Drew Grier: A Broken Girl

By imacoolcat_

78.2K 1.2K 355

At first glance, the Grier family is perfect. But, not all is well for Drew and her brother Will Grier. They... More

Drew Grier: A Broken Girl
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 (The End)

Chapter 36

1.1K 24 4
By imacoolcat_

(So much to come...Love you guys.)

~Drew's POV~

When you love someone, it never really goes away, the feeling, the moments. And with Jack Gilinsky, despite the pain, I know, that I will always love him to the fullest. I fluttered my eyes open, looking to the beautiful man I shared the bed with. “Morning,” I whispered, pressing my lips to his cheek. My decision, to come here, after spending a few days with Nik, had been completely spontaneous. I told Nash, yesterday, about finding my Dad, or rather him finding me. He was happy for me.

“Morning baby girl,” Jack spoke, as he dug his head into my hair, I could feel his smile.

“Hmm,” I groaned, “I don't want to move.”

“Me either,” he whispered,

“When do you leave this place?” I asked.

“Not the day after next,” he sighed.

“Then that's when I have to leave,” I frowned.

His grasp on me tightened, and I felt a pang of sadness in my chest. We laid like that, for what felt like hours. Until, I finally decided to make us put clothes on, to join the others in whatever they were doing for the day, although, he was the only person I really wanted to spend my time with.

We had limited hours, before we were sent off away from each other, for god knows how long. Our hands intertwined with each others, as we set off downstairs, the others were hanging around the stage, eating pizza somebody had ordered.

“Well you two look thoroughly fucked.” Mahogany spoke.

I went crimson, as Jack smiled, not denying anything. I sat down, talking with my best friend, the others, trying to enjoy my time, and I was. For the first time, in what feels like awhile, I'm happy. My life is fitting together.

I have my real Dad, Jack, my brothers. I'm making music, singing my way to my dream I've always wanted. Nothing is stopping me from being happy anymore. Despite, the fact, in the back of my mind, I know George is out there, angry with me for what ever reason.“Hello guys,” Bart spoke, walking up to us, staring daggers at me. I had an instinct, to get closer to Jack, but he was across the way, about five feet away from me, and that distance felt like miles. I inched near Mahogany, “Drew, I'd like to talk to you privately.”

“Okay,” I said, rising to my feet. I gave Jack a cautious look before following Bart to the side, out of range of their ears. “What do you want?”

He smiled, a devilish grin. “Money,” he said, “and you're going to give it to me. Under a few terms, however, you see if you don't give me the amount of money I want. I will sell all your damn secrets. About your Father, your brother, Mahogany, Jack's, all of them. Think about that, would you feel if you were the reason for the end of their lives?”

I grimaced, I tapped my phone in my hand, trying to occupy myself, “Can you say that again?” I asked shocked.

“You heard me, you're going to listen this time. I want one million dollars. Fuck all the non-disclosure agreements you signed. I will sell every one of those secrets.”

“Why do you need the money?” I asked, although the crack in my voice was prominent.

“I owe some bad people, a lot of money. I did a few credit card scams a few years back, probably stole over fifty peoples identities, I stole the wrong one. If I don't re-emburst him, I'm as good as dead.” He said, “so if you don't be a good little girl and play along with me, I'll make your life hell.”

He reached out, touching my cheek, and I swear, when I looked over, Jack was about to jump from his seat. I gulped down air, “don't call me that,” I spat.

“You're adorable when you're mad. And by the way your little boyfriend is looking at me, he wants to beat me up this second. But he won't, because I will make his life hell to, after I make him watch me fucking you into oblivion. You know, the reason I let you join Magcon is because you looked so innocent, and fuckable. I've wanted to get my hands on you since the day I met you at the airport.”

I shuttered, taking a step back. “Go to hell,” I said.

“Oh, I probably will. I'll give you twenty four hours, if I don't have the money by then, bad things will happen to you Drew. Starting with the people you love.”

I nodded, not saying a word. “Leave them out of it, or I swear you'll regret it.” I spat, walking away, I was close to tears, shaking in fear. I almost ran to Jack, as Bart's fading image went away. I took a deep breath.

“What the hell was that about?” Jack's voice was adamant, angry.

“Nothing, I swear, he's just angry I showed up here, don't worry, he'll understand that no matter how much I leave, I'll always come back.” I said, sinking into Jack's presence.


