Almost Lover (Harry Styles)...

By Posh777

1.6M 50K 8.6K

Ava McCain An aspiring song writer living in London with a secret past. Harry Styles A famous singer who mak... More

Cast & Story Info
Chapter 1: This is what I was born to do
Chapter 2: Hair or Tattoos
Chapter 3: Everybody Hurts Sometimes
Chapter 4: No Harm Love
Chapter 5: Literally Frozen
Chapter 6: Opportunity Knocks
Chapter 7: Memory Lane & Text Messages
Chapter 8: Change Your Life
Chapter 9: Lover-Boy
Chapter 10: Wrecking Ball
Chapter 11: Barfights and "Goodnight"s
Chapter 12: Saturday Hangover
Chapter 13: Sunday Brunch
Chapter 14: Friends
Chapter 15: "Goodbye London."
Chapter 16: Falling
Chapter 17: A Confession and A Wager
Chapter 18: Evening the Score
Chapter 19: Let Her Go
Chapter 20: "Stop Thinking."
Chapter 21: "Not a Chance."
Chapter 22: The Not So Great Escape
Chapter 23: Inspiration and Pub Brawls
Chapter 24: When I Was Your Man
Chapter 25: Karaoke and A Huge Step Forward
Chapter 26: Text Messages and Twitter Pics
Chapter 27: Soundcheck Revenge and CPR
Chapter 28: "We sort of have company."
Chapter 29: A Not So Good Start
Chapter 30: The Truth
Chapter 31: Breakfast and....
Chapter 32: "It was bloody amazing."
Chapter 33: Toasts and Secrets
Chapter 34: "I Love Cereal."
Chapter 35: No Going Back
Chapter 36: "Tell me."
Chapter 37: "Keep going."
Chapter 38: She was Right
Chapter 39: Words of Wisdom
Chapter 40: Sheet Music and Shaving Cream
Chapter 41: Hiking
Chapter 42: "I dont know."
Chapter 43: The Plan
Chapter 44: Waiting
Chapter 45: "I want revenge."
Chapter 46: Heartbreak All Over Again
Chapter 47: "You know."
Chapter 48: "Over."
Chapter 49: Jokes Laughs and Racing Hearts
Chapter 50: Love Looking Back
Chapter 51: Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 52: Fan-girling and Extra Pressure
Chapter 53: Lies and Bets
Chapter 54: Testing Testing
Chapter 55: To Do or Not to Do That is the Question.
Chapter 56: "Okay."
Chapter 57: "I'll stay with you every night."
Chapter 58: Halo
Chapter 60: Friday
Chapter 61: "I'm with Kelsey Worthington."
Chapter 62: "You need to go. Now."
Chapter 63: Estates Holdings and Threats
Chapter 64: Emotional
Chapter 65: Stalker or Romantic?
Chapter 66: Tweets
Chapter 67: Making Plans and Saying Sorry
Chapter 68: Surprise After Surprise
Chapter 69: A Bad Day
Chapter 70: "I am afraid."
Chapter 71: Images
Chapter 72: Whatever It Takes
Chapter 73: "It's called love."
Chapter 74: A Night Out
Chapter 75: "I'm Yours."
Chapter 76: "I'll go get him."
Chapter 77: Wise Advice or a Drunken Rant?
Chapter 78: Signing Shopping and Sighing
Chapter 79: A Perfect Dress and A Decision?
Chapter 80: Girl's Night or Plans?
Chapter 81: "A french saying."
Chapter 82: A Secret
Chapter 83: A Beautiful Dress a Present and a Castle
Chapter 84: Three Words
Chapter 85: "What did you do?"
Chapter 86: "Make me not feel anything."
Chapter 87: Heartbreak and a Text Message
Chapter 88: "Let me go."
Chapter 89: A Punch in the Face and A Plane Ride
Chapter 90: I can move on.
Sequel: All of Me

Chapter 59: Secret Plans

17.7K 489 113
By Posh777

-Harry's POV-

Ava grabs ahold of the back of my shirt as multiple flashes go off. We make our way down the steps and I move her in front of me, placing my hand on the small of her back.

"Is it true you both stayed in the honeymoon suite last night?!"

"Can we get a picture!?"

"Ava, How does Liam feel about you dumping him!?"

We are bombarded with question after question as they follow us down the street, towards the car park.

"Ignore them and just keep your head down." I whisper to Ava.

When we make it to the car, I open the passenger door for Ava and she slides in. I then jog around the front and move to get into the driver's seat. Just as I'm about to close the door, the one question I was dreading is shouted out.

"Ava, how do you feel you stack up to the other woman Harry has swept away on the same weekend beach holiday?"

I cringe as I slam my door and start the car. I don't look over at Ava until we are headed down the road.

"You alright?" I ask her hesitantly.

"Yeah. I don't know how you deal with that all the time."

"I meant about the comment about me and other women." I go on, knowing I probably shouldn't even mention it.

"Just another stupid rumor. I know better to believe them over you Harry."

"You sure?"

"Of course. You already told me you hadn't taken anyone else to Ed's. They are just trying to make up another story to put you in a bad light." She says, taking my hand and resting it on her thigh.

