the school of darkness (Bfdi...

By finelytime

7.3K 95 188

20 kids trapped in an old school and have to work together to find a way out. They only have about 1 year to... More

authors note
introducing the obvious
introduction to the obvious
day 2 (day of a death)
day 3
day 4
Im changing the cover of this book
New student
Note :3
We can have our aliance back.........
Then we went missing...
3 book designs
important please read
Newwwww updateeee

day 1

661 10 16
By finelytime

Leafy POV
That was really long but now I gtg get my room number and key. Ugh I don't even know how I got here but I'll ask someone if they know what's going on.
"Name please" The girl at the desk said. "Uhh leafy"...... " Ok you girl I found your name leafy right? " "Yes" I said. "Ok leafy your room is 143 here's the key." She said. "Thank you miss" I said then I left.

Firey POV
Why the hell did I say don't talk to me. Now I have a really poor chance of being friends with anyone. Well besides needle pin and coiny but still... Whatever let me just get my room number and key. "Name please" "Firey" I say..... "Firey your room is 143 here is the key. " "Thank you" I said.

A few minutes later...

Leafy POV
Finally after 30 min I find it. Hopefully I don't have to.... Share.... Oh "hello firey". " Hu? Your my roomate? " Firey said "uhmm yea I guess so" Leafy said. "Oh well uhh that's cool I guess" Firey said. "Are u... Are you ok? " Leafy asked. "I'm good I just have a cold" Firey said. "Oh no you must have some rest here want me to give you medicine? " Leafy said. "Sure thanks leafy" Firey said.

Fireys friendship points 1/9

Leafy POV
Ok I need to get some help I honestly don't know where I am or how I even got here. * while walking she sees pencil talking to 1 of her friends. * oh there's pencil she did say something about she could give advice or something. "Hey pencil I need your help oh and hi match". " Hey leafy" They both said. "What do you need help with? " Pencil said. "Oh well do you 2 remember how u got here? " Leafy said. "No not that I can think of" Match said. " I remember how me and match got here". Pencil said. "Oh can I hear how? " Leafy said. "Sure" Pencil said. "So me and her where on our way back home untill it started to rain then gun shots could be heard. Match started crying and I was just confused. Then when do ya know when u hear yelling and then everything went to black. I woke up next to match on this old bed that smelled like shit. I got up and couldn't see until I hit my face on the door. I was feeling for the doornob and open the door to come to my surprise the announcer person was waiting on the other side. He told us that we had to go to the acting room and wait for everyone so we did. He didn't even tell us where we we're." Pencil said. "Wow that was a lot thanks for telling me. " Leafy said. "Sadly I'm always a helping hand so if you ever need anything you can always tell me" Pencil said. "I will ok bye" Leafy said.

Pencil frendship points 1/9

Match POV
"Wow pencil she was nice" "Lol I know. What u got a crush on her? " Pencil said "no I don't like her in that kind of way only as a friend". I said. " Ok if that's how you want I'll keep it a secret. Bye match" Pencil said. "Pencil wai-never mind.... " Match said. If only she knew that I like her.... "Ugh whatever it's not the time to tell her yet" I said.

Firey POV

Ok firey you got this! Just be cool you can talk to her ok... Ok I got this. "H-hey leafy? Yea leafy!" "Yes firey?" Leafy said. "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go to the dance room and idk chat?" I said. "I would love to but I'm really hungry and I wanted to go to the cafe to get some dinner then go back to my dorm to eat then sleep." Leafy said disappointed. "No no it's fine I was uhh maybe I could come with you to get your dinner then we can walk back to your dorm together?" "... Su- wait... Aren't you my roomate?" Leafy said. "Oh yea that's right pfff oops I forgot. *blushes in embarrassment*. " You silly flame well ok you can walk with me to get dinner then we can walk back to our dorm" Leafy said. "T-that sounds like a great idea" I said. Then we walked to the cafe to get a sandwich as of course I decide to go and buy dinner for both of us. Then we walked back to the dorm. On our way back something strange happens. I sall a black figure moping the puddle on the floor I thought it was water or just a liquid until I sall a dead body half stuffed into a body bag. Then it all made sence now.... What was being moped was a puddle of blood!. It was on the floor on the walls and on the body. "L-l-leafy" I wisperd. "You see that over there? That's a body and blood we-we gotta go!" I said. Then the figure looked up at us stopped moping letting it fall to the ground. Then it pulls out a knife charging at us both. I managed to pick up leafy by the hips and made a straight dash for our dorm room almost dropping the keys I pulled out my pocket and nearly struggling to unlock the door. I managed to unlock the door nearly slammed it and locked everything. I was out of all of my energy. My eyesight was getting blurry I fell to the ground. Thankfully leafy was here. She carefully picked me up trying not to burn herself and placed me on my side of the bed. I wanted to eat and chat with her but I fell asleep.

