The Possessive Billionaire[ON...

By TheTallBabe

1.5M 34K 2.8K

"You are mine Alexandra"he whispered between gritted teeth,"and no one is going to change that". I took a de... More

The Possessive Billionaire
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one

Chapter twenty three

35.6K 1K 37
By TheTallBabe

Chapter twenty three

"Here you go honey"Mom said handing me a cup of coffee.I took a sip and looked at the clock.It's been two and a half hours,two and a half goddamn hours.

"Hey"Peyton said sitting down next to me,"Stop overthinking".

"I'm not"I lied.She shook her head,"You are,come on Jay."

"Fine I am.What if something goes wrong?I'll loose her.I'll never forgive myself."

"Jesus Jay!Get that thought out of your thick skull!"She straightened up,"Before you came,Alexandra was a mess to be honest.Her whole life was.She wasn't happy,and all she saw was a miserable world.Everyday she thought about ending her life.But when you came,oh man I swear she changed,a whole different Alex.I saw my bestfriend fall for an amazing guy who genuinely cares about her,and loves her with all her imperfections.Yeah I'm being corny and shit right now but I see the way she looks at you,her face brightens up.Seriously Jay,don't you dare blame yourself because you are an amazing person".

A smile crept onto my face,"Thanks Peyton.That was really nice..and weird coming from you but still nice".

She chuckled,"That was weird wasn't it!"

Suddenly the doctor exits the operation room and we all stand up and gather around him.

"So?"I ask with a shaky voice.

Everyone got silent waiting for an answer.My heartbeats raced in my chest.

He sighed and a smile appeared on his face,"The surgery went perfectly and the donation is complete."

When he said those words my whole body let go of the tension and I instantly smiled,"Thank you so much.You saved her life".

"Noah is the one you should be thanking actually"he smiled.

Noah's mom quickly replied with a worried tone,"Is my son okay?"

"He's gonna be just fine"he assured her and went back to the operation room.

"I told you she's going to be alright"Peyton elbowed me lightly on the arm.I laughed,"True that".

Few minutes later they took Noah and Alexandra to their rooms.We couldn't see them immediately so we waited in the hallway.

"When will they wake up?"I asked the doctor.

"I can't be precise,it can take several days.Don't worry everything went smoothly".

"Alright Doc,thanks again".

I walked back to the hallway,more than ready to see Alexandra.Everything will finally go back to normal and I couldn't wait any longer,I want her to wake up so I can kiss the shit out of her goddamn it.

* * *

Three days later

"How are you feeling today,Noah?"the nurse asked walking in the room.Noah smiled weakly,"Better than yesterday".

"We can't thank you enough-"

"Mrs.Parker,please"he cut Alex's mom off,"No one forced me to do it,I wanted to donate."

A small smile appeared on her face.

"I'm gonna go see Alexandra.."I said exiting the room.It's been three days,three agonising days waiting for her to open her eyes.I walked in her room and looked at her weak pale body.Slowly,I kissed her forehead and took her hand tightly into mine,"Come on baby".

I closed my eyes and leaned my head on the side of the bed,listening to her heartbeat on the monitor.After staying like this for a few more minutes,something suddenly happened.The monitor started beeping faster.I stood up,confused.

"Alexandra"I said looking at her.

She tightened her grip.

She tightened her grip on my hand.

I stood there in shock with goosebumps all over my body."Oh my god Alex!"I shouted leaning closer,"Nurse!Nurse!"

As her heartbeat kept going faster her grip just got tighter.She is waking up,she is finally waking up!


All of a sudden,Alex started moving her lips slowly,like she's trying to say something.My heart was going to explode in my chest.Three nurses entered the room and immediately started checking the monitors.

"Mr.Rockefeller you need to get out-"

"No fucking way I'm not leaving!"I shouted at the nurse and shifted my gaze back on Alex.Everything is going fast,"Come on Alex please wake up!"

"Mr.Rockefeller!"The nurse shouted again,"We got this under control!"

The doctor came in the room,"Jay,please".I looked at her one last time before exiting the room and that's when I saw those beautiful big blue eyes looking back at me.

"A..Alexandra.."I mumbled.A tear rolled down her check,"Jay.."she said weakly,"What's going on?"

* * *

-Alexandra's POV-

"I've been in a coma for how long?!"I asked the doctor again.

"One month"he shook his head,"No one was compatible and it took some time to find a donor".

"Let me get this straight; I've been shot in the kidney and I was gonna die"I repeated.The doctor chuckled,"You've already told me that three times Alexandra.I know this is hard to process it's normal,but you will be walking and out of here in no time".

"Alright doctor,everything is good"the nurse said looking at the monitors.They have been taking care of me for the last hour with the checkups and the tests to make sure everything is alright.

"Your family is waiting outside,they can see you but you need to rest too-"

"I've been resting for the past month"I rolled my eyes and tried to sit straight but winced in pain when the side of my stomach started burning.

