Chapter Six

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Hi you guys. I thought I would give you a different point of view on this story. So I hope you like it and I hope it answer some of the questions you may or my not have. Don't worry though I do have plans on going deeper into all the characters past. SO Vote and comment and let me know if you like it.


Chapter Six

(Derek P.O.V)

I ran out of that house as fast as I could because I could feel my wolf coming out and right now if I stayed around Lizzy I might hurt her and gods know I had hurt her enough. I must admit to being confused on why she hated me so much, since she wanted me gone so badly in the first place. Then again I could never understand her when she was little anytime I was home she would always hide in her room unless I came and got her.

When I finally got far enough away from her house I shifted into my black wolf and paced. I needed answers like why she hated me so damn much.

“Um were you not paying attention to the part where she thought you were dead?” My wolf said in my head snickering the entire time.

I stopped pacing and reached for the pack link. I needed to know why she thought I was dead and maybe once I knew that I would know why she hated me.

“Michael ask her why she thinks I’m dead!” I spoke softly but used my alpha tone so he would know I knew business.

I sat down and listened in because Michael hadn’t closed the link down so I could hear everything he heard. It was a neat little trick for an alpha to have.

“I remember it as if it only happened yesterday. I was in my room trying to be quiet so that my parents would forget I existed, that my pack would wake up and suddenly like me again, and my other brother and sister would stop hating me. When my bedroom door got thrown open like someone had kicked it in. And there was my mother screaming her head off hitting me with her belt. At first I couldn’t understand her screaming till she through pictures at me. It had shown my brother bike in flames in the first picture, the next one showed my brother next to his bike also on fire. But it was the last two pictures that ended my world that day. The first one was of a charred bike and a charred body there next to the bike and the next picture was of a funeral with my brothers head stone showing us proof that he had died and they buried him.”

I froze, even my wolf didn’t stir or make some stupid comment. Who would do that to a little girl, and who had come up with such a huge lie. I felt a sudden burst of energy inside me and that’s when I realized something. My wolf that was my yang to my yin. He was angry on behalf of Lizzy and for once I was completely shocked. My wolf had always shown a disinterest in her.

It was always me who loved her, who took care of her even when I was gone I made sure to call as often as I could even though I never really got to talk to her only my parents. I was slowly starting to understand what was going on. I knew she was holding something back, something bad. But it seemed my wolf knew and he wanted revenge.

I shook my head and told my wolf to calm down for now because we needed to concentrate on the conversation so that we could find out everything.

 I caught the last part of what she said.

“Oh I forgot to tell you that part, I was eight years old when I he left me there knowing what they did to me he was twenty-three years old and the only one who ever loved me or so I thought. Now can you please just leave me alone? I know you and Derek will be back but I need time to heal mentally and emotionally from this.”

I had a feeling I missed something important but I would deal with it later. I badly wanted to call up my parents and ask them what they had done to her. I needed to know but I also wanted to hear it from Lizzy herself.

“Michael you can give her some space but stay with her till I get back I don’t want her alone she’s only fifteen years old for god’s sake.” I spoke a little harshly but I knew he got the idea. I broke off the connection with him because I was afraid to hear anything else.

It was taking everything that I had to control my wolf. For so many year we had believed it was her who made us leave our pack, the only home we had ever known because she found out the secret. That she really wasn’t my sister but instead my daughter.

I remember it like it only happened yesterday. Dad and I had gotten into a huge argument because mom had just had the twins about three months prior to this. The reason we were arguing was because he had taken my rightful place as the next alpha of our pack away from me. He had decided that the rouges were too much for us to handle so we were moving to another pack territory. Which meant that I had lost any chance of leading our pack.

I was so mad that I had stormed out of the house and got captured by the rouges. I had just turned fifteen at the time and all I wanted to do was go home. The leader of the rouge group had strapped me down to a table while I had been unconscious and had given me some type of drug.

When I woke up I realized I was no longer in the forest but in some type of basement because there were no windows and all I could see was concrete. I heard a door open up and that’s when I saw who the leader was. It was some guy that my father had kicked out of the pack a few years prior for trying to rape my mother.

He had three females with him and whispered something in each of their ears. I knew I was in trouble but I had no idea how much. I later found out that the drug that he gave me kept my second brain hard as a rock and I could go for hours even when I didn’t want to and I would come and come over and over again till the drug would finally wear off.

It felt like months since I had been captured but it was only two weeks. It was thanks to Clara that I had escaped. She and I left in the early morning when the sun was still sleeping and she helped me get home. She had also told me she was pregnant and couldn’t go home because her mate would be livid.

When we finally got home she stayed with us for her six month pregnancy and of course my father made her get a dna test to make sure it was my baby. When she was born I knew it was mine right away because I could feel the connection that my father and mother always talked about. Plus she was beautiful and I didn’t care how she came to be she was mine.

I got the dna test just to make my father happy and when they came back I got to name her. Clara said even though I was a nice guy she wanted nothing to tie her to the child. Because looking at the baby just brought up painful reminders of what she had gone through.

So I named her Lizzy Mae Longhorn. She was my daughter for all of 24 hours till the alpha decided that my new job in the pack would be a soldier. I would take a small group of wolf and we would hunt down rouges or hunters that were either bothering us or other packs that we had aligned ourselves with. I watched as a new birth certificate was created with my parents information on it and Lizzy Mae my child became just Lizzy my sister.

I shook my head trying to get my head out of the past and back on the present. I was currently running with no destination in mind. I needed to work of this energy before my wolf’s instinct broke free and I started a war with another pack.

Once my mind was clear of the past I realized two very important things. One, Lizzy never did find out the truth and tell my parents that she never wanted to see me again and two my parents lied to us both. For how long I had no idea but I knew one thing for certain, I still loved Lizzy and now that fate had given me a second chance I was taking it and my daughter back.

She was here for a reason I didn’t know what it was but I would and then I would protect her like I should have done all those years ago.

Looking For Love in All the Wrong Places (ON HOLD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora