Dirty Little Secret // C.H.

By Amadie

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"We can't tell anyone." She told him. "Luke would kill us." "Don't worry, babe." Calum smirked. "It'll be our... More



1.5K 37 16
By Amadie

Despite the lads' objections and her terrible headache, Sienna watched the show. She wasn't going to miss a single show on this tour, especially not because someone decided to throw a rock at her.

She didn't fight Luke on watching from the security pit this time. She knew it was the only way to keep him from worrying even more than he already was.

He worried enough about her and he'd already had a stressful day. She didn't plan to make that any worse.

During the show, Calum's eyes hardly ever left Sienna. Sienna figured he was just being protective of her, but in reality he was expecting her to collapse at any second and preparing himself to jump off stage the second it happened.

Luckily, there was no need. Sienna watched the show despite her headache without any complications. She obeyed the medic's orders to take it easy. So, she didn't do very much dancing or cheering, but as long as she was there she was content.

Now, they were all on the bus on their way to the next venue.

Sienna was cuddled back on the sofa between Michael and Calum. She hadn't meant to fall asleep, but as soon as she got comfortable she just crashed.

Calum had an arm around her shoulders and Sienna had an arm intertwined with one of Michael's.

Michael and Calum were in a situation were if either of them moved very much, Sienna would wake up. Neither of them wanted that. Plus, they didn't have a problem cuddling with Sienna.

Ashton and Luke were huddled together in the floor.

It was Ashton's idea to have a livestream to let everyone know Sienna was okay since videos and pictures of the incident were all over social media. So, Luke and Ashton were in the process of explaining what happened.

"She was in a bit of pain. Mostly just a terrible headache though." Luke said calmly.

"We had our medic examine her." Ashton added. "She's bandaged up and..." He turned the phone to look directly at the three of them on the sofa. "As you can see, she's in very good hands."

"I wanna' talk." Calum held his arm out, careful not to wake Sienna. "Let me talk." He waved his arm at Ashton.

Ashton handed him the phone quickly.

"First, thank you to everyone who came out to the show tonight and I hope you enjoyed it." He said truthfully. "Second, to the person who hurt Sienna," He didn't sigh or show any sign of anger. Only seriousness shown through his voice. "I wish I could explain to you how deeply it hurts me that one of our fans would ever do such a thing. Truly, it breaks my heart." He let out a sigh. "And finally, I beg anyone who sees this to never do anything to harm this girl." Calum turned the phone on Sienna for a brief moment.

Long enough for the fans to see her asleep on Calum's shoulder and flood the livestream with comments about Calum and Sienna being in love.

Calum didn't say anything else. He just handed the phone to Ashton and stared at the bandages on Sienna's head with sorrow.

"She's okay." Michael said quietly to Calum. "You can breathe now."


After everyone had fallen asleep, Calum snuck into Sienna's bunk.

Calum checked the cut on Sienna's head to see if he needed to change the bandages.

"You might have a scar, but it'll be small." He whispered, placing the bandages back over the cut.

""Smalla' then a bug?"" Sienna quoted the story Michael had told her about Calum's childhood, a wide grin on her face.

"Who told you about that?" Calum groaned.

"Mike." Sienna explained. "You were such a cute kid."

Calum covered his face with his hand, hoping to hide from the embarrassment of his childhood.

His hand fell away quickly when Sienna pulled him into a kiss by the back of his neck. She pulled away from the kiss to smile at him, her fingers tugging lightly at the hair on the back of his head.

When her phone vibrated next to her, she knew who it was.

There were only two people who ever called her and she had a good feeling she knew which of the two it was. One would realize it's late where she is and let her sleep. The other wouldn't care to wake her.

She smiled at the name that appeared on the screen.

"Hello?" She answered the call quietly.

"Why are you whispering?" Niall asked in confusion.

"Because it's like three in the morning, Ni."

"Oh, yeah." Niall realized, laughing loudly into the phone. "Sorry, Enna." He added through his laughter. Sienna grinned.

"So, what's up?" Sienna said quietly.

"Have you checked any social media?" He asked curiously.

"No, why?"

"You are everywhere." He admitted. "I know the boys told everyone you were fine with the livestream and all-"

"The what?" Sienna interrupted quickly.

"Thanks a lot, Horan." Calum muttered. On the dead silent tour bus, Calum could hear every word Niall said. "You were asleep." Calum explained.

"Even if they've already told everyone you're okay, you should say something, Enna."

"He's right." Calum whispered.

"You've got fans too. They're waiting to hear something from you." Niall assured her.