When you think of the word terrified, what do you think of? Well, picture me, a sixteen year old girl, being threatened with everything she loves. The whole day, I waited, for Bart to say something to me, but all he kept doing was looking.

I kept as close to Jack as I possibly could. Bart had gathered us all in the conference room, later into the night, saying he ordered us pizza. I knew what he was doing, he was keeping me occupied, making sure I was near him.

“You okay Drew?” Mahogany asked beside me.

“Fine,” I said.

“Something is off with you, what is it?” Jack asked, caressing my cheek.

I shake my head, lying to them. And it's in their eye's, they know I'm not telling the truth about something, I type a sentence into my phone, showing it to them. Bart is up to something, bad. I need you two to not leave this room, and no matter what happens in the next hour, know he's bluffing. They gave me a questioning look, but I glanced away.

“Attention everyone,” Bart announced, “I'd like to say a few things. Magcon has been great, but there is going to be a few changes like the line up. Starting with Jack Gilinsky and Jack Johnson. You're cut, the next to leave, is Mahogany Gordy, and Sam Wilkinson.”

“You can't just fucking do that?” Sam snarled, angrier than ever. Mahogany glanced at me, tears in her eyes.

The whole room erupted into yelling. I tried to by myself a few minutes, knowing, I had too. I put my finger's to my mouth, whistling loudly enough for everyone to stop talking. “Listen here you fucking asshole.” I said, coming up with all the bravery I had, trying not to look him in the eye. I left Jack's side, stepping closer to Bart. “I told you to leave them out of it, and what do you do? Fuck it up, like everything else if your pathetic excuse for a life. You want money? Fine, one million it is.”

Everyone in the room was dead silent, wide eyed. “And how am I going to get it?” He asked, glaring at me.

“I'll liquidate my assets, but I am going to need a bit more time.”

“You have one more day.”

I shuttered, stepping back into Jack's grasp. I glanced down at my phone, the adrenaline pumping through my veins. “I don't think you'll be needing that day,” a voice from the back of the room spoke, ushering in four bodies. “You my friend, should really have an idea who you are messing with.” Nik said, grabbing Bart's collar. “I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting, my name is Nik. I'm Drew's Father, real Father that is.”

Bart shuttered, as all of us backed into the wall. Finding safety from what was unfolding in front of us. Nash. I stuck close to Jack, as he held me, away from it all. “Why should I care who you are?” Bart asked.

“Well you see, that's a long story my friend. You see, I was enjoying my day earlier, then I get a message from my daughter, and in the message was a recording.” Nik spoke, his jaw hard. His fist came into contact with Bart's jaw, as he went barreling to the ground, winded. Blood slashed on the floor, as Nik helped Bart to his feet, only to hit him over, and over.

“Easy Nik,” another voice came from behind us. “Hello, my name is Ryan Sutherland, FBI.” He flashed his badge, “these are my friends.” He pointed to the other large men behind him. Pulling out a pair of hand cuffs. “You are under arrest for fraud, embezzlement, threatening a minor, indentity theft, implied rape of a minor.”

They took Bart in cuffs. “Fuck all of you,” Bart spoke harshly. “And you Drew.”

Nik stepped up to him, kneeing Bart in the stomach. “You ever touch, talk to, or mention my daughter's name again, I will put a bullet through your head myself.”

Bart was hauled off, the men in with badges taking him away. I ran to Nik, hugging him. “Thank you Dad,” I whispered, shaking, tears rolling down my cheeks.

“Shh, everything is okay now, I promise.” He said.

“What just happened?” Taylor was the first one to ask.

“Earlier, Bart asked me to talk to him. And he threatened me, and everything I love. So, I recorded the conversation, and sent it to my Dad.” I said.

“And I, took that recording, and sent it to my friends over at the FBI, I served with them back in Iraq.” He said, “apparently Bart has done a lot more than what he told her, the charges are endless. But, now, he'll behind bars for a lot of years.”

“Drew what did he threaten?” Mahogany asked.

“To sell your guys secrets,” I looked around the room at all the faces, of people I care about. “Among other things.”

“Implied rape of a minor,” Nash said, looking up at me, he walked to me, “Drew, I wouldn't have let that happen.”

I wrapped my arms around my brother, shaking my head. “I know,” I whispered. All of us, the people, the faces, came together as I felt bodies encase around me, we all fit together, like we knew we would. Despite, the pain, and the fights. We ultimately all love each other. Magcon isn't forever, but the memories are. The friendships, relationships, everything. Nothing, not even Bart can tare that apart.

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