NateWantsToBattle Oneshots [R...

By Antiseptictrash

6.6K 145 124

Here's a collection of NateWantsToBattle smuts and fluffs for your enjoyment. REQUESTS ARE OPEN! ~Updated eve... More

Chubby Bunny Challenge (Nate x MatPat- Fluff)
Murder On The Dance Floor (Nate x Natemare- Fluff Part 1)
Snob (Nate x Female Reader- Fluff Part 1)
Murder On The Dance Floor (Nate x Natemare- Fluff Part 2)
Saved By My Idol (Nate x Female Reader- Fluff Part 1)
I Got A Golden Ticket! (Nate- Fluff Part 1)
Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea (Phantom x MandoPony- Smut)
Snob (Nate x Female Reader- Fluff Part 2)
I Got A Golden Ticket! (Nate- Fluff Part 2)
I Got A Golden Ticket! (Nate- Fluff Part 3)
I Got A Golden Ticket! (Nate- Fluff Part 4)
Saved By My Idol (Nate x Female Reader- Fluff Part 2)
Sneaking Around (Nate x Female Reader- Fluff)
1) Whistling (Nate x Female Reader- Fluff)
2) Drowning (Natemare x Female Reader- Fluff)
3) Necklace (Nate x Female Reader- Fluff)
4) Blizzard (Phantom- Fluff)
Confidence Boost (Phantom x Nebula- Fluff Part 1)
17) Accident (Nate x Female Reader- Smut)

A Deal With The Devil (Phantom x MandoPony- Fluff)

461 9 6
By Antiseptictrash

A/N: This is for Snek_Snek I hope you like it.

Phantom was sat in his club, keeping an eye on his regular patrons. His darkly lined eyes scanned the room, looking for someone who looked so desperate and low that they would fall for one of his deals. They were the best types of people because they craved the thing they wanted so much that they would do anything in the world to get it, even signing a contract with the Devil himself. It was even better when he got someone so gullible that they were taken in by his smooth words and didn't care enough to read the contract. Those types of people didn't take much convincing.

As he sat there he toyed with his cane, passing it back and forth between his hands, watching the light bounce off the glass orb on top of the carved mahogany shaft. That orb was where he kept all of his victims until they either expired or until he'd tired of them.

Usually he became bored long before they passed on, so they were disposed of in the most humane way he knew – he had a room hidden away in his club where he placed the orbs that contained the victims he no longer had a use for. At present there were over three hundred different people in his collection, but that number was steadily growing.

Each new victim gave him less and less joy, which puzzled him somewhat. Perhaps it was because nobody had really shown any sort of spark that would interest him. Nobody was different anymore and that's what Phantom craved – excitement, difference, passion, somebody he could make his pet and not just a trophy.

Phantom's eyes suddenly locked on the perfect person. To the naked eye this man seemed normal, nothing special or out of the ordinary, but Phantom sensed something more, something he could exploit. This was the perfect time to strike.

The guy he'd fixed on was sat in a booth alone, playing with his glass of alcohol. As said before, he was nothing special really. He was average in build and height, brown hair and eyes, a little stubble. Similar to all of the other patrons in the club, except for the fact that he was alone. He wasn't mingling with any women, unlike the other men there. He wasn't with any friends. He was just alone and that was pretty odd for a guy of his age.

A lot of the regulars fancied themselves as regular old Casanovas, but not him. He took the attitude that nobody would want him, so he didn't even try. He himself was watching the other people in the club, enjoying himself as much as he could.

It was at this point that his eye was taken by a smartly dressed man with a cane and darkly lined eyes approaching him. He was intrigued and confused as to why anybody would be coming over to him since he'd kept himself to himself all night. He was worried in case this man was a bouncer who'd come to throw him out, but he knew that the bouncers of this club weren't dressed as well as this man.

The man stopped in front of the other and slid a card across the table to him. "Here... Come see me if you ever need something, okay?" He said in a smooth voice with a wink.

The guy at the table nodded and picked up the card. "Alright... But why would I do that?" He asked and looked up again, but the smartly dressed man was gone. He blinked hard. "What the- Where'd he go?" He asked himself.

He then looked down at the card in his hand, which was black with deep, rich red and gold writing on it. The card read: Phantom ~ Satisfaction guaranteed.

He wondered what that meant and he was curious to say the least. On the back of the card was the address of the club. He frowned, more confused now. Surely that man wasn't the owner, was he?

"Well Andy, I guess there's only one way to find out..." He said to himself.

Andy looked around the club for the man, his eyes scanning the room and crowd until they fell upon him standing on the other side of the room in a doorway. The man locked eyes with Andy and a small smirk crossed his lips before he turned and went inside the small room.

Andy picked up the card and made his way across the room to the door. It was large and pretty thick. It looked like it was made of pure mahogany. This guy must have a lot of money if he could afford to have pure mahogany doors in the place.

He took a deep breath and knocked the door.

