Looking For Love in All the W...

By ElizabethAnneEwing

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Lizzy has been teased all her life. The final straw for her was when she couldn't change on the day of her bi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine - Part One
Chapter Ten - Part Two
Chapter Eleven - Part Three
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Thirteen

500 15 7
By ElizabethAnneEwing

So I got the writers bug once again for this story and couldn't wait to let you all read it. Hope you like it. Please vote and comment.


Chapter Thirteen

I watched my father look from my mom back to me and turning a little pale. I had no idea what he was going to say but I knew it hurt him just as much as it hurt Clara by speaking of the past.

“I need to know, please tell me what I did that was so wrong that you left me with them for years.”

I was listening to myself speak. I had started out calm but towards the end my voice raised to an almost yelling point. I was mad, and so was my wolf and vampire side.

“You didn’t do anything wrong.” He spoke so fast


I looked at Lizzy and couldn’t believe she thought it was her fault. If anything she was an innocent bystander in this whole freaking mess. So much had gone wrong in my life but she was the one thing I knew without a doubt was the only good thing.

I looked at both Clara and Lizzy and told my wolf to go back to sleep so I could talk. Once I felt him recede I turned around because I knew if I was going to talk about this I wouldn’t be able to look at them.

“You were only about three hours old when Clara let to go back to what I thought was her pack.” I spoke softly at first.

It was like as soon as I opened the flood gates I was transported back to that time in my life.

“I just sat in the room I had done up for you holding you in my arms. I just couldn’t let go of you.” I smiled at the memory.

“I don’t know how many hours had passed before you opened those perfect little eyes at me.” And I chuckled

“All you did was stare at me. You wouldn’t even blink. Then you let out one huge smile. And that’s when I smelt that horrible smell.”

Since I was remembering everything I still could bring up that smell. God was it horrible.

I was pulled out of my memories to hear Lizzy groan. It made me laugh for the first time since I had entered this damn house.

“I did everything a father was supposed to do for their child. I fed you, changed your nasty diapers, heck I even bathed you.” I shuddered as I remembered how I had almost dropped her in the tub full of water because she was so slippery.

“For the first twenty four hours after you were born everything had been perfect. Till the alpha showed up.” At this point I had started to shake.

I felt someone touch me and I instantly calmed right back down. But I was still lost in my past as I continued to speak.

“I knew something was wrong because he had this nasty smile on his face and his son was standing right there next to him looking smug.”

I heard a growl in the background as soon as I mentioned the alpha’s son. I would file it for later though. I just wanted to get this out as quickly as I could.

“Behind them stood my parents and my siblings. I was holding you and the next thing I knew you had started to cry. It was the first time and last time I heard you cry.” I said shaking my head sadly.

“As of right now you will hand over that child to your parents and from now on she will be treated as your little sister.” He spoke loudly and in alpha mode.

“At that point I was angry and holding on to you for dear life.” I could feel the tears that I had refused to shed falling down my face.

I could hear the person next to me trying to comfort me but it was no use I was stuck in the past.

“I screamed why, you were my child not theirs.”

“But all he did was laugh. You were taken from my arms by my mother and I watched as they created a fake birth certificate stating that you belonged to them.”

I was breathing hard at this point. I could hear my wolf in the back ground and he was pacing because he knew how much this hurt me. But if Clara could reveal everything to our daughter then I could do no less.

“I still don’t remember what happened next all I know is I woke up in our dungeon and had been informed by the guard I had been in there for a full month.”

“I begged, I pleaded for them to let me out. I was suffocating in there and it brought back every memory of being in that mad doctors place that I had spent so long trying to forget.”

“About two weeks later the alpha came down and told me that from now on if I wanted out of there then I had to play by his rules.” I growled at this point.

“I would have agreed to anything to get out of there. The next thing I knew I was being sent out to another pack to be trained so I could become a soldier.”

“The deal was as long as I was his soldier and did what he asked I would still have a place in your life. Even if it was a small one.”

At that point I turned around. That’s when I noticed the person keeping me calm was Clara. It was weird but in some way I thought of her as my mate. But we couldn’t be mates right?

“For the next eight years I did what I was told to do and when to do it. I spent most of the time away from home but when I was there I spent all my time with you.” I smiled at the memories.

Some of them were good and some were bad like me fighting with my father about how my mother was treating her. But he kept telling me everything was fine and I stupidly believed him.

“I then got a call one day from my father and the alpha saying that you had found out the truth about your true parents and were so disgusted by it that you never wanted to see me again.” My smile quickly died as I recalled that memory.

“It wasn’t till much later I found out the real reason that bastard of an alpha kept me away from you but by then it had been too late. You wanted nothing to do with me.”

By this time Clara had pretty much wrapped her arms around me holding me. I could feel her strength and my wolf was loving the feel of her touch.

“What was the reason?” Lizzy asked quietly.

“I was a natural born alpha. Even if my father had given up the title to ally with his pack I still kept all the powers from being alpha. And since I had you it made me even stronger.” I spoke looking into Lizzy’s eyes.

