We can have our aliance back.........

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Golf ball POV
"Tennis ball we have to talk it's very important so stop eating!" I said. "Ugh What is it golf ball can't it wait until we get in our rooms?" Tennis ball said. "That's what I'm trying to tell you our keys have been replaced!" I said. "What do you mean?" Tennis ball said. "I guess while we where at the graveyard the announcer must of switched all our keys for fake ones" I said. "That can't be the case, maybe your eyes are just tricking you and that's still our old keys" Tennis ball said continuing To eat. "Stop eating this is serious!" I said. "Look golfball If What your saying is really true how about after I finish we can ask someone around if there keys work" Tennis ball said. "You take to long to eat on purpose we don't have time for this!" I said. "Well we have to be done with lunch by 2:35 pm we have 10 min left calm down for sometime your always worked up for no reason. Unless it's a serious life and or death situation you don't need to worry. Now go get something to eat, I'll be here waiting for you ok?" Tennis ball said. "... fine I'll be back" I said walking off.

I need to find out what this purple box is hiding and why he chose us for his doings. I walk in the food area looking for something small to eat and I see in the corner of my eye Pin. "Uhh Hey Pin" I said. "Oh yea golf ball it's been some time since we talked huh?" Pin said. "Yea I guess it has been" I said. "What's wrong? You seem upset about something wanna y'all about it?" Pin asked. "I'll tell you the short side of it" I said. "That's good enough for me. My ears are all open" Pin said. "Well I think there's much more to the announcer than we thought he was" I said. "You think so?" Pin said. "Yes I think he's hiding something big from us" I said. "Well.... what do you think it is?" Pin asked. "I think he was made from a secret spy corporation from another universe that has come to take the 21 of us and test out our sanity before we die" I said. "Wow that's..... pretty deep don't you think?" Pin said. "I don't care if it is there's a 88% chance that it's true" I said. "Well I'll believe your statement when I see a made in somewheres land label on him" pin said getting up and walking away. "Where are you going??" I said. "To my room so me and coiny can eat, why?" Pin said. "Wait you entered your room??" I said. "Uhh Yea" Pin said. "So our original keys work still?" I asked. "Probably not, ours didn't work so we looked for  another key and found it in our main box" Pin said. "Mail box? But why would he change our locks and keys?" I asked. "Eh who knows why that rectangle does anything anymore but I really got to go, I'll catch up with you later" pin said running off.

"Tennis ball we gotta go now!" I said. "Wait why?" He asked. "I'll explain later we gotta get to our rooms now!" I said. " fine, there better be a good reason for this" Tennis ball said. We run to our room and I climb on Tennis balls head and reach in our mail box. I pulled out a golden key. " .... really? You bothered my all for a damn key??" Tennis ball said. " yes now we can enjoy the rest of our day" I said.

"I'm getting bored" Pencil said. "Well become un bored then" I said. "That's not how that works ya know" Pencil said. "Hey look there's flower and blocky maybe they have our key!" Eraser said.

"Heyyyyyyyyyy blocky and flower you got our key??????" Eraser said. "What?" Blocky said. "We just found out our key stoped working" flower said. "Oh dang!" Eraser said. "Well maybe the announcer left a note in our mail box, maybe you all should check your mail boxes as well" blocky said. "Check mail box! Just for some note that's probably not there!" Match said. "Match calm down it's not that serious!" Pencil said. "Hell yes this is serious! I just wanna go to sleep and we're here running around looking for keys!" Match said. "Why didn't you guys just break your door down?" Flower said. "Well the announcer said if we don't find our key and or break the door down he would kill us" pencil said. "Ouch I guess that goes for the rest of us too then huh?" Blocky said. "Ya know what I'm tired I'm leaving" Match said. "Leaving to go where?" Pencil said. "Ima sleep in front of our door I'm too tired for all of this" Match said running away. "What! Match get back here!" Pencil said running after her.

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