crucio ━ harry potter (1)

By harringtonsbloom

3.9M 163K 342K

KILLING CURSE SERIES || in which the daughter of sirius black discovers she is destined to destroy the wizard... More

introduction and cast
graphic portfolio + scene manips
i. Crucio vs engorgio skullus
ii. The singing lady
iii. the inner eye and lessons
iv. trevor the toad
v. boggart in the wardrobe
vi. late nights
vii. halloween disappointment
viii. rebellious gryffindors
vix. downfall of quidditch
x. lupin's favouritism
xii. christmas toll
xiii. chocolate cake
xv. the start of the damage
xv. full moon
i. Lonely days
ii. morsmordre
iii. the unforgivables
iv. inevitably doomed
v. punches and the hungarian horntail
vi. unknown parcels
vii. sky full stars
viii. the dog
ix. broken hearts (for more than one)
x. matchmaking
xi. the yule ball (part1)
xii. the yule ball (part2)
xiii. a lonesome christmas
xiv. a splash of water
xv. scarlet women
xvi. incapable of human emotions?
xvii. potter for the win
xviii. the return
xvix. a (not so) cheery family reunion
i. drunk words, sober mind
ii. grimmauld place
iii. humble encounters
iv. joys of parenthood
v. difference in demeanour
vi. star wars marathon
vii. black roses
viii. luke's intentions
ix. the boy who lies
x. the first day
xi. detention
xii. saturday
xiii. beckham hampton
xiv. the longbottoms
xv. high inquistor
xvi. hog's head
xvii. hagrid's tale
xviii. the dream
xix. the dragon
xx. the accident
xxi. long overdue
xxii. goodbyes
xxiii. déjà vu
xxiv. arthurs attack
xxv. christmas*
xxvi. times turning
xxvii. chess
xxviii. beckham's theme
xxix. a bad day
xxxi. the start of the downfall
xxxii. o.w.l.s*
xxxiii. caught
xxxiv. ministry of magic
xxxv. loss of control
xxxvi. conjoined
xxxvii. bittersweet ending
i. The change
ii. search for sirius
iii. acceptance
i. the reawakening
ii. unexpected arrivals
iii. weeks
iv. her hope
v. flames arise*
vi. open grave
vii. the boy and girl who lived
ix. control
x. love
xi. reality hits
xii. adjustment
xiii. tiny dragons
xiv. "why is it always you four?"
xv. gryffindor party of broken hearts
xvi. hyperion
xvii. the party of jealously
xviii. the aftermath
xvix. a different christmas
xx. the ski resort part one
xxi. the ski resort part two
xxii. ron's birthday
xxiii. the aleksanders*
xxiv. felix felicis
xxv. the four sisters
xxvi. sectumsempra
xxvii. tequila
xxviii. crash
xxix. runskin
xxx. bliss
xxxi. the plans
xxxii. the last dance
xxxiii. melancholy
xxxiv. obilerate*
time skip:
01. aurora's lament
02. Accomplice
iii. strangers

viii. don't go breaking my heart

31.5K 1.3K 3.3K
By harringtonsbloom

★ ★ ★



★ ★ ★

Since coming back Harry did not leave her side.

She had even expecting a little shielding but to the extend where he was insanely worried about her. Obviously there was some exceptions to this but ever since the other night when they were intimate with one another, there was a new part of their relationship they were both exploring: and it was one another.

It had been a few days since she came back and in those few days she was discovery just how much she had loved him. Tonight however, the three of them had enough to staying indoors and decided they were going to go out for the night. It was a bit of a spur of the moment decision and Luke was the one who suggested it.

"We need to be getting dressed soon, Harry." Aurora managed to mumble out. It was about seven now and the two of them weren't dressed or ready. Instead, Harry was kissing her stomach in a way that made her both want to laugh and leave him because of how it made her feel. He had lifted up her shirt and his lips were now on her chest. "Harry...we need to get dressed..."

"Fine, fine." he chirped happily retracting his body from on her. She gave a small sigh. He extends his hands and helps her off the bed. She glances around her room at how incredibly messy it had been. Her clothes were all over the floor, her bed wasn't made and her laundry basket was in the corner closed. Harry must have thought the same thing because he voiced out his concerns. "Maybe we should clean your room."

"It's your fault it's messy. You're a mess."

"You can't blame the mess on me."

She leaned down and held up three shirts that were on the floor that had all been his. "I beg to differ."

