Rad | Waterparks [Hiatus]

By bonedaddy666

4.5K 197 71

They were sk8r friendz, they were band boyz. ------------------------------------------- Highest ranking - #8... More

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60 3 0
By bonedaddy666


"Holy shit, what are we gonna do about a bassist?!"I panicked and paced around the cashier area of our store. "How can we find one if the show is tomorrow?! Not to mention the next one is the following day!"

"Ivanna, you need to relax because stressi-"

"If you want to keep that penis of yours then I suggest you shut the hell up." It shut Jacoby up good. "I know we can't get Lawrence because that will be bad for all of us. But who else knows our songs?! I mean, our songs our pretty simple so as long as I find someone quick then I send them the music and they practice now then we should be good. But I don't know anyone who might be willing to do that!" I explained outloud quickly. I'm not sure why I did that but it just made me feel better.

Jacoby looked at the rubix cube he was messing with while sitting on the counter. "Why don't you just call one of the people on your millions of contacts on your phone? You knew literally everybody in the whole school." He said

I halted. "Oh my god, I could just call one of my friends from highschool! I'm a genius."

Jacoby sighed. "Be gay and this is where it gets ya." He mumbled but I didn't really care enough to pay attention.

I immediately sat down on the little orange chair that looks like it's from a middle school and began going through all of my contacts.

This was gonna take a while.



"Its been three hours, Ivanna. Holy shit." Jacoby said to me. We were getting ready to leave since it was ten at night and hour shift was ending. Two other workers were already in and working the register while Jacoby and I sat in the employee room.

"Sorry but I just found a girl who was willing to to it. I just sent her the music and she's practicing. I told her we play tomorrow at five but we have to pick her up." I sighed in relief and sunk in my chair.

Jacoby's eyes lit up. "Fuck yeah! Maybe she'll be a permanent memeber?"

"Hell ye- wait, we have to ask Alice firs- OH MY GOD ALICE!" I yelled and jumped up. Jacoby did the same. "WE HAVEN'T HEARD FROM HER ALL DAY!"


"Shut your dumbass up and let's go!"

Immediately we grabbed our backpacks and our boards then bolted out of the store. We got strange looks from our coworkers but that was our least concern.

Like a rocket, the two of us skated to the rink as fast as we could, almost getting runovered a few times. Once we got there we busted in and saw Jessica sitting there on the counter, chewing bubble gum like a bitch.

"What are the emo slut's dogs doing here?" She spat. Two other girls sat next to her. One filing her nails and the other doing her shitty makeup.

"Where is Alice?" I asked quickly, trying to hold in my urge to kill her.

She rolled her bitch eyes. "Ugh, that whore took my boyfriend away from me and our boss- or my boss now, fired her ass."

"She even gave Jessica a black eye!" One if the other hoes said that made me immediately get worried.

"For reals, she totally went all psycho! All we did was break her flimsy board and light that pile of shit on fire!" Jessica said in disgust.

"You burned what?" Jacoby stepped up very angrily.

Jessica sighed. "I'm tired of talking to these dogs, Britney, get them out!"

One of her bitches stood up and tried to push us out but I push her to the floor. "Don't touch me or my friend with your slutty fingers."

"What did you say to me?" She spat with her annoying bitch voice then stood up and got near me.

"You heard me."

Jacoby sighed and pulled me back. "What did you burn, Jessica?" He asked again with a more stern tone.

She turned to him, pulling something out from under the counter. It was Alice's board in two halves and a half way burnt notebook. You could barley read the words that did say 'Do not enter.' "Her weird emo notebook and Stacy brok-"

Jacoby slapped her straight across the face. Making everyone freeze in shock. "I know you don't like Alice and I don't like those boys she hangs out with. That doesn't mean I'm going to take away the things she loves most! Alice never even did anything to your slutty ass! That girly boy broke up with you probably because of how bitch you are! I would bet a lot that no one would want to really date your ass!"

My jaw dropped. I have never seen Jacoby that angry before. Yes, he's gotten pissed at many boys before for messing with Alice and I, but he has never hit a girl. I didn't think he cared that much since he just got in a fight with Alice but he is still her best friends so I guess it makes sense.

Jacoby grabbed the broken skateboard and the book and stromed outside. Before following I slapped the bitch that touched me and pushed her.

With their jaw dropped too, Jacoby and I left the shitty rink and didn't look back.

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