Idea 3 : Home

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"It's alright, calling out for somebody
to hold tonight.
When you're lost, I'll find a way I'll
be your light.
You'll never feel like you're alone,
I'll make this feel like home."

Harry watched as she skipped down the street in the twilight air, a debonair feeling surrounding her. She spun half way around, looking back at Harry in all his glory; long curly locks and dazzling green eyes.

Her house was a block away from his but she would always insist on walking him home. November's in Australia were always muggy and as much as Harry loved the sky, he loved the air conditioner more, so he followed the path inside.

Later on he would sneak out the window and meet Tabitha at the closed corner shop. They would argue over their favourite flowers -Harry insists Marigolds are the prettiest but Tabitha leans towards Lily's- and more things that have no real significance to anyone but them.

It was simple watching them dance amongst the crowds when they were in a hurry or listening to the way they spoke to each other in the secluded parts of town.

People gazed over their locked hands and gifted them with hope. Hope that they would make something of themselves. Hope for a nicer year.

It wasn't always this way. When they first met, Harry was a complete mess. He didn't cry unless he was in the comfort of his own arms. He didn't crack the same jokes he does now.

Tabitha wasn't particularly grand either. She would sway her long strawberry hair when she walked, her nose upturned at the idea of anyone other than herself.

They discovered each other for the first time in July, one of the most beautiful months. Snow littered everywhere outside while underneath heavy blankets the duo entwined.

Neither one talks about it now; they're simply too lost in everything else that's happening. The next chapter brings different universities and possible competition.

Tabitha doesn't want to set her whole life up around Harry in case they decide it isn't working. It's scary being young.

The couple walk now, around the fountain situated in the middle of their small town. Their hands radiate warmth and safety.

Harry glances over at Tabithas scintillating skin under the nearly set sun. He's in love with her entire being and it's nice for a change.

Tabitha catches his eye, smiling with all of her teeth. She squeezes his hand and Harry laughs, he really laughs, because he knows this is all he's ever wanted.

She was home.

This is among my favourite one direction songs. I can't explain how it makes me feel but it's very comforting and happy.

I based Tabitha off a girl I was friends with when I was younger. I moved away and we stopped talking. The main thing I remember is how pretty and kind she was, and the way we used to walk along the little streets in the twilight.

-A x

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