Sticking Together (Snape +...

By NicoleChristine1

244K 5.6K 5.7K

Harry, Ron and herself find themselves in another year of Hogwarts. Hermione finds herself in a bad situation... More

The Deal
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Changer 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Author's Note
Another A/N
Name Change

Chapter Nine

9.4K 228 346
By NicoleChristine1

           *Snape's Point of View*

Hermione and I cuddle in my bed for hours. We talk, laugh and kiss.

"We should *yawn* meet up during the holidays," Hermione murmurs snuggling into my chest.

"We most definitely should," I say holding her tight. Hermione breathes slow down and even themselves and soon she is softly snoring. A white owl flies through my open window and perches itself on the bedside table. Frowning I untie the letter connected to it's foot.

Dear Professor Snape,
Ron and I have been talking (well Ron has been begging me to wrote to you) about you and our best friend Hermione. Ron isn't happy with her staying with you as he is worried you may 'take advantage' of her. So we request that you stay away from Hermione because we do not want her to get hurt! If you were in our situation, you would be feeling the same.
Sorry for the inconvenience,
Harry Potter.

I sigh. "Accio quill and parchment," I mutter. Grabbing the parchment and the quill I begin to write back.

Dear Mr Potter,
The decision of if I stay near Hermione is not yours to make it is, in fact, hers and mine. And I would not do such a thing as to take advantage of her. Because if you haven't noticed we love each other a lot. And perhaps if Mr Weasley didn't want Hermione to be with someone, he should of known better as Hermione is a beautiful found lady and deserves the very best. I do not wish or want to hurt Hermione in anyway nor do I plan to. So I am sorry but I will not stay away from her and if I was on your situation, no matter how 'evil' I thought the Professor was, I would be there for my friend and support her through every decision she makes.
Professor Severus Snape.

I tied the letter back onto the Owls leg and it flew away. How dare they think that they can tell me what to do? How dare they challenge my love for Hermione? It disgusts me. It disgusts me how Mr Weasley will hurt Hermione and then want me to break up with her! I slowly wrap my arms back around Hermione and she starts to toss and turn.

"No... Harry stop!... I love him... Severus... Please... No... Ron don't... Kill me instead... Stop!" she mutters as a tear rolls down her face. I gently hug her and kiss her cheek. Hermione thrusts herself upright waking up. She turns slowly and see's me. "Severus?" she asks. I sit up and hug her. Hermione cries onto my chest until her eyes run dry.

"My darling Hermione, what is wrong?" I ask.

"Bad dream," she says wiping her eyes.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" I ask.

"We were in the forest... And Harry and Ron burst through and grabbed you. They tied me to a tree and summoned a chair trying you to it and throwing away your wand. They asked you if you loved me and you said yes. They screamed at you to not tell lies and they... Crucio'd you. You were in so much pain Severus and I was helpless. I screamed at them to stop but they kept going. I cried and then they..." her voice broke off.

"Honey what happened next?" I asked shocked.

"They killed you," she cried hugging me tightly.

"Hermione listen! No one is going to hurt me or you," I say kissing her head. Hermione looks at me with fear in her eyes. She suddenly kisses me with passion and force. I kiss her back with the same amount of passion but softer. She moves so she is sitting on my lap and puts her fingers through my hair. I softly pull her closer being sure not to hurt her. Hermione's finger moves down to my top and starts unbuttoning it kissing me deeply. I grab her hands and pull away. "Hermione stop," I say.  She kisses me again and pushes me so I am laying down. Hermione lays on top of holding me down. I am so much stronger than she is, so I easily push her off me. I pick her up and sit up, cradling her in my arms.

"I- I'm sorry," she whispers.

"Its okay honey. I didn't want to stop but I love you to much for you to make a mistake," I say kissing her forehead. The white owl flies back into the room. I sigh.

"Hedwig?" Hermione asks.

"Mr Potter has been owling me this morning saying he and Weasley do not want me to hurt you. I replied telling him it isn't any of his business," I say dully. I untie the new letter.

Professor Snape,
I think you misunderstood me! I wasn't asking you to stay away from Hermione, I was telling you! You are just using Hermione for sex and we will not sit around while you abuse her! Hermione has been our best friend since we came to Hogwarts and you have never even liked her since a few weeks ago. You will hurt Hermione and when you do I swear on my mother's grave, I will kill you!
Stay away from Hermione,
Harry Potter.

Hermione growled as she read the letter with me. "Those piles of Bat Shit! How dare they accuse you of that. I will not stand for this," she says pulling out a quill and piece of parchment out of her bag. I watch as she angrily writes.

Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley,
How dare you accuse Severus of those things! You disgust me. Severus would never use me for sex and I know that because if he wanted to he would've by now! You and Ronald may have been my best friend since First Year, but have you two ever bothered to ask me if I was okay! No, you never have bothered! Severus actually cares about me and is supporting me. If you both aren't happy with me being with someone I love then I am sorry to disappoint you by saying that we can no longer be friends! You should be happy I have finally found someone to love and instead of accusing Severus for such evil things maybe you should have bought it up with me.

I hold her hand and she sends the letter off. I can feel anger running through us both and I hear Hermione's stomach rumble. "Do you want eggs for breakfast?" I ask kissing Hermione.

"Yes please Severus," she says smiling at me. I loved her smile in every way possible. I get out of bed and stretch. Hermione crawls off the bed and yawns tiredly. "What time is it?" she asks.

"11:30 am," I reply leaving the room. Hermione skips beside me as we enter my kitchen.

"I wonder if we could get an apartment together when I finish school," she says thoughtfully.

"I am sure we can Mione," I laugh at the crazy things leaving her mouth.

"Grow old together. Have children. Sit on the porch together holding hands when we 80 surrounded by grandkids," she says smiling at the thought. I do too! If I could be with anyone for the rest of my life it would be her.

"Live a long happy life together," I say.

"Yeah. Even though you are 10 years older then me?" she guesses.

"You are 17 this year and I turned  24 January 9. It is only 8 years," I say.

"I love you," she says kissing me on the neck. I turn and hug her tightly. Hermione hugs me back and I sigh. I am about a head taller then Hermione so her head lays on my chest. I lean down and kiss her. Hermione kisses me back with want. I slowly stroke her cheek as I deepen the kiss. For the first time since Lily died, I finally feel whole. Potter and Hermione kept owling each other until they sorted out the fight. Placing three eggs on each of our plates Hermione and I ate in silence. As she ate her sleeve slipped down her arm and I saw the blueish bruise on her wrist from where Ron had grabbed her the night before. I felt sick in the stomach but I continued to eat. I looked at Hermione as she ate and noticed how stunning she was. Her eyes were a light brown and were aware, her skin was a nice color, her lips were so soft and a light shade if pink. Her hair was in a messy bun with a strand talking down each side of her face. Hermione Granger was truly beautiful.

     *Hermione's Point of View*

I looked up and caught Snape staring at me and I smiled lightly. I noticed things in his face I hadn't seen before. His right ear had a small ring through it, his black eyes had a tinge of red in them near the pupil, his hair no longer looked greasy but instead it looked soft and his lips her thin that they pressed together in a thin line. Severus Snape was truly handsome.

    *Ron's Point of View*

"Bloody Hell Harry she must really love him," I say.

"I know right man! He better be worth it all," Harry growls. I hate Severus Bloody Snape more than I have ever before. Lavender walks in and her hair waves down her back. She smiles that smile to me and I feel my heart flutter and blood rush to my cheeks. I love Lavender Brown.

     *Deans Point of View*

Ginny and I sit near the Quidditch pitch making out. She giggles softly. I pull away looking at her questioningly. She points at a butterfly that had landed on our legs that had twined themselves together. I felt a blush raise as I saw a tent forming in my pants. I picked Ginny up and placed her in my lap and she wound her legs around my waist and kissed me with lust and want. I was about to be the luckiest guy alive.

      *Snape's Point of View*

I pick up Hermione in a bridal style and carry her into the lounge room. sitting down I sit her in my lap and she rests her head on my chest. Hermione signs a so kiss her forehead.

"Severus. I was thinking about something harry said," she says.

"What part?" I ams as my heart drops.

"About them trying to protect me! Do you think we are in danger?" she asks.

"I don't know Mione. If the Dark Lord find out most likely. But I would let anyone hurt you," I say kissing her. Hermione runs her hands through my hair and I mentally sigh. A knock sounds on the door so I summon the cauldrons and Hermione starts to continue our tutoring class. I open the door and see Albus there.

          *Dumbledore's Point of View*

Since I found out about Severus and Hermione I was very worried about the safety of them both. I frowned as I thought of what will happen to them if Voldemort find out. I get out of my chair and walk down to the dungeons. I knock on Snape's office door and wait. Moments later he opens the door.

"Professor Snape may I come in?" I ask. He nods and moves out of the way. I walk in and Hermione turns from the cauldron she is working at and smiles at me.

"Professor Dumbledore," she says.

"Miss Granger, Severus. If the Dark Lord finds out about you two he will most likely kill you both. I am afraid to say we cannot risk that so you both need to leave!"

Dun Dun Duuuuuuuuun!!!!! What is gonna happen? I am sorry but I am changing the story dramatically! And there might be a baby making scene coming up if you know what I mean ;) I dunno though hehe!

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