My Abused Mate

By Wolf_Lover10234

622 7 2

Athena Cohen, daughter of the alpha to the Western pack, has been abused by her father for years. Ever since... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6

Chapter 5

55 1 0
By Wolf_Lover10234

Athena's POV

This was all new. This was just insane. I watched as my now mate found some clothes for me.

"He's handsome." My wolf purred. He turned around and smiled handing me the clothes. "I will be across the hall if you need anything. Goodnight princess." He whispered softly before kissing my forehead leaving the room closing the door softly.

I whined when he left. I pealed my dress off and went to his bathroom cleaning my face carefully before walking back looking at his clothes. Pulling on the basketball shorts I picked up his shirt inhaling his scent. It smelt amazing, it was a strong vanilla smell that was mixed with the scent of pine. I felt like I could get drunk off of it. It was so calming. Made me feel safe and relaxed. I don't remember the last time I was relaxed.

Pulling on his shirt quickly I crawling under the covers and sighed heavily at the feeling of the bed. I was surrounded by his scent.

"This is amazing." I said quietly closing my eyes.

"It would be even more amazing if we could go and sleep with him you know." My wolf teased. I rolled my eyes ignoring her before falling into a light sleep.

I wasn't sure how long I was asleep before I shot out of bed sweat running down my face and neck from my nightmare. I breathed heavily and looked around my eyes adjusting quickly to the dark.

Using my wolf hearing, I listened to see if Lucas was next door. I soon caught his breathing and his heart. Slowly I stood and walked over carefully opening the door glancing down the hall way to see if anyone was out. Gladly no one was there. Carefully placing my feet on the wood floor, I grabbed the handle carefully turning it pushing the door carefully open.

Light from the half moon was shining in on the bed slightly. I could make out his face. His mouth slightly open as he breathed softly. Shyly I walked over and laid down on the bed next to him crawling under the covers.

"What are you doing?! You will wake him up! What if he gets mad and yells at us or worse?!" My wolf screamed. "Don't worry it will be ok." I replied back in my mind to her making her go quiet.

Closing my eyes I heard a groan from next to me making me freeze. Feeling the bed move, I just staid still until I felt arms wrap around me his head tucking into my neck. I blushed bright red feeling him take a deep breath before snuggling into me. I hummed smiling then falling into a deep sleep.


Lucas's POV

I groaned quietly waking up realizing that my arms were wrapped around someone. I froze thinking it was some slut. I panicked slightly before I recognized that it was my mate. Odd. I don't remember her coming in here at night.

I smiled watching her in her sleep. She was beautiful. I frowned brushing her bruised cheek softly. I need to get her into the pack doctor.

"She will be ok, she's strong. Her wolf is strong too I can feel it." My wolf said.

I nodded before getting up and heading downstairs. Breakfast in bed came to mind. Walking into the kitchen I spotted Leo and Sophia in the kitchen. "Sophia, what is your sister's favorite breakfast?" I asked opening up the fridge.

Sophia looked over at me. "She likes French Toast with Strawberries." She said softly. "Is she ok?" She added watching as I got out the ingredients. "Yes, she is asleep right now." I said cracking the eggs and whisking them up before adding milk.

Sophia whimpered and sat on Leo's lap leaning back into him. He kissed her neck making her blush red. I raised an eyebrow watching them spotting fresh marks on each other smiling to myself. Turning my attention back to my cooking. Keeping an ear out to make sure Athena was asleep still. Sophia hopped off Leo's lap taking the strawberries from me. "I will chop them up!" She said smiling at me before cleaning the strawberries.

Leo looked at me and smiled at me.

Sophia spread the cubed strawberries over the french toast before adding powdered sugar and syrup. "There now go and give it to her she will be waking up soon." Sophia said motioning to the stairs.

Holding in a growl I made my way upstairs my heart racing in my chest. I hate how Sophia knows so much. I know they are sisters but I can't help but feel jealous about the fact. Pushing the door open with my foot I just caught her slowly waking up. She looked at me sleepily. "Is that food?" She croaked.

I smiled and nodded. "Yes." I said walking over setting it in her hands. "How did you know this is my favorite?" She asked taking a small bite humming.

Blushing bright red I sat down on the bed watching her. "Sophia was in the kitchen with her mate so I asked. When did you come into the room last night?" I asked my curiosity getting the best of me. She hummed swallowing the food in her mouth. "I had a nightmare so I came in here. I hope you don't mind?" she asked biting her lip glancing at me worried.

I frowned watching her body language. "Do not be afraid of me love, I will never hurt you. That would kill me to do that. Now finish up your food. I will go and find you some clothes then we are going to see the pack doctor understand?" I asked softly brushing her cheek softly. She hummed and leaned into my touch before pulling back and offered me some of the food.

I looked at the food then her. "No I want you to finish it all." I said softly. She whined at me loudly sticking out her bottom lip. Rolling my eyes I took the fork from her taking a bite of the food before passing the fork back.

She smiled at me. "Good boy." She growled softly. That turned me on so much. Holding in a growl, I stiffly stood and headed out to find her some clothes.

