Pain & Glitches Part 2: Glitc...

By banana8050

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Part 2 of Pain & Glitches, and the story picks up almost right after the first. Chase's bionics have been act... More

Chapter 1: Lying & Ice Cream
Chapter 2: Frustration
Chapter 3: The Gala
Chapter 4: Gala Glitch
Chapter 5: Finding Out
Chapter 6: Hearing Loss
Chapter 7: Don't Speak
Chapter 8: Helping
Chapter 9: Burning
Chapter 10: Stuck
Chapter 11: Fun
Chapter 13: Unhappiness
Chapter 14: Solutions
Chapter 15: The Reason
Chapter 16: Fixed

Chapter 12: Concussion

1.3K 39 5
By banana8050

~I do not own Lab Rats~

Bree's POV:

"Chase!" I yell again, but this time I attempt to run after him. Keyword: attempt. Mr. Davenport grabs me by the back of my shirt and pulls me back inside. "Hey!"

"Bree, you can't just go running after him," he argues.

"Why not?" I ask folding my arms, but I sway as I get a little dizzy from my previous hit on the head.

"Well, for one thing, you're hurt." Mr. Davenport grabs my wrist and pulls me onto the couch. He then pushes my shoulders down, so I am now lying down.

"But I feel-" I stop to grip my head for a second when a small wave of pain enters my head, "fine."

"I'm sure you do," Mr. Davenport says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You need to rest, and I'll make sure to find Chase. I can just locate him by his chip."

"Alright," I give in.

"Do you need help getting to the lab?"

"Actually, is it alright if I stay here?"

"Sure," Mr. Davenport nods with a smile. He turns around and heads for the lab.

"Adam, make sure to leave some pizza for Bree and Chase," I hear Tasha say to my right. I chuckle, and close my eyes to rest.


I never truly fell asleep, I was just waiting until everyone left the room. As soon as I hear Tasha leave last, my eyes snap open, and I quickly get up from the couch. I look all around to make sure no one is watching. The coast is clear.

As fast as I can, which is extremely fast with super speed, and lay down pillows. I try my best to create what my shape would look like with the pillows. Finally, I place a blanket over all the pillows, and smile at my handy work.

Approaching footsteps alert me, and I rush out the door. I watch carefully through the window, as Adam comes walking in. He walks over and grabs something from the fridge, no surprise there. I think he says hi to me, before going into the elevator.

Okay, it worked, on Adam at least. I don't think I should be surprised by that, but oh well. I should leave before someone else comes.

I stand up quickly, and a wave of dizziness passes over me. I bend down a little, and grip my head until it passes. It passes after a minute, and I straighten back up. I'll worry about it later. My next step is to locate Chase's location by using his chip's GPS signal. Since I can add locations into my GPS, I can also use it to find Adam and Chase's location. I only had to use it when we were searching for Chase in the avalanche.

I find it, but he keeps moving. I immediately super speed away from the house, and to Chase's location.

When I reach him, he's still running. My vision has suddenly become doubled, and I can feel a headache coming on. This makes it even more difficult, because there's two Chase's and two of everything around me. Like the street lights, the post office to my right, and even the streets. All the doubles make me feel dizzy.

Through everything, I still rush to catch up with Chase. I don't use my super speed, so I don't risk more problems. It's a good thing Chase isn't fast, and I am able to cut him off in the middle of a park.

"Bree?" Chase furrows his eyebrows when he stops in front of me.

My double vision has finally stopped, but has been replaced by blurry vision. The headache has reached its peak, and I scrunch my eyes at the pain. My right hand subconsciously goes to my head.

Chase looks at me with worry, "Are you alright?"

The pain in my head clouds my vision, and I fall to my knees while gripping my head with both of my hands. Chase instantly kneels next to me, and places a comforting hand on my back.

"Bree..." he says in a comforting tone. I wince at his voice, even though it wasn't supposed to be loud. Is this what it feels like to Chase with his over sensitive hearing? "Sorry," he says in a quieter voice.

"I-It's okay," I stutter out. My blurry vision increases, and is soon filling with black dots. I can hear the sound of car doors opening and closing, along with footsteps approaching rapidly. The next thing I know, the dots have taken over.


Chase's POV:

"Bree..." I say as she falls limp in the grass.

"What happened?" Mr. Davenport asks as soon as he reaches her side. Him and Adam have just arrived right as Bree passes out.

"I'm not sure," I admit. "She stopped me, and the next thing I knew, she was gripping her head in pain. You can see what happened after that." I gesture to Bree's unconscious form on the ground.

"Stop pointing and tell us what happened," Adam urges. "I'm on the edge of my seat in suspense."

"She passed out, Adam, can't you tell?" I ask.

"Tell what?"

"Ugh, never mind."

"Well," Adam huffs at me while crossing his arms.

"I told her to rest," Mr. Davenport mumbles under his breath, but I can obviously hear him. "She hit her head, why didn't I see this coming?" I can still hear him, but that's pretty much when I realize that this is my fault.

"I did this," I gasp.

"What?" Mr. Davenport looks up from Bree and looks at me.

"I did this," I say without missing a beat.


