South Park Bigger Longer And...

By ShineSailorSun

3.2K 59 14

Y/n L/n is the sweetest girl you'll ever know. This girl is best friends with our quadruple. One of them Stan... More

Y/n L/n Character Description
This Crazy Mountain Town
The Movie
Trouble in Paradise
Rehab for "Kids"

School Day

357 7 0
By ShineSailorSun

After that, the kids were in school singing 'Uncle Fucker', wearing Terrace and Phillip shirts.

Suddenly, the door opened and they quieted down.

Mr. Garrison, the teacher, came in and said "okay children, lets take our seats, we have a lot to learn today" into his weird little hand puppet thing.

Mr.Garrison, now with his normal voice "we sure do Mr. Hat"

Gregory (who was supposedly part of the class now) smiled at Y/n(who's desk was next to Clyde's. She smiled back and lightly waved.

This got the attention of Stan and Clyde, who both blankly stared at them.

"Okay, let's start off with math problems" He wrote the problem on the board and nobody answered. "It's okay children don't be shy, just give it your best shot."

Clyde rose his hand with triumphant smile on his face.

"Yes Clyde?"

"12?" he answered

"Okay lets hear from someone who isn't a complete retard" Mr. Garrison "Anyone? Come on don't be shy."

Y/n, not liking how he belittled her friend (but not having enough courage to stand up to the teacher), put her hand on Clyde's shoulder and whispered "hey...It was actually 10, but don't worry Clyde, I'm sure you'll get it next time." with her usual sweet smile

Clyde blushed and smiled weakly "Th-thanks"

"No problem"

Suddenly, Kyle answered "I think I know the answer Mr. Garrison" only to be mocked by Cartman.

"Shut up fatboy" Kyle retorted

"Ey!!! Don't call be fat!!! You fucking jew" Cartman cursed angrily

"ERIC?!" Mr. Garrison yelled shocked "did you just say the f word?!"

Confused, Cartman asked "Jew?"

"He's means fuck!!!" Kyle said "you can't say fuck in school, you fucking fatass"


"Why the fuck not?!" Cartman asked

"ERIC!!!" he said a little angrily this time

"Dude you just said fuck again!" Stan inquired, accidently saying the word himself.


"Fuck." Kenny said curiously.


"Can we all fucking calm down?" Y/n said, not meaning to, but still managing to say the word.

"Y/N?!" Mr Garrison yelled now back to being shocked

Y/n covered her mouth and slumped into her seat.


Clyde gave Y/n a hug and she accepted into it, and he embraced her tightly, looking at everyone with a gaze that said 'how dare you hurt my sweetheart'.

"Don't be sorry Y/n!" Cartman defended her "What's the big deal? It doesn't hurt anybody, fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck."

"HOW WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE SCHOOL COUNSELOR?!" Mr. Garrison yelled, pointing at the door

"Uh oh." Y/n, Sally and Esther said in unison, knowing what was going to happen next

"How would you like to suck my balls"

Everyone gasped at the comment except the 3 members of Team Y/n.

"Oh...I'm sorry I'm sorry what I meant to say" then he took out a megaphone "How Would You Like To Suck My Balls Mr.Garrison."

Mr. Garrison was appalled at this inappropriate display

"Holy Shit dude."


"Yeah sir." they all complied, not wanting to get into anymore trouble.

Clyde, feeling sympathy for his angel, comfort said "Don't worry, you're a freaking angel you'll be fine. I promise"

Y/n got a sad smile at Clyde's attempt to cheer her up "Thanks Clyde." and followed the boys wistfully

Clyde, Sally, and Esther, could only look in hope that their f/c angel would be alright.

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