Personal Soldier (Nathan Syke...

By armita_tw

12.8K 160 13

Katrina Dawson is a strong, opinionated young woman who has taken it upon herself to follow in her deceased f... More

Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.1
Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.2
Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.3
Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.4
Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.5
Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.6
Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.7
Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.8
Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.10
Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.11
Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.12
Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.13
Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.14
Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.15
Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.16
Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.17
Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.18
Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.19
Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.20
Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.21
Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.22
Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.23
Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.24 (Epilogue)

Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.9

448 4 0
By armita_tw

BANG ... BANG ... BANG. This is the sound that awoke me this morning. It was five a.m. ... Who the fuck is here at this time? I jumped out of bed and leaned up to the space above my wardrobe. I pulled out a pistol, if there's someone making that much noise to get in here, it's not gonna be good. Nath's already here, no one else lives so whoever is outside my front door isn't gonna be good news. This is what I thought as I started to descend the staircase. I held the gun out before me. As I neared the bottom steps, the banging stop and was replaced with muffled speech from outside. I'm going to take the chance to open the door, while they're distracted. I unlocked and swung open the door, and pointed the gun out before me.

I was more than a little shocked to see Tom and Max standing in front of me. They were looking at me with wide eyes and their hands were in the air in defence. “Woah woah Kit-Kat put it away it's us!” I lowered my gun immediately, and furrowed my eyebrows. “What the HELL are you doing here you fuckheads, I could have killed you” “Look Kat you need to come now, get Nath up...” Max turned to Tom who nodded at him to continue. “We've found his dad... C'mon we'll explain on the way, there's no time now, you and Nath need to get in the van ... 10 minutes” They turned and ran out into the darkness towards a black van on the footpath, just outside my front gate. Now wasn't the time to stand here shocked. I couldn't even take in what they said before I ran upstairs 3 steps at a time.

I kicked Nath's door to open it and rushed over to his bedside. He had earphone in and music playing. Explains why the banging on the door didn't wake him. I shook him vigorously. “Come on Nathan ... wake .. up” I shouted. His eyes darted open and he looked at me shocked. “What the hell is wrong with you” he huffed. “Nathan this is no time to be an ass ... They've found your dad ... You need to get dressed, get downstairs and into the van .... NOW” I yelled at him before bolting out of the room and into mine. I threw off my pyjamas in a second and put on jeans and a t-shirt. My holster was buckled to my belt with a pistol in it, concealed by my shirt. I was reaching up onto the wardrobe to get my bulletproof vest, as Nathan burst into the bedroom, in the process of pulling a shirt over his head. “Kat ... what's .... I don't understand” he was worried. I looked at him, his bright green eyes widened and his skin had turned a pale colour. I stopped. “Nathan, it's fine, your dad will be okay ... the boys are in the van, they're gonna explain, you're coming cause I can't leave you here, you'd be in too much danger ... just ... come on ... quickly go, go” I ushered him out of the room and down the stairs. I really hoped everything would be fine ... I didn't even know the situation yet.

Both of us jumped into the van and I closed the door. The van sped off instantly. Max and Tom sat opposite me and Nath, I could see Megan in the front with Reg driving, both from security. I turned to Tom “Come on tell me what's going on” “Nath was right Kat-” he turned to look at him but continued to speak to me. “It was Peterson. Well he's one of them anyway, we believe there's more people behind this not just him...” Tom turned back to me. Nathan was staying quiet. Without looking at him I could tell how tense he was, the tension and worry surrounded all of us. “ Peterson was crazy, truly, an absolute whack job. When he was working for Nath's dad, he was stealing foreign information from under his nose. He was plotting his own little war, well 'little' is what Mr. Sykes thought. He was convinced Peterson was some kinda mental patient, he confronted him about the stuff he stole. Peterson knew he'd been found out so he fled... He was gone before Sykes could do one thing about it. We don't know why he didn't report it sooner, but it was too late. Peterson had followers, they captured him and have held him ever since he went missing. Peterson's a good liar though, I mean in the questioning, we almost believed he knew nothing about it, but we were convinced to keep track on him, so we did ... we slipped a data traker onto his close and have been following him from the agency .... We found where he was going, it's an old warehouse, about two hours outside London, and we could hear him ... it's ... we could hear your dad Nath too-” He turned back to Nathan again. His eyes fixed on Toms face as he told us everything. “We got a mic on him and- he was threatening him ... to kill him ... as soon as we heard that we jumped in the vans. He knew too much .. . Your dad did Nath-” I gave Tom a stern look to make him stop. He was gonna put his foot in it, I knew he was. I slid closer to Nathan and grabbed his hand in mine “He'll be fine ... He'll be okay ... we'll get there don't worry.” I whispered to only him.

Nathan squeezed my hand but didn't look at me. He looked down. I could see his eyes glaze over before he shut them, blinking away the tears that threatened to fall. He took a deep breath before letting go of my hand and moving further away from me, resting his head against the window and shutting his eyes. I then remembered what I did to him, last night, he told me how he felt and I trampled on his words. I didn't blame him for not wanting to be near me. But I wanted to hold him, hug him in my arms, make him feel better. I couldn't stand seeing him like this. I also couldn't stand how I couldn't be with him, I couldn't like him the way he wanted me to.

I turned my body away from Nath and saw Tom and Max looking between us both, with sad and confused eyes. I just shook my head. They couldn't know the real reason Nath was so cold with me. They probably thought we both hated each other still and just couldn't ever get along, I'll keep the story that way. Things don't need to be more complicated. I mimicked Nathan's stance on the opposite side of the van, resting my head on the window. I knew what was to come soon, once we got to our destination. There would be a fight ... but I shuddered to think ... One side has to lose - which side will it be? ...

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