"Well you're the one who told me to take them off." Harry replied, and she heard the confidence in his tone. "Actually I remember you practically begging me to-"

"Finish that sentence and you can sleep on the couch for the rest of your time here." she warned playfully, but he knew she wouldn't do that. She couldn't sleep alone anymore and she didn't want to. She could barely sleep as it was and Harry had stayed awake with her every time offering to keep her company when she couldn't. He stayed silent. "That's what I thought."

"Where do you keep the cleaning stuff?"

"In one of the presses in the living room. I don't clean so I don't know."

The two of them entered the living room where Luke was there, almost dressed but was eating. He sat at the table and when seen that both their hair was wet, he commented.

"Saving water. How environmentally friendly."

"I like saving water. We should do it more often." Harry mentions, before going back into their bedroom.

Aurora gave Luke an apologetic look before questioning, "Are you sure it's a good idea to go out tonight? What happens if someone sees?"

"Who cares?" he shrugs, "We're going to the Weasley's tomorrow anyway right?" when she gave him a small nod, he shrugs aimlessly again. "Even if anyone notices us which I doubt they will it'll be too late because everyone who needs to know first will know. Plus, not many Wizards go the muggle pubs."

"Especially since they are more death eaters now than normal people!" Harry called from her bedroom.

"He's right. You've nothing to worry about. You're alive! It's time to live!" Luke grins.

"I'm really liking this new Luke."

"I'm glad to hear it."

Stepping back into her room, she noticed Harry had half the room already clean and was grateful for that. As she began picking up the remainder of clothes, she decided to ask him something that's been on her mind for the last couple of days. "You know, we've been saving water a lot over the last few days. Do you think it's time we maybe take it to the next level?"

She knew typically you'd wait and see what would happen when having sex with someone but Harry had been so incredibly strange when they came to it over the last few days. It didn't make sense to her because the two of them had explored one another in every single way except that one. He would always either pull away or quickly come up with an excuse. She didn't want to pressure him which is why she thought to ask about it; so she would have an idea if he was comfortable with what was going on.

He seemed a little confused, until she clarified. "You seem a little uncomfortable with the idea of us two having-"

"No, no I want to really badly." he suddenly quickly says and her brows raise. He realises what he says and his face turns bright red. "Don't get me wrong, of course I want to. I just didn't bring it up because I didn't want to make you think that just because we're together that we have to do it. "

Aurora liked when he said things like that. She liked when he was completely honest. "So you want to? I thought maybe you were uncomfortable with what we've been doing."

Harry looked as though he wanted to laugh. "Are you joking? The last few days have been the best of my life...."

"Yeah, I could tell." she muttered, with a small grin.

"Have you?" Harry asked, eyes flickering up. "I know it's not my business but have you had with anyone? Will I be your first time or...."

There was something in his tone that told her he was desperate for her to say that he would be. She shakes her head, and he resisted the urge to let out a thankful sigh.

"Yes, you'll be my first, Harry. It almost happened a few times though, mostly with Theo, it was very close-" she began, without thinking.

"Nott?" Harry interrupted, nose scrunching. "Theo Nott?"

She nods, and she seen the discomfort on his face when knowing the information. There was also Beckham last year except he'd said she was to young and wanted to wait until they were together much longer. If anything, she was always sure that her and Theo would. The two of them always ended up together when at her grandparents ball. Theo had been

"Well, I'm glad." he grins.

She sends him a small smile. "What about you? Have you-"

"Don't be silly." he muttered. "Of course not."

"Right forgot that." she retorted. "You've always been so obsessed with me."

"Go away."

While Harry and Luke waited in the living room, she got dressed after spending a long time trying to find the dress she wanted. It was a short black one that Alive had given her. It stopped at her higher things and came down along the front and hugged her waist very tightly. It was slightly uncomfortable but she had to wear it because firstly, it was the only outfit that fitted her and secondly it made her not just feel but look good.

Ever since coming back Aurora had felt like a walking set of bones and this dress made her look like an actual person, and made her feel like one. She went into the living room and both boys grinned.

Luke raised his brows and Harry looked absolutely delighted. She gave a spin and Harry grinned at her lovingly.

★ ★ ★

The last time Aurora had a night like this one was the night that she and Luke went to Grimmauld.

