Stucky High School AU

By deuce_tiberius

66.6K 1.8K 4.5K

WARNING! Ships, head cannons, lgbtq+ relationships and characters (obviously), mention and attempts of suicid... More

The Move
First Day
Gum Wrappers
Help me
The Hospital
Strawberry Milkshake
Finals Week

Dances and Jerseys

4K 131 375
By deuce_tiberius

This was supposed to be up before Halloween I'm way behind

"Hey Buck." Steve smiled walking over to Bucky.

"Hey." He smiled back, he didn't really mind if people called him Bucky anymore, as long as they were his friends.

"Sam's not here today, do you maybe want sit with me in health?"

"Yeah sure."

The two revived a few weird looks from the class. It was strange, the emo, punk, bad boy and the captain of the football team, all of the sudden best friends, no one expected it.

"Hey, are you doing anything today?" Steve asked once the bell rung.

"After dance? Nothing really, I mean homework but that's it." Bucky answered, "Why?"

"My mom has been dying to see you again, so I was wondering if you and your dad wanted to come over for dinner?"

"That'd great." Bucky smiled, "How has your mom been?"

"She's been pretty good." Steve answered.

"That's good, hey Steve are you-" Bucky was cut off.

"Steve!" A voice cheered.

"Oh, hey Sharon." Steve smiled at her.

"Hey I was wondering if you ya know weren't going with someone else would you like to go to the Halloween dance with me?" Sharon asked.

"Just a second what were you gonna ask?" Steve flipped his attention back to Bucky.

'I was going to ask you to go with me God damn it.' "It wasn't really important, you two can talk." Bucky reapplied then walking away.

"Oh, okay see ya." Steve called after him.

Bucky began the walk to the dance studio. When he got there he threw his bag into the floor and flopped onto one of the couches in the back.

"What happened?" Peggy sighed.

"Nothing, I'm fine." Bucky mumbled.

"You're laying with your face buried in the couch." Peggy replied, "So boy trouble, girl trouble, other gender trouble?"

"Boy." Bucky mumbled.

"So there is a problem." Peggy sighed, "What happened?"

"I was gonna ask him to the dance this Friday and well, before I could someone else asked him." Bucky answered sitting up. "I shouldn't be upset about it he didn't like me anyway."

"How would you know he doesn't like you, you haven't seen into his mind." Peggy replied.

"He's straight as the bar." (That's a really curved bar then Buck.) Bucky mumbled.

Steve's POV

They're going to be here any minute. Should I change? I should change. But I should be down here when they get here. Maybe I should-

The doorbell rung. 

They're here.

"Hi, you guys can come in." I smiled, opening the door. "The kitchen is in the same place it's always been."

"Thank you Steve." George replied.

Bucky smiled a little when he walked into the house, "This place hasn't changed a bit."

"Not true, we got rid of the possum that had been living under the porch." I joked.

"The one I named, or was that the first possum?" Bucky asked.

"You names both of them, the first one was Bacon, and the other one was Jeff or something."

"Excuse you his name was Sir Jeffrey Jefferson the Possum the third."

"You remember that? You dork."

"Shut it punk, I can remember what we named all the capilitters in my backyard." Bucky replied.

"It's caterpillars."

"And I still can't pronounce that for some reason so it's capilitters."

"Let's go eat." I jokingly hit his shoulder.

"Took you two long enough." George laughed.

"Steve was busy making fun of me." Bucky joked.

"You can't say caterpillar and I think it's funny." I defended myself

"Sorry I'm late." Mom called from the front door.

"You're fine Sarah." George replied.

"Dinner is ready whenever you are mom." I told her.

"Thank you Steve." She replied walking into the kitchen, "My god, Bucky, you've grown up so much."

"Steve did too, that kid used to be half Bucky's size now he's bigger than me." George chuckled.

"So Bucky, why'd you grow out your hair?" Mom asked.

"I don't really know, just got tired of cutting it I guess." Bucky explained.

"I like it, I think it suits you." Mom told him.

"Thank you." Bucky smiled. Why is his smile so cute. Steve focus, not on Bucky.

"Steve, what have you been doing, any sports?" George asked.

"I do football, and I do wrestling in the winter." I explained.

"Not just that, he's the captain of the football team too." Bucky added.

