By vam_girl32

152K 1.1K 168

Set almost a year after Breaking Dawn. Bella keeps falling asleep, throwing up and starting to feel somewhat... More

Mommy, i'm going to be a big sister?
Yeah,I didn't thing we leave that easy
He's how old?
Mamma, what's imprinting?
Little Bronze haired girl in the store
Goodbye Mom
Me and Leah, Friends?
Please is my new favourite word
Wow, I didn't expect you to be here
Catch Up Time
Ella and Ej
I'll miss you
Finding Out
The Perfect Night

Back to normal

6K 50 5
By vam_girl32

Chapter Nineteen: Back to Normal.

I didn't know vampires could get tired, but I was. I think everything that happened over the last couple days finally sunk in, even though things were pretty much back to normal, I still couldn't get the feeling out of my head of how close I was to losing my entire family. Renesmee still had nightmares of the "bad people" and Ej didn't stop crying. I hadn't spent time with Edward -alone- since I was pregnant. And due to Leah and Jacob being round all the time, my house stank of werewolf.

Don't get me wrong though, I loved my children-I don't know what I'd do without them. But, sometimes I wished they could just sleep more during the night.

It was 11:00pm and everyone but Edward and I-obviously- was asleep. We had finally got Ej settled so he was asleep. Renesmee and Ella went to bed fine.

"The quiet is nice" Edward said. We were on our bed. Since we had put the children to bed we hadn't really spoken.

"I know" I said back.

"It hasn't been quiet in a while"

"I miss it, I miss us." I admitted.

He pulled me up into his lap, but so I was facing him.

"What do you mean?"

"I haven't been with you. Just you, I don't regret the children, I don't regret anything at all. But, I just miss me and you" I said whilst looking down.

"Bella, how long have you felt like this?" He asked, his eyes looked concerned.

"Since I was pregnant. Remember, that time when you came home from taking Renesmee to la push and when you came home I convinced you that you wouldn't hurt me or the twins if we pushed your boundaries?" I said. I know if I was still human I would've blushed.


"That's why I wanted you so badly; I just wanted time with you. Just you, I hadn't had that in a while"

"Bella" He said pulling my head up to meet his eyes "Tell me. If you ever feel like this, just tell me."

I nodded.

"How about tomorrow I ask Esme and Carlisle to look after Ella and Ej, and ask Jacob if Renesmee can go to La Push, and me and you can have a day together?"

I nodded at him again.

"Sounds nice, but we also have some time together now..." I trailed off.

He got the idea and he rolled on top of me and started kissing me. Just as he went down to undo the buttons on my shirt, we heard a loud cry.

I groaned.

Esme and Alice had extended the cottage abit when I was pregnant for two extra rooms. Right now there was only one in use and it was a nursery for both the twins, but as they got older one would be for Ej and one for Ella.

I walked in and both of them were crying. Usually when Ej started crying Ella woke up too.

I picked up Ej and Edward picked up Ella.

"Sshhh baby" I cooed. I checked his diaper, and that clearly wasn't the case so I took him into the kitchen and Edward followed. He got some blood that they had collected whilst hunting-we were also using this for Renesmee, we were trying to get her away from Human blood- and fed Ella. I heated up some milk. After about five minutes I heard little footsteps coming.

"Momma?" Renesmee called rubbing her eyes as she walked in.

"Nessie, what are you doing up?" Edward asked her

"I heard crying" She said as she sat at the kitchen table next to me as I was feeding Ej.

I moved a strand of hair away from her face.

"Sweetie, why don't you go back to bed? It's late"

"Don't wanna" She protested.

"Renesmee, it's midnight sweetie, go back to sleep" Edward said.

"No!" She looked up at both of us and folded her arms.

Edwards face went from confused- she never refused to do things- to full of total understanding.

"Renesmee, let me and your mom take the twins back to bed and then we'll come and talk to you"

She frowned but stomped back to her room.

Once the twins were back to sleep-thankfully Ej went to sleep without a fuss- we walked to her room.

"Edward, what's going on with Renesmee?"

He just shook his head and carried on walking. He paused at her door and knocked, he waited a second before opening it. She'd obviously answered him in her mind.

She was sat on her bed playing with a stuffed toy wolf Jacob had gotten her. She was looking down and she didn't look up when we came in.

"Renesmee, baby what's wrong?" I asked sitting down next to her.

"My mom" she muttered. "My dad".


She sniffed and I realised why she wouldn't look at me- she was crying.

"Renesmee, what's wrong? Mommy can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong"

She looked up and met my eyes.

"You're my mommy, mine!" She said again, and she rested her head in my lap.

"Yes." I said slowly "I am your mommy, where's all this coming from Ness?"

"Bella" Edward whispered, so Renesmee wouldn't be able to hear him "Bella, love, she's jealous"

"Jealous, why on earth would she be jealous, she ha-...ohhh, I see."

I couldn't believe this.

"Renesmee, you know you're still my baby right? I don't love you any less" I said to her stroking her hair.

"But, you're always with them, they cry all the time, they always need you, but I need you too and you're not here anymore" She said between tears.

"Nessie" I said, she didn't look up. "Nessie" I tried again. No response. "Renesmee Carlie Cullen" I said abit louder, she jumped and looked at me this time.

"Renesmee, they are just babies, they can't do things on their own yet. You were a special baby and you could do things but they can't. So me and your dad have to help them. It doesn't mean we don't love you any less, or that we're not your parents anymore. We're still here baby, whenever you need us come get us. We're both always here for you. We may just be a little bit busy for a while, whilst we get used to having two new babies around. Do you understand sweetie? "

She nodded.

"Okay momma, I know."

"How about we have a day to ourselves one day this week, tomorrow you're going to see Jacob in La Push but we can do something another time ok?" Edward asked her.

She grinned and nodded

"Okay daddy" She said and yawned.

Edward walked over to the bed and tucked her in.

We both kissed her head as she settled back down to go to sleep.

We walked back into our room and sat down on our bed.

"I can't believe she was jealous, did you know about this?" I asked Edward.

"Nope, not until we were in the kitchen, she was trying to hide her thought, but she let them slip and I caught it"

"Bella love, it's normal, in a way. She's not used to other people taking her attention. I'm not saying that to make her sound spoiled, but we always gave her attention when she wanted, now we can't because of the babies"

I nodded.

We were quiet for while until Edward broke it

"So Mrs Cullen, in preparation for our day tomorrow would you like to continue where we left off earlier before we were interrupted?" He winked and that crooked smile appeared across his face.

I didn't respond, I just pulled his face down to mine and captured his lips to mine.

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