The three of them had went to the pub, and had an incredibly good time. Firstly, Luke was drunk within in a few minutes and the boy had absolutely no toleration for alcohol. However she had to admit drunk Luke was a good thing because he was always full of confidence and happy; but ever since she came back she did notice he'd been rather confident anyway. He had become less shy which was an incredibly good thing.

Then there was Harry who was a high tolerance for alcohol - except when he overdid it. Like tonight.

The two of them decided to do Karaoke in the pub, whilst Aurora sat in the corner simply stunned at the sight ahead of her.

Even worse was the fact they'd somehow gotten matching small blue hats.

It had been maybe the best and worst thing she'd ever seen in her entire life. It started when Luke saw a group of people dancing to blame it on the boogie and insisted they danced. Aurora didn't want to, and said she'd mind both boys drinks. Then about ten minutes later somehow the two went on stage and started singing. They ended up singing break my stride, uptown girl and wannabe be.

"Not the spice girls, please Merlin no." she groaned, throwing her head into her hands.

And then Luke decided to give Harry a moment in the spotlight that he clearly adored. When she saw Harry searched the crowd before pointing a finger at her, she instantly drew in a short breath and ordered another drink for herself.

"This ones goes out to my beautiful girlfriend." Harry slurred and many jealous eyes went on her. There had been so many people completely drooling over him and Luke all night that she lost count. Next thing don't go breaking my heart by Elton John had come up and he was almost in tears singing it. "She has pretty grey eyes."

The thing was Harry could actually sing, which surprised her. She never heard him even mumble a song but the face he was instantly drunk right now and could still sing rather well. He could really sing and she found herself very attracted to him currently, especially when he winked at her whilst singing.

"What an odd person." she says out loud to herself, looking at him.

Once he was finished he jumped down from the stage, delighted by the round of apologise he received. "Thank you! Thank you that's all!"

He planted himself almost on top of her and almost knocked over his drink. "Where have you been?"

"Right here." she laughed out, and pressed a hand to his head. He was warm. "How are you feeling? You've never drank this much."

"Bloody brilliant!" he grins, his smile sending shivers through her.

She replicated his grin back, before leaning into meet his lips. Granted, she was never a massive fan of pda but everyone in the pub was either to occupied on Luke to noticed them or was to drunk. She had seen many people doing worse tonight. Also she hadn't liked the amount of girls who had tried to speak with him tonight, so hopefully that would send a message. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down closer to her, and parted his mouth softly to allow herself full access to him.

He placed his hands on her thigh and in her hair, and let out a small grunt when she pulled away.

"Your lips taste like cherry." he muttered, eyes on them. He leaned forward and pecked them again. "I like cherry."

Slowly she looked into his jade green eyes, amused. "How much have you had to drink?"

"You're the one who suggested we do those little drinks!"

"Do you mean shots?" she retorted with a small smile.

"Ah yes, shots! You said to do them!"

"No, Harry, that was you."

"It was?"

"Yes." Aurora mused with a large smile, she let a small laugh escaped her lips.

He grinned mischievously, and leaned into her side and whispers. "It's a pity we aren't at home right now." she shifted her eyes to him for a second, and gave him a curious look. "I think we should go home."

"I know what you're insinuating and as much as I'd like to-" she begins because she really would have wanted to. "You're drunk."

"You're right." he mumbles. "I also wanna go home because I feel like I'm going to get sick."

For the first time ever she had to carry home a drunk Harry and Luke. Even though she was extremely tipsy right now and broke her heel on the way home, she had a feeling that without her both boys were going to hurt themselves - especially Luke who was dancing non-stop since leaving the pub.

Granted, she did find them both very amusing, especially Harry.

She had just managed to cross them both over the road without falling when someone around their age had come over. She barely payed attention to him until he went and stood right in front of her. "Do you want a hand with them? You look like you're struggling."

"Oh, no thanks." she says giving him a small smile. "My apartment is close-"

"Back off." Harry suddenly barked at the man who flinched. "She has a boyfriend."

"Oh no, mate, I was just offering." the boy replied, sending Aurora a look that said he didn't mean to seem forward and just wanted to help.

"It's me." Harry slurred, wrapping an arm tightly around her lower back. Aurora sent the boy an apologetic look.

Next thing out of nowhere Luke had leaned forward and hurled onto the ground, getting sick causing an immediate spree of laughter from Harry and after a moment Luke. "Oh my god that was - hilarious."

