that, happened

By codenamemmmisghei

140K 2.6K 1.8K

in the current south korean entertainment industry, moonbyul is open, out, and proud. she never thought of he... More

chapter 1: sweet like candy
chapter 2: bitters
chapter 3: cliff hanger
chapter 4: we'll look back to this, definitely
chapter 5: pleasures, feelings, or morals
chapter 6: two can play this game
chapter 7: progress
chapter 8: love & hate
chapter 9: fluff
chapter 10: someone clean up the grease please
chapter 11: the moon and the sun
chapter 12: capricious moments
chapter 13: extinguisher
chapter 14: the truth(?)
chapter 15: flash back, flash forward
chapter 16: brave
chapter 17: beginning
chapter 18: dangerous and toxic
chapter 20: and we are back
chapter 21: plans
chapter 22: i'm ready
chapter 23: what happened in japan...

chapter 19: family

3.7K 89 65
By codenamemmmisghei

"Promise me that you will tell us what's going on." I'm stuffing some of my stuff into a small bag as wheein and hyejin came by to make sure I was okay. "I want you to bring unnie back, I don't care if you need to kidnap her or drug her. I also don't know why you won't let me and hyejin come along. More people equal to more power."

My bag was zipped as hyejin placed her hand on wheein, "I don't think it is our place to do that. We can give byulie unnie our strength and mental support, cheer her on from the sidelines." Hyejin smiled at me as I walked over to my two members, hugging them tightly. "Don't you worry. I will bring her back."

Since the dispatch expose article, I have had thousands of eyes on me. To prevent another PR nightmare, my CEO asked my manager to drive me to Yongsun's house instead of doing it myself.

"Hey byulie." I stood outside of the car with my bag on, looking into the van to stare at my manager. "Good luck." With all my member, manager and friends cheering me on, I was more confident as I ever was. Strange, was this how Yongsun felt when she came and chased me to my hometown?

I rang the doorbell to Yongsun's house – a place I actually have never been, only seen from pictures. I have heard many stories from her about her family, their belief, their religion, but never thought this would be involving into my life. Oh well, it's worth it, she's worth it. The door opened, but it wasn't the person I anticipated. It was an older man, the father figure.

"Hello." I greeted, showing my respect as I bowed to this man, "my name is moon byulyi."

"Nice to meet you, moonbyul. We have heard a lot about you. Come in." He welcomed me in. My eyes instantly scanned my surrounding, unable to find the person I've been looking for. The house itself was big, but it lacked emotion, everything seemed so prepared and fake.

"Excuse me, but where is yongsun? She asked me to come."

"Before that happens, I would like to speak to you." The father said as he took me to the living room where we sat next to each other. "I am aware that you and my daughter have become... an intimate item? It has been all over the news."

I guess we are getting straight to the point. "Yes. I love her, very much. The relationship is not just about physical intimacy but rather emotional. Yongsun is the only one who could complete me." My answer was truthful and I was watching how Mr. Kim was going to react.

"I'm sure yongsun has told you a little about us. We live in a life under god's protection. We obey the lord in exchange for lifetime content and fulfillment. Yet, I raised a sinner. One committed the sin of homosexuality while the other one looked the other way." His words meant nothing to me, rather than understanding him, I got upset and challenged him.

"I'm sorry to say this sir, but I did not come here to defy your religion nor to listen to you preach it to me. I am here to see yongsun and that's it." My hands grasped onto my shorts, holding my tongue before I say something I regret. Immediately after, I felt a large imprint landing on my face. It was forceful, making my teeth cut my lower lip, causing blood to drip. Tears instantly filled my eyes as I stared at him with hatred.

"Stupid lesbian sinner. Don't you see that I am trying to explain and help you?" His voice echoed throughout the whole house as he grew heated. Yet, I wasn't scared. Instead, I wiped my tears and blood in a laugher. "You are truly sad. You preach the words of god yet the first thing you result to is violence. The god you speak of is not a god, but a mere bend at your own reality. Most likely adopted from your parents and the generations before. Your mind is so frail that you have to use this religion of yours to justify yourself. You, sir, are the weak one." I said with confidence, almost egging him on even more. "Open your fucking eyes, this is the real world."

After our heated exchange, I saw a woman walking down the stairs. Her colored hair still shines while her eyes were red and puffy, she looked exhausted.

Instantly, I ran to yongsun and hugged her, trying to check if she's okay. I was afraid, scared that her toxic family had gotten to her and broke her. And they have, she was unresponsive. "Yong..." I called again, my eyes opened the gate as the waterworks started.

"Dad. Let me talk to her alone. I know what to say." Yongsun got her dad's approval which scared me even more. What was she going to say?

The older woman guides me to the backyard where summer flowers covered the whole land. "Yongsun. Please." I begged, wanting her to say something to me.

"Byul... I don't know what to do..." She broke down, arms wrapped around me and cried against my shoulder. I can't even imagine how her days were coming back here.

"I'm here... I told you I would be."

