Obliviated [Drarry]βœ”οΈ

Oleh HoneyBee4185

172K 8K 8.2K

Famous Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived, the Hero of the Wizarding World, is confronted with a problem. Draco... Lebih Banyak

Rainy Coffee
Flash of White
Night Without Question
Coffee Run-Ins
Broomsticks and Starry Nights
The Prophet and The Trial
Dinner Tension
Return to Hogwarts
The Past and The Future
Peace Isn't Forever
...and Found
The Dark Mark
Two Sides to a Close
'Prophet'able Gift
Shards to the Past
Shattering Glass
Snowy Coffee
The Beginning and End
~Author's (Final) Note~

Silence Says All

6.6K 357 489
Oleh HoneyBee4185

"So, that was quite...something," Ron stated awkwardly.

They were still in the sitting room, alone. Draco had stormed off with Blaise and Pansy following him in an attempt to calm him down. It was tiring, peeving off the blond. He already upset him twice today, and both because of something Harry so stupidly said.

Hermione shot him a look, then looked back at Harry. "Are you alright?"

He nodded. He was fine, of course, only his pride was hurt, and he had to admit, so were his feelings. He didn't blame Draco though, he probably shouldn't have hid the fact that Draco was in possible danger. Harry just didn't expect him to be so upset over it.

Then again this was Draco Malfoy he was talking about.

A literal queen in drama.

The time they've lived together gave Harry a deeper look in how Draco functioned and behaved. In other words, Harry knew how Draco liked his coffee (sweet, surprisingly), how he always tried to express as little emotion as possible, but would let loose whenever Harry had gotten him to smile, or laugh. Then his hard-cover façade would just melt away, and Harry would feel strangely happy when that smile was directed towards him, and those pearly eyes glittered like they did that one starry night playing Quidditch.

He sighed, "I didn't want to tell him because he was already going through a complete loss of memory. Merlin, you should've seen him..."

His mind flashed to the morning Draco had first woken up, afraid and confused. Then to the night he had a nightmare, so shaken and panicked, clutching Harry's torso, tears slipping down his eyes, and Harry holding him tightly and protectively.

Suddenly a very specific memory emerged in his mind. Draco sobbing in the Hogwarts bathroom. Looking so broken and exhausted, his reflection so ghastly and sickly.

Their mini battle in the bathroom...then Draco on the cold marble floor...bleeding out...struggling to breathe...hurt and injured because of Harry....

Merlin, what was wrong with him?

His stomach twist and turned, his heart fluttered like the wings of a hummingbird, and his mind was jumbled like a broken puzzle. 

Draco Malfoy

Perfect, attractive, conflicted, Draco. With his perfectly combed and neat soft hair, set jaw and pointed yet defined features, those eyes that Harry seemed to never get bored with, tall slim body, and pale soft skin Harry found himself liking. 

Draco Malfoy

Perfect smile that always got wider when Harry made him laugh, cheeks that filled with color when he would randomly compliment him, eyebrows that furrowed deeply yet adorably when he was in deep thought or immense concentration when working, soft pink lips that Harry found himself wanting to meet again.

Suddenly, it came over him, knocking him off his feet like a large wave. Washing over him strongly in realization, filling his lungs and suffocating his mind. He was drowning in what it was, what he felt. He didn't dare fight it, because he knew he'd only end up drowning faster, swallowing him up whole in the ocean of strong emotions. Diving deeper...and deeper...

Hermione nudged him."Harry what's going on? You're spacing out again, and don't say 'it's nothing', because it's obviously something. You know Ron and I are-"

...until he realized that he didn't care just how deep he dived.

"I think I'm in love with Draco Malfoy."


"Well I admit I didn't expect a full out argument today between Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy,"Blaise said, walking side by side with Pansy and Draco at the park.

Draco was still rather angry. His lips pursed, eyes stern."Well what did you expect?"

"How long have you two been living together?" Pansy asked.

"Two months and counting middle October now, why?"Draco spat. 

She sighed."Are you sure you're just angry because he didn't tell you that small detail?"

"Or perhaps for a different reason?" added Blaise.

"Wait,"Draco stopped walking, now looking at his two old friends,"what do you mean?"

Pansy narrowed her eyes."How much of your memory did you happen to have lost?"

