Make A Wish (Bruno Mars Fanfi...

By ijustlove_brunomars

41.9K 1.9K 576

We all have dreams, fantasies, and wishes... What would you do if those wishes came true? For Selina, Bruno M... More

Make A Wish
Make A Wish: Part 2
Make A Wish: Part 3
Make A Wish: Part 4
Make A Wish: Part 5
Make A Wish: Part 6
Make A Wish: Part 7
Make A Wish: Part 8
Make A Wish: Part 9
Make A Wish: Part 10
Make A Wish: Part 11
Make A Wish: Part 12
Make A Wish: Part 13
Make A Wish: Part 14
Make A Wish: Part 15
Make A Wish: Part 16
Make A Wish: Part 17
Make A Wish: Part 18
Make A Wish: Part 19
Make A Wish: Part 20
Make A Wish: Part 21
Make A Wish: Part 22
Make A Wish: Part 24
Make A Wish: Part 25
Make A Wish: Part 26
Make A Wish: Part 27
Second Extension (lol)

Make A Wish: Part 23

1K 62 11
By ijustlove_brunomars

I know something bad is gonna happen, I just know it. There's an unmistakable feeling in my gut that something is going to go wrong. Whatever Luna did to Bruno is still a mystery, but I'm pretty sure I'll find out soon enough.

Another thing is I haven't seen or heard from Astrid since her disappearance. She's probably hiding from her psychotic sister no doubt.

I might as well try to enjoy life until it all comes crashing down, though. Right?

Today at school first period math went by smoothly. No magic, no knives, nobody controlling me. So I couldn't complain even when Mr. Tucker assigned 80 problems of homework tonight.

After math Bruno held my hand and walked me to my German class. For a moment I felt as if we were just another ordinary high school couple. Even though that's probably farthest from the truth. One can always hope, I guess.

"So I'll meet you after German?" I ask Bruno as we reach the classroom.

"I'll be waiting right here." He says with a sweet smile. He's so adorable.

I went to German class where I spent the most boring hour and a half learning a language I'll probably never even use.

After class I walked out expecting to be greeted by my boyfriend (I just love saying that), but I didn't see him. He probably go held up by one of the teachers, I thought. Bruno is known for getting in trouble at school a lot after all.

I decided to walk to my locker because I needed to pick up my history book for 4th period. As I rounded the corner I saw a couple making out by MY locker. When I got closer I saw the familiar tangle of brown curls, and my heart stopped.

"Bruno?" I asked weakly.

The girl he was kissing faced me and grinned.

I gasped. "Luna!" I said angrily.

Luna flipped her hair. "Hey, Selina." She taunted.

"What the fuck are you doing with MY boyfriend?" I scowl at her.

"He's the one that kissed me, actually." She says crossing her arms. I looked over at Bruno who was just staring at Luna with a look he had given me not long ago.

"Bruno? Is this true?" I asked getting worked up. I felt my throat tighten and my eyes on the verge of tears.

"Isn't Luna just so pretty Selina?" He asks still staring at her. My heart sunk even lower.

"What did you do to him?!" I cried.

"Isn't it obvious? That powder was a love spell, my dear. The same spell I used on Nathan all those years ago." She says.

"You bitch! You stole him away from me by forcing him to love you!" I exclaimed.

Luna smirks. "Weren't you basically doing the same thing? Using magic to make him love you?" She says. She takes Bruno's arms and wraps them around her waist. "You're no better than I am, Selina. You let your obsession with him come to this. You poor, poor, delusional girl."

"Shut up!" I yell.

"Why? Because you can handle the truth? His love for you was just as real as the way he loves me right now. The only difference is that we make a cuter couple." She laughs.

I scream and then lunge at Luna, catching her off guard. My hand went straight for her neck and successfully grabbed hold of the blue gem necklace.

"Let go, bitch!" Luna screams trying to push me off. We wrestled to the ground and a crowd of high schoolers started to form around us chanting "Fight fight fight fight!". I yanked as hard as I can and the necklace broke free from her neck. Except I wasn't being careful and it flew out of my grasp.

"No!" Luna and I both cried as it crashed to the ground and broke into a hundred different pieces.

Time around us seemed to stop as we just stared at the shattered dream stone pieces. We didn't know what to do or what would happen. My whole world seemed to be crushed right then and there.

The ground started to shake violently. "Oh no. This isn't good. THIS IS NOT GOOD." Luna panicked.

"What's happening?!" I shouted.

Just then about 5 people appeared out of nowhere. They looked powerful and had a lot of authority.

"The Magic council." Luna breathes.

"Huh?" I ask.

"Luna you have abused your magic for the last time. Your powers have caused nothing but trouble, and now you must face the most severe punishment." The middle council member said.

"I got out of that vortex once I'll do it again!" She says.

They laugh at her. "No vortex. This time your fate is even worse. You are hereby stripped of your powers and are condemned to spend the rest of your life as a mortal." One of them says.

"No! You can't do this to me!" Luna screams.

The council all use their magic against Luna and she seems to be drained automatically. She collapses to the ground, now nothing more than a human.

The Magic council disappears and the earth goes still again. Except this tingly feeling started to crawl through me, and it became stronger.

"What's going on?" I ask. Pain exploded through me as I felt myself changing. I looked over at Bruno who was also having this feeling. I could see what was happening to the both of us. We were turning back to our normal selves.

When it was over Bruno looked around confused. "Where the hell am I?" He asks. He looks at me. "And who are you?" He adds.

The dream stone must have reversed the spell when it broke.

"Oh. My. Fucking. God...." I slump down onto the floor. "What do I do now?" I ask out loud.

"AAAHHH!" I hear a scream and I look up as Luna charges at Bruno with a sharp piece of glass in her hand.

"Bruno! Look out!" I yell.

"What the..." He turns around as Luna falls on top of him.

"Just because Im human now doesn't mean I can't kill you!" She yells.

I run over and shove her off of him, stepping on her wrist that has the glass in it. "Give it up Luna!" I say. She drops the glass and glares at me. I let her stand up but then she tries to charge at me. I shove her against the wall and she's knocked out.

"Damn these fans get crazier every day." Bruno chuckles.

"" I mutter out of breath. God I loved him but sometimes Bruno could be such a dumbass.

"Thanks for helping me out. I'm Bruno Mars by the way." He flashes me a cocky smile.

As if I already didn't know who he was. "Selina." I tell him. Does he really not remember any of the shit that's happened?

"You don't happen to know how I got here, do you?" He asks.

If only he knew.... "No idea. But I can help you figure it out." I say.

"Sounds great. Preeshiate chu Selina." He says.

"Lets go to my house." I suggest.

Now I just gotta figure out what to do now. This mess just keeps getting bigger and bigger, doesn't it?

Remember kids, don't ever mess with magic. It'll probably fuck up your life.



OMG GUYS IM ALIVE. YOU GUYS PROBABLY THOUGHT I DIED LOL. I know I didn't update for 3 weeks I'm so sorry!!! School started again and I haven't had much time to write this. Plus my Mai focus is always my fanfics on Instagram. BUT I PROMISE I'LL TRY TO UPDATE FASTER.

Thank you to everyone who hasn't left me! ILY ALL!!

Also I hit 5k I'm so so so so happy and excited for that!

Hopefully I see y'all soon.



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