The Tale's Willow

By Freak-of-Madness

38.4K 1.4K 2.4K

Collection of unrelated one shots. And mini-series'. Random Home Free members, Home Free crew, Home Free fri... More

The Accident
I Hate You
I Love You
Mutually Used
Mutually Beneficial
Mutually In Love
Gym Crush
The Game
Gym Crush 2
Gym Crush 3
Miserably Infatuated
Miserably torn
What the...
One Wild Night
One Wild Night 2
One Wild Night 3
Wicked Life
Wicked Woah
Angel in the Thorn
Angel Misunderstood
Angel in Love
Angel Lives
Convenient Love
Midnight Pleasure
Midnight Pleasure 2
Midnight Pleasure 3
Winter Seduction
Winter Seduction 2
Winter Seduction 3
Winter Seduction 4
Dangerous Friend
Dangerous Kiss
Dangerous Feels
Dangerous Heart
Voracious Angel
Whiskey Lullaby
The Teacher
Drunken idiots
The Lusty Boss
The Lusty Boss 2
The Lusty Boss 3
Taste of Heaven 1
Taste of Heaven 2
Taste of Heaven 3
Beautiful, Beloved 1
Beautiful, Beloved 2
Beautiful, Beloved 3
Moonlight and Mischief
Moonlight and Mischief 2
Fire of the Butterfly 1
Fire of the Butterfly 2
Fire of the Butterfly 3
Tarzan and the Emerald 1
Tarzan and the Emerald 2
Tarzan and the Emerald 3
Tarzan in the New World
Unexpected Changes 1
Unexpected Changes 2
Unexpected Changes 3
Some Kisses Should Yearn
The Secretary
A Midsummer Storm 1
A Midsummer Storm 2
A Midsummer Storm 3
A Flicker of Confusion
A Flicker of Love
A Flicker of Redemption
Sunlight Prince
Moonlight Prince
Starlight Prince
Fire and Silk
Voracious Angel 2
Convenient Love 2
Moonlight and Mischief 3
Flames of Adventure 1
Flames of Adventure 2
Flames of Adventure 3
Pining For You
Ravished and Ravenous
Ravished and Ravenous 2
The Confusing Desire
The Confusing Want
The Confusing Love
Sinful Hours
Sharing Season
Sinful Hours 2
Sinful Hours 3
Moonlight and Mischief 4
What happens at night. . .
Simple Fire

Wicked Road

271 13 6
By Freak-of-Madness

A/N: Welcome to part 2 of the "Wicked" mini-series! I hope you're liking this so far. Firstly let me say that I'm terrible (still imo) of writing fight scenes so forgive me. Secondly, there will be a special treat in this chapter that I hope you all will enjoy. Much love to you all ;)

"Going by the way you're dressed, I'm assuming you haven't been homeless long." Adam observed.


"Tell me what happened." Adam said making Avi sigh.

"My...significant other... and I had a huge fight yesterday. I grabbed my wallet and jacket and went for a walk to cool off, clear my head, and try to figure out what to do. When I came back, my key didn't fit the lock. I pounded on the door significant other...opened the door.

I asked why my key didn't fit and was told it was because they'd changed the locks. When I asked why they'd done that knowing I was coming back, you know, I hadn't packed my bags or anything, they said it was because they knew I was coming back. I was told to never come back and we were through." Avi explained.

"I see. Where'd you sleep last night?" Adam inquired, taking in Avi's facial features.

"I walked as far as I could. It was getting dark, the wind picked up, I was trying not to...anyway. I came upon a park and found a big 'ol tree. I love nature so I sat down and leaned up against it. I guess I fell asleep even though it wasn't really a good sleep." Avi looked down, avoiding Adam's gaze.

"Tell me something and be truthful about it. Are you gay?" Adam inquired making Avi look sharply up at him, "The way you always skirted around girl or boy friend speaks volumes. I'm not judging here, just curious. If it makes you feel any better, I'm gay."

"Yes, I am."

"Most people around don't really care. There's a few jackasses who'll give you grief. Some, like Rowdy, don't care one way or another as long as they can stick their dick in ya." Adam explained, "It's rough out here, believe me. I'm kind of new myself, only been homeless around five years. Most of the older guys have been homeless way longer than that. It's hard to get back on your feet out here but we try to support one another as best we can."

"Holy moly!" Avi's eyes widened making Adam chuckle.

