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Previously on Miracle

She smiled at me and then I heard a crash from the kitchen.

Edward looked at me and said

"Charlie heard you, he's knows she's yours and he wants answers now. Like why you were only pregnant for a month. Why she hurt you and what you meant by and I had to get "changed" because of it"

I gulped and a very red-faced Charlie walked into the room

"ISABELLA. I. Want. Answers. And your gonna give them to me."

I sighed. I knew we were not leaving that easily.


"WELL?" Charlie demanded

"Umm. I...I...I urmm..." I stuttered. I couldn't think of anything to say

Edward took over

"What exactly do you want to know Charlie"

"Is she yours, like biologically?" He was still angry, but you could hear the curiousness (A/N. Is this even a word lol) behind his voice

"Yes, Charlie she's ours" Edward told him. I gulped.

Charlie's face went purple. He turned and glared at me.


I found my voice.

"Renesmee was a lot stronger than I was, so when she kicked, she would sometimes hurt me. She would bruise me and sometimes break my ribs and..."

I cut of. Renesmee looked up at me and I saw tears in her eyes.

"Mommy, I'm so so sorry about it. Daddy was right you shouldn't have had me" She sniffed. I was shocked.

Edward took Renesmee and looked her straight in the eyes

"How did you know about that"

"Jake told me. He said that when mommy first got pregnant and you saw that I was killing her you told her to not have me"

Anger rushed through me. The dog was going to pay.

"Renesmee, as much as I'd love to say Jacob was lying... he wasn't."

Charlie gasped at this, and I remembered he was still in the room.

"But, saying those things was a terrible mistake. I love you Ness, and I have no idea what I would do without you. I thought your mom was going to die. But when I first heard you, I realised I was stupid and just scared and that you loved your mom so much that you never wanted to hurt her. And from that moment, I have always loved you. You're my little girl of course I love you" Edward hugged her closer

"Daddy. I love you to, and I understand completely, I probably would have said the same thing. I'm just glad you forgave me for hurting momma"

Edward went to speak again, but Charlie coughed and he had clearly gotten tired of being ignored.

"Bella, how were you only pregnant for a month?" Charlie almost sounded calmer now. Almost.

I looked at Edward and he shook his head as if to say, "I got nothing"

"Dad, I can't tell you"

"Why not? I think I have a right to know"

Edward spoke again

"Charlie you wouldn't believe us if we did"

"Try me" Charlie said fuming now.

"Edward, do you think we should speak to Carlisle. And you know, tell him the whole story" I said this at Vampire speed so Charlie wouldn't hear me.

"I'm not sure. Maybe. I'll call him"

He got out his cell phone and called home

I heard it was Alice on the other end

"Edward, I know, I saw your future. We'll come now Carlisle says we need to tell him"

Edward hung up and turned back to Charlie

"Charlie, we've bought someone else to explain to you the whole situation. But you CANNOT tell anyone. Or we will get killed and so will you. We are telling you truth, but you have to stick with the public story"

Charlie started to laugh but saw the seriousness in Edward face and mine. He gulped and nodded.

We sat in silence until Charlie broke it.

"So I really have a proper granddaughter huh?"

"Yeah dad, and you'll have another one and a grandson soon"

"I can't believe you are 19 and you are going to have 3 children, you sure you can handle it."

"Yeah dad, I have Edward, the rest of the Cullens, and Jacob. I'll be fine dad"

Charlie went to speak when Renesmee said

"You have me too. I can't wait to be a big sister"

We all laughed and there was a knock at the door.

"That's them" Edward said and I got up to answer the door

Emmett, Carlisle, Alice, Rosalie, Jasper and Esme were all standing there with weird expressions on their faces, as if they were nervous.

They walked in to the living room and I heard a chorus of "Hey Charlie" I followed them in and sat back down next to Edward pulling Renesmee onto my lap.

"What is going on" Charlie demanded.

Carlisle spoke up

"Well, as you have heard Bella and Renesmee talking, we figured it was time to tell you the truth about us but you will have to stick to the public story we told you a few months ago to keep us and yourself out of danger"

Charlie nodded.

"Well, Jacob showed you what he is and the truth is we have a secret to"

"I figured as much" Charlie grumbled,

"Now, we are not human. Far from it actually. But we try to blend in and we are different from our kind, we can't tell you exactly so we will give you clues and you can guess"

"Okay, Shoot" Charlie said

"Haven't you ever noticed that, we never eat or drink anything, we are pale, and we look alike but we are not actually related. We look the same as we always have. We don't go out in the sunlight and... the nickname Jacob likes to give us, is usually leech, parasite, and bloodsucker" Carlisle finished and we all starred at Charlie.

Charlie looked at us and I saw him work it out in his head.

He cleared his throat and looked at me

"Vampires" he whispered

We all just nodded

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