Draco crossed his arms."I don't know, mostly my time in Hogwarts and recent time, why?"

Blaise and Pansy exchanges glances.

Then Blaise looked calmly back at him."So you forgot you were infatuated with Potter?"

Draco frowned. Truthfully, he thought his feelings for Harry were new. Considering he was the first person he had seen since that morning when he woke with no memories. Then living together...and getting along...He thought that was what caused his feelings towards the bloody idiot. He didn't know that he had feeling for him since Hogwarts.

"I suppose I did, but the feelings didn't disappear. I just thought it was because we became close so quickly."

Pansy snorted."Sorry Draco, but you've been all over Potter since day one."

Blaise rolled his eyes, then looked at the blonde."Thus why you're so quick to anger with him. It wasn't just because he hid that from you, but because it was him, you're dependent on the fact you trust Potter."

Draco let out a frustrated yell."Merlin, why does he out of all people just have to mess up my emotions? No don't tell me why, I know why,"he heaved a breath and sat on a bench, recollecting his thoughts."So what now? Do I look like some over reactive prat?"

Blaise and Pansy didn't say anything, so he concluded that yes, he was an over reactive prat. 

He huffed dramatically, standing from the bench and beginning to walk down the sidewalk,"You know what, I don't want to talk about my feelings for Harry at the moment."He eyed Pansy's raised eyebrow,"No, I'm not as angry anymore,"he crossed his arms, and straightened his back,"but I am not like acting like nothing happened in that sitting room."

"So?"Blaise asked, following in his dramatic stride.

"We're going to the Ministry of Magic of course,"Draco answered simply, a trace of a smug grin on his face.

Pansy eyed him oddly."The Ministry? Why?"

"I want to know more about the Trial and my father. Then negotiate just what they are allowed to publish to everyone. I don't quite agree with the fact they know more about the case than I do. Including the whole 'romance' rumor with Potter, what we do is not any of their business. I may lack memory, but I do not lack power."

Pansy grinned."I admit, I missed this Draco."


"Mr. Malfoy, I'm afraid she isn't avail-"

Draco narrowed his eyes at the witch behind her desk."And I'm afraid I know she's in her office. You could keep lying to me, and deal with the consequences, or you could let me in and give me information on my own father, whom, is Lucius Malfoy. You've heard of the Malfoy family I'm sure?" 

Truthfully, he didn't care any less just who the witch was and what her troubles were, and he actually had no intention on doing anything unless it included galleons, but the easiest way to get what he wanted was through fear and power.

The witch nodded slowly, dark black bangs over her round face bouncing slightly over hesitant hazel eyes.

He leaned in."Good, then you're quite aware I have the high ground and authority here?"

Behind him, Pansy and Blaise stood intimidatingly, looking very clean cut and stern. He had to admit, his little entourage looked good, and gave off the perfect sense of power and importance. 

"Yes, Mr. Malfoy. I'm sorry-"

"Draco Malfoy! Just the boy I wanted to see!" 

Draco turned to Rita Skeeter's office where she popped up suddenly, looking very colorful and very cheerful. Her bright lips exposing a wide grin that made Draco's suspicion radars go off. He didn't grin back, and instead eyed her with a sense of importance. 

"Skeeter, I've been meaning to have a word with you,"he said, passing by the black haired witch, and Pansy and Blaise following right behind his lead. 

Her grin never faltered."Of course, why don't we go into my office and have a little chat shall we?"

The trio followed her into her office. Draco glanced around slightly, catching sight of all the random pictures of different wizards and witches, including a few of him and Harry, bullet-ed into her board. Different articles littered her walls, and he couldn't help but feel rather disturbed on just how much Rita scooped up in the wizarding world. He brought his attention back to the woman behind it all.

"So,"she said, setting out a tray of tea,"I'm sure you want to give me more information on your father's case?"

Draco frowned."No, I actually want to know what exactly is the information you have on it."

She smiled."I could tell you Mr. Malfoy, but that'd be a waste of my talents. How can I give you information, but not have something juicy in return? I mean, you and Mr. Potter must be a little bothered by the latest front page on the Prophet I take it? If you could just tell me a bit more on it, I'm sure it'll remove you from the spotlight for a while." 

She studied him as he said nothing for a second. He knew she wouldn't hold off on his relationship with Harry forever, but the suggestion of her putting it off at all interested him. He could find a way to take that off her list of scoops in the meanwhile, and he knew he could, he had many ways, especially if his father was off the hook. 

