the school of darkness (Bfdi...

By finelytime

7K 94 182

20 kids trapped in an old school and have to work together to find a way out. They only have about 1 year to... More

authors note
introducing the obvious
introduction to the obvious
day 1
day 3
day 4
Im changing the cover of this book
New student
Note :3
We can have our aliance back.........
Then we went missing...
3 book designs
important please read
Newwwww updateeee

day 2 (day of a death)

506 5 28
By finelytime

I couldn't sleep at all last night. I was sweating so much ooze that it was wetting my sheets. "Shit..." I say sleepy and mad. It looks like I pee myself or had a wet dream. "Ugh I better go wash my sheets and I guess my blanket as well" I mumbled. I grabbed my sheets and blanket and quietly walked out the room trying my best not to wake coiny up. I failed. "Hu?  P-pin? What are you doing up so early?" Coiny said.  "Oh hehe I just need to run a few errands that's all" I say.  "Can I come? I do at least wanna spend as much time as possible with you until the death thing in a few hours and I'm just scared I'm gonna go." Coiny says.  " Don't worry coiny I hope for the best that neither one of us die in a few hours. And also you can come with me.!" I say trying my best bot to make coiny sad.

Match POV
Dang I woke up at 4: 25 am I don't even know why I awoke so early. I'm honestly scared. I don't wanna die.... At least not yet.....  I don't want any of us to die. We just woke in this building with this weird talking red and purple box now all of a sudden the thing wants to kill 1 person whenever they want to. Ugh I hate it here so much. I just wanna escape but I have no idea how.... Maybe I should ask GB when she wakes up.... I hope me nor pencil dies.... At least not her anyway. But none of us know how this dumb shit works if its either a vote or a random spin.... Fuck I'm stressing too much I need to go get some air.  I went outside the balcony of me and pencils dorm from the outside and gets depression fast. "If I die.... Then I better write a letter to pencil about something very important I wanted to tell her. I'm just not ready yet." I wrote a letter and put it in my extra boots. I sigh saidly as I look at her sleeping "sleep well.... "

Next day...

Flower POV

Oh no it's morning time and that means it's death day time.... Fuck I really don't wanna die there's still a lot of things I haven't done in my life at all and I might be the one to die! Please report to the cafeteria for breakfast. We at least want you to have a last meal before you die.  That was the morning announcement.  I gotta find a way out of here.. I'll go to match but idk her dorm number.... I'll ask leafy.  "Hey leafy" "Yea flower?" Leafy said.  " Do you know what room number match is in?" " Oh she is in room 166" Leafy said.  "Thank you very much bye bye" I said dashing to 166. I find the door 3 min later and start knocking on the door. "What do you want flower?" Match asked mad as hell and tired.  Damn the fuck happened to you you look like you Haven gotton  any sleep for the last 6 days. Your eyes a litterly red what's happened to you?  "I'm fucking depressed flower the killing thing is starting after breakfast and I'm scared me or pencil is going away... " Match said. I stare at her as she began to shift a tear out her eye.  "Hey hey it's not that bad maybe you 2 will be safe?" I asked.  She doesn't answer she closes the door but I block her from doing that. "Are you not going to at least eat?" No answer.  She stopped attempting to close the door and just walks out the room with her head down. "I hope she doesn't go away"...
We all sat down and ate pancakes and drunk orange juice while chatting. After breakfast. " Com on everybody it's live or be killed time. Let's go. We all followed the box into this room and we all stood in a circle. Then a wheel with everyones name appears. The box spins it and it lands on....


Spongy is up for death.

Activated claws

We all watched as the metal claws picked spongy up and was tugging on spongy. "Wow so what does he not get a last word thing?" I said as the announcer just laughs.  "Haha of course not he should of done that during the spin wheel.  It's too late now the claws are already tugging on him." Announcer said. While the claws we're tugging on him we all heard his crys and screams then a few seconds later we all heard a rip and squash. He was ripped open and his organs and blood was everywhere. Everyone was either screaming or running around panicking.  I sall Woody and bubble faint on the ground. "Is this someones messed up joke for a prank? Blocky did you do this?" I yelled at blocky. "What? I didnt and I don't do messed up pranks like this. My pranks sometime involved getting injury but this is too far u would never do this. " Blocky said. After a while everyone started to calm down. "Well now that that is done everyone please process to your dorm room please. You all have 5 min.  If you aren't in the rooms after the 5 min is up then you will be punished" Announcer said.  Everyone ran to there dorms in just under 3 minutes.

