Catch Up Time

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Previously on Miracle,

We carried on walking and I accidently bumped into someone.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I'm such a klutz"

"It's okay don't wor-, Bella is that you?"

I looked at her and immediately recognised her

"Yeah it is, I haven't seen you in ages"

"I know, wow, Bella your huge"

I laughed,

"I could say the same to you"

Chapter 12.

We all started walking to our car

"Hey, did you want to come back to ours for a catch up. It has been ages since I saw you, it would be nice to have another girl to talk too" I asked her

"Yeah sure, that would be nice" she smiled

Renesmee tugged on my leg and held her hands out so she wanted to be picked up. I picked her up and carried on walking.

"This is our daughter, Renesmee"

"Oh yeah, Jacob's imprint? He really loves her you know"

"Yeah I know" I said bitterly. I really did just have to accept this, but I just had a hard time.

We got in the car, I put Renesmee in the back and we both sat in the back too. Edward got in the drivers seat.

When we got home we went inside whilst Edward unpacked the car.

We walked into the cottage and Renesmee was pulling our guest and me into her bedroom, begging us to help her unpack her new clothes. We got to work and started talking.

"So how far along are you?" She asked me

"6 months, you?"

"5 months, you look a lot bigger than 6 months."

"Its twins that's why. A boy and a girl"

"Oh" she laughed "I don't think I'd be able to cope carrying twins, I've got enough trouble with this one" she put her hands on her stomach

"Do you know what it is yet?"

"Yeah, a little girl " (A/N, I have no idea how many months it is when you find out the sex of the baby, so I'm sorry if it's longer than 5 months)

I smiled at her and we continued helping Renesmee unpack her clothes.

When we were finished we went to get lunch,

We were talking for about a hour when Seth, Jacob and Leah came over.

Leah came over to me and started talking, Seth went straight over to our guest and Jacob ran and picked Renesmee up spinning her around

"Jakey, stop it" She giggled

"So Bella, how are you and how's the little ones?" Leah asked me

"We're doing good, I'm ready to get them out, but I'm good," Leah just laughed at me

Edward came back in from the main house calling me.

"Bella, she didn't have the number to the cottage, or your cell phone number, so she called the main house. Bella, your mom just called, and she wants you to call her back"

I gulped and the tears started coming

Edward quickly came over to me and hugged me. My mom wanted to get in touch now, after weeks and weeks of no contact, she wanted to talk now. Did she just want to shout at me some more, and tell me how disappointed she was with me?

"What did she say to you?" I asked him

"Well, just that she was sorry and she really wants to see you again"

I suddenly got angry

"What she thinks' she can just call me back after ALL this time and assume, I'm just going to play happy families with her? She just LEFT me. Just because I was pregnant."

"Bella, love I know how you feel OK, but I think you should speak to her, she sounded truly sorry"

"Fine, hand me my cell I'll phone her"

He passed me my cell phone just as everyone stood up

"I think it's best that we go Bells, give you some privacy. Mind if I take Nessie for a while?"

"No sure Jake, go ahead, just have her back by 9pm"

I gave Renesmee a hug and a kiss and so did Edward. She reached up, kissed my stomach, and then walked out the door with Jacob, Seth and Leah.

"Thank you for having me Bella, it was nice to have a talk, we'll have to do it again sometime, and you'll have to see the baby once she's born"

I smiled

"Yeah that'll be nice, I'll see you soon. Say hi to Sam for me"

"Will do" She smiled and walked out the door

I looked at my cell phone and dialled my mom's number

"Hello" I heard her voice on the other side of the phone

"Hi mom, it's Bella, you wanted to talk?"

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