What About Love(Austin Mahone...

By AmeezyMyKing

21K 605 226

Jasmin is sent to live with her uncle, who is also Austin's manager, during the summer because her parents ar... More

What About Love -- why are you judging him? you dont even know him
chapter two -- so why are you staying here for the summer?
Chapter 3 -- i know how i can keep you warm
chapter 4- the bet
Chapter 5- The party
Ch 6 - Get ready for the Tour
Chapter 7-What exactly are we?
Chapter 8- are you jealous?
Chapter 9- it's called team work
Chapter 10-I can tell the way you act when you're around me
Chapter 11- show time
Chapter 12- i dont think you guy should date.
Chapter 14- tell me you dont feel what i feel Chapter 14
Chapter 15- Are you jealous?
Chapter 16- I didnt kiss her
Chapter 17- Leaving Tour
Ch18- Are you staying?
Chapter 19-Broken bus
Chapter 20-I love you
Chapter 21- i cant handle this
Chapter 22-last time
Chapter 23- Are you Sure?
Ch 24-it's nothing you havent seen before
Ch 35-last show
Ch 36- Best Summer

Chapter 13- You played me!

824 26 4
By AmeezyMyKing

I kept feeling something touching my side, and when I woke up, I saw Austin's face a few inches apart from mine.

"This is not creepy at all." I mumbled onto the pillow. I felt him bury his face on my neck and heard his laugh.

"I'm not creepy." He said, still laughing.

I lifted my head up and looked at him,"you are, I wake up with you starring at me."

"I'd call it more admiring." He smirked and placed a kiss on the crook of my neck. I giggled softly feeling his lips kiss my cheek.

"What time is it?" I yawned and felt movement from Austin.

"Uh..." I opened my eyes and saw him looking at his phone,"almost 8 am."

"Austin!" I groaned and turned around,"why are you waking me up so early?"

"I couldn't sleep." I heard his whine and felt him pull me closer to him.

"What's wrong?" I sighed. I just wanted to go back to sleep.

"I keep thinking about yesterday... Rocco made it clear that-" I heard his sigh, and I turned back around to face him.

"We don't have to keep dating..." It hurt me to say this, but his career came first. I slowly got out of his arms and sat up. Suddenly, I wasn't tired anymore. I was more upset than anything.

"Jas, don't say that." I watched him sit up and bring me to his lap,"I still want to be with you." I smiled, glad to hear him say that.

I heard a knock on the door, and saw Robert walk in.

"Whoa whoa whoa." I heard him say and I raised an eyebrow.

"Why is that bed unmade?" He asked and pointed to Austin's bed.

"Maybe because no one slept in it." Austin stated.

"What? I slept on the couch! Do you know how bad my back hurts?"

"Too bad." Austin smirked.

I watched Robert go to the other bed and lay down. "Wake me up in 4 hours."

I started to laugh and got out of bed, going to the bathroom to get ready.

After 30 minutes, I got out of the bathroom, and I was done getting ready for the day. I saw Robert asleep on the bed, and I giggled softly. I didn't see Austin, so I knew he was probably on the guys room. Since the door connected both rooms, I decided to just go to theirs.

"Hey man, can you drive us today to the mall? I want to buy new shoes." I heard Alex say.

"He still hasn't spent the money you gave him. Man, I am so glad you ended the bet. That money really came in use." Zach said.

I stopped walking and wondered what bet they were taking about.

"Yeah, I wasn't going to keep it going. I wouldn't have want Jasmin go find out. I really like her, man." I heard Austin say.

"Yeah, we thought you were acting, but I guess you aren't." Alex said, laughing.

"Guys!" I heard Robert yell and walk through the same door I walked through. I didn't even notice because I kept thinking about what the guys were saying. They made a bet on me?

"Hey, Jas, are you okay?" I heard Robert say.


I looked up and saw Austin. He had a scared look on his face. I backed away from him, feeling tears in my eyes.

"You guys made a bet about me?!"

"Shit." Robert mumbled, a scared look on his face too,"it's not that bad, Jas."

"Robert, shut up." Austin said, glaring at Robert.

"It all makes sense now! All the secretiveness, the guys saying you owed them. It all makes sense!" I didn't want to cry, but it was hard not to. I believed Austin. I thought he actually cared. "Ugh,I feel so stupid." I walked out of the door, hearing Austin yelling my name from behind.

"Jasmin! Wait, please. Let me explain."

"No!" I yelled and ran out of the room.

"Baby, it isn't that way! Just let me explain, please." I felt Austin grab my hand, and by now, I was already in tears.

"Let me go!"

"What's going on?" I saw my uncle walk out of his room, looking at us,"Jasmin, why are you crying?" I managed to pull my hand away from Austin, and ran away.


Before I was able to make it to the elevator, arms wrapped around my waist, turning me around.

"Please, listen to me."