Blocky POV

"Flower what are we going to do?" Blocky said paniced.  "I-i don't know but we gotta find a way to leave this place before one of us die" Flower said. "Well golf ball is smart we should ask her for help" Blocky said. "Yea but we can't leave our dorm rooms until lunch time" Flower said. "Oh ok then well until then we should find some tools that could get us a head start on escaping this place." Blocky said. " That's a good idea." Flower said.

Golf ball POV
"Hey tennis ball" "Yea golf ball?" Tennis ball said. "Over night IV been creating a blueprint of this building" O said. "But golf ball. We don't even know how big this place is or where the exit even is" Tennis ball said. "Well I have been thinking the same and I have wondered be ok presses of elimination that this is the closest time what the building prints look like" I said. "Well why did you even make this enyway?" Tennis ball said. "Becuase me and probably the other half of people in this damn place wanna escape and not die" I said. "Well then let's talk about this at lunch then" Tennis ball said.

At lunch...

Ok everyone we gotta talk....

Pencil POV

"We need to somehow come up with an escape plan before death day comes again and unless you wanna commit suicide then I say the rest of us wanna escape as well." "I agree with pencil. I'm too young and tough to die in a place like this" Snowball said.  "Well does anybody have any clue how to escape this mess?" Golf ball said.  "Well me and flower have been thinking if we can somehow dig underground and make a tunnel leading to outside then we all can be safe." Blocky said. "That's a good idea but how can we for sure know how far to dig before digging up?" I said. "Hmm well oh I actually didn't think of that." Blocky said. "I think we should get bombs and kill the speaking box." Firey said. "Where would we get bombs from?" Golf ball said. " From your ass that's where" Firey said. "Firey don't be so rude to her she was just saying" Leafy said. "How about tonight we all just break the walls in your room creating a hole and that would be easier" I said.  "Where would the tools be?" Golf ball said. " I put shovels and pickaxes and mask in your closest for tonight" I said. "Ok good also everyone make the least amount of nice you can at night so the announceer doesn't suspect anything. And I wish all of you the best of luck." Golf ball said.

At night.....


ear drops POV

Ok bubble how do you think we should escape?  Tear drop wrote down. "Uhh I think we could use the shovel here but then... The pickaxe first? Bubble said. ... Well that's a start I guess teardrop wrote. " Hey guys why are you destroying your room?" Announcer said. "Becuase were trying to get away from you" Bubble said
"Oh well too bad I got to kill you 2 now" Announcer said. Then he killed them both by evaporating teardrop and poping bubble. "OH SHIT THAT BOX JUST KILLED BUBBLE AMD TEARDROP EVERYONE STOP BRAKING YOUR ROOMS AND HIDE THE EVIDENCE!" pencil said. Everyone then stoped and through out there stuff and covered the damage with the rugs and posters they all had.

Firey POV
Oh my flame I can't believe that box just killed bubble and teardrop. They barely had any time to have a POV. I no we all need to find a faster way out of here or else we all are going to die!. "Leafy... I-im so sorry" "Wait for what?  You didn't do enything."leafy said. " I'm so sorry that you have and had to be trapped in this monstrous place and just die.  You and I are still young and haven't even had a chance to live our lives or find love and get jobs and all that other stuff!" I said.  "Firey it's ok I promise that we will escape this place. Even if it's just the 2 of us and no one else. And if we do die I at least want us to die together" Leafy said. *blushes*"thanks leafy that... That means a lot" I said.

Coiny POV

I fucking hate it here. More people just died tonight and I have a good chance I'm gonna die next. "Hey pin are you ok?  I know that we are trapped in this prison forever but I just wanna let you know that I am always by your side no matter what happens. Even if you feel hopeless i-i will always be there at least just for you." "Don't worry coiny I'm fine.... No I'm not fine... I-i-im scared that-that I'm not going to be alive for much longer and I really am not ready to die. At least not like this. This isn't what I expected for my last place to be at in the world but sadly I am and this is my death place" Pin said. "Pin don't say that I'm sure there is going to be way out of here. If you die then I'm dying with you. Pin you mean the whole world to me and I will do my best to make sure that you don't die. Even when that stupid ass box is about to kill you I'll take cover for you and he or she whatever it is kill me instead of you" I said. "But what about me?  I'll be hurt for life if you die. Like for the rest of my life I'll be hurt" Pin said. "Then... Then we will die together and... And.. Well" I said. "I... I know that its only been about 4 weeks since we been here and well... I.. I don't wanna say it now but I surely don't wanna say it when it's too late" I said. "Oh well I guess but the box is coming I hear it" Pin said.  "Fuck him ok he isn't important" I said.  "Coiny remember when you said you don't wanna do it now but not when it's too late either? Well if you don't sleep now or something then it's gonna be to late" Pin said. "I guess your right" Coiny said.

I hate that box...

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