Coiny POV

*ring ring ring* I heard my alarm clock go off in my ear. I gron as i turn it off or at least try. As I get up to go to the bathroom to wash my face I see a paper with words on it. It says 'dear coiny please come down to the office thank you. Ps. Your deadline is 7: 00 am' oh shit I'm almost late! I quickly finish washing my face get my metal cleaner and rub it all over my body fast I get my boots on outing 186$ in my pocket running out my dorm almost slipping on the hallway rug and race to the office barley making it in time. "I-i am here sorry if I'm late" I said. "It's ok coiny. You made it just in time" Announcer said "so why are we here?" Eraser "because I have come to inform you that u all need to go investigate in the whole building." Announcer said. "Why?" I said. "Because last night as I was making sure everyone was in there dorms I saw a trail of blood. I didnt follow or clean it because I had not been paying attention". The announcer " Oh no... " Firey said. "Hey uhh sorry to inturuped but uhh... Where is pin?" Blocky said. *everyone gasped* "I belive that blocky is correct I haven't seen pin at all today" Golf ball said. "Hey coiny don't you 2 like share a room together?" Match said. "Well yes she does but when I woke up I was kinda in a bit of a panic so I didn't even have the change to go see if she was there or not." I said. "Well then let's go check to see if she is still in her bed." Needle said. They all ran to room 173 which is going and pins dorm room. "Hey it's like locked" Match said. "I-i don't remember locking the door. I actually don't even remember closing it" I said. " Ahh great now for all we know some random person could have entered the room locked it and probably has done something horrible to pin!" Pencil said. "Uhh guys" Fire said. "I uhh don't think that pin is ya know up" Fire said. "And why do you say that?" Needle said. "Fire what did you do" I said. " Everyone I was with firey last night we share the same dorm room 143. And I can assure you that firey did nothing.". Leafy said. "Explain then new girll". I said " It's leafy to you and I will explain." Leafy said. " So what happened was me and firey went to go get sandwiches for dinner and while we were walking back firey stopped me and whispered that there's some guy with a mop cleaning up blood and there was a body bag with a body half stuffed in it. Then the gut saw us and charged at us with a knife firey grabbed me and ran straight into our room and then he fell asleep and I did the same after eating." Leafy said. "And you didn't report this to the office?" Eraser said " Uhh why would I even leave the room after that?" Leafy said "well now there's a killer on the loose and we are all doomed" Eraser said. "Everyone shush you all will be split into groups of 2." Announcer said. Group 1 coiny pencil leafy firey snowball bubble eraser golf ball match tennis ball. Group 2 blocky pen needle teardrop woody flower spongy Rocky ice cube.

Golf ball POV
So pin is missing and everyone thinks she is dead. But to my calculations I think she is somewhere just not where it seems.... Oh I know! She is still in her room I know I will be in trouble if I leave my group but there is a 58.93 chance that pin is just sleeping in her room I have to get coinys key. "Hey coiny" "Yes golf ball? " Coiny said. "I need to borrow your key can I?" "Uhh ok" Coiny said he gave her the key and golf ball dashed the opposite direction to get to dorm room 173 and unlocked the door to only find pin soft asleep in her bed softly snoring rapped up in her fluffy red blanket. "Guys over here she's asleep" I yelled. Everyone dashed to where golf ball is to see pin asleep. "Oh good she's alive" Coiny said. Then 2 minutes after watching pin sleep she woke up. "*yawn* I'm u-.... Well this is strange... Why are all of you standing here watching me sleep?" Pin said confused. "OH MY COIN FACTORY I THOUGHT YOU DIED PIN!!!" coiny said. "Why would I be dead?" Pin said. "Because when we were all in the office this morning we didn't see you and when we thought you were in here the door was locked and coiny didn't remember closing and or locking the door" I said. "Ha that's silly when I woke up the door was open so I got up and closed it and locked it and went back to sleep. Sorry I'm a really heavy sleeper and really enjoy sleeping". Pin said. " Well now that your here and alive I have something to say"announcer said. "Tomorrow you all will be in the acting room and 1 of you will die". Announcer said. " What why?" I said. " Because what's a fun time without a death am I right?" Announcer said. "Y-you monster why are you all of a sudden doing this?" Flower said. "Because you entered here and you aren't getting back out. Only one of you will." Announcer said. "So we will never see the sun shine again?" I said "nope so enjoy it while it last hahah" Announcer said then left. All of us including the tough ones were scared.....

Please let me not die now....

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