"I'm so sorry." was all Aurora could shout after the boy who had almost immediate left them, his shirt and shoes covered in Luke's vomit. She turns back to Luke and Harry who were dying with laughter. "Stop laughing."

"I wish Ron could have seen that."

"I can't breathe." Luke wiped tears from his eyes.

"You two are so mean." she yells, and they laugh even harder.

Aurora had realised whilst she was dead that Harry's personality had become a lot more confident and outgoing than before. She had a feeling perhaps his father influenced him with that. When he almost fell down again, she quickly grabbed his right arm and wrapped it around her shoulder and helped him walk.

"Disgusting!" Harry whispers dramatically to her as they continue making their way to the apartment. "He was trying to sleep with you.....everyone loves Nott, Beckham, and bloody Enzo. I HATED Enzo."

She rolled her eyes. "Not every guy is trying to sleep with me Harry."

"You'd be surprised."

They eventually made it into the apartment loft and started walking up the stairs.

"Stop hitting one another!" Aurora yells at Harry and Luke as they walk up the stairs. The two stop shoving and walk normally into the apartment door. When they enter she locks the door with the key and turns to both of them.

"I'm going to bed." Luke mutters almost falling on his way to her bedroom. "Goodnight all!"

"Luke that's my room."

"Oops! Right now I'm going to bed! Goodnight all." he went into his own room this time.

It was dark and the only thing lighting was the candle in the corner of the room. She tried to find the switch but couldn't. Which is why she grabbed Harry's hand and guided him into her room, she had to practically drag him there because he was so bloody stiff and drunk he barely moved. She closed the door and found the light switch immediately. Her eyes flickered towards Harry who had taken off his shirt and went into her bed.

"Sleep on your side." she mentions giving him a small nod. She walks over and lifts his hair away from his glasses so she could see him. He grinned. "That way you won't get sick."

"W-Where are you going?" he asked, pouting when she went to walk away.

"To check on Luke and then watch television. I might have had a little to drink but I'm not tired or drunk, you need to go to sleep-"

"But I can't sleep without you!" he called dramatically, reaching his hands out.

"Oh shut up!"

"Oh, Aurora." Harry started, reaching out to playfully pull her back by her waist onto the bed. She tried to swat his hands away but failed when he pulled her back onto the bed and gave her waist a squeeze. She lay across him, the only part of her not touching him was her hands which had been on his chest holding herself up. "I love you."

"I love you too." she whispers, leaning forward to kiss him softly. When he leaned down to the exposed part of her chest and started kissing it, she had to remind herself just how drunk he was. "You're drunk."

"So?" he asked.

"I don't want to take advantage of you."

"I'm not drunk!"

"How many fingers am I holding up?"

Before she even held up any fingers, he started to count imaginary numbers. "Eleven." she gave him a look of confusion, but he brought his fingers and started tracing circles along her collarbone which distracted her. "Two."

Oh hell.

"Go asleep." she told him quietly and took his hands and brought them to her lips. She pressed a small light kiss against them. "I'll see you in the morning."

This time, he did seem tired and rolled over so he could sleep. He almost suffocated her but thankfully she was able to get out and leave the room. She went in and checked on Luke who was fast asleep snoring loudly.

"Such idiots." she hissed laying back on the couch. She let out a small sigh. "I really need to see Hermione again."

She stood up and walked to the fridge and took out a bottle of water. She drank it all before turning around. Through the outline of the room, she could see Harry standing in the doorway. She almost screamed.

"Merlin, Harry. You scared me. What are you playing at?"

Harry didn't move and then she noticed another outline in the corner of the room.

You've got to be shitting on me. I thought I'd gotten rid of all of them. She quickly steps forward and extends her hands and both of them drop to the ground, yelling out. They let out yells and she recognises one of the voices, and stops. From her spot, she finally seen the light switch and flickered it on.

Instantly her eyes widened.

It was Remus, and.......(she let a small gasp out) James fucking Potter.

Instantly she moved her hands away, and raised her hand to her mouth. "U-Uncle Remus, what are you-"

Remus stood up from the ground, eyes widened. Remus Lupin, one of the people in this world that she trusted with her heart. The first person she knew actually cared about her. Her eyes filled with tears.

"James was right." he says in a whisper. "You're actually alive. I thought he was seeing things."

When he knew, she sprinted over to him and hugged him tightly. Remus gripped her softly, and when she pulled away, he pressed a kiss on his head.

