˗ˏˋMEDICINE ˎˊ˗ 【 Little Spa...

By caringkookie

272K 13.2K 3.2K

°◇Taehyung was supposed to babysit the youngest Jeon's child. He was supposed to take care of the boy with th... More

˗ˏˋ Introductionˎˊ˗ ♡
🍼I- ˗ˏˋ Little Kookie ˎˊ˗
🍭II - ˗ˏˋ Daddy Taetaeˎˊ˗
🍬III - ˗ˏˋ wrong person ˎˊ˗
🌹IV - ˗ˏˋ no tears ˎˊ˗
🌈V - ˗ˏˋ tiger and bunny ˎˊ˗
🎠VII - ˗ˏˋ reward ˎˊ˗
💟VIII - ˗ˏˋ first kiss ˎˊ˗
🐯IX - ˗ˏˋ alone ˎˊ˗
🍓X - ˗ˏˋ phone call ˎˊ˗
🐥XI - ˗ˏˋ Jimin ˎˊ˗
🧚‍♂️XII - ˗ˏˋ old Jinnie ˎˊ˗
🍓XIII - ˗ˏˋ rules and punishmentsˎˊ˗
🐍XIV - ˗ˏˋBratˎˊ˗
🌠XV - ˗ˏˋdepressionˎˊ˗
🎀 XVI - ˗ˏˋbathˎˊ
👑XVII - ˗ˏˋloveˎˊ
🔮XVIII - ˗ˏˋrealizationˎˊ
🐝XIX - ˗ˏˋtalkˎˊ
🌃XX - ˗ˏˋgoodnight pillsˎˊ˗
🌑𝐹𝑙𝑎𝑠𝘩𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝟣
🌅XXI- ˗ˏˋwake upˎˊ˗
✴XXII- ˗ˏˋMrs Jeonˎˊ˗
🦋XXIII - ˗ˏˋJohnˎˊ˗
👻XXIV - ˗ˏˋ bad ˎˊ˗
🗣XXV - ˗ˏˋ mad ˎˊ˗
🐛XXVI - ˗ˏˋgood luck ˎˊ˗
🌼XXVII - ˗ˏˋlook at me ˎˊ˗
🌘𝐹𝑙𝑎𝑠𝘩𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘 2

🍌VI - ˗ˏˋ banana milk ˎˊ˗

11.5K 576 394
By caringkookie

Taehyung and Jungkook arrived at the supermarket. Jungkook was very excited and didn't stop looking around with the two of his plushies wrapped around his arms.

Taehyung had never in his life bought banana milk and he had no idea where to find it but he didn't have to worry because once they got there Jungkook was the one who guided him to it.

Taehyung took 2 packages of it and wondered if it was enough for a while. He looked at Jungkook to ask him "is this enough baby?"

But Jungkook was busy looking at some pink cookies that were right beside the milk section.

"Want" Kookie said pointing to it.

Taehyung smiled. He didn't have anything like cookies at home because he didn't use to eat those kinda things but now that Kookie was with him he had the feeling some things were about to change.

"Sure Kook you can have them" He agreed and he proceeded to take them along with the milk.

They bought some more things because Tae really hadn't a lot home since he was used to eat outside after work but it was different now with Jungkook staying with him. They walked to the checkout to pay.

Taehyung had noticed one thing about walking around with Jungkook; people stared.

People didn't just stare, they stared long enough to call it harassment. They made comments and looked at him as if he was some kind of circus animal. Some of them laughed at him and almost none of them walked by without paying attention to the boy. Taehyung felt like he was about to lose his shit. Why couldn't people mind their own business?

He looked at Jungkook, the innocent boy was just playing with his teddies not caring about what anyone could say or do to him. He was in his own happy world.

While they were waiting in the line Jungkook pulled softly from Taehyung's pants to get his attention and he immediately got it. Tae leaned into him and Jungkook whispered on his ear "Can I call you daddy in public?"

Taehyung smiled at him and he couldn't help but give Jungkook's cute cheek a squeeze "of course baby, you can call me whatever you want in and outside the house".

And there's when he noticed it. The woman in front of them. She was looking at them with a disgusted face and she looked like she was about to vomit.

Taehyung raised an eyebrow at her, tired of seeing people being so rude and disrespectful "don't u have something better to do?" the young man growled, full of anger.

The woman then looked away and acted as if nothing had happened but it was too late. Jungkook looked at her and then at his daddy and he noticed Taehyung was frowning his eyebrows and looked very mad. Jungkook didn't like to see him mad.

So he walked towards the woman with a pout on his face and without thinking it twice he gave her a hard kick in the calf. The woman screamed in pain.

"Jungkook!!" Taehyung exclaimed quickly grabbing the boy by his waist and pulling him backwards before he could do anything else.

Jungkook's eyes were out of his orbits and his cheeks painted in red tones, he wanted to jump onto the woman and pull her hair, make her regret making his daddy mad.

But he stayed quiet were Taehyung was holding him. Everyone was now staring at them and the woman was more than angry.

Taehyung didn't know what to do or say, he felt like it was his fault for saying something to that person in the first place, he should've just ignored it and forget about her. He rolled his eyes, he had to be Jungkook's example, he couldn't go around acting like a kid himself.


Fuck, don't call him teenager Taehyung thought looking down at Jungkook's reaction but the boy didn't look angrier than before.

"Calm down, let's talk things out" Taehyung said even though he didn't want to talk about anything with that woman "We're sorry about what happened, things got out of hand too fast"

But the woman was not satisfied with Taehyung's words, he still looked at Jungkook with fire in his eyes "I want to hear it from him"

He was fucked up.


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