English Affair || jjk ff

By lovelypsyche97

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"The way my name comes out of your mouth drives me crazy, do you understand that?" "Do you want me to stop... More



64 2 5
By lovelypsyche97

Violet took the bundle of room keys from the main house, escorting the group back out through the front door.

"Can we swim?" Hoseok asked as he pointed at the pool by the house.

"Why not the ocean?" Jimin asked while tilting his head in the direction of the white beach at the edge of the property, one arm carrying his bag as the other cradles the sphinx kitty. "It's not cold yet, just a little breezy."

"Why beach and a pool?" Taehyung asked, Violet zoning out a bit as she fiddles with the keys in her hand.

"I was terrified of the ocean when I was younger." She gave a brief answer as she unlocked the main door.

"She almost drowned when she was seven." Indigo provided a further explanation, eliciting a glare from the red-haired girl. "She felt something brush against her leg, she attempted to run away. It that attempt, she tripped, going under water and being down for approximately two minutes."

"I'm going to kill you, keep telling my business." Violet smiled towards her brother, the others oblivious to her threat in Spanish. "Try me."

Digo raised his hands in surrender, hiding behind Jungkook. "Don't let her hit me."

Jungkook caught her eyes, a smile spreading on his lips as the girl blushed lightly in front of him. She sighed heavily, cursing in her head as she opened the door widely. The group entered, soft murmurs of the interior being more stunning than expected from the main house.

"I figured you guys would prefer some more privacy from my family, so this is the better house. There's wifi, gaming options, TVs, recreation room in the back. How's the kitchen--"

"I might need to grab some drinks from the main house." Digo spoke up, darting out the house.

Vi shook her head, continuing her train of thought. "For the most part, the pantry should be well stocked. My mother usually made two meals a day, breakfast and dinner, lunch is optional. If you have a request, just ask. I was thinking we could have dinner out tonight, Korean food." She walked them through the house, showing them everything from the kitchen and bathrooms, to the individual rooms. She unlocked the rooms for the boys to choose from, locking the unused rooms back.

"If you need me, the bedside phones have a list of contacts, one being directly to my room. Or, of course, you can just text my cell." She wrapped up her introductory speech as she stood in front of the boys in the living room, taking Medusa from Jimin's hands. "Any questions?"

"Where is your room? What if there's an emergency?" Jungkook asked, arms crossed on his chest.

"If there is an emergency, I will make it to you right away." Vi smiled, looking away from the brunette and towards the others. "Anything else? If not, you may nap, make yourselves comfortable, swim--with caution, continue talking with my mother, whatever you'd like." She smiled brighter, tilting her head slightly. "Think of this place as a home away from home." She bowed, exiting the room and making her way back to the main house.

The group looked at each other, eyes glistening as they each feel excitement for different reasons.




"No schedule."


"Is there alcohol?"

"Where do you think her room is?"

The youngest had all eyes on him, most of which held a scrutinizing gaze, aside from three that held a knowing gaze without being obvious to the others around them.

"Just worried, that's all." Jungkook mumbled slightly, scratching the side of his neck as he looked back to the door. "Let's go swim."

The group parted and prepared for swimming, each in their individual swim attire as they walked out the door. They separated, between the pool and the ocean. Jungkook made his way to the pool, sitting on the edge as he sighs softly. Raking his fingers through his hair, he quickly noticed the shadow over him.

Jimin and Taehyung hovered over Jungkook, a grin on their lips as they looked down at him with mischievous eyes. Jungkook could understand the look in their eyes, shaking his head with rapid movements as their hands make their way to the valley of his underarms, the movements too quick for him to fight.

Jungkook gasped as his body penetrated back through the surface of the water, his hands raking his hair back as he throws glares towards the two mischievous creatures who began to run towards the ocean. Jungkook scoffed, shaking his head and going back underneath the water to enjoy the cooling sensation. Breathing deeply once he resurfaces, he shakes the water from his head, raking his hand back through his hair as he opens his eyes.

Jungkook's breath catches in his throat as he catches sight of Violet walking out of the main house. The stretch of her porcelain legs exposed to the sun was nearly reflective but it had a glow on its own as her tattooed feet moved across the stone pathway from the grassy area down to the sand. His eyes gazed at the way the black, white, and sunflowered bikini exposed her body in an alluring way, his breathing, once pushed through, harsh from his chest as he moves out from the pool to catch the girl.

Violet noticed as Digo ran past her, tossing his shirt off and into the sand as he fled full force while screaming towards the ocean. She paused, noticing six sets of eyes on her, suddenly feeling a bit self-conscience in her skin in comparison to the groups sun-kissed tones. Except for Yoongi, he was the closest to her tone, surprisingly.

Jungkook stripped his damp white shirt from his body, pulling the shirt over Violet's head without hesitation as he forces her arms through the holes.

Violet, shocked, turned around and faced the culprit that was dressing her in wet and cold clothing. Upon seeing Jungkook, she stammered slightly, flustered a bit by his shirtless state.

"What are you doing? Why are you dressing me?"