"Wow, you have any games left in the season, I'd like to come support you." George told me.

"One more, Friday, before the dance." I told George.

"Speaking of the dance, are you two going with anyone?" Mom spoke up.

"I'm actually going with Sharon." I told her. To be honest I'd rather be going with Bucky. "What about you Buck?"

"No, I don't have a date. I wasn't really planing on going." Bucky answered.

"Oh, alright." Mom replied smiling.

We finished our dinner, mom was practically attacking Bucky with questions the whole time. Mom and George stayed inside to talk, Bucky and I had gone onto the roof.

"So you're really not going to the dance?" I asked hoping he was going.

"Probably not." He answered.

"Come on, it'll be fun." I was practically begging.

"I'm not really into the school dances." Bucky sighed.

"Well, you haven't been to a SHIELD dance. Just come for a little bit, you'll have a good time." I continued to pester him.

"Fine." Bucky finally gave in.

"Good." I smiled, Bucky shivered, "Are you cold?

"A l-little." Bucky replied.

"You know if you had some meat on your bones you wouldn't be so cold." I told him.

"Sh-shut up." He stuttered.

"I have lots of sweaters and stuff if you are."

"I-I'm fine Steve I ha-haven't even given you back the other one you loaned me y-yet."

"Like I said I have a bunch, you can keep it." I rambled out, "You could borrow one just for now and give it back before you leave."

"O-okay, thanks." Bucky smiled, god that smile.

I crawled back through the window and grabbed a hoodie. To be honest I specifically chose the biggest one I owned. It was a size too big for me, Bucky will practically be swimming in it.

"Here." I tossed him the hoodie.

Normal POV

"Th-thanks." Bucky smiled at Steve. Bucky pulled the hoodie over his head. 'Why am I blushing? Stop blushing idiot. God his hoodie smells good. I'm being weird. It's just a hoodie, it doesn't mean anything.' "Why'd you grab one this big."

'He looks so fucking cute.' "So it would fit over the hoodie you were already wearing." Steve explained.

"Thanks." Bucky repeated, "How long do you think our parents will be talking?"

"Who knows, why do you have homework to do?" Steve checked.

"No, I'm just dead tired." Bucky yawned a bit after his statement.

"Yeah, me too." Steve laughed.

"You can go to sleep."

"I'm not going to sleep and leave you alone."

"I can fend for myself."

"I know but you might freeze if you don't have me to loan you jackets."

"Haha, funny." Bucky rolled his eyes.

"But really, we're friends I can stay up with you until you leave." Steve stated.

"So, how's football going?" Bucky asked quietly.

"Good, we have a really good shot at winning our next game. We weren't doing to good earlier so it won't really do a lot to win but it would still be nice." Steve explained.

"That's good." Bucky smiled.

"Hey, I wanted to ask you something." Steve spoke up, "Nat usually wears my away game jersey before home games, but since Sam and his girlfriend broke up she's going to wear his. So I was wondering if you wanted to wear it?"

"M-me?" Bucky turned red, "Why not Sharon or someone?"

"Sharon has to wear her cheer uniform, and I just thought that since you were my best friend you might want to." Steve explained rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's not that I don't want to support you, it's just, isn't the jersey thing more of a boyfriend-girlfriend thing?" Bucky but his lip.

"Well, usually, if it makes you uncomfortable you don't have to."

"It's alright, I want to. I'll wear it."

"Okay, it'll probably be as big as that hoodie though."

"It's cool."

The two talked for a little while longer. Their conversation began to die down, it got slower and less interesting.

"I should probably get my dad so I can get home." Bucky spoke up.

"Yeah, it's pretty late." Steve replied.

"Here's your hoodie back." Bucky smiled awkwardly returning the sweatshirt.

"Thanks. See ya tomorrow Buck."

Soon enough Friday rolled around. When Bucky showed up with Steve's jersey people started to talk.

"Whoa are you two like a thing now?" Clint asked upon seeing the jersey.

"No, he just wanted someone to wear it." Bucky rolled his eyes, 'I wish we were.'

"Oh, to bad..." Clint sighed, "You'd make a cute couple."

Bucky almost choked on his coffee, "Shut the fuck up."

"It's true." Clint replied.

"I said shut up." Bucky scowled.

