Drew Grier: A Broken Girl

By imacoolcat_

78.2K 1.2K 355

At first glance, the Grier family is perfect. But, not all is well for Drew and her brother Will Grier. They... More

Drew Grier: A Broken Girl
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 (The End)

Chapter 33

1.2K 24 5
By imacoolcat_

(Sorry I haven't updated in a few days, I was taking a short break. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. Is it true? Well, I've been working on some cool things. Like maybe a sequel, and maybe another story entirely. Thank you for reading.)

*Remember, Jc Caylen= Member of O2L

~Drew's POV~

I'm back home, well I don't know if you would call California home, but it's where I am at physically. My weird, fiery, intense trip to New Jersey has left me dazed, confused, and a bit cloudy. I don't know what to think, especially when it comes to Jack, and or Cameron.

Today, I am lucky. I don't have meetings, recording time, or interviews. It's the first time in a long time, I can relax, and do something I want to. Jc had asked me to hang out, but I declined until later. I want to spend it by myself.

I tie my shoe laces, plug my headphones into my ears. Stretching my arms out, feeling the warm rays of sun hit my back. My house sits on four acres of land, in the almost middle of no where on a private beach. I thought, I would finally explore all of it, and maybe get a workout in.

I start running, passing palm tree's, my mail box, and detached gazebo. I hear birds soaring above me, seagulls I assume. It's serenity I usually don't receive. I can clear my thoughts, and hopefully leave them behind here.

I run a little farther, a bit out of breath, seeing Nik and Hugo's home. They share an refurbished converted loft on the outskirts of my property. I often wonder, if they have families, and why they don't spend their time with them.

They've had the past few days off, I open the door, seeing if there home. The cars are gone, but I step inside to the air conditioning anyways. I've never been in the place, but I realize it's nice. I go to the open kitchen, looking at the pictures on it. I feel invasive, but curious.

I see a picture, of Nik, younger, with his arm wrapped around a brunette. My breathing get's harder, faster. The girl he is with, is my Mother. A gasp comes from my parted lips, I hit my hip on the edge of the counter.

I run, as fast as I can back to my house, slamming the door behind me. Questions, everything is running through my mind. Did he know? Is he my body guard out of coincidence? Or did he find me himself? Why was he gone my entire life?

It makes sense now, Nik is short for Nikoli. I reach for my phone, tapping Will's contact. I sunk to the ground, pulling my knee's to my chest. Heaving, trying to calm my self down. “Will?” I ask into the phone.

“What's the matter?” He asked, in his worried voice, the one I miss so much.

“I found my real Father.” I choke out.

“Oh my god..” was the only thing he could say, and to be honest, it was the exact thing I was thinking at the moment.

“I know,” I whispered.

“Does he know, that you know?”

“No, he's not here. It's his day off.”

“You need to talk to him Drew.”

I took another deep breath, “it's just, you'd think he tell me.”

“Maybe there is a reason he didn't.”

                                                                              * * *

I looked out the window, staring into the blank sky, that was dark and folded over with clouds. It's late out, and despite the events earlier, all the new known information. I am determined to have a good night. So, Jc, picked me up and we are going back to his house for some massive party. He say's, “it's the party of the year.” We'll have to see about that. I'm not about to get plastered drunk, but I need to get some things off my mind.

I smooth over my black dress, that hangs to my mid-thigh. As the car pulls in, many, if not hundreds it seems like, are entering his house. I've been here, two or three times, so it's familiar in a weird sense. I follow him inside, greeting some of the others, and some new faces I haven't met before. Mainly, people you see on screens, talking to a camera.

“When does the album come out?” Asked Jai Brooks, whom I have met through Ariana Grande before, he sipped on a blue cup. “Ari said something about it being epic.”

“My next single comes out, then the album with a few weeks later.”

“You're killing the charts right now.”

“Good thing?” I chuckled, taking another sip of my Corona.


“Well thanks.” I grinned.

We talked, as I made my rounds to other people. There were lots of picture's being taken. Conversation's struck. And to be honest, it was fun. I liked it, for one night I got to take all the pain away in my mind.

It wasn't something I could do, or afford for that matter. I have my entire career on my shoulder's, so I took it slow. Only consuming one or two beers. “Drew! Over here!” I heard my name being called, I turned my head to see Kian and Jc, deep in their vodka chasers.

I strode over to them, chuckling at their drunken states. “Yeah?” I asked. I cocked my head to the side, raising my eyebrow.

“Want to play?” They asked, standing at the make shift, beer pong table.

“Why not.” I smiled, stepping toward them.

I had only played once before in my life, so I wasn't the best. But all I had to do was be better than Kian, and he was pretty fucking horrible. He didn't have aim to save his life. I plunked ball after ball in his cup, and he only made a few into mine.

“How're you so good?” Kian groaned, slugging back his beer.

“It's a natural talent.” I joke.