"There's no way denying it, and you know it. She probably has a concussion or something, because I glitched and made her fly into the island. I. Did. This." I push myself up from the ground and storm away to the other side of the park, leaving a gaping Mr. Davenport behind me.

I sit down underneath a large tree, and tears trickle out from my eyes. "I'm sorry," I sniff. "I told you that I was trying to avoid this, and you said that it wouldn't happen. But it did, and you had to be the victim."

I don't care that I'm talking to myself, I can't talk to anyone else right now. No one would understand, and no one could ever understand.

I bring my knees to my chest, bend my head down into them, and sob.

"Chasey?" My head snaps up at the sound of my childhood nickname. I've barely heard that nickname lately, and only one person would be using it right now. I look to my right and right into the face of Adam.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Um, Mr. Davenport told me to come get you..." My expression saddens as I find out he had not come on his own. I guess the 'Chasey' was just used to get my attention.

"Just go without me, I can find my own way home."

Adam looks at me with sad eyes, and decides to kneel down next to me.

"What are you doing?"

"What? I can't join my brother?" A small smile creeps onto my face, but I make it go away as soon as Adam notices. "I'm good at that."

I give a confused look, "Good at what?"

"Making you smile."

"Yeah, yeah you are." I sigh and sink farther back.

"You know it's not your fault."

I raise an eyebrow at him, "What do you mean?"

"You didn't want to hurt Bree, and you never would've. The glitching is not something you made happen, but different events caused them."

"Wow, you're right, Adam."

"I am? I mean," he clears his throat, "I am."

"But I still don't think I can face anyone else right now, especially Bree." I admit while bringing my head back to my knees.

"Then don't."

My head snaps back up, and I give Adam a confused look. "How?"

"Come back home and sulk there, but I wouldn't be a good big brother if I left you here."

"Okay." Adam stands back up and gives me his hand. He pulls me straight up, but I keep my head down to avoid eye contact

"You're going to look up eventually. Staying like this isn't really going to help, and I'm not good with advice to help you anymore."

"I know," I still keep my head low, but I glance quickly at Adam.

"Let's go."


Leo's POV:

Ugh, what's taking them so long? I tilt my head back and groan, and my mom gives me a small glare.

"Leo, they'll be back soon. Stop pacing and watch TV or something," she suggests. I stop in my spot in front of the couch, as I have been pacing back and forward ever since I was the one to find Bree gone. Big D wouldn't let me go with, claiming that there was no room for me. In reality, I just think I would somehow mess everyone up. How? I'm not sure.

"Alright, fine," I plop onto the couch. Of course, right as I turn on the TV, the front door opens. Adam and Chase are the first to come through, and Chase doesn't seem to want to make eye contact with anyone.

Next, is Big D, but he's carrying something. Wait, not something, but someone. The brown hair the falls over his left arm gives the identity away as Bree. My mom and I rush forward, but Big D pushes past us and toward the elevator.

"What happened?" I ask Adam.

"Chase hurt Bree, Bree collapsed." He explains, and I can hear Chase whimper slightly at the first part of Adam's quick explanation.

"He hurt her?" I ask puzzled.

"Yeah, you saw it."

"Oh, you mean from before." I give Adam a slap on the arm. "Don't make me worry like that, I thought he did something again." Chase gives another slight whimper. "Sorry," Adam quickly apologizes.

"So, what is wrong with Bree?"

"Oh, Mr. Davenport said something about a concoction, I think."

"Concussion," Chase corrects quietly.

"Yeah, that."

"Isn't that kind of serious or something?"

"Oh, I don't know," Adam answers with a shrug.

"Actually, a concussion is typically a minor brain injury caused by a blow to the head. It can sometimes lead to death, but usually only causes headaches, loss of consciousness, and/ or changes in alertness. It pretty much affects the brain and how it works, but only for a short period of time." Chase explains in detail, while keeping his head hung low.

"Okay, maybe it is serious," Adam says with a shrug. My eyes are wide as I bolt toward the elevator, with Adam and Chase trailing behind.

"How can you two not be worried about this?" I ask during the elevator ride.

Adam shrugs at me, while Chase stays silent. "I think Chase is, but isn't really speaking." Adam says, while putting an arm around Chase.

"Alright," I sigh as the elevator opens. In front of us, Big D is working at the cyber desk, while Bree is slumped in her capsule.

I rush over to Big D and try to see what he's doing, but fail. "How is she?" I ask with urgency.

"She has a concussion alright, but it's not too big. She should be alright soon, as being bionic will help her heal quicker." Big D explains without missing a beat.

"Well that's good..." I trail off when I notice an invention start to move, and then another, and another, soon enough every single one is moving. Where? In the direction if Chase, who has brought his head back up with a shocked face.

"What's happening?" I ask as the inventions all start heading for Chase. All around me more things start to move too, but only the ones with metal.

"My magnetism app must be glitching now," he explains with a worried face.

Soon enough, every metal object that can be moved with the magnetism app starts heading for Chase! All the metal would surely crush him if we don't do anything!


A/N: I. Hate. Writer's Block! I had it throughout this entire chapter! Anyway, I did research on concussions, so I made it as realistic as possible. Thanks for reading! :P

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