"Okay, I was just sayin'." Clint threw his hands up in defense.

More and more people asked as the day progress. Few people had the courage to talk to Bucky, but a lot of people asked Steve.

"So um, are you guys like actually a thing now?" I a little freshman girl asked pointing to the two of them.

"No, we're just friends." Steve replied.

"I told you I shouldn't have worn it." Bucky sighed.

"It's fine, we got it all cleared up right?"

"Yeah." Bucky huffed.

"So you excited for the dance?"

"Eh." Bucky replied, "You?"

"Yeah, I'm doing sort of a partner costume thing with Sharon it's going to be great." Steve beamed.

"That's great Stevie." Bucky replied.

"Well I've got to go get ready for the game. See you there?" Steve asked as he began to leave.

"Yeah." Bucky smiled.

"Great." Steve called back, giving a thumbs up.

The team won. Bucky was happy for Steve and all, but that just meant the dance would be extra hyped. Bucky was not enjoying himself, not many of his friends were there and he hadn't seen any of them. Including Steve, at least not until the dance was almost half way over and he was about to leave.

Steve caught him right as he was about to text his dad, "What even are you Buck?" Steve tilted his head like a puppy.

"A zombie, I guess." Bucky replied.

"All you did was smudge your eyeliner." Steve laughed a little.

"Yeah well I wasn't planing on doing anything for Halloween until two days ago so I didn't have a costume."

"It works."

"So what are you?" Bucky asked examining Steve's costume.

"I'm supposed to be Augustus from The Fault in Our Stars." Steve answered, "Sharon is Hazel."

"Oh cool." Bucky replied.

The two talked for a while after that until Steve went to go join his other friends. Bucky stood over by the doors and waited, Steve said he'd be back in a few minutes.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Sharon practically yelled.

"What?" Bucky was really confused, he knew she didn't like him but what had he done?

"You think this is funny don't you!" She started to cry, "You just come in and try to ruin my night with Steve. I knew you were just out to make me miserable!"

Sharon's group of friends began to comfort her while a bunch of them began attacking Bucky. Telling him how much of a jerk he was.

"Sharon, I didn't try to ruin your night with Steve. If you want to go be with him he's right over there." Bucky sighed.

"Lilly, Kate, can you go get me some tissues or something?" Sharon whimpered to her friends.

"Of course Sharon." One of her friends replied, then walking off with the other one.

"You think I don't realize what you're doing. Every time I turn around you're all over him!"

"What the fuck are you-" Bucky was cut off.

"Please you spend every second trying to win him over and keeping everyone else from him! You're being a possessive creeper and trying to convince everyone you two are in a relationship!" Sharon yelled.

"I'm not trying to convince everyone we're together!" Bucky stated.

"Wearing his jersey? Really, not trying to convince everyone you're together?" Sharon snapped.

"He offered!" Bucky defended himself.

"Because you're always there. He feels bad that no one likes you and wants to help because he's a nice person! Way better than you, yet you think you could some joe deserve him!"

"I... does he really think that?" Bucky mumbled.

"He wants to be nice to you because the only 'friends' you have are all just afraid of you! You keep taking advantage of all that! He come to say hi and you trap him here with you talking instead of letting him have fun with his friends!" Sharon crossed her arms over her chest, "I'm going to tell you right now stop taking advantage of his sympathy to get in a relationship with him! All you'd do is tear him down and put him in a restrictive relationship!"

"No th-that's not true, he's my friend. He wouldn't do that to someone, go out with because he feels sorry for them, he cares too much to do that..." Bucky replied shakily.

"Maybe he would for you. You were his old friend, he feels like he owes you for the things that you did for him. He doesn't deserve the things you give him, all the stress and constriction! And if you really though someone could ever care about someone like you, you're dead wrong!"

"L-like me?" Bucky stuttered out.

"Fucking selfish, a jerk, some asshole who scares people into getting what he wants." Sharon replied, "You're a fucking asshole Barnes, you don't deserve to have Steve care about you, or anyone care about you for that matter."

Bucky left, he pushed his way out the doors passing by Sharon's friends on the way out.

'They're all fucking scared of me. Steve doesn't even care. I'm a fucking burden.' Everything Sharon has said began to pound in Bucky's head, and he believed every word. He couldn't stop tears from pouring out of his eyes.

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