"It was your mum wasn't it?" he asked and she nods softly. "How long have you been back?"

She creased her eyebrows. "A little over a week."

"A WEEK?" she had almost forgotten that James Potter was here. When she turned to him, she almost did a double take. The resemblance between he and Harry was remarkable. James sends her a soft smile. "Hi Aurora."

She had felt incredibly out of place at the moment, it happened so fast and she didn't even know where to begin with him. What was she suppose to say to him? Is this what being nervous felt like? He was standing there expecting her to say something but when she couldn't even say hello he had spoke again.

"You probably don't remember me, I'm James, Harry's father, of course you know that though." James mentions with a soft wink. "I should probably say thank you for bringing me back from the dead-"

"O-Oh it wasn't intentional." she blurted out causing her own eyes to widened with her words. That sounded and came out so wrong. "I mean not that I didn't want to bring you back! Of course I did. I should be congratulating you actually,...welcome back."

"You look so like your mum." he says with a soft smile and instantly her eyes flicker up to meet his brown ones. That was a new one. He must have noticed her surprise because he added, "I presume you're not used to hearing that one."

"No, I'm not." she tells him timidly.

"You've got her smile." James stated and Aurora heard his voice quiver. "She'd be very proud of what you did."

This had broken some form on the tension between them because instantly her eyes soften, and she leans over and hugs him instantly. James could not have welcomed the hug anymore: he wanted to hug her when he first seen her but didn't know if the girl would have wanted that. At the end of the day, she didn't know him.

"I'm ready to fulfil my godfather duties." James grins, tipping an imaginary hat.

Her brows furrow. "I thought Remus was my godfather?"

"No, I am." James grins.

Remus sends James a confused look. "What are you on about? Sirius named me godfather-"

"He did what? When?" James yells, instantly offended.

"The night she was born!" Remus exclaimed.

She saw a dark look in James' eyes when he said the night she was born but it passed quickly. "What? Magnolia named me godfather the night she was born too."

"You're lying."

"You're the liar."

From far away, Regulus Black had been scowling: he'd also been promised godfather.

Instantly Aurora could see many ways Harry was like his father, the constant hand through his unkept hair, the over talking and confidence. That must have been where Harry got it from this summer. His father must have influenced him.

"My dad? He's not with either of you?" she asked, not hiding the hope in her voice. "Actually, how did you know I was alive?"

James was the one to answer. "Sirius was convinced that Magnolia had destroyed the other world. He told me that she promised him but I knew her. I knew her long before he did. I knew she wouldn't have. I had a feeling that if anything was to ever happen to you, she'd always be there to catch you."

She looks at him. "She did."

"Then a couple days ago I heard Harry went missing from Hogwarts - very Potter style by the way. I immediately came here because I knew if Luke was here it'd be the only place he'd go. That or your grave, which was very poorly dug by the way." James mentions. "I saw you the other day, collecting the post."

"Always the detective, James."

"Thanks, moony." James sends him a wink before turning back to Aurora who was watching them in amusement. They reminded her of Harry and Luke except more chaotic. "Anyways, we didn't say anything to your father, but we sent him a letter a few days ago telling him we had an emergency and he needed to come back."

"But where is he? Is he safe?"

Neither James or Remus knew. Sirius hadn't replied to any of their letters since he left. However they couldn't let her know that.

"Yes he's completely safe. He's staying at a hotel for a few days, can remember where but he's fine." Remus answers and Aurora felt her mind at ease. "No need to worry, he'll be back in a few days hopefully."

"He might have a heart attack when he sees you though." James snorted out and she smiles at him. "He's been broken about you."

"I can't wait to see him." was all she could say. If she thought about the affect her dying on him, she knew she wouldn't be able to keep her emotion together.

"Right, well tell us everything that happened, right from the beginning."

Aurora forced herself to smile as she sat down and went through the entire story of everything that happened. As usual, leaving out the part about Marcos and his followers showing up. She hadn't told anyone about that.

It felt like she would never escape it.

★ ★ ★

I didn't have any motivation for this so I'm so surprised I actually updated!!! What did you think of this chapter?

We finally got James and Aurora! I hope you were happy with their meeting! There will be a lot more scenes between them in the coming chapters!

What do you think of the new cover? I love it so much!!!

Also thank you to everyone whose been commenting it really motivates me, the last few chapters have all gotten 1,000+ comments which is crazy! Thank you so much.

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