Jungkook pulled the shirt down, making sure the shirt comes to her thighs as he backs up and looks down at the work he did. Jungkook grinned slightly, enjoying the sight of her in his clothes every time he gets. Meeting her eyes, he furrowed his brows, clearly trying to move aside how she looks in his clothes, damp and flustered.

"What were you thinking coming out half-naked with nothing but guys? Didn't you think about how your boyfriend would feel?" Jungkook whispered to her, eyes focusing between hers and the boys gathered in the water. "Because I don't like it." His eyes focused solely on hers as he admitted it, a strange feeling coursing through his veins as she looked at him with wide eyes.

With hesitation, she nibbled her bottom lip before she began whispering softly. "I wasn't aware it'd be an issue considering every female goes swimming like this." She glanced away, looking at the guys who were mostly focused elsewhere before she looked back at Jungkook. "I apologize for not thinking about it first, but...." She leaned forward, hot breaths pushing past her lips as she leans towards Jungkook's ear. "You should know that you can't control me or my actions."

Jungkook bit his bottom lip, his eyes going to the girl that pulled back, walking backwards as she held a wicked smile, eyes twinkling daringly. He released a huff of breath, running his tongue along the inside of his cheek as he watched her turn, tying her hair into a bun as she runs towards the body of water filled with bodies of testosterone. His eyes watched the expressions of the men in the water, his confidence growing as he watched her turn and motion for him to join.

"Aren't you coming?"


"Frozen fruit?" Seokjin asked, using his spoon to scoop the frozen puree.

Vi hummed, softly sucking onto her yogurt parfait pop. "Mom seldom likes sugar."

Hoseok gasped after he bit into his own parfait pop, his hand covering his mouth as he contorts his face.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly, looking at the sunshine that was simmering a bit. He nod, his eyes closing as he pushes the cold cream around in attempts to melt it.


The group of boys laughed at his despair, earning death glares from him as he stood from the floor.

Namjoon shook his head, smile on his face as he searched to make a plan from his laptop. "So.... Tomorrow I was thinking we could go to the amusement park? Maybe visit the zoo afterwards?"

Jimin and Teahyung nod enthusiastically, Yoongi popped a frozen melon ball in his mouth as he shrugged. Jungkook sat furthest across from her, watching as she leans back in the lounge chair, the now dried shirt no longer clinging to her curves as it rides higher on her thighs. Jungkook took another bite from his own fruit puree, watching as the melting yogurt coats her lips long enough for her tongue to swipe the cream into her cavern.

Her eyes catch Jungkook's as she swipes her tongue across her pink cushions, his dark gaze seeming to penetrate her soul and give the illusion that they were the only two there at all.

"Violet, Jeup's calling you, sweetie."

Vi pried her eyes from Jungkook's gaze, her chest moving with her slightly accelerated breathing as she nod, standing and making her way inside the house.

Jungkook watched as she moved, her hips swaying slightly as she walks past him. He kept his head down, trying to keep his gaze hidden from the others.

"Prince Charming, what do you think?"

Jungkook snapped his head up, eyes wide as he looks towards Seokjin. "Prince-Huh??"

Seokjin laughs, shoulders shaking as he looks at the maknae. "Prince Charming. Covering teacher with your shirt, hiding her from us. You just did it to show off."

Jimin laughed also, shaking his head as he points his fork at Jungkook, waving his melon ball in the air. "You hate showing your chest and abdomen, you wanted to shelter her from us perverts."

"Aish, speak for yourself." Hoseok shook his head at Jimin. "You're the only pervert here, thinking you can use your satoori to lure girls." He blew his hot breath on the pop, waiting as the blueberries began to show through the yogurt. "I love berries."

"You know that blueberries are actually one of the fruit with 'berry' at the end that's actually a true berry?" Indigo asked the group, his eyes searching for understanding. "Strawberry, raspberry, blackberry. Those aren't real-botanical berries."

Namjoon's eyebrows shot up. "Really? Then why do they end in 'berry?'"

Digo shrugged, taking a big bite of his pop and making Hoseok shiver. "Because English and Science were far from being advanced back then, I guess."


"Made it?" Violet waited for Jeup to reply, his attention being towards the flight attendant so he can get more champagne. "Answer me j--"

"I'll be landing in two hours. Just wanted to give you a heads up since I know the drive is long. Like my--"

"Not attention-span. Alright, I'll go ahead and tell the boys to get ready."

"Huh? Why are you bringing all of them to get me?"

She smiled slightly, looking up at her mother who was sitting at the counter as she diced fresh strawberries. "Because we're all eating at your family's restaurant. My treat. My mom is coming too." The blonde woman smiled at her daughter, focusing back to the fruit. "So we might as well get ready to eat since its beginning to get dark."

"Like your soul." Jeup grinned, hearing her sigh through the phone.

"See you soon." She hung up on him, the other laughing from the other side.

"Still a trouble maker? I told him that he needs to guide you over there, make sure you stay away from trouble." Lily sighed, looking up at her daughter. "So... did you find a boyfriend while over there?" She winked, watching her daughter's face turn a bright pink as she shook her head in embarrassment. "What? I'm so incredibly eager for grandchildren. Some little feet pattering around, tugging the hem of your dress."