"You're cute (Adam chuckled). If you haven't noticed, I'm kind of the leader of this little camp. It took me a while, and a lot of street fighting, to work my way up. I've earned myself a reputation as a man you don't want to mess with. The fellas around here know that pretty much what I say goes.

I don't force people to share food or money if they're lucky enough to get it, Lord knows it's hard enough to come by, but if they're willing to share all the better. I try to share what I can. There's a homeless shelter a few blocks from here. They'll give you a sleeping bag, heavy coat, scarf, and gloves if you tell them you're recently homeless.

I can take you down there tomorrow if you'd like. You're gonna need something to sleep in and a much better coat for the winter. It gets pretty damned cold in Minnesota in the winter time." Adam explained.

"Wow. Thanks for allowing me to stay here. I honestly had no idea where to go. I have no idea what to do, who to trust, what I'm..." Avi started tearing up.

"It's ok, cutie. I understand. Believe me, I understand more than you know." Adam soothed as he reached out to give Avi's hand a squeeze, "I wouldn't let any of them see you cry, though. Especially Rowdy. I won't be around all the time and I don't want you getting hurt."

"I'm sorry. Everything is still so...God I sound like a girl." Avi looked away from the blond.

"Avi, listen to me. Trust me when I say I know exactly what you're going through right now. All the feelings you have to deal with, the uncertainty of your life, wondering how you're even going to survive, no friends that help. I may not be much, but I'm your friend. If you want a homeless gay street fighter as your friend." Adam said.

Avi swallowed the lump in his throat, "Thanks. It seems you're really my only real friend (Adam laughed softly). So, uh, how do you know what I'm going through?"

The pair sat together as Adam explained everything about that night five years ago and what transpired the few days after he was kicked out of his childhood home. Avi's jaw hit the ground at what he was hearing! 'And here I was thinking my parents were bad!' Avi thought to himself. Adam explained how a fellow homeless man had taken him under his wing and taught him how to survive. When the best times were to hit up the homeless shelters for things, what things to ask for.

"Where am I going to sleep tonight? I have nothing but my jacket." Avi whispered so low Adam barely heard him.

"Cutie, I'm not going to just throw you to the wolves. Especially with Rowdy eyeballing you the way he is. You can crash in my tent tonight. Like I said, tomorrow, I'll take you down to the homeless shelter and you can get a sleeping bag to sleep in which will help. We'll have to find you something to make your camp with, too." Adam finished thoughtfully, brows pulled together.

"Uh, Rowdy said I should make my camp further down that way. The way Sparky and I came in because I was a newbie. Where do you think I need to make my camp? I don't want to step on anyone's toes or anything..." Avi quickly stated

"You can make it near mine. I'd rather keep you close. Something tells me Rowdy is going to give you hell." Adam let his eyes wander Avi's body, "If you have any talents, you should think about going out and finding somewhere to sit during the day and utilize them. Any source of money-making is an asset to you."


"I'm sure I'm forgetting something. I think of it eventually and let you know." Adam looked at the exhausted young man, "Are you tired?"

Avi didn't want to admit it. He hated this situation, hated knowing he was going to be living out on the streets with no heat to keep him warm. He couldn't look at Adam as he barely nodded his head yes. The blond knew how he felt all too well. He'd been the very same way five years ago.

"I keep an extra sleeping bag in my tent. Roll it out and get comfortable. Your body needs rest, your mind needs time to process things. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise." Adam's soft voice hit Avi's ears.

"Thank you, Adam. For everything."

The blond could only smile as he moved so the smaller man could get the extra bag and roll it out. Throughout Adam's time on the street, he had learned a few things. How strong he was, for one. How to fight, when to fight and when to run, how to defend one's turf, how to lead a colony of people. Sparky said he was a natural leader but Adam thought the old man was crazy. The blond kept glancing back at Avi as the newbie laid there trying to sleep.

The following day, Adam took Avi down to the homeless shelter as promised. Avi felt ashamed for being here. All the volunteers were very kind and friendly as they gave him what they could. Avi still needed to find stuff to make his "camp" with. Adam suggested actual tent and boards to help keep the wind and snow off. Avi had a little bit of money in his wallet but he wasn't sure if he should spend it or not.

There were shops nearby that threw out the pallets their merchandise came on so Adam helped Avi gather them up to help make his camp. He still needed a tent of some sort. Something durable. Even a heavy-duty tarp would suffice. Avi sighed when he realized the closest place to get a tent or tarp would probably be Wal-Mart unless one magically appeared. Adam clapped him on the back before giving him directions.

