Remember me?

By bluebearwriter

23.3K 1.1K 158

This book is about a 18year old Girl Briland, who is in a relationship with her 20 year old boyfriend Jaylen... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Author Note

Chapter 10

669 35 4
By bluebearwriter

                         Chris pov.

We arrived at the hospital and they immediately took Briland to the ER. "I am so fucking pissed.!" I said to myself this nigga gonna come up in my life AGAIN messing with my Girl Oh hell no he ain't getting away with this shit. I called up my boys and told them I was coming by the trap tonight for them all to be there.....about 3hours later the doctor came out.

Doctor: Family of Briland Hill

Me: Yes sir I'm her...her boyfriend

Doctor: Well she will be fine but in a lot of pain, the bullet got stuck in her skin so we were able to get it out.

Me: Can I see her?

Doctor: right now she is resting but you'll be able to see her in a about two hours.

Me: Okay I said thank you, shaking the doctors hand.

From there I headed over to the trap it's only 2:00 so I'm good. I got to the trap and went inside. Everybody was smoking weed and get lap dances. "Alright everyone this is serious so pay the hell attention or it's your ass."Every body sat up and put there eyes on me. "Y'all know that nigga Jaylen that killed my brother?" they all said Yeah "Well he back." "The fuck he back for?" said my main boy marcus "He my Girl Ex and he put his hands on her and destroyed her car. I'M SO FUCKING PISSED!" "But I heard his ass gonna be outta state for a little while but we needs to keep our eyes open." "My Girl got shot in the thigh today and I just gotta feeling in my gut that his ass got something up his sleeve." "Alright" said everybody at once. By time we were done talking it was almost five so I headed back to the hospital.

Me: Hi I'm here to see Briland Hill I'm her boyfriend.

Nurse: Okay here's your sticker and she on the 2nd floor in room 22.

Me: thanks

I went up to the second floor and went to room 22 I walked in and a big smile appeared on Brilands face.

Briland: Chris I am so sorry I got you into all this.

Me: Hey don't say sorry he is my problem now alright?, you safe with me ma.

I kissed Briland on the forehead and held her hand. Briland held my hand tight then told me to come lay with her so I did. We layed there and watched tv all night until 11:30 when Briland fell asleep. I wrapped my arm around her tight and fell asleep too................The next morning they said Briland couldn't leave till 12:30 in the afternoon so that's what we did............ When we got home I put all of her suitcases in our room and she wobbled in the house with her cruches she still was in major pain so we layed in bed all day and just ordered some food. Briland kept wanting to mess with my phone because I have the newest Iphone and it's blue I swear she's like a little kid but that's something I love about her.........

So Yeah what y'all think?

Sorry if it's a little boring but the next chapter gone be way better. promise.  but lemme know what y'all think.

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