I squeeze her hand and focus back on the road. God, I'm a bastard. Why the bloody hell did I lie to her about that? I will tell her the truth, but only when the time is right.

"It's the cafe right here." Ava says, pointing at a small brick building to our right.

I find a spot to park and we head inside, Niall yelling at us the second we step through the door.

"Over here!" He waves from a corner booth.

When we get to the table, Ava slides in next to Niall and I take a seat across from them.

"I woulda ordered more if I knew ya was coming Harry!" He smiles at me.

"More?" I chuckle, "There is enough food on this table to feed a small army."

"Don't judge us, or you can't eat with us." Ava commands, drooling over the waffles sitting in front of her.

The waitress comes to take our drink orders, and they both scoff at me as I order a plate of fruit.

"Harry is all about eating properly. To afraid to put on a couple extra pounds." Niall laughs, patting his belly.

"Well you know, being overweight does snack up on you." I smile.

"Horrible Styles. Truly horrible." Ava shakes her head at me, trying not to laugh as Niall gives me a high five.

They dig in as I wait for my fruit to arrive, and I'm amazed at how much food they are able to consume before they have to stop.

"So Ava," Niall says, sticking another slice of bacon into his mouth, "I talked to Poppy this morning. She said she's been trying to get ahold of you. Told me to tell ya to call her."

"Right, yeah. I've been a bit busy. I'll give her a call as soon as I can." Ava responds, looking down at her lap.

"Alright. So we probably need to push on or we're going to be late for sound check." Niall says, throwing several pounds down on the table, which Ava and I also toss a couple on top of.

"I'll meet ya there." Niall calls to us as we all get into our vehicles.

I don't even wait until Ava has her door shut to open my mouth, "Are you avoiding Poppy cause you're mad at her for telling me?"

"Doesn't matter."

"It does. She was only trying to help by telling me. She was worried about you."

"I understand that, but it wasn't her place or her story to tell. I told her that in confidence." She says, looking at me and crossing her arms.

"I basically forced her to love. Besides if that hadn't happened we probably wouldn't be together now yeah? You would probably still be trying to keep your hands off me. Think of the good things that have COME from it." I wink at her, hoping to lighten the mood.

She narrows her eyes at me, "It's not a joke Harry. I have a right to be upset."

"I know." I sigh, "But just talk to her and give her a chance to explain her reasons. You may end up agreeing with them."

"I highly doubt that."

"Well either way, she's not going to stop ringing you. And when she finds out why you're avoiding her she'll nag you and kiss your arse till you forgive her. So talk to her yeah?"

"I'll think about it."

I smile at her and take her hand, "So this weekend we have two days off... was thinking about going to my mums."

"I'm sure she would love that, Gemma too."

"I was thinking maybe you could go with me."

"Don't you think that's a bit soon?" She asks, making my heart hurt.

"No, she wants to meet you. I want her to meet you."

"I would love to Harry, but I can't. I have other plans already."

"Cancel them." I try not to sound demanding, but I know it comes off that way.

"I can't."

"Well then I'll just go with you." I shrug my shoulders as I turn into the car park at the venue.

She shakes her head, "You left your mom's early last time to go to Rhosilli. You really should go see her."

"Then come with me."

"I can't Harry."

"Come for a just a day." I suggest, hoping I don't come across sounding desperate.

"I would if I could." She frowns at me as I park the car. "But I have a flight on Friday that I can't miss."


"To where?" I turn to her, looking her in the eyes. She's hiding something.

"Why are you being so nosey?"

"I'm just asking where you're going Ava."

"It's nothing to worry about, I'll be back on Sunday."

"Didn't ask when you'd be back, asked where you're going."

She ignores me and gets out of the car, heading towards the venue doors. I quickly get out and jog to catch up with her, gently grabbing her arm.

"Ava... what's going on?"

"Nothing Harry, really. There's no reason to be worried."

"Really? My girlfriend is going away for two days, but she won't tell me where and I'm not supposed to worry?"

"Look I'm sorry. There is just something I need to go deal with, and I need to do it alone. End of discussion."

God, she's stubborn. I start to open my mouth to fight her about it, but decide against it. There's no way to win with her when she's like this.

"Fine. I'll just go to my mums. Just promise to call me okay?"

"I promise. Thank you for not pushing this."

"Yeah. I just need to grab my bag out of the boot. I'll meet you inside." I kiss her forehead then head back to the car.

Once I see she's inside, I pull out my phone to send a text message.

To Paul: Ava has a flight out on Friday. I need a ticket on the very next flight to her destination. -H

~Turning stalker now eh? That's the way to win the girl's heart.

To Paul: Sod off. Just doooooo it. -H

~Shall I also find out where she is staying and book you a room there?

To Paul: Brilliant idea. -H

~I was kidding.

To Paul: I'm not. And please keep this between us. -H

~You're mad. I'll let you know by tomorrow afternoon when your flight is.

To Paul: You're the best-est. :) -H xx

I close my phone and grab my bag before heading inside. Walking down the hallway towards the dressing room, only one thing goes over and over in my mind.

I hope to God this all doesn't blow up in my face.


A/N: If you are enjoying the story, please vote! I spend hours and hours writing this and it only takes a second. It would mean so much to me and to getting my story out there! Thanks!! ;)

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