"They want me to leave the industry and dedicate my life to the church." Words came out brokenly as her sob dominated her actions.

Fuck. I cursed, hands on her hip. "Please don't tell me you are even considering that. Think about the past four year, all the hard work and our fans. They love you. We would not be the same if you left!"

"But my family. They mean so much to me. I have always valued family before anything." Her eyes couldn't stop the water works. Eventually, she held onto my neck as she cried her eyes out even more.

I've never been this hurt and depreciated. Not even when yongsun's father hit me. Seeing her like this really fuck me up. "You know what family mean? It means someone will love you, appreciate you, and support you no matter what. That's why some parents whose kids are criminals choose to hide their kids and lie to the police. To me, these people you live with are not your family. They are just people you were assigned with. How they are treating you is worse than a slave. What is the point of living when you are not accepted for who you are? And do me a huge favor, yong, don't lie to yourself anymore. What we had, what we have trumps anything we had in the past and whatever we might have in the future. You know that, and that's why you are like this, torn by this choice. If I didn't mean so much to you, you wouldn't even fight with your parents in the first place." I rambled on. My hands caressed against her cheeks before kissing her lips passionately. Tears dripped down my eyes. I truly want to show her, what this is. "Your family is here. Me, wheein, hyejin, our company. Me and you can start a family. Kids and a house away from the city. We can be good to our kids, show them what love is. Because this sure aint it." I said, caressing down to her neck. "Kim Yongsun, marry me."

Instantly, she stopped crying. Her eyes widen as the remaining tears dripped down her chin, "w-what?"

"Marry me." I repeated. "You know we are right for each other. We already spent so many years together and we will be together for another five, ten, fifty years." I added on as my arms locked around her waist, bringing her closer. "I don't care about your fucked up family. Fuck them. This is what's real. I love you." My eyes shed a tear, my final attempt to speak some sense into her. I can't imagine living without her.

She pulled away and stared at me. Say something, yong... Say it. My fingers clenched against the back of her shirt, my body language and facial expression screamed my eagerness. I can't say any more than what I already have. Yongsun knows exactly how I feel, how she acts on it depends on her.

Minutes passed, we stood there in silence but tears never left our faces. "... You promise, right? You promise you won't leave for the decisions I make..." The blonde haired girl spoke, hiding against my neck.

"When have I ever left you, baby?"

"The answer is yes."

Yes... Yes! My eyes were as wide as it could be, hugging her tighter than before as if she's the greatest treasure, which she is, to me. "I love you so." I pulled her by her face, kissing her lips with a gentle peck. Soon, I felt her responding, hand tangling against my hair just like how she usually does it. I smiled against her lips and pulled away, palm running down her hip. "I love you too, byul." Our foreheads touched as my lips parted, chuckles came out. Was this really over?

"I'm going to get my stuff." Yongsun pulled away and snuck towards her room, packing everything she had brought to this place. After, we walked towards the exit but was soon greeted by Yongsun's mom and dad. "Where do you think you are going?" The dominant male spoke, preventing us from leaving.

"I am going back with byul." She said quietly with no confidence.

"No you are not, Kim Yongsun." The father yelled, stepping closer to me and yongsun. His eyes were bulging out and blood shot. "It's been decided between me and your mom that you will be staying home, leaving the entertaining industry. We are going to help you get through this baby girl. We will get you better."

"You can't be serious—" My anger started to boil as I heard more of Mr. Kim's nonsense, yet yongsun stopped me.

The older woman stepped closer to her father as she eyed him, not backing down this time. "All my life, I lived under this roof, listened to you two... I am so glad that I went against this family to pursue my dream to become a singer. Even so, I never betrayed you guys. Now that I met the love of my life, you two are eager to pull us away. Have you guys ever thought about me? Even once? It has always been about the church, about god. Why don't you pay attention and love me and unnie?" She took a soft breath before continuing her speech, "I'm done. I am done with you and you. I am done with this religious cult you call a family." She snapped, grabbing my hand. "Me and byulie are getting married. You can be a part of my life or not. Your choice. But I am officially done." Yong tugged on my hand, suggesting us to leave. I turned around, watching the two elder's expression, the shock on their face said it all.

On the way home, we didn't speak a single word. She was quietly cuddling against me as our fingers intertwined together. She really fought for us, turned her back to her family for us.

"I love you." I reminded her again, kissing the top of her head, nuzzling my nose against her hair. That probably snapped her out of her daze. She tilt her head up and kissed me, her digits caressed my face, making me want her to be closer. "I guess we have a wedding to plan." Yongsun smiled. I knew it was forced, wanting to make me stop worrying about her. That's what I did. I tried to keep it light, nodding to agree. "Yeah. I guess I have to buy you a ring."


< a / n > aren't you glad that yongsun snapped out of the toxic rs? i know this chapter might be a little hard to read for some people. if you ever need someone to talk to, you can always hit me up on here or wherever. thanks again for everyone that supported this story and me. love you a lot - d

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