The small man was trying to stay upbeat about things but since he was searching for a tent to be his home, it was hard. Walking into the Wal-Mart, the music hit his ears and for a little while he was happy again. As he was browsing the camping section for tents, he frowned looking at the prices. 'These are way over what I even have the money for!' he sighed. He began quietly singing along to the song that was playing overhead, not paying anyone any mind, as he debated with himself on whether to try and get a tent or go to the automotive section and get a tarp.

A gentleman walked up and stared at Avi as he was singing making him blush. The older man said he hadn't heard such a voice in a long time and asked why the young man was frowning. Avi explained the situation, leaving out why he'd been kicked out, and that he was now trying to decide whether to spend what little money he still had on a tent or save it and just get a tarp. The older gentleman said if he would sing a particular song for him, he would buy Avi any tent he wanted. The young man quickly agreed and began singing.

A few hours later, Avi returned with a newly acquired tent. He walked to his camp site to begin setting up his new tent. Once that was done, he had to get his pallets set up to help keep the wind and snow off him as best as he could. The young man felt so out of his depth as he worked. He was lost in his thoughts and didn't notice Rowdy walking up.

"Hey newbie...why don't you come hang out with me for a while." He heard Rowdy exclaim.

"Leave me alone, Rowdy. I'm busy." Avi didn't even look up from what he was doing.

"It ain't like you don't have time to finish that later. Come on (Rowdy reached out and grabbed ahold of Avi's wrist) let's go sit at my camp and get to know one another." Rowdy urged.

Avi jerked his arm back before turning to face the slightly bigger man.

"I said leave me alone. I'm not interested, I don't like you, I don't wanna be friends, I'm not moving my camp. Just leave me alone." Avi stared into the other man's eyes.

"You got such a pretty mouth, newbie. We could have lots of fun!" Rowdy laughed as he reached out yet again to grab Avi's wrist.

"I believe he told you to leave him alone." Adam exclaimed.

"Noise! Piss off, this is between me and newbie here." Rowdy turned back to Avi.

"Don't make me tell you again, Rowdy. Back to your camp!" Adam puffed out his chest.

"Or what?" Rowdy turned his whole body towards Adam.

Several other people had begun to filter to where they were now at to see what was happening. Sparky moved to stand next to Avi.

"You know what, Rowdy."

Rowdy proceeded to shove Adam. Adrenaline began flowing through Adam as he rushed over, swung his balled fist and connected. Blood splattered on his hand. Rowdy tried to retaliate but Adam ducked out of the way. Adam swung his fist connecting with Rowdy's stomach. Avi couldn't look away. Rowdy threw his fist connecting with Adam's lip. The blond growled. Blood trickled down his chin.

Adam swung again connecting to Rowdy's nose. Rowdy blocked a second hit. The blond swung again, connected to his gut, knocking the wind out of him. The smaller man's fist connected with Adam's nose. 'Ugh, what a pungent odor!' Adam nearly gagged. The blond responded with an uppercut. Rowdy's head bounced backwards at the force. Rowdy turned back around to stare Adam down, both men breathing heavy.

"Come, on Noise. I know you can do better than that!" Rowdy taunted him with a smirk.

"Is Adam going to be ok?" Avi quietly asked Sparky.

"He's a good fighter, he'll be fine." Sparky replied.

"I'm only going to tell you this one more time, leave Avi alone. He's under my protection." Adam stated.

"What if I don't wanna leave him alone?" Rowdy challenged.

"Then you'll get the ass-beating you want." Adam retorted.

Rowdy rushed over making them both fall to the ground. He hit Adam in the face over and over. The blond threw his hands up to cover his face. Avi gasped at the scene before him. Adam hooked his left leg behind Rowdy's and flipped them over. He jumped to his feet and waited. As Rowdy stood up, Adam side-kicked him in the knee. The smaller man groaned at the pain in his knee. Adam then elbowed him in the face.

Rowdy began spewing hateful words at the leader of the camp making the crowd begin to murmur. Adam grabbed Rowdy's wrists then headbutted him. 'What the hell is he doing?' Avi's eyes were wide as he watched. Rowdy swung but missed Adam's face, hitting him in the shoulder. Adam pounded into Rowdy's face in a right-left-right with both fists. More blood on his fists. His heart pounding in his ears.