Sophia stopped me in the hall handing me a pile of clothes giving me a smile. I smiled back before heading back to my room.

I froze not seeing her in the room. Setting the clothes down on the bed I looked around. "Athena?" I called looking around. I jumped hearing the toilet flush seeing her walk out of the bathroom. She smiled at me. "Yes?" she asked.

I smiled big. "I have some clothes for you." I said motioning to the bed watching her green eyes wonder over to them. "I can leave if you want me to." I said feeling her discomfort. "I...I..umm..Just turn around please." she said quietly. I nodded turning around.

Before I knew it, I felt her hand on my shoulder turning me around. She smiled up at me. "I'm ready to go." She said smiling at me. I smiled at her and took her hand leading her out of the room. I walked slowly for her since her leg is still healing. Glancing at her leg and frowned.

She squeezed my hand hard making me look up at her. "I am ok. It doesn't hurt as bad as my face and ribs." She said softly and smiled. I frowned again and nodded opening the door looking out seeing some pack members walking around.

Soon I felt her press into my side growling at the pack members that watched us. Glancing at her I set a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry they know better than to hurt you." I whispered.

She nodded and sighed heavily looking around at the hospital once we were inside.

"Alpha! What brings you here?!" The pack doctor, Emma called walking over. Well she was one of the pack doctors. I figured Athena would be more comfortable with a female doctor. I would feel more comfortable with her being with Emma. I smiled at her. "I brought your Luna here to get a check up." I said motioning to Athena.

Athena looked up at her and smiled. "Hello." she said softly. Emma looked at her and smiled big. "Oh my! Luna you are beautiful! Come I will check on your face and leg and whatever else is hurt on you." she said smiling big.

Athena glanced at me and smiled. Emma smiled and led us down a hall to a room. "Alpha can you please wait outside?" Emma asked smiling at me. I whined and nodded stopping outside. Athena looked at me and smiled before the door closed.

Athena's POV

The room was a plain white color with a bed and a counter with cabinets in the room. I sat on the bed and looked at Emma.

"What else is hurt besides what I can see?" She asked grabbing a pair of gloves out. "My ribs, some I think are broke or at least cracked and there are cuts." I said quietly and pulled my shirt off looking down at the bandages. Thankfully there was no blood soaking through this time.

Emma turned and frowned walking over and unwrapping the bandages looking at the bruises. "Looks like the cuts are all healed and not scaring. The new mate bond is what is helping your healing." She explained before touching my bruises making me wince some. "Your ribs are almost healed the bruises will go away in a few days." She said before looking up at me and smiled.

I smiled at her and nodded before watching her walked away grabbing some ointment from the counter. I raised my eyebrow seeing an odd scar on her neck. She walked back over and handed me the ointment.

"Put this on your face to help the swelling go down. Once the swelling is down the bruises will go away." She explained and smiled and looked at my leg taking the brace off.

"I'm sorry if this is rude, but what is that scar on your neck?" I asked biting my lip. "You idiot you don't ask people personal questions like that!" My wolf screamed.

Emma looked up at me and smiled. "That is my mate's mark. He marked me and I marked him. Lucas and you will mark each other eventually. Are you waiting until you are healed?" She asked feeling along my leg. I watched her hands closely and winced slightly feeling her adding pressure in places.

Honestly I couldn't tell you when he was going to mark me. This is all new and foreign to me. "I..I umm I'm not sure when we will do that. I think I want to adjust first." I said quietly.

Emma nodded. "Your leg is fully healed which is great." She said taking her gloves off tossing them in the garbage. She looked at me giving me a serious look. I shifted on the bed uncomfortably seeing the look. "Athena, I know you are Luna now, but if you do not get marked within a week of meeting your mate you will go into heat." she said sternly.

I whined and looked down at my lap. "I...I know...I'm just scared." I whispered glancing up at her. Emma nodded and sighed. "I know, but I just want to warn you. Nothing will cure your heat...well except your mate. Hopefully you will be healed before then so you don't need to worry so much. But if it does happen stay hidden, locked away in your room until Lucas can take care of you." Emma said and signed a paper before opening the door.

I smiled and slid off the bed and looked at Lucas and smiled at me. Of course Emma's words frightened me but I can't show fear in front of Lucas. Not now.

Emma nodded to us before walking away.

"How was it?" He asked taking my hand. I hummed and handed him the ointment. "Good I'm slowly healing my leg is healed and almost my ribs. The ointment will take the swelling down in my face to help it heal quicker." I explained leading him out of the hospital.

Lucas grunted in response. I sighed and looked over watching Sophia and her mate as they play fought in their wolf forms. I held in a whine and looked back at the pack house.

"Why don't you ask him if you can do those things like those two. He won't bite...I don't think." My wolf said. I whined and glanced at Lucas seeing him head inside leaving me on the deck. I sighed heavily.

"Its not worth asking him...He didn't seem interested at all. All he probably wants is to fuck me once I'm healed so I can give him a child." I said back in my mind to my wolf before sitting down on the swinging bench watching the pack mingle.

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