My Green Little Doll. [Jason...

By AuliCat

90.7K 2.5K 1.6K

[ Y/N ] Marshall started to feel terrored by the random dolls that always appear out of nowhere on her room. ... More

1. [ Y/N ]'s Backstory.
2. The Reason is...?
3. Who Are You?!
4. Dolls.
5. Uh...I'm... 'Free' ?
6. HuH?!
7. Smile!
8. Keep on Walking...
9. Jason?
10. Mom?!
11. Walking home.
13. I Can't Believe It.
14. This girl...!!!!
15. Training!
16. Yea, I guess.
17. You're so heavy.
18. FIGHT.
19. I won't.
20. Am I Hearing Things?
21. Music Box?
22. Lie?
23. Cuddle.
24. They're Not So Bad, After All.
25. That's Creepy.
26. Indirect Confession.
27. We Time.
28. What's It's Gender?
29. Danger.
30. Not Him!
31. Talking with A Fake Mouse.
32. A Little Help.
33. Bye-bye
34. The Green Doll.
35. Feewings.
36. Please no...
37. Welp, guess i'm fucked.
38. An Exquisite Day
39. I Miss You
40. Haha, sorry.
41. Karma
42. Angel
43. lAsT cHaPTr

12. Just Cry it Out .

2K 58 7
By AuliCat

After I enter her room, Rouge tell me to sit on her bed. I do, and she sits beside me and pats my back.

I tell her everything. She hears every single word behind her mask. She try to make me calm by giving me water, patting me, hugs me, and so much more. I thanked her for hearing me out and get out of her room.

I want to go home.

I walk towards the main door, but I suddenly bumped to Jeff's chest. He just entered the mansion. Smile dog barks behind him.

" Hey, where are ya going? " Jeff asked me. He put his hands on my shoulder because I was pretty suprised, and it hurts too.

" Oh, just going home. " I say. He gave me a stare without blinking (because he never does blink), and put both his hands on his jacket pocket again.

" Well, don't ya like another day here? " he ask. I smile, but then shakes my head right and left.

" I don't really want to make you guys bothered. Besides, I can't leave my house alone either. Thanks! " I chuckle a bit to make it doesn't sound awkward.

" Well, ok. Be careful, kiddo. " Suddenly Laughing Jack appears behind me and pat my back. I nod and get out of the mansion after rubbibg Smile Dog's belly. He almost bit me.

I walk, and walk, and continue to walk. I hear a bell ringing behind me when I'm halfway home. I turn back, and guess who it is. It's Jason.

At first I thought it will be Candy Pop because those little bells he have, but no. It's Jason. I smile at him as I hug Jason's doll tight. " Oh? You still keep them all? "

" Of course, they're beautiful. " I say, as I look down at Jason's doll. I realize the condition near us.

Some people just look at Jason, interested. Some are curious of what he is, because it's not normal for someone who looks like a magician to be here. Some also laughs cutely seeing Jason and Jason's doll that I hug.

I look up to Jason. His eyes were golden now. This is his fake form, isn't it? He's not actually like this.

" Well, Jason, I'll go ho-"

" Wait, are you just came from the mansion, [ Y/N ]? " Jason ask so sudden. I nod. He sighs, but his eyes are still calm.

" [ Y/N ], I wish you consider staying tonight, too. " he say as he look at me seriously. What is it?

As if he can read my mind, he answers what I'm asking inside my head. " It's your mom. " I widen my eyes in shock. I just came to her grave, and now he's saying something about her?

" Isn't she's already... dead, Jason? " I ask him. He still looks at me, but then he just leaves to the crowds. I try to chase him, but then he's just... gone.

I'll just go to the mansion again. Maybe he's there?

◀ Slendy's Mansion ▶

I knock the door, but no one answers. What is happening? I knock a little harder, but no response.

Suddenly, a hand with a black handkerchief covers my mouth, and the last second before I blacked out, I can only see Jason's face, opening the door, as I was being pulled somewhere. I hug his doll tight.


I open my eyes and can only see blank space. I can't see anything. I even touch the skins near my eyes to make sure my eyes wasn't closed with something. This room is so dark. I feel Jason's doll in my hands, so I hug it tight.

" Hello? " I say, and it echoes. The echo makes me realize how big this room I'm in must be. I stand up slowly and reach my hand to the top of this room. I've jumped, and I can feel nothing. So ir must be a big and tall room.

Suddenly, I realize a pair of green eyes watching me. " J-Jason? " I walk there, but the person blinks and close b
his eyes. Now I can't see shit.

I still try to walk there. I try to find something, anything... Huh? What is this on my toes? I slowly crouch and try to touch every cm of this thing so that I can know what it is.

I think it's a... flashlight. Yes! Just what I need. Turning on the flashlight, the one who's right in front of me was Jason himself.

" Jason! " he's sitting on a chair, crying and whimpering. His hands covering his face. I drop my flashlight in shock. I don't know how to comfort him. If I ask something, he'll just get more sad if I ask right now.

So, I hug him and pat him on his back. He rest his face on my shoulder and I think he feel comfort. He mumbles some words I can't really tell, but at least he feels better. But suddenly, my hands feels weak and my body feels more and more weighless per millisecond.

Uh... I'm blacking out again...

◀ Jason's Room ▶

I wake up yet again. This is the room I surely recognize. It's Jason's room. I just sleep in the same bed last night, how do I say I didn't recognize this room?

I see Jason's doll beside me, under the blanket too, just like me. I give it a hug and stared at it again. " Jason, do you saw what happened? " I ask the doll. Expectedly, he didn't answer.

I hug the doll in my arms and stand up from the bed. I walk towards the door outside, and I saw someone who I can't believe I can ever see again.

You know who it is, of course.

" Mother!! "


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