Adam went to clock Rowdy again. The younger man blocked the blow making Adam hit his forearm. The reverberation vibrated up Adam's arm. Rowdy battered Adam's face with a few blows. Adam sidestepped the attack making the smaller man hit the dirty ground. The blond kicked Rowdy in the side a few times. Rowdy jumped up and rushed at Adam. The blond moved out of the way and quickly turned to face his opponent.

Rowdy swung, hitting Adam's jaw. The blonde's head swiveled to the right. He growled again as his fist swung towards Rowdy. His fist connected with Rowdy's jaw. Before the smaller man could reacted, Adam punched him in the gut making him bend over then proceeded to knee him in the face. The blond threw the gasping man to the ground.

"Leave.Avi.Alone." Adam reiterated, "If you get up again, I will kill you."

Adam turned towards the crowd then made a "shooing" motion with his hands. Sparky gave Avi's shoulder a light squeeze before wandering back to his own camp site. Avi just stood there looking at the bleeding blond in shock and awe. He didn't know what to do or what he was expected to do. Adam nodded towards his camp before walking away. Avi swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat before willing his feet to move.

When he made it to Adam's tent, he found the blond cleaning up his bloody nose and lip. It broke Avi's heart and at the same time made him feel incredibly...proud wasn't the word. He had a seat but remained quiet.

"Adam...I...I'm sorry you had to get into a fight because of me. Thank you for coming to my defense." Avi avoided looking at the man he was speaking to.

"I'm not mad at you, Avi. I told you I'd look after you. Rowdy got the nickname Rowdy for a reason. He's a trouble-maker. He likes to start shit and he doesn't like taking no for an answer." Adam told him, "And quite frankly, he's needed that ass whooping for a long while now. This should knock his ass down a peg or two."


Avi was still getting used to being homeless. He hated being "dirty", the looks he got from "normal society", and the feeling of worthlessness. He kept to himself mostly unless he was talking with Adam. The blond was the only real friend Avi had in the world. Avi had told him everything, confided in the blond his deepest, darkest secrets and the blond accepted him anyways with no judgements.

There was also something else there. An underlying attraction for the blond but Avi didn't understand it. 'Just because he's been so nice to me, watching out for me.' Avi told himself. From the first time he'd seen Avi, Adam found himself attracted to the shorter, green-eyed man. There was this innocence to him, this sweet gentleness. It was a welcome contrast to the hardness of life on the streets and the cynicism that went with it.

'He'll always just look at me as someone who's just looking out for him. Someone to run to when he needs protecting.' Adam told himself at night when he wanted to ask Avi into his tent so they could snuggle for warmth. Winter was approaching and that was the hardest time to be out on the streets. Adam didn't want Avi to have to resort to the things he did to survive. Before long, snow would begin to fall. Adam did his best to help those at the camp ground as winter approached and he knew Avi would need more help than most. This was his first winter.

Adam returned to the camp ground after "an outing", he never told anyone where he went on these little outings, and made his way to his camp site. As he was shaking off the cold by the fire he heard it. The most beautiful yet one of the deepest voices he'd ever heard. He began following the sound and was shocked when he came by Avi's camp.

"Avi?" Adam exclaimed.

"Hi Adam. What's up?" Avi asked.

"Sing for me. What you were just singing." Adam asked making the smaller man blush and look away.

"Oh, you don't wanna hear me sing. I'm terrible. Jack always said I sounded like a dying cat." Avi looked down.

Adam lifted Avi's chin with his finger and made the smaller man look into his eyes.

"I asked you to sing for me. What I was hearing most certainly didn't sound like a dying cat!" Adam softened his tone, "Please. Sing again."

Avi looked at him before taking a few deep breaths and starting over.

Adam couldn't do anything but just stare at the green-eyed man before him, jaw open. When Avi finished, he couldn't bare to look at Adam.

"See? Told you I was terrible." Avi quietly said.

Adam cupped Avi's face in both hands and stared deeply into the other man's eyes. Avi's breath hitched in his throat wondering what was about to happen. 'Is he about to kiss me? Hit me? Cuss at me?' Avi wondered as he stared into the most beautiful shade of blue he thought he'd ever seen.

"Avi, listen to me. I don't know who has fed you all these negative lies about yourself but you have one of the deepest yet most beautiful voices I have ever heard. You could make money singing, Avi. I mean that." Adam told him (the blond hadn't let go of Avi's face), "Could you sing with a drum beat instead of a guitar?"

"Uh...I guess. I've never tried. Why?" Avi looked at him strangely.

"Because I have an idea that might be beneficial to us both. I need some time to hash it out in my head though." Adam replied as he watched Avi glance down at his lips.