"I'll post something." Sienna decided. "Send my love to Tommo, okay?"

"Can do, babe." Niall said happily. "Tell Calum I said hi."

Calum grinned at the words. Sienna held the phone out to him.

"Hey, babe." Calum said into the phone before Sienna quickly put it back to her ear.

"Sharing a bunk now, are we?" Niall said and Sienna could literally hear the cheeky grin on his face. "Cozy."

"Goodnight, Niall." Sienna laughed, staying as quiet as she could. "I'll call you in the morning."

"I love you." Niall laughed. Talking to Sienna always put him in the best moods.

"I love you too." Sienna said before ending the call.

"He adores you. You know that, right?" Calum said, grateful she had a friend like Niall.

"I know." Sienna admitted, missing Niall a little more than she had been.

She quickly logged onto Twitter and scrolled through the dozens of posts about her accident. She was actually trending on twitter since word of the incident had spread throughout the entire fandom like wildfire.

She'd even gotten tweets from celebrities.

Ed Sheeran had said how horrible it was for someone to do such a thing and he hoped Sienna was okay.

Ariana Grande had voiced how she would never understand why people did horrible things to good people. She also sent her love and prayers to Sienna.

Louis Tomlinson had made multiple angry and hurt tweets about what had happened to his friend.

"Looking at these posts, you'd think someone bashed my skull in." Sienna was astonished by how much worse the whole thing had seemed than it had actually been. She turned the phone to Calum, showing him a picture of Sienna's face when it had been covered in blood. "It really wasn't that bad."

"But you bled a lot." Calum told her. "The blood is what scared me." He confessed. "Blood doesn't make me squeamish or anything, but when I saw blood all over your face, my heart dropped. I thought you were hurt bad, Enna." He explained, pulling her a little closer to him. "I'd say anyone who's seen the posts thought so too."

"You lads did the the livestream though. They saw that I'm alright."

"They saw you asleep on my shoulder with a bandaged head." Calum shrugged. "You should say something."

Sienna typed a quick tweet assuring everyone that she was fine and thanked them for their concerns.

She locked her phone and tossed it next to her. She snuggled up close to Calum once again.

"Thank you."

"For what?" Calum asked curiously.

"For taking care of me today." Sienna said softly. "You know, cleaning me up and letting me take a nap on you." She giggled quietly.

"Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure you were saying my name in your sleep." Calum said with a growing smirk. "What kind of dreams you having about me, Hemmings?"

Sienna rolled her eyes even though Calum couldn't see it, but the smile on her face only grew.

After that, the two of them laid tangled up together in silence.

Calum held Sienna close to him, playing gently with a few strands of her hair.

Sienna rested comfortably on Calum's chest, tracing circles on his skin.

The longer they remained silent, the more thoughts flooded into Sienna's mind. Something Calum seemed to have caught on to.

"What's goin' on in that pretty little head of yours?" He asked quietly.

"I don't understand myself." Sienna admitted, deciding to let him in. "One day I'm having panic attacks out of nowhere, then the next day I'm singing and playing around like I don't have a worry in the world." She explained. "I don't get it."

She liked the feeling she got when she told Calum what was actually going through her mind.

Maybe if I just tell him what I'm feeling, Sienna realized, I won't have to bear it alone.

She wanted Calum to understand her. She wanted him to help her bear her burdens, but at the same time she didn't want to be a burden.

"You've been through a lot, Enna." Calum said. "Of course you're gonna' have good days and bad days." He had a way of speaking when he knew Sienna was upset that made her feel different from anyone else in his life. "Don't go convincing yourself you're bipolar."

Calum said it in a joking matter, but he was sure Sienna had thought it at least once. He was right.

"You're recovering. It's a long process of ups and downs." He promised her, having lived through it with Ashton. "Until one day you won't second guess everything you say or do, and you won't dwell on things until you've convinced yourself you're a burden," He moved his hand to her face, stroking her cheek gently with his thumb.  "and you'll figure out how incredible you are." He pressed a soft quick kiss to her lips. "It just takes time." He assured her. "You've got this, babe."

"We've got this." Sienna corrected him quickly, a refreshed determination in her heart to overcome her demons.

"It's late." He sighed. "We should get some sleep."

"Yeah." Sienna agreed, moving closer to the back of the bunk so Calum had room to get down.

"I'm right here if you need me, okay?" He reminded her.

"I know." Sienna nodded. "Go get some rest."

Calum pressed a kiss to her lips before climbing out of the bunk as quietly as he could manage and crawling into his own bunk.

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