Life - As I Know It

By Nebulize

186 3 4

Tra has had a troubled life all of her nineteen years. Just when she thinks she's happy, something bad always... More

Life - As I Know It
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Life - As I Know It
Chapter 3 Life - As I Know It

Chapter 4 Life - As I Know It

41 0 0
By Nebulize

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Just a note from me, the author, sorry it's taken me so long to up load, but this one is a little longer and hopefully has a bit more info. I will promise you right now, the next chapter will have much more info on Monty aka Montelius. Thanks for reading.


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What am I going to tell her? I can't tell her the truth. But it isn't in me to lie to her. I'll always tell her the truth regardless if she likes what I have to say or not. If she found out now, I don't know how she'd react. What will I do if I scare her away? I mean, how would you react to finding out the man, person... thing that saved you has been watching you all your life? She'd probably scream. Faint. No, she wouldn't faint. She's not the type. I had to chuckle at that to myself. If there was anything I knew about Tra, is that she always stood up to whatever life and God handed her. I have no choice but to tell her the truth. With a sigh, I began, "Well I...." I was cut off by the ringing of her cell phone.

"Oh, I'm sorry just a minute please," she said raising a finger as she did so. She looked at the caller ID and answered, "Hey you!"

Sighing with relief, I continued with my examine. Her skin was so soft. Her ankle was swelling and already discoloring. It was sprained. I was sure of it, but I thought she would want to go to the hospital to make sure. Checking to make sure it was only sprained and not broken, I applied a little more pressure to her ankle. I saw her wince when I gently touched the side, but she didn't stray from her conversation. She was amazingly beautiful.

Her dark hair curled around her face framing those deep dark, almost black eyes. They were shining now as she talked. Her hands moving to her face as she moved an invisible hair from her eye. A habit she picked up as a child when she liked someone. Was she doing that for me? No it had to be for the person, a man I'm sure of now, on the phone. Why did I even care if she was doing it for me? Why would they be for me? In her eyes, I was a complete stranger who just happened to save her from having multiple bone fractures. Still, something in me wanted her to being doing those little things for me. 'Sigh'

Lifting her eyes, she smiled. Not at me but to whomever she was talking to on the phone. I watched as she threw her head back to laugh at what the person told her. Her laugh was a melody all its own. Then, I felt something strange and unfamiliar. I can't explain it, but I wanted her to be laughing and smiling like that for me. That feeling. That need of it actually. Why? I'll have to ask Mike, hmm, maybe I should keep this to myself? Or better yet, I'll ask Gabe, this seems more like his field of expertise. That's what I'll do. Just as soon as I can... I'll talk to Gabe.

But for now, I need to get some ice and bandage up this ankle of Tra's. Once she's off the phone, I'll see how I'm gonna get her to the hospital. I'm sure it will make her feel better to have x-rays. Getting up for where I was beside her, I walked to her bathroom and grabbed the ace bandage she had in the bottom drawer on the right side of the sink. Then I went to the kitchen to get one of the ice packs she kept in the freezer. When I came back to the couch, she gave me a quizzical look. I couldn't figure out why she had it. I mean, I was tending to her ankle, not operating on her. When she looked from me to the ice pack and then the ace bandage, I knew exactly what I had done. I couldn't believe I had made such a imbecilic error. How was I going to talk myself out of this?

Lord, forgive me my stupidity, what am I to do?

Sighing, I smiled confidently at Tra and proceeded to aide her medically. She was still on the phone, but now she was looking at me most intently as if waiting for me to do something. Again, I smile and she smiled back. And what a smile. I felt a tingle run through my body as she smile at me. Her eyes focused on ME. I have no idea what I was feeling but I knew that I had to leave before I did something I wasn't allowed to do. Well, not thing more.

Shifting her weight, I gathered she was coming to a close with her call. A call I felt very strange about. I'm not sure I like these feelings. Whatever they are. 

- - - 

"Karl, I promise."

"You better not just be saying that, T."

"You know me better than that," I said thankful I was able to keep up with the conversation. Who'd have thought I would have been able to pay attention to Karl talking to me about some painting exhibit coming up featuring some of his work. I know I didn't. It's hard to concentrate on an old friend like Karl, when there is someone like Monty touching you. His fingers were gentle, even when I winced just once. He's so... I don't know what the word is.

"Ok girl, I'll see ya tomorrow," Karl chimed into my thoughts.

Wait, what about tomorrow? Darn it, just when I thought I was doing so well, multi-tasking, I go and blow it. Ugh, now I have to ask. Subtly too. "Oh, ok Karl," I paused and added, "what time you coming?" I figured he'd be coming, it was the usual when we use to talk a lot. Many, many moons ago.

"Girl, you know I don't get up before 1pm," he laughed. "Three o'clock on the dote, Sugar. Hugs and kisses." And like that, the phone went silent.

