Chapter Nine - Part One

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Chapter Nine

Part one

Clara’s P.O.V

I had spent the last ten years trying to find my daughter. Everything had changed when I came home after having her and leaving her with her father. I knew I couldn’t bring her home because not only would my father freak out but so would my mate. I didn’t even get to hold her and every night I cried because I missed her so much.

It took my father five years to finally break me to tell him what had happened when I got captured by the rouges. No one knew I was a vampire but the rouges. I knew it was a dangerous game in not telling Derek but I couldn’t afford him to try and kill our child.

My father was the king of the Vampires and it was the only reason that Derek was able to get me pregnant like he did. But I was right when my father found out that I had given birth to the first hybrid in over five hundred years he freaked.

You see when a hybrid is born they don’t shift into their vampire or were wolf until one month after their sixteenth birthday. My father sent me out to find her but when I came back to where I had left her they had disappeared. Which brought me to Georgia.

I had finally found out that Derek had his own pack here which meant that Lizzy had to be with him. She would be sixteen soon and I needed to be with her when she changed. I had no idea which one would be more dominate. Her wolf or her vampire side. Like werewolves their wolf has their own personality so do vampires and baby ones are the most deadly because they cannot control their thirst which is why an older vampire has to be by their side for when they change.

Normally with a hybrid, which ever parent is the royal is the more dominate. But Derek was a royal wolf even if he didn’t know it which meant that Lizzy’s change would be worse for her.

I was out in Auburn in a forest because that’s where Derek’s trail went cold when I heard a snap of a branch to my left. I turned around and bared my fangs thinking it was an enemy when I saw her. I knew it right away because my vampire was screaming DAUGHTER in my head over and over again.

She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my entire life. I was so proud to know that she was a part of me that it brought tears to my eyes. She was five foot six and you could still see her baby fat around her cheeks and stomach but that was ok because she would lose it as soon as she changed. Her hair was died black with blue streaks so I didn’t know if she took after Derek or myself but that was ok. It meant that she had spunk and it made me even more proud.

I couldn’t tell what color her eyes were from here but it was ok because I would be getting to know my daughter very soon. I took one last look at her before I ran away. I had to leave to let my father know I had found her.

I got into a town called winder and sat down in a restaurant called the waffle house. I pulled out my cell phone and called my father knowing that this would be the hardest call to make.

‘Hello this is Eric speaking make it quick.” He said in a voice that left no room to argue. It was how my father always answered his phone.

“Hello father, I found her and she is beautiful.” I spoke and you could hear the pride I had in my daughter coming through my voice.

“Call me when she changes or if you have any problems.” He spoke but you could hear the softening tone in his voice.

“I will father” I said and was about to close my phone when I heard my father’s voice speak again.

“Jared would be proud of you for what you are doing never forget that my daughter and know that no matter what happens I will always love you”.

I heard a click and knew my father had hung up and it brought a smile to my face. He always wanted to be the first to hang up and god help anyone who hung up on him.

It was hours later when I went back to where I found her. I had no idea why I knew she would still be there but I did. I had just found her when I heard rouge wolves howl up at the moon not to far away from where she was at. She looked ready to bolt when I knew I had to do something.

I snuck up behind her and covered her mouth so she wouldn’t scream, and whispered in her ear “don’t scream”.

I knew she was about to scream anyway and I couldn’t let her alert the rouges so I said “sorry baby girl” and hit her in the back of the head to knock her out.

I left a sign for Derek to let him know I had our daughter and that she was safe. I brought her to the house I was renting in Lawrenceville and laid her down on the bed.

I went out of the room to grab myself something to eat and sat down and waited for her to wake up. I knew it was going to be a long conversation with her. Like I had to explain why I left her when she was only a few hours old, why I was back in her life now and how I never not once ever forgot about her.

I called my father to let him know the update and of course he didn’t answer his phone so I had to leave a voice mail. After I hung up I sat staring at the wall. There was only one reason my father didn’t answer his phone. He had a vision of the future and it was about me. It told me two things, one that whatever it was could either be bad or good but either way he didn’t want to tell me because it could change the future and two that it was probably something to do with my daughter which meant that I wouldn’t like it.

My father had learned over the years never tell me something bad about her because it was make my vampire side take over and when that happened people died and wars would start.

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