Phantom's ears pricked up at the sound and he knew he'd hooked the other male, now to reel him in and catch him for good. "Come in." He said softly.

Andy pushed the heavy door open and walked inside, looking at Phantom. He gulped as he felt the other's eyes on him. "You gave me this card." He said and held it up.

"Ah, yes. Please, take a seat..." Phantom said with a smile, gesturing to the seat across from him.

Andy nodded and walked over, sitting down. He seemed a little fidgety and glanced around the room, more interested in the décor, or so it seemed. Phantom knew it was because he was nervous.

Phantom looked him over. "So, what can I help you with?" He asked.

"Well, I was hoping you could tell me the answer to that, since you came and gave me the card." Andy replied.

Phantom kept his casual pose and nodded. "The answer to that is simple." He said. "Anything your heart desires."

"Anything, hm? Surely not. You can't possibly give me anything... There are some limits. You're only human after all." Andy laughed, but Phantom didn't find that funny. Andy cleared his throat and saw that his joke had gone down like a lead balloon.

"I am many things my boy, but something I am not is human." Phantom said.

"Excuse me? Do you expect me to believe that you're some kind of alien?" Andy asked, crossing his arms.

"Alien may be too strong a term. I'd call it more a being from another plane of existence."

"What, like a ghost?"

"Not quite, but you're getting closer to the truth." Phantom said. "Think more ungodly."

"A demon?" Andy tried once again.

"Of sorts." Phantom nodded. "You humans have many names for what or who I am... Beelzebub, Lucifer... But the one I think is most common is the Devil." He said with a smirk as he looked at his nails, as if checking that they were still perfectly manicured, which they were.

Andy now laughed much more heartily. "The Devil? You expect me to believe that you're the actual Devil? Not likely..."

"Why ever not? Did you expect me to be bright red with horns and a tail?" Phantom tilted his head.

"Well, isn't that what you're always portrayed as?" Andy countered.

Phantom scoffed. "Yes, but that doesn't mean that it's correct." He said. "Humans are such narrow minded sheep. One paints a picture of God as an old guy with a beard and everyone believes that's what he looks like. I've seen him. Nothing at all like that, but that's the image you get in your head, is it not?"

Andy shrugged. "I guess so. What's your point?"

"My point is, don't always believe everything you hear. After all, they do say that seeing is believing." Phantom said and looked at his cane for a moment.

The other male had to agree. He was right there. "I suppose you're right..." He said. "Alright, suppose I trust that you are the Devil, what do I have to do to get what I want?" Andy asked.

Phantom smirked wider. "That's the crux of the issue." He sat up straighter. "All you have to do is sign a little contract." He said. "Nothing much... Just a few things... Housekeeping on my end. Just helps me remember who had what and when. Call it a receipt." He said. "Just tell me what you want and it's yours." He added.

Andy hesitated for a few moments before looking Phantom in the eye. "Alright. I'm not happy with myself in a physical sense. I want a better body. I hate being the way I am. I just want to be more body confident." He said. "And I think that if I was just a bit slimmer and more toned then... I'd be happy."

Phantom listened and nodded. "Very well." He leaned down and took a large scroll of paper from his desk, which he rolled out towards Andy. He then pushed a quill and inkwell over.

Andy's eyes were wide as the scroll rolled out towards him. He took the pen slowly and looked at Phantom once more, before signing the contract.

As soon as it was done Phantom snatched the quill back and chuckled deeply, his smooth voice bouncing off the walls of his office. "Perfect." He then snapped his fingers and the doors clicked shut, locking the pair inside.

Andy didn't know what was happening and watched the contract turn to ash in front of his eyes. "What's going on?"

"Well... You have your body..." Phantom gestured to Andy's now perfectly toned body and stood up, leaning on his cane. "And I have you."

"Excuse me?" Andy asked, blinking hard.

Phantom tutted. "Should read the fine print kid." He approached the other.

Andy quickly stood and scrambled towards the door, falling as he tripped on the edge of the rug.

The Devil kept walking towards him. "You belong to me. I guess you could say you're my pet." He leaned down and yanked Andy up. "So perfect now..." He said. "And all mine. I wonder how you taste." He pondered, pushing Andy into the wall and licking his neck sensually. "Delicious... As I thought you would be."

Andy struggled, but found Phantom to be much stronger than he anticipated. "Please... Let me go." He begged.

"Let you go? Oh no, I don't think so. This is your home now kid. Get used to it." Phantom said deeply into Andy's ear. "Now, we're gonna have some fun." He reached a hand down and rubbed Andy's crotch. "You behave kid and you may make it outta this alive..."

Andy gulped and looked back into those dark brown eyes, feeling himself submitting.

He was trapped...

A/N: So, what did you think? I hope you liked that? I know it wasn't smut, but I think that may have been a bit too much here and it didn't really fit. I think there is the opportunity for there to be a sequel or part 2 for this with smut in it, if you want it? Let me know.

Keep sending me your requests as well.

Thanks guys.

~Yazooloo ;) <3

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