find this?" I whisper.

"I took a wrong turn one night." He laughs.

I look around at the garden. There's bushes of flowers lining what I assume is a fence while tall trees shelter the fountain. By day, i assume we'd be standing in the midst of a park. Right now, everything was deadly silent in an almost comforting way.

"Thank you for sharing this with me." I spoke softly, not wanting to disturb the peace created by the garden.

"Thank you for coming."

Thank you for 500 reads!! I've been spending a lot of time without my phone lately and I find that it causes me to think of specific interactions which I can then write about. This chapter is a little bit jumpy and almost feels unfinished so I might make some small changes.
Please vote & comment whenever you feel like you want to.
-A x

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