I step away, letting Jc take a try. And eventually, it becomes an all out war between the two. I chuckled, leaning back in the seat. As I watched them involuntarily becoming more and more frustrated with each other.

“You suck Kian, give it up.” I laughed, almost doubled over.

“I will not,” he slurred.

Everyone around, was dancing, talking, do something or another. As music pumped through the walls of the large house, it was almost cliché. The party, the scene. There was weed, pills of some sort, and all types of alcohol being passed around.

I was at three beers, maybe four due to beer pong. And I knew, I had to stop now. Or I wouldn't know my own name by the end of the night. I was trying to be smart. “Why don't you have another?” Kian slurs, leaning against the counter.

“I'm good,” I laugh, walking past him.

I try and find the bathroom, but the alcohol running through my veins, was making it hard to see. The hallway is small and cramped in the upstairs, maybe it's because the walls are closing in on me. “Hey Drew,” Jc rumbles at my side.

“Hey,” I greet.

“Come here,” he speaks.

He isn't subtle, at all. His large hands pin down my sides, holding me against the wall. Pinning me to it. And I am trapped, I can't move. I want to scream, I urge to. But no one would help me. “I want you so bad.” He whisper's huskily in my ear. I writhe, grimacing as I try and get from his grasp. “Jc stop,” I pant, as his lips move up and down my neck.

“Please, stop.” It's not a question that comes from my mouth, it's a demand.

This only motivated him more. He dug his hips into mine, hands gripping me too tightly. I was hurting, and I didn't know what to do. I blink my eye's, and it's like I am transported in time. I'm two years younger, and it isn't a teenage boy in front of me, but a grown man, George.

When I am back into reality, Jc is moving fast, too fast. His hands squeezing my thighs, trying to inch my dress up. Tears roll down my cheeks, I'm petrified. I do the only thing I can think of, kneeing Jc as hard as I can manage in his groin.

Gasping, I step away, and try and get away from his tumbling body. “Stay the hell away from me.” I stutter, shaking. I run, weaving through the party, ignoring anybody who looks my way, I step out the front door, running down the street, passing the houses by.

I reach for my phone, punching in number that seem hazy. I sink to the side of the street, hugging my knee's to my chest protectively. I couldn't see straight, and I didn't know who I was calling, or what I was saying. Until finally, I took enough deep breaths to see one name on my cell, Nik.

“Help,” I cried into the phone.

His voice was alert and panicked. “Drew where are you? Calm down okay, I'll come get you.”

“I don't know I am.”

“What's around you, give me the streets. Just breathe, and try and focus.”

I followed his easy instructions. “23rd street, and Wolf Ave.” I breathed, trying to wipe away the tears.

“Don't move, okay? I'll be there in five minutes.”

“Hurry Dad, I'm scared,” I said, not knowing I said it until I hung up.

The cold air hit my bare shoulder's, stinging them into place. I shook with fear, and I'm not sure what else. The whole entire world was a blur, my life flashing before my own eyes. Moment's I couldn't comprehend, ones I wanted to remember for ever, and ones I wanted to forget eternally.

The image of George comes through my mind, a monster with bearing teeth and flared nostrils. He was what all things depicted as to be the devil. He was never my Father, my real one was always somewhere else. My Mother never gave me the chance to know.

Now he's here, and not just in the mental sense. Nik's car pulled up beside me, his body a flash, my own being picked up in his strong arms, safe arms. I wasn't near Jc now, and if I was, I knew I'd be safe with Nik here.

He placed me in the passenger seat. Quickly returning to the other side. Starting the ignition. “What happened?” He asked, his eye's warm, and not angry as I thought they would be.

“He touched me, when I said no.” I whispered, hugging my knee's to my chest once more.

“Who? Who did this to you? Did he hurt you?” He put the car in park, speeding down the street.

“I'm not hurt, just scared.” I soothed, rubbing my temples.

He sped off faster, as the world blew by my face. I didn't say a name, because honestly it was slipping my mind. The encounter, the monster in front of me. When Nik pulled into the drive way, he quickly got out, helping me stand on the other side.

He kicked the door open, helping me get to my couch. “Look at me,” he said, tilting my head up with his finger's. He examined my face, looking for cuts of any kind. My eye's were dazed. “Are you mad?” I ask.

He shook his head, “not your fault kid. You're safe now, I promise.”

I nodded, knowing, it was true. “Thank you,” I whispered. “For everything.”

“I'd do anything for you.”

“Why didn't I know about you? Why didn't you tell me you were my real Dad?” I ask, all the questions running through my less than impaired mind.

“I'll answer all of your questions tomorrow, you need sleep, I figured you'd put the pieces together sooner or later. Come on, let's get you to bed sweet heart.” He picked me up from the white linen couch. Walking me to my room.

I felt small, like a child who falls asleep on the couch, and her Dad carries her to bed. I never had that as a child. I always had a Father, one who's name was a synonym for the word asshole. A Dad, and Father are two different things in my mind, and now I have a Dad, whom I know will protect me.

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