Stefan And Elana get Their Ha...

By faithboken

18.3K 370 22

13 and up should read this . it's about stelena gets there happy ending some how read more to find out how. More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
author notes
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
wedding day part one
wedding day part 2

Chapter 17

314 7 0
By faithboken

Elena: Stefan did you do all of us this?

Stefan: yeah but I had some help

Elena: I'm getting tired we have had a long day

Stefan: let's get you to bed

Bonnie Caroline and Tyler are all coming ruing up the rooftop

Bonnie walks over to Stefan and Elena Caroline and Tyler stay by the door

Bonnie: I'm sorry to interrupt but something happened

Stefan and Elena: what happened Bonnie?

Bonnie: Matt called Caroline

Elena: oh no

Bonnie: he said I'm coming for all of you

Elena: oh no. What did Caroline tell him

Bonnie: She said ok but why us? Then Matt said back you know why

Elena: we're was Tyler at when this happened

Bonnie: he was in the same room as Caroline

Stefan: there is something I have to everyone

Caroline and Tyler walk over to everyone else

Bonnie: What is it?

Stefan: So I have this feeling that my brother went to Matt's house and compelled him to fall in love with Carolin.

Elena: I'm not sure we can go back home now

Bonnie:  what should we do

Stefan: we could go on the run or just hide in New York

Elena: No, I don't want to go back home because if we do that then Matt might kill one of us or me.

Stefan: I'm not gonna let that happen

Bonnie: I have an idea we could just say that you and Stefan got married and well that he needs to get over it

Stefan: I have a better idea. We go back home and just hide at the boarding house. Not all of us, only me and Elena, and just tell Matt that she left town and she didn't tell anybody.

Elena: But then what about school and Jeremy?

Stefan: ok but we have to tell Jeremy so knows what's going on

Elena: yes

Elena calls Jeremy

Over the phone with Elena and Jeremy

Jeremy, Are you guys ok?

Elena We're ok but is Matt in the room with you?

Jeremy no I'm at school

Elena, we are staying in New York a little bit longer because something may happen if we come back now.

Jeremy, I'm not sure if you messing with head worked

Elena oh no now I remember why.

Jeremy ok but he is trying to find you.

Elena  Oh no.

End of the phone call

 Elena sat down and started crying 

 Stefan: what's wrong Elena

Elena got back up. 

Elena: When I mess with Matt's mind it makes him stronger.

Stefan: What is one of Matt's weaknesses that doesn't hurt Elena?

Caroline: nothing else really his dad left when he was a kid and his mom is not the best mom she drinks and smokes still.

Bonnie: I can cast a spell that will hurt Elena but she will not feel it and then we can rush her to a hospital at home and then tell Matt something happened to Elena.

Tyler: no Bonnie because he atomically thinks Stefan hurt Elena and then he will try his best to get her back

Elena: I know why messing with Matt did not work. My dad studied dark objects and well he told Jeremy to put them away but he gave it to Matt to hold for a second then that's when he started to act like a jerk. I had to act like it was nothing but the dark object gave Matt this evil side. Well, my power makes it strong. I figured out that if I turned into a vampire then my power gets stronger. Then maybe I got a chance at getting the evil side out of Matt once and for all.

Bonnie: How could you be dead if we go back now?

Elena: since Matt now has the upper hand. I would be dead if he found me because of his powers. They can kill me if he finds me. That is why I'm gonna hide out at the boardinghouse with Zach and Stefan. Until we figure out another plan.

Stefan: I have an idea what if we could have Bonnie put a spell on the boardinghouse so Matt can't get in but everyone else can?

Bonnie: I could do that but that means I would have to do it at my house Caroline's house and Elena's house.

Elena: But can we stay for a few more days then we can go back home?

Caroline: we are going to have Bonnie spell the houses to keep Matt away. while Elena and 

Stefan: can come to our house without being worried about it? 

Elena: yeah for one day then I'm gonna have Stefan turn me into a vampire. I need the upper hand to get the evil powers out of Matt. I need to get the powers out of Matt sooner the better if not then we are all doomed. 

Stefan:  what happens if Matt keeps his powers for a longer amount of time? 

Elena: slight chance he could figure out what we are and then just up and kill us.

Stefan: that's not good so the longer Matt has the evil powers we are doomed? 

Elena: in theory yes. 

Tyler: got an idea Bonnie and Caroline start here. me, Elena, and Stefan head back to deal with Elena can turn and then get the powers out of Matt. 

Lexi: better idea we all go back and turn Elena then make a plan but Bonnie has to the spell and Elena is gonna need help from both me and Stefan. 

Elena: the rest of you can see what plans are to get me back and tell Stefan he and Lexi will come up with something to tell him about me while I'm in transition. 

Stefan: well Elena I'm not leaving your side while you are in transition. I will have Tyler tell Matt something. 

Elena: while I'm in transition I need you all to find a way to stay at the boarding house for a bit. the reason for this is that Lexi and Stefan have helped with my emotions and if something else happens you all are there for me. 

bonnie: well that will be hard for me 

Elena: I know I'm gonna talk to Jenna and she will talk to your partner Bonnie. 

bonnie: alright. 

Tyler: as long I'm at school my parents don't care where I'm at 

Caroline: I will just tell my mom you are sick Elena. 

Stefan: thank you all ahead of time for doing this

Elena: you guys are the best for doing this. 

Stefan: We need to get some sleep now we all have had a long day 

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