I looked down, trying to get out of his grip, but I couldn't. He was holding me too tight. I wiped my tears away, trying to stop crying but I couldn't.

"We did make a bet, but that was before I started to get to know you. I called it off as soon as I started to develop feelings for you. I didn't want to hurt you. The bet probably lasted a few days, but we have known each other for weeks now." I stopped trying to fight him, and just listened to him. "Baby." I felt his hand move under my chin, but I moved my head away. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen."

"How much?" I asked

"How much what?"

"The bet. How much was it."

"One thousand each." He mumbled, looking down.

They did all of this for money. It was ridiculous. Why did I always get played by guys? Did I have a sign saying hurt me?

"You know what Austin?" I was so mad and upset right now. I didn't even believe anything he said about feeling sorry.

"Screw you! I should have known better! I knew you were a jerk, but I gave you a chance! I should have just kept my distance." I finally got out of his grip, and saw that the guys were outside the room, looking at us.

"You and your friends all have such perfect lives that you like hurting others! You." I said and hit his chest,"are such a jerk! All this time you have been playing with me. I was stupid so stupid-"I kept hitting his chest, feeling more tears roll down my cheeks,"to even trust you. I thought maybe someone cared about me. Not even my parents care about me!"

"That's not true-"

"It is! But you wouldn't know! I only have my uncle! I thought I had you. My parents haven't even called me since their trip. They could care less about me, and I guess I should add you to that list, because you never even cared about me." I kept hitting his chest, crying even more.

"Baby." I heard his voice crack, but I didn't want to even look at him. I felt him grab my hands, stopping me from hitting his chest. He lifted my head up, and wiped away my tears, "I'm so sorry. I really am."

I saw his eyes get watery, but at this point, I didn't know what to believe. He played me this whole time. One month, and I didn't even know if he was serious about me, or if I was just a joke.

I took a deep breath and walked away from him. My uncle was still standing there, looking at us in shock. I walked over to him and hugged him, crying even more.

"Go get your things, Jas. We are heading to the tour bus right now. And don't worry, Austin won't bother you, okay?" I nodded and walked to me and Austin's room.

"Fuck!" I heard Austin scream and punch the wall, but I didn't even look at him. I closed the door and got my luggage. I hated how I still had to stay here all summer, and I hated myself even more for falling for Austin. I was just a game to him and his friends.

It hurt me even more how the guys were sweet to me, but all they cared about was their money. They were even bragging about it like if it was cool.

I got my luggage and everything else and walked out of the room. I looked over and saw Austin and Rocco talking, and I swear I saw Austin crying, but I didn't want to even look at him.

"It's not like that." Austin said.

"It doesn't matter." I heard my uncle say. "Just keep your distance. She's upset right now, and I know you guys like fooling around, but this went too far. Now go get your things, and tell the guys too. The tour bus is downstairs."

I saw Austin nod and walked to our room. I backed away, not even looking at him.

"Baby..." He whispered, and I bit my lip, trying not to cry.

"Austin." I heard my uncles stern voice, then I heard the door slam.


We made it to the tour bus, and we walked inside. They showed us out bunks, and I was glad Austin's wasn't near mine. Since he was Austin, he had his own bed at the end of the bus, and I was glad for that. I walked to the living room and sat down on the couch.

We had been on the road for about 2 hours, and I felt the tension. The guys were barely talking, and I'm guessing Austin was in his room because he wasn't in the living room with us.

"Jasmin." I looked up and watched Alex sit next to me.

"I'm really sorry about this. We shouldn't have done this and we regret it. It was stupid and inappropriate, and I'm really sorry."

"Yeah, I'm sorry." I heard Robert said and I felt him hug me. I smiled a little and hugged him back. I was glad they were apologizing.

"Can you give us a chance, Jas?" I looked at zach and sighed.

"I guess?" I said more as a question.

"We are really glad you're on tour. And hey, we can't forget that time we pranked Robert." I laughed once I heard Alex say that. We always liked messing with Robert.

"Hey, no, that's not funny!" I heard Robert whine.

"Dude, it's not our fault you fall asleep and don't feel anything."

"The sharpie didn't come out of my face for days!" Robert complained.

I giggled softly, but stopped when I saw Austin walk in the living room area.

"Well, I'm hungry."

"Yeah me too."

"Same here."

I watched all the guys leave, and it was just me and Austin.

I looked at him, and his eyes looked red and puffy, like he had been crying. I hated seeing him this way. I wanted to stand up and hug him, but I couldn't. I was still hurt. It was easy to forgive the guys because I wasn't dating them, obviously, but with Austin, it was different. I had spent most of my time with Austin, and I opened up to him, only to find out that they made a bet.

"Can we talk?" He asked, his voice sounding raspy.


I'm hoping you guys enjoyed this chapter ! This is probably what you guys were waiting for lol.

She finally found out about the bet!!!

I feel bad for Austin though :( but he did hurt her by keeping it a secret.

What do you guys think?

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