“How? What did having me, have anything to do with it?” She asked

“You see as an alpha you have to find your mate then have an heir to keep your pack. His son was just a child when you were born and he knew that as soon as I turned eighteen I would be powerful enough to challenge him if he didn’t step in to prevent it.”

I watched as she took everything I said in. It took her a few moments but she shook her head letting me know she understood. She waved her hand at me to continue which made me want to laugh and smack her backside all at the same time because she was giving me attitude.

“I truly believed you hated me or I would have never left you with them. It wasn’t till my beta found you getting beaten nearly to death and called me when he got you to the hospital that I even knew you were no longer with that pack.”

When I mentioned her getting beaten nearly to death she started to get pale. Poor Clara didn’t know who to go to. She kept looking from me to Lizzy wanting to comfort us both but for some reason she stayed by me.


I listened to my father quickly explain to me what happened after my mother left. I could feel both my wolf and my vampire getting angry by the minute as he continued. They went through my memories as we were listening to him and were horrified by what they found.

They tried to comfort me by telling me they were sorry that they hadn’t been there to protect me but for once I was ok. I had my parents with me now and I knew without a doubt that they would pay for everything that they had done to me.

I was still in my own thoughts listening to my wolf and vampire argue over what they were going to do to my old pack once they got ahold of them when I heard my father speak again.

“It wasn’t till I hear over the pack link through Michael that you thought I had died, and that we both had been lied to. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you. I should have fought harder.” He said with tears in his voice.

I looked up to realize that both of my parents had gone through hell just as I had. I knew I had forgiven them because they were young and they had trusted the ones closest to them and were trying to protect me.

I had read between the lines. I knew what my father hadn’t said. If he hadn’t gone through with what the alpha had wanted then I would have been killed. Not that my grandparents and aunt and uncle hadn’t tried.

I was stronger because I had survived them and Damien. I had done it when I was still thought to be humane. I couldn’t wait to find out what I could do now that I had changed.

Speaking of which…

“Why did I change early?” I asked with a confused look on my face.

“I think I can answer that my child.” A new voice answered

All of us jumped because he had gotten the drop on us without anyone of our wolves or vampire sides (my mother and I) noticing.

My mother looked behind her and for one quick second had a smile on her face and then it disappeared.

“Hello father” she said and then bowed.

To say I was shocked was an understatement. I mean come on he was the freaking king of the vampires for god sakes.

My vampire side came quickly and said “Bow now before he kills you”

But I ignored her and just stared at him.

“Then by all means please do” I said with attitude.

I could feel my vampire having a panic attack and it kind of made me want to smile but I kept it in.

But the next thing I knew he was standing in front of me and holding my throat against the wall.

“I don’t care if you are my grandchild you will show me some respect” He hissed.

I just started laughing. All three of them looked at me with shock. I mean come on I have had worse done to me in my life time.

But I let my vampire side come out a little bit and grabbed his wrist. I pulled it away from my throat and pushed him off of me. I didn’t think I should have been able to do that by the look my mother had on her face but at that point I didn’t care.

“You have to earn respect before it is given asshole. Plus I don’t care if your my grandfather or not.”

To say I was living dangerously was an understatement but I was tired of being pushed around. I had fifteen years of it from my old pack and ex-boyfriend. I refused to let it keep happening.

Something must have shown on my face because he gave me a small nod and started to talk.

“The reason you changed before you were supposed to is because your special. You are the rare white wolf. You are also a royal from both sides as well as an alpha.”

To say I was shocked would have been putting it lightly.

“Since you have alpha blood from both sides you were due to change before your supposed time.” He said with a big smirk.

While I tried to deal with this new information my wolf and vampire finally agreed on something. This man was not someone we wanted to mess with. We had gotten lucky because he was not expecting it but we also knew now he would be on guard and we wouldn’t stand a chance.

He turned away from me and looked at my parents.

“Ahh I see you have found your true mate Clara good for you. Better treat her right my son or I will kill you.” He spoke softly but you could hear the threat in his voice.

“But how can we be mates?” the both spoke at once.

“Look at how you can comfort him and calm him just by a touch. Plus you have created this wonderful child standing behind me. If you were mates then she wouldn’t have survived you both biting her.” He spoke with a huge smile on his face.

My mother had a look of horror on her face while my father went from calm to pissed off in less than two seconds.

“You mean if we hadn’t been mates we would killed her?” My mom asked timidly.

“Yep” my grandfather said.

I rushed to my father and held on for dear life because he was trying to go after the stupid old man.

“Hey I heard that comment little girl” He said

“And?” I asked through gritted teeth.

“Mom you need to help me calm dad down before he gets us all killed” I growled out.

After about twenty seconds you could hear the sound of a pin drop in the room. It was that quiet. I looked confused for a minute then realized that I had called my parents both mom and dad out loud.

I looked down sheepishly because it’s not how I would have chosen to tell them but was glad it was out in the open now.

The next thing I knew I was in a huge group hug trying to yell out “I can’t breathe” but no one was listening to me.

My wolf was loving the attention, and my vampire was telling me to deal with it.

After what seemed like forever they eventually let me go and I was taking in gulps of air. But I had a huge smile on my face because I had my real family around me. People who would love me through the good times and the bad times. Finally I could say I was happy.

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