That sprouted a new thought in his mind. The situation between him and Harry would not exactly run well with Lucius, and he had no idea what his mother would say if he and the Golden Boy had some 'romantic involvement'. In addition, Lucius probably wasn't even aware someone made an attack towards him, and happened to have lost some of his memory. If he found out Draco was targeted, he would go by any means to make whoever did it pay severely. 

It was true, no one messed with the Malfoy family. 

Draco gave Rita a scowl Lucius would have applauded him for,"I'll make you a deal Skeeter."

Her smile curled up like the Grinch's."I'm all ears Mr. Malfoy."

"I'll give you a bit of insight on my little situation on Harry, and in exchange, you tell me everything you have on my father's case."

She hummed."The Ministry is having quite a difficult time rounding up past Death Eaters, and people are getting antsy. Everyone wants to know if they're all captured, everyone wants the affirmation they're safe,"she flicked a bright nail,"and when push comes to shove, they need to do something, and quickly. Lucius Malfoy made a deal. He'll give out Death Eater names and possible locations in exchange for his freedom and pledge to not be involved in anything. Not that I would have expected him to do anything, your father. From what I've gathered, you've had quite enough with dark magic."

"Go on,"Draco drawled. 

"It's a tough decision, because a lot of people aren't very happy with you Malfoys, and any spill about the head of house roaming free will cause alarm and outbursts,"she shrugged,"they're doing it anyway. I've heard your father even offered to tip them off with the galleons you own. Not that it would cause a dent, I'm sure. In finality, your father is very likely to be let go, and mostly because the Ministry's desperate for leads."


She smiled sweetly."Perhaps tomorrow."

Draco dipped his head, Blaise and Pansy maintaining their silence behind him. 

Rita tutted."So, now your half of the deal."

It was Draco's turn to smile. He reached into his coat jacket and pulled out a small sack, dropping it onto her desk. 

"Silence says all,"with a smirk, he took his leave. 

Leaving Rita half-shocked, half-conflicted. 


"Are you sure this'll work?" Harry asked, running his hand through his messy tangles.

Hermione sighed as she helped set up a few flowers in a bouquet, Ron nodded.

"It works on Mione, so why not?"He dodged her sharp nudge aimed for his ribs. 

Harry blew out a breath as he looked at the mixture of white lilies, white orchids, red roses, and a few ivy that Hermione was fixing up in a crystal vase.

The white lilies represented daintiness and delicateness, and got rid of discord, or as Ron liked to call it, Dracord. 

The white orchids expressed love and care, which Harry personally liked. 

Ivy represented dependability and support, and he definitely wanted that point across. 

The roses, well, he hoped Draco got the idea.

"You know, I appreciate this, a lot,"he looked at his best friends,"thanks."

Ron sighed,"He's Malfoy, and you know how I feel about him, but if you see a change in him, even with the lack of memory, then I'll accept it mate."

Before Harry could respond, the door opened and Draco strutted in, looking pleased with himself. Hermione hugged Harry, and Ron patted him on the back before they apparated away.

Draco looked towards Harry and his smile faltered a bit. His eyes narrowed and he 'hmphed', heading towards the stairs. 

"Draco,"Harry said, his hand nervously on his neck. 

He turned and raised an eyebrow in Harry's direction."What is it?"

Harry cleared his throat."I'm sorry about hiding that earlier, I just thought you had enough on your plate,"Draco stood still, his eyes still studying him,"and, well, I picked these out for you, with some help of course, but they're yours."

Draco reverted his gaze to the crystal vase, then walked towards it. He studied the flowers, hiding the fact he was slightly impressed on the choice of flower. A question raised in his mind. Did Harry know what they meant? 

His gaze fell to the red roses. Red roses usually indicated love. 

Even so, he couldn't help but smile a bit at the fact Harry actually did this for him. 

But, he was Draco, and Draco was a bit petty. 

He nodded to Harry."Thank you."

The look on Harry's face when he said it brought a smile to his face, but made a note not to show it to Harry. He looked at Harry, into his eyes, then nodded and finally went upstairs, leaving Harry in question, but with some affirmation that he wasn't as mad anymore. 

Like he said, silence said all. 


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