Idea 5 : banana cake & feelings

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"If you love me won't you say something."

The soft melodic sounds floated from the speakers set up around Annalise's living room. She had just begun mashing overripe bananas set for her cake. As the chorus of one of her favourite songs began, there was a small knock on the front door.

It was midday on a Tuesday and Annalise wasn't expecting any visitors. The only people who knew the location of her house were close friends and family members but usually they called before stopping by.

The girl swept down her staircase, the boards underneath her feet making pitter patter noises. Annalise moves her face to the peephole, only to be met with the back view of a man.

She opened the doors and the man turned around.

"Oh.. Harry? I wasn't expecting you." Annalise's eyes squinted in confusion.

"Uh yeah.. sorry it was kind of an impulse decision." Harry spoke slowly.

"Well come in I guess. It's been what, six months?"

"Today's the seventh." Harry mumbled before following Annalise back upstairs to her 'baking kitchen'.

Harry admired the room as he entered. It was certainly the cleanest he'd ever seen it however paintings still littered the table and the few books stacked on the bench looked like they were collecting dust.

"I heard your album." He said to break the silence.

Annalise nodded, "most of it was about you." She gestured to a seat at the island in the kitchen before continuing to mash the bananas.

"Look. I uh, came here to apologise."

Annalise's face moved into a small smile while her eyebrows showed a confused expression. "Why did you wait so long?"

The guilt stirred inside Harry as she spoke. "I spent the first few months blaming you I guess. You broke up with me so I figured you didn't want to hear it." He said hesitantly.

Annalise dipped into the walk in pantry to retrieve the flour. "Funny. I spent the first few months blaming you."

Harry nodded spinning back and forth in the chair he was sat on. "I didn't expect you to invite me inside. Or, I expected you to yell at me." He looked down at his hands, "that would have been easier."

Annalise smiled lightly. She couldn't find it in herself to be mad anymore. After the first few months she had felt fine, not good and not bad just in the middle. Her world didn't revolve around Harry and that was how she liked it.

She began measuring out the flour, tipping one and a half cups full into the sift on top of the bowl. Harry watched the way Annalise's hands moved. God he missed her, more than anything.

Seven months prior Annalise had been in New York for a few performances at the same time Harry had been there for the last night of his tour. He of course, didn't know she was in town and Annalise felt it fit that she went to surprise him before he went on stage; after all, they hadn't seen each other for a while.

She got out of her car at the venue and followed the body guards directions to Harry's dressing room. Annalise didn't bother to knock although she would soon wish she had.

Harry sat on a bench with a girl between his legs and all Annalise could do was nothing. She didn't cry, she didn't yell, she didn't do anything. The breeze from inside the room blew the door shut behind her and Harry looked up. Straight into the eyes of the girl he 'loved.'

Annalise smiled at his before whispering a little 'surprise.'

The girl between Harry's legs was almost as confused as Annalise. She wore a frown on her face and seemed annoyed that Annalise had interrupted their makeout session.

"Sorry, where are my manners." Annalise moved from the door. "I'm Annalise, Harry's ex girlfriend. I was just dropping in to wish him luck and to let him know that he can get his things from my place at any time."

With that she left.

Harry hadn't seen her since. He was almost afraid to get his things. Maybe that could be his excuse for visiting her today. That might make him seem like an even bigger dickhead though.

Annalise finished the batter and poured it into the cake tin before carrying it to the oven.

Each of their minds were filled with memories from the same day. As soon as Annalise left the girl he was with left too. She realised what she had gotten in the middle of and even raced after Annalise to apologise. After all, how could you not be totally blind to one of the biggest couples in the industry?

"Could you ever forgive me?" Harry asked to break the silence, his voice low and timid. This was a huge ask considering what he had done.

Annalise just nodded, "I already have and I think you know that."

Harry frowned a little. He had rehearsed scripts in his mind of ways to argue back and to push his point but she didn't seem to be reading her lines right. Was he supposed to leave now?

"You were expecting a fight." Annalise stated as she moved into the next room to change the song. Harry couldn't disagree because, after all, he was.

"I like to surprise people." Annalise called.

Harry smiled a little to himself. His whole heart still belonged to Annalise and nothing would ever change that.

Annalise's heart belonged to her for now and she wasn't sure if she was ready to change that.

Sorry it's taken me like three months to come up with some new stuff. Please continue to leave comments & feelings on the chapters, they're so nice to read.
-A x

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