Placing my cell on the couch, I was finally able to give my full attention to this beautiful man in front of me. He was bandaging up my ankle... wait. How did he know where those things were? "Monty?" I asked.

"Yes, Tra," he replied without looking up from his work.

Even his voice was beautiful. His hands moved with the touch of just a gentle breeze on my skin. His eyes seemed to be fixed on the work at hand, and then... And then, he looked at me. I smiled instantly. Without a conscience thought to do so, it was as if my body wanted to smile for him. There was a stray hair in front of his eyes, and I had to fight the urge to move it. I wanted to look into his eyes. Both of them. Oh my, wasn't I going to ask him a question? Oh no! I forgot what it was... Ugh, darn his eyes. Ah yes, I remember... "How did you know where the bandage and ice were?" Ha, I remembered! His eyes will not distract me.

Smiling again, ugh those eyes... sigh... he began, "The bandage I found in the bottom of your drawers in the bathroom. Sorry, I sort of had to rummage a bit to find it. And as for the ice," now his eyes were dancing. How does he do that?! Oh my, I may have just stopped breathing. Breathe Tra! Breathe! "Well, common sense told me the ice pack, would be in the freezer." And there was that ridiculously wonderful smile. His lips curved and his eyes twinkled mischievously. "Hey, you should go to the hospital and have an x-ray of this ankle," he said motioning to my now swollen and very ugly looking foot.

"You're probably right, but I don't know how I'm gonna get there," I mentioned. "I mean, I have my truck, but I can't drive myself with this thing."

He seemed to be thinking. Looking outside and then his watch before saying, "I can take you in your truck, but I'll have to leave soon," he finished not looking at me.

Attempting to hide my disappointment, "Oh, I wouldn't expect you to stay with me, just a ride, Monty." I hoped that my bluff worked. For good measure, I added a wink. I hoped that wasn't too much.

"Well then," he said walking up to me on the couch, "shall we?" Bending down to lift me into his arms once again, I felt a surge of excitement run through my body. I would be in his arms once again. He smiled and lifted me without effort. I grabbed my purse on the table by the door and he locked it behind him, while still carrying me in his arms. Amazing, simply amazing.

"I appreciated you're help," I said trying to make conversation. It just seemed strange to be in his arms in a rather very comfortable silence, and him being a total stranger to me. Yet, when I was on the phone with Karl, I could feel him looking at me. It was as if he was looking at something he adored. I'm imagining it. I know am. He couldn't possibly be interested in me in any sort of way other than just being a Good Samaritan. "You are very kind."

"Oh Tra, it was a pleasure," he sincerely said. Looking at me as he did, I truly felt as if he meant it. "Think nothing of it."

We were at the truck, in the truck, and at the emergency before I even realized it. Where had all the time gone? It went by too fast. Sadly. "Thank you again," I said as the nurse was pushing me into the triage room in my wheel chair.

"Hey, I'm not leaving THIS soon," he smiled. Oh, that smile. I really need to stop looking at him if he's just gonna keep smiling. I mean, I didn't even hear the questions the nurse asked. Did I answer them?

Back in one of the cubicles for waiting for a doctor to see you, Monty sat. Looking as though he had no intentions of leaving, when suddenly he got up and looked deep into my eyes. "Tra, I have to go now, but...," he seemed like he was struggling with something. I just waited to see what he was going to say... "I hope it's ok if I look in on you tomorrow?" He finished looking down.

Not sure what possessed me to do so, I reached out with my right hand and hooked my finger under his chin to make him look up at me. "Of course, Monty." And kissed him on the cheek. Oh my, did I just do what I think I did? Yep... I believe I did. What will he think of me? Darn this mind of mine not listening to rational thought.

Monty stood there for a few seconds. Then he started to smile so wide, that I didn't think his face was able to hold such a smile. "Till tomorrow then," he said and walked out. Leaving me stunned at the wondrous emotions I felt for having been on the receiving end of such a smile. I'd never seen such a thing. His eyes were brighter than their normal, normal-what do I know what's normal for him, sea green eyes. The sparkling on the edge almost seemed to be an actual light. Shining brightly. But that doesn't happen. Right?

The nurse came in then to tell me they were going to do an x-ray on my ankle. Wheeling me there, my thoughts were still filled with Monty's eyes. I understand the saying now, when someone says, 'I could get lost in his/her eyes' I'd never known it before. "If you could answer a few questions," the nurse started to ask. I nodded but vaguely remember answering routine questions. Until she asked one that took me out of my trance... "Are you pregnant?" Why was she asking me that?

"Why do you ask that?" I asked accusingly.

"It's routine, Ma'am," the nursed assured me. "The radiation from the x-ray machine can be harmful for a fetus, which is why we ask to take precautionary measures." She looked at me waiting for an answer. When I didn't say anything, she asked again, "So Ma'am, are you pregnant?"

Suddenly, my reality came crashing back to me...

"Yes... yes I am."


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