"You really think I have a beautiful voice?" Avi whispered.

"I wouldn't lie to you, Avi. But I think all of you is beautiful." Adam's statement made Avi blush.

Adam finally let Avi go before smiling at the smaller man. Avi watched the blond walk back to his camp site and crawl into his tent. 'I wonder what he's up to?' Avi thought as he sat down. He shrugged figuring Adam would tell him in time. He did, however, wonder why everyone kept calling the blond "Noise". Curiosity got the better of him and he went to talk to Sparky.

"Why does everyone call Adam Noise?" Avi asked making the older man laugh softly.

"He hasn't let you hear him, yet huh? (Avi shook his head no) Well, he can make some pretty strange noises with his mouth. Someone just started calling him 'Noise' when he first started staying here and the name stuck." Sparky explained.

"Huh. I'll have to ask him about it sometime." Avi haphazardly commented.

He returned to his camp site and got settled. There was nothing to do except think and that usually depressed him. He didn't know what he could do for work or even how he'd get work while living on the streets. It was a vicious cycle he was baffled at how to break. The wind began picking up again so he wrapped his coat around him as best as he could and huddled inside his tent.

A few days later, Adam came by. Avi was a bit surprised when the blond asked him to come with him. The smaller man didn't know where they were going. Adam told Sparky to look after things while they were gone making the older man nod in understanding. To Avi's surprise, Adam led them to a street where a lot of local street performers did their thing. They found a spot that wasn't by too many singers. He turned to look up at the blond.

"Start singing. I'll be right here, don't worry." Adam threw what appeared to be a new baseball cap on the ground in front of Avi.

"What? Are you crazy?" Avi looked at his friend.

"Probably. Trust me on this, ok? People will love your voice. I think we could earn some money this way." Adam told him.

"We? You're going to take a cut of whatever I make?" Avi tilted his head.

"No. I'll be performing with you. I'll be getting my half." Adam explained, slightly confusing the smaller man, "I would never cheat you, Avi. Not intentionally anyways. I'm not like that."

"I'm sorry for making the accusation, Adam. know better than I do about these things. How to survive out here. I...I trust you." Avi relented.

"Start with 'Sound of Silence'. That'll get people's attention." Adam smiled at his friend.

Avi cleared his throat and tried to calm his nerves. People were walking by. Most wouldn't even glance in their direction. Why would they? He and Adam were just useless homeless men. A drain on society. Scum of the Earth. With one last look back at Adam, blue eyes soft and almost calming, he began singing. Immediately people began to stop to listen to Avi sing.

Before long, Adam started in with a drum beat that fit the song. People began throwing money into their hat. Avi could see people gently nodding their heads to the beat that Adam was producing. There was this feeling inside he had never known before! When he was done singing, the crowd clapped. Avi thanked them and quickly grabbed their cap. He turned and flung himself into Adam's arms.

"Did you hear them clapping? See them smiling at us? People...they liked it!" Avi gushed making the blond, who had snaked his arms around Avi's waist, laugh.

"I told you I thought we could make some money. Take that out and put it in your pocket. Then set the cap back down and we'll do a few more songs." Adam's arms were still around Avi's waist.

Avi did as he was told and felt Adam move to stand beside him this time. They did a few songs that would showcase that deep sound Avi was capable of which the crowds seemed to really love.


Day after day, Avi and Adam would head out to the performer's street and perform. If they made enough money, they tried to buy a meal for the guys at the camp ground. As the pair performed together, each began to feel a closeness to the other. Adam's looking after the smaller man became more than "just because he's new to the streets".

A man happened to walk down the street one day and catch one of their performances. He was blown away by the pair as he stood there listening to them. He returned the next day at the same time and found them in the same spot at the same time. Their performances never failed to please the crowds that seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.

For two weeks, he showed up every day. One day he hung around and followed them home. Or what they called home. He realized they stayed at one of the homeless campgrounds and felt bad for them. With that much talent, how could they be homeless? He was looking for a roommate and wondered if these two would be interested in sharing his meager apartment? Even if they paid him ¼ of his rent, that would be a huge help to him! 'I'll have to ask them to have a meal with me so we can chat.' he thought as he walked away with a smile.

A/N: Well, what a road they've discovered, huh?! Could there be a way off the streets for them? Who is this man that they have caught the attention of? O.O Stay tuned to find out!

PS: I'd really love it if you'd drop a vote & comment below and add this book to your library!

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