The Perfect Night

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Edward: Say it, out loud, say it!

Me: I don't own twilight. *Cry's*

Chapter Twenty.

The twins decided to wake up at 6:30 the next morning -or more like Ej woke up, waking Ella up in the process. He needed to sleep. Yeah, sure he is the son of a vampire, but still he needed some form of rest, hell, me and Edward got more rest than he did. I sighed and went to move, but, a hand pushed me back down onto the bed.

"I'll go" He whispered, standing up and pulling on some Pyjama pants.

I led back down and closed my eyes, and within a few seconds, Edward walked back into the room carrying a pink bundle and a blue bundle in his arms.

He handed me Ella, and he took Ej. He didn't have enough time with his son, so I stood up, quickly gave Ella back to him while putting on some shorts and a tank top, I took Ella back, and walked into the kitchen.

I got Ella a bottle, and I was still trying to get used to the fact that our fridge contained bottles of blood. She made a funny gurgling noise when she saw what was coming, and I gave her drink.

When she was finished, I walked back into my bedroom and I heard talking.

"...and I'm going to teach you how to beat Uncle Emmett at baseball, and eventually I'll teach you how to hunt, and-" Edward stopped mid sentence, and turned and saw me at the door.

I smiled at him; he was sat down holding Ej in his arms, slowly rocking him. I smiled at this picture before I heard a shout of "Momma". Edward held out his other arm for Ella, and I passed her over.

I got to Renesmee's room and she was rubbing her eyes

"Hey baby" I said, picking her up and taking her to my bedroom.

"Morning daddy" she said, going to sit beside him. She gave Ella and Ej, a kiss on the head.

"So baby, do you wanna spend the day with Jacob?" She nodded eagerly, and smiled.

I called Jacob, and he was thrilled to have Nessie for the day, and I called Esme, she said she would babysit the twins. Everything was ready.

Renesmee had left with Jacob a few minutes ago and she was so happy to be spending the night at La Push that she left with a very quick "Bye momma" and then ran out, following Jake.

Edward had just taken the twins to the main house; Esme had kindly volunteered to babysit.

I had a few minutes alone when a tornado in the shape of Alice Cullen came storming through my cottage, carrying loads of different kinds of beauty products. I internally groaned.

She grabbed my hand and dragged me into the bathroom, where she sat me down and started on my makeup and hair. She wouldn't let me look at myself until everything was done.

"So Bella" she started "Any idea what Edward has planned for you tonight?"

"No, I never thought he'd be able to plan something at such short notice and he still wont tell me where he went out to last night" I grumbled. Last night Edward suddenly stood up, told he was going out and just left. He returned two hours later and just pretended nothing happened.

Alice giggled

"I assume you know?"

She nodded "I was with him last night"

Before I could ask her anything she stopped me and held up a black, short, sleeveless dress, and a pair of six inch heals. She was defiantly happier that I was vampire, there is no way when I was human would have out worn that.

I grabbed the dress and the shoes and put them on.

She grabbed me down the stairs and gave me a envelope

I opened it and looked down at Edward's perfect script.

"You kept asking for one request

and I kept saying no,

remember the place I finally said yes

and that's where you should go." (A/N. Yeah, I SUCK at poems.)

I smiled to myself and as I looked up I saw Alice had gone. I quickly ran to the big house and up to the room that used to be Edwards. There was a folded piece of paper in the middle, I picked it up and opened it. It was a picture. A picture that Renesmee drew, the first time we took her to the meadow. It was her version of our meadow, it looked just like it. She was a brilliant artist.

I knew where to go now. I put the picture back on the bed along with the note, and set off towards the meadow. Edward was stood there, in a suit. I walked over to him and gave him a kiss.

He took my hand and whispered

"There's somewhere I'd like to take you"

He started to pull me somewhere; he was silent the whole time.

When we finally arrived- I knew this cause' we slowed down- Edward put me down and I looked around.

It was a clearing, but there was no artificial lights anywhere, I didn't even look like we were in Forks. I looked up at the sky and there was a beautiful full moon surrounded by a million stars, it was beautiful. I could see a little lake nearby, but I too preoccupied with the stars.

"I like the night, without it we'd never see the stars" Edward whispered in my ear; quoting the words that I said all that time ago.

If I could cry, I would be. I didn't deserve him; he always did everything to make me happy.

He led down on the grass, and motioned for me to follow him. I complied at led down to. He handed me something. It was wrapped in brown parcel paper. I opened it, and I gasped at how much trouble, and how much money Edward would have had to use to get this for me.

It was a first edition Wuthering Heights. I had given Renesmee my old one, she saw me reading it one day and wanted me to read it to her, and she had loved it. So I gave her my copy.

"Edward, you didn't have to do this"

"I know I didn't" He replied, smiling softly "but I wanted to. I love you, and I know we haven't had much time together recently but I'm going to change that. Sure it's going to be hard, with 3 children, 2 of which are just babies. But, I'm going to make it work, because I love you so much"

"I love you too, so much. You're everything to me"

We just layed there, perfectly content to be together, for the first time in ages. Finally something dawned on me.

"You did all this last night didn't you, when you left? Like, you bought the book and all?"

"Yeah I did, Alice helped me a little though" he admitted

"I don't care. It's perfect"

He brought my lips to his, and we continued blissfully and peacefully into the night.

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