"I hardly ever wear dresses so that is never going to happen. Keep fantasizing." Violet smacked her lips, exiting from her mother that was beginning to laugh at her tormented state.

"It will! I can sense it!"

"'Some little feet pattering around, tugging the hem of your dress'~" Vi smacked Digo's chest with full force, knocking his pop onto the floor. "Oh, come on. What did it ever do to you?"

"It's owner wanted to eavesdrop." She slapped his arm for good measure, walking towards her bag and shoes by the door. "Get dressed! Jeup's flight lands in two hours, then we're having dinner." Violet leaned against the side of the door, looking at the group that was for the most part quiet. "Jeup's flight lands in two hours. We'll be having dinner after getting him." She looked at the time, her lips pursing as she does the math in her head. "We'll leave in about forty minutes. Meet back here, okay?" She stepped out, her black Timberland boots tied loosely as she pulls her leather bookbag on, her duffel bag on her shoulder as she walks past them and towards her bike.

"Are you leaving?" Jimin asked, eyes wide as he watches her mount the bike, her duffel bag tied snug to the cowl. Jungkook's eyes were wider, watching her pale skin press against the dark motorcycle, her only clothing being the white shirt he put on her over her bathing suit and the boots that could at least protect her ankles.

"No? I have to get ready too." She smiled, waving before she drove off, disappearing down the road they came from.

Jungkook watched, seeing her lean a turn into the trees. He nibbled his bottom lip, following the others as they began to prepare for the leave.


Violet pulled up to the hidden home, parking in front of her personal 'domain'. She slid the door open with ease, the need for a lock on this private property felt completely unneeded. Plus, Digo was in charge of keeping everything tidy for her, so it's easier without a lock.

Flipping the switch, the bottom floor became illuminated, the glass providing a glorious open view of the trees. Trees and Trees, oh? What's that? A tree.

"Ahh, it kinda feels nice to be back home." She sighs softly, walking to the pictures in the living room. She smiled at the collage of smiling faces, tapping on the frame that held a pale expression with green eyes that were radiant like her own. "I missed you, dad. I hope Indigo has been cleaning to our standards." She sighed softly and ran up the stairs, stripping from Jungkook's shirt without a care of the uncovered windows. She flipped the light of the second floor, walking through the path to the shower attached to the balcony.

She breathed softly, eyes closed as she scrubbed the salt water from her body, the breeze making her smile as she tilts her hair back into the warmth of the water. She rinsed her body, drying with a plush towel as she searches through her current wardrobe.

She looked over at Jungkook's shirt, the white fabric dry against her bed as she fastens the matching black lace around her bust after sliding into the panties. Sliding into black leather pants, she slid his shirt back on, tying a red plaid shirt around her waist.

She pulled up to the main house, running her hand through her mostly-dry hair as she pulls the strands into a loose bun.

"That's what you're wearing?" Digo asked as he moved past her to sit on the couch, lips around a straw as he sips juice. "You look too tough, that's why you're not in a relationship."

"She looks strong, independent. She's going to find someone that is compatible, leave her be." Lily walked down the stairs, her hair wavy and free while she clasps her watch back into place. "Are the others ready?"

Vi shrugged, looking at the time. A series of knocks sound through the door, the three only turning their heads to look at the still wood.

"Are you going to open it?" Violet asked loudly towards the door, tilting her head.

"Ahh, they must be nervous." Lily laughed softly, watching as the door slowly creaks open, showing a nervous Seokjin. "Come in, don't be scared."

"Ah-hah, they can't be nervous here." Digo laughed loudly, earning a smack on the back of his head by his older sister. "That's not nice."

"Not nice." Their mother scolded the girl, her eyes widening as her mouth forms a small 'o'.

"Not nice."

"Not nice."

"Not nice."

Every member repeated the phrase, giving a similar look that Lily gave. Violet's eyebrows crushed together, lost for words as everyone in the room tells her 'Not nice'. She shook her head, bewilderment evident on her face as Digo holds a smug grin and their mother holds a playful smile.

"Since the mean girl has been served punishment, let's go." Lily grinned, motioning towards the door with her hand. "We're all driving."

Yoongi happily slid into the passenger seat of Lily's car, Jimin sitting in the back with a sulking Seokjin. Digo struck a cord with Namjoon, Hoseok sitting in the middle behind them. Jungkook followed Violet, watching as she opened her car door and glanced at him.

"Yes?" She asked him, clearing her throat slightly.

"Party in teacher's car~" Taehyung said in a sing-song voice as he opened the door and got in the backseat.

Jungkook grinned at Vi, his eyes crinkling slightly at the corners. "You look beautiful." He spoke softly before opening the passenger door.

"I look how I always do." She mumbled softly, pink staining her cheeks as she looks at him.

"I know." He chuckled softly, watching her face turn red as he slips into the car.

She fanned her face a bit, slipping behind the wheel with still-flushed cheeks, the trip to the airport undoubtably going to be a long one.



youshouldtotallycheckoutmyotherbooks,yo 💜

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