"No no no,you cannot move"the doctor quickly warned me,"You will feel uncomfortable the first week and also pain but this is why we give pain medication".

"Okay"I leaned my head back on the pillow,"Can I see my family now?"

"Of course"he said and exited the room with a smile on his face.Moments later there was a knock on the door.

"Oh my goodness"Mom and dad came in with tears rolling down their cheeks,"My baby girl".

Mom ran and started kissing my face,"You have no idea how scared I was"she sobbed,"No idea".My eyes teared up too,"I'm okay mom".

"We love you so much darling"dad kissed my forehead.I smiled,"I love you so much more.Stop being terrified,I'm fine.The doctor told me that the surgery was a success and I'll be out of here in no time!"

A smile appeared on their faces,"there's someone who missed you so much..".

Peyton walked in the room with a grin on her face,"Alex!"She shouted and ran to my bed,wrapping her arms around me carefully,"You got me so freaking worried dude!"

We all laughed,"I'm okay now!"I said,"by the way,who donated?"

"Do you remember Noah?The nerdy cute guy who used to go to school with us?"

I furrowed my eyebrows,"Wait..NO!"


"He donated a kidney..but why?"I asked in confusion.Noah and I were barely friends,I used to see him at the library sometimes or in class..

"He needed money,and Jay took care of that"she continued.


My heart skipped a beat when she said his name.I'm pretty sure they all noticed that on the monitor cause that stupid beeping kept going faster and faster!

"Speaking of Jay..where is he?"I asked.Peyton shook her head,"Right after the doctor told him to leave the room,he took off and didn't tell us where..".

"Oh"I simply said,my heart filling up with disappointment.He isn't even here..seriously?

My mom smiled,"I'm sure he will be here honey don't worry".I gave her a small smile,"I..I'm gonna rest a bit..".

They all looked at me and nodded,"Alright honey"mom said.Peyton mouthed to me 'don't worry' right before the left the room,closing the door behind her.

I stared at the ceiling trying to process everything.

-A certain bitch shot me in the kidney.

-I went into a deep ass coma.

-Noah donated.

-I woke up and Jay isn't even here.

Sighing,I closed my eyes trying to ignore the burning pain in both my stomach and my heart.

All of a sudden someone opens the door.A man walks in carrying the most beautiful bouquet of flowers.Without another word he places it on the table and leaves.Then,another man follows and he is carrying another gorgeous bouquet,then a third man,a fourth..

So basically,by the end of this silent parade,the room was filled with breathtaking flowers.

"Excuse me!Sir!Hello?!"I said to the men walking in and out but no one even looked at me.

What the heck.

The last man exited the room and left the door open.

"Yo!You in the blue shirt!mind closing the door?!"I called out,pissed.

"Someone's mad"A voice spoke up.He leaned on the wall with his million dollar smirk and crossed arms over his chest.

"Well,as a matter of fact,I am"I rolled my eyes trying to stop the smile creeping onto my face.

Jay shut the door and walked closer to the bed,his beautiful eyes never leaving mine,"Alexandra Rockefeller,do you even know how much I've missed you?"

I shook my head and shrugged,"No".He raised his eyebrows and smiled,"No?"

"No.How much?"

"Let's see.I've had sleepless nights without you laying down next to me,I couldn't even think straight without seeing your face every morning,seeing your beautiful blue eyes,and hearing your voice.I came here everyday and never left your side,I waited for you to wake up so I can kiss the shit out of you.."he finally said letting out a chuckle,"I can go on forever".

"Well what are you waiting for?"I held back my tears.He leaned closer,cupping my face and gently placed his pink lips on mine.It felt like electricity travelled through my body and for this amazing moment,I forgot about my pain.

He broke the kiss and looked me in the eyes,"I love you".The tears I've been holding back finally came rolling down my cheeks,"And I love you".

I got so damn emotional I started crying like a baby with Jay watching me with a grin.He took out a rose from a bouquet and gave it to me,"I hope you liked the flowers".

"Are you kidding me?I love it!It's like my own garden in here"I wiped my tears away.He kept looking at me,"I'm not leaving your side".

"What if the doctor forces you?"I raised my eyebrow.He placed his hand on the other side of the bed and leaned in,"I'll tie myself to the bed".Our breath mingled together for a moment before our lips crashed into another electrifying kiss.My hand found its way to the back of his neck,as he nibbled on my lower lip.

That's how we spent the night,kissing and talking.He made me forget about the discomfort and the pain,until we both fell asleep..

Author's note

Alexandra is finally awake!

I hope you enjoy this little chapter (:

Couldn't find time to write and update(sorry bout that),but I went on a beautiful trip to Turkey !

And WOW i reached more than 100K this is crazy!Thanks to everyone reading voting and commenting i hope you like the story so far !

Sorry for any writing mistakes.

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