day 3

356 5 3

A/n: this will mostly be about leafy, match and flower. Just a lil heads up 👍

Flower POV
Even tho I wanna get out of this building I at least wanna be a helping hand until then. Hmm lets see... Oh match has been really depressed lately. I did know that the day of a death before anything happened she said how she didn't want pencil to die which she is still alive but even so she is still depressed. I know it not because of spongy dying. She hates him, she thinks he's gross which I kinda agree with her. Or does she like him? Ugh idk let's go see what's she Is up to. Uhhh what's her room number.... I don't wanna ask leafy again that just be embarrassing... Uhh.... Oh it's 166? I'll check. I ran to 166 and kocked on the door. Oh shit... Maybe I should have gotten her a gift uhhh oh there's a vase over there with a flower in it. I got the vase pulled out a sharpie and wrote for match feel better. The door opened. "Hey match IV been wondering that your depressed or just sad so to cheer you up I got you flowers" "Oh.. Uh thanks-uhh thanks flower" Match said. "Hey quick question but if you're so depressed and pencil who is your bff why isn't she helping you?" I said.

Match POV
Omg even tho flower is being very nice and trying to make me feel better but it's not helping she's really annoying me. It's like how a fly doesn't leave you alone even if you move. *sigh* I gotta stop being a dick sometimes. "Ok flower we can hang for the day and also I'm too down and scared and shy to even face her" "Ok yay you want me to get leafy? We all can hang out as nature objects for a day!" Flower said "but I'm not a nature object I'm a matchstick" I said. "Your made of wood which comes from trees and trees are part of nature so your half nature object" Flower said. "Oh well ok I guess that counts. Let's go get leafy and stuff" I said. We both went to leafy dorm and we convinced her to come with us. "So what are we gonna do today?" Leafy said. "We will be punishment you 3" Announcer said. "The hell? Why?" Flower said "becuase you 3 broke the rules. Here it says 2 or more people cannot hang out when all are in sepret rooms. And all 3 of you are in a different room so I have to punish all 3 of you follow me" Announcer said. "Com on can't you just give us a warning or something. We did this si we can help match at least be happy since she is so down and you just bust in here like fuck!" Flower said. "Keep talking back and I'll fucking kill you in front of them" Announcer said. "Are we gonna like die?" I said. "If you fail yes if you pass no" Announcer said. "Oh so it's like a question type thing?" Leafy said. "Yea let's say that" Announcer said. "Ok now we are here sit dowi in a chair" Announcer said. "Ok no rape stuff ok?" I said "uhh yea sure. Anyway so all 3 of you will get a question and if you answer truthfully you get to live and if you lie they you die" Announcer said. Now I can tell that the announcer can see all of our secrets so I can tell what question I'm getting sadly. "Ok match youryour first" Announcer said. "Yea yea whatever just hurry up and get this over with" I said. "Ok then. Who do you like more than a friend?" Announcer said. Fuck I I want to lie but if I do I die so.... Ugh I have to say it but then I really don't want to..... It's ok as soon as I say it I'm gonna run. "Ok well I like uhh.... " Is all I can attempt to say before shaking and feeling tears in my eyes about to go down like a water fall. "See look your making her cry just stop look were sorry we didn't even know that was a rule you never told anyone" Flower said. "Yea I'll stop after you all answer these questions" Announcer said. "Ok well I uhh.... Like uhh p- uhhmmm...... PENCIL ok I like her happy you fucking asshole I bet you are you know what fuck you and this fucking building go burn in hell" I said as I stormed out the room. I ran to my dorm room and buried my head in my pillow as I cried. Idek how this is possible but when I stoped crying my whole pillow was soked. Ew I gtg dry this pillow. As I was in the laundry room drying my pillow I see flower and leafy walking towards me. Nope fuck no I'm about to run. Well I could but I'd get in trouble for leaving my pillow in her. Well with as much time as I have left I quickly grab my pillow and make a dash for my room. Well isn't this great I see pencil on one end and flower and leafy on another. Welp isn't this a happy ending huh? Ok well 2 people know who I like they gotta promise to not say a word. I walk over to them. "H-hey gals uhh... Sorry for running away back there" "Oh it's fine I'd do the same if I was forced to say my crush" Leafy said. "Oh so you 2 know now?" I said. They both nodded. "Well could you 2 please keep this a secret?" I asked. "Your secret crush is safe with us" Leafy said. "Thank you gals so much I owe y'all one" I said. "Don't mention it it's cool" Flower said. "Ok well I gtg think about some stuff maybe write a poem or sleep idk but I gtg bye" I said. Hmm maybe in a few days or weeks I'll tell her. But I just need to think about this.

A/n: just wanna say that next chapter about 3 ships are gonna happen. Also I do ship flower and match but in this book I won't let it happen. Maybe I'll make a separate book and make it about those 2 being shipped. Also this chapter is short becuase I am 1. Sick and 2. Schools in the way of me doing long chapters and stuff. But the next chapter will be very long don't worry. Enyway I gtg and yea again sorry for such a short chapter. Also before the long chapter I'm gonna show you all an new look at the characters and the dorms and room number and pair everyone is in. Plus I'll show the dead characters so far. Ok bye😁😁👌👌

the school of darkness (Bfdi Fanfict)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora