How Can I Ask For More? Adopt...


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Amanda Grace has been through many foster homes, but she has stayed in none of them for over three months. Bu... Еще

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
I Was Tagged
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
I'm Sorry
Chapter Twenty Five
Just Wondering...
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
. . . . . .
Untitled Part I Don't Even Know Anymore
(I Wish This Was An Update But It's Actually An Update On Life)(By Fall Out Boy)

Chapter Twenty Eight

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(A/N: I probably know what you're thinking right now: Yay! A new chapter!

I'm just kidding. I literally don't remember the last time I updated this with an actual update. Well, Alli's back. Sort of. See, I started high school (private religious, wohoo!), which means I have even less time than I did. This chapter has literally been in the process of writing since the last update. It's really sad.

But anyways, if you're still here, kudos to you. You're a better person than I am.

Here you go. Crappy chapter that took too long.


Amanda's POV:

"Can you sit still for one minute Brendon? Jesus!"

"No, I can't, Geesus. Deal with it."

I giggled. "Dad, just stop it. He's barely started yet."

He stuck out his tongue at me.

"BRENDON!" Gerard yelled. "Andy, can you restrain him? Please?"

Andy laughed. "Don't bring me into this. Plus, I don't want to miss his transformation."

"Fine, Gerard grumbled, but he continued working. "Hey, Amanda?"

"Yeah?" I asked, looking up from where I was messing with Patrick's hair.

"Can you do drag, by any chance?"

"I mean, I've sort of tried once or twice, and it came out kinda decent."

"Perfect. Can you get started on someone? I'll help you out if you need me."

"Sure." I stood up, dragging a chair next to where Gee was working on Brendon. "Um, Patrick. Come here."

"Fine." He stood up from the couch and made his way over to me, dropping onto the chair. "This better be waterproof."

"Oh, trust me, it is." I got to work.

"Any good, Way?" I tilted Patrick's face to the left so he could see it.

"Awesome. Just the lips left?"

"Yeah. And then I'm gonna set it."

"Great job, Manda."

"Thanks." I stuck some lipstick onto a brush and carefully applied it to Trick's lips. "Mm, Gerard? What do you think? Bigger lips, or no?"

"Bigger is always better when it comes to drag, Amanda. Always." He flicked his eyes over to my creation before going back to Dallon, whom he was now working on. "And when you finish Trick, can you start working on Bren's hair? The wigs are labelled in the bags." He nodded to a group of shopping bags stacked by the couch.

"Yeah, just setting the makeup..." I carefully placed powder on his face and sprayed the entire thing to set it. "'re done!"

He stared at himself in the mirror. "Holy smokes, Amanda! What did you DO to me?"

"Patrick! What did she do to your face?" Pete laughed. "Okay, you need a drag name. Badly."

"Give me a little bit. I'll figure it out."

I laughed, heading toward the bags. "Beebo, get over here." He came running. "Well, hello, Drisella. How are you doing today?"

"I'm bald!" He screeched in an accent. "Give me some hair, child."

I finally located the bag, labelled with "The Forehead" in messy block letters, and dragged him to the hair I was working on.

"Did you get me a wig stand?" I questioned Gerard as I pulled the bright blond wig out of the bag.

"Uh huh, it's in the bag labelled 'Baby Urie.' Mikey, since you're closest to it, can you grab it for her?"

"Yeah," he said, throwing it to me.

"Thanks." I slid the wig onto the stand and got to work.

"Good enough?" I mused as I stepped back for a minute. "I think so. Yeah? Does it scream Drisella enough for you?"

"Oh, definitely."

I grinned. "Good. Now stay still." I pinned the wig into place and grabbed a can of hairspray. "Hold your breath." I shaded Brendon's eyes with one hand as I sprayed his hair with the hairspray. "That should hold for a few hours."

"Sup, bitches!" Brendon screamed out.

"Save your chords for the stage, buddy. Now get your clothing on. Manda, start the other wigs, please." I followed Gerard's instructions, because he was in charge.

I grabbed as many of the wig bags as I could and began styling them to perfection.

"May I introduce to you all, for her first time out live, Drisella Kokane!" I stood in the middle of the stage wearing a black leather jacket over a white tank top and blue jeans. My hair was up in a high ponytail, and I wasn't wearing too much makeup. Well, at least not compared to the queens.

Brendon-sorry, Drisella, strutted onstage wearing black heeled boots, and black leather mini skirt over black fishnet stockings with a blue short sleeved crop top that had a white exclamation point in the center. Gerard and I had decided to theme each band with different colors, so all of Panic! was wearing black leather, blue, and white.

The crowd went insane as she blew kisses out to everyone, then grabbed her mic. "What's up, bitches! It's Drisella!"

I giggled. "Next up, we have Jade Rain-" before I could finish, the next band member walked on. She wore spiked black converse (refused to wear heels), nude tights, a blue dress, and leather jewelry. Her white part of the outfit was a bright sash around her waist, and a white bass guitar to match.

"It's Raine with an e, darling." Dallon patted my head before striding over to their spot next to Drisella/Brendon.

"Courtney Cologne," Kenny walked out in a mid-thigh length sleeveless white dress with a black leather vest over it and blue leggings on top of converse that matched Dallon's.

"I hate this, he grumbled quietly to me as he passed. I threw a supportive smile at him before announcing the last queen.

"Last, but not least, we have Daniella Dover!" Dan walked out just as unhappily as Kenny, but since he was playing drums, we went a little easy on him. He wore a loose white Panic! shirt over a long wraparound skirt, which was hiding a pair of jeans. Gerard told him that he could take off the skirt when he played, as long as he put it on again at the end of the show. He agreed to it, and as soon as he got to the drumset, he pulled it off and dropped it to the side.

"And they are Pet Salemandar!" 'Drisella' glared at me. "I mean, Panic! At The Disco! Panic! At The Club? Bar? Who knows?" I bowed and walked off stage.

"Great job, Manda." Patrick stood off stage, watching them as they began the performance.

"Thanks. And you know you're performing next, and I'm announcing again, so you better think of a name already."

"Alright, alright. I will. Don't worry."

"'Kay." I went to my dressing room to change for announcing FOB. They had a different theme, so I had to dress in it.

I pulled a faded purple Fall Out Boy shirt on, and threw a denim jacket over it. Wrestling on a pair of washed-out black jeans, I checked my hair in the mirror and cursed. I pulled it out of the now messy ponytail and let it fall down in natural waves. I redid my makeup to match the outfit, and rejoined Patrick outside.

"They doing good?" I asked as I adjusted my glasses.

"Uh huh. Brendon almost broke a heel already, so I asked Zack to grab the backup pair from the bus. I knew it was a good idea to order more than one pair for him."


"We're good," Zack said as he arrived with a shopping bag.

"Oh, hi Amanda. How'd you change so quickly?"

"Magic," I answered as Brendon hit a high note. "Forget what I just said, what Drisella's doing out there is magic," I added as he went even higher as they continued Casual Affair. And higher.

"Damn," Pete whispered as he walked up to join us. "You're father's got some golden pipes."

"And I think that was established when you first met them, Meme. I mean, Pete. Same difference."

He pretended to scowl at me, but I couldn't even pretend to take him seriously in all the makeup.

"You all got your names planned out? Cuz if you don't, I'm gonna make 'em up on the spot and you'll have to deal with them."

"Still annoyed that you got me a wig where I'll have hair in my face the entire performance," Pete grumbled.

"Hey, it's just like old times," I replied sarcastically. "Deal with it. You're stunning." I blew the bassist a kiss. "What the hell?" I said suddenly. "Put your heels on, Pete, or I'll skin you! I worked so hard to find the right pair, and you aren't even wearing them!"

"Jesus, Amanda. They're uncomfortable. And in the dressing room. Calm yourself."

"Not possible! Go put them on and walk around a bit. I seem to remember you being very unbalanced in them, so you might want to practice a bit more...

"Joe, stop poking your wig! It's not going to make your itch go away. Andy, get your blouse back on, I am not having a drag performance with you shirtless like always! Patrick, thank you for cooperating! Pete, if you don't put your heels on, I will hurt you more than those shoes will." The last pouted, but plopped down on a chair to pull them on.

"But they're so annoying!"

"Be glad you're only doing one performance like this, instead of the entire tour! Where do you think you're going, Trohman? Get over here, I need to fix your wig!"

"Okay, all of you out there. Who's excited for tonight's performance?" I called into the mike to screams from the audience. "Tonight is the last performance of the tour, unfortunately, but we do have a surprise for you! So, who's ready for me to introduce tonight's performers?"

I smiled into the mic. "First up, we have Anita Dollar!" I silently thanked Andy as he walked out with the purple blouse on over a black wraparound skirt and denim printed shoes and accessories.

"Our next performer, Jasmine Jest!" Joe walked out in a denim miniskirt, black fishnets and boots, and a pale purple tank top.

"Peteri Dish!" (He didn't give me a name in time, so I made one up.) Pete was wearing a denim overall dress with a purple wig and black heels. He glared at me while he walked out, and I smiled pleasantly back at him.

"And last, but most certainly not least, the tall and fabulous Patricia Tree!" Patrick sauntered onstage in knee-height platform heeled boots, a purple mini dress, and a denim jacket.

"Enjoy the Fall Down Drunks' performance tonight!" I bowed and walked offstage.

As soon as I walked off, I immediately went to my dressing room to change for My Chem's performance, as it was very intricate and needed a lot of time.

I began by pulling on a maroon mini dress with My Chemical Romance printed across the front over black leggings, sliding back into the same leather jacket I wore for Panic!'s introduction. The most difficult and time consuming part was definitely the makeup.

I darkened my eyelids with maroon at the center fading into black on the outer corners and thickly rimmed my eyes with black eyeliner. Carefully, I contoured my cheekbones, nose, temples, and neck to look vaguely skeletal and painted my lips black with a touch of glitter at the center. I fashioned my hair into a high bun atop my head and curled the pieces I left down to frame my face. I pulled on a black velvet choker and exited the bathroom to make sure that everyone was ready for the performance.

"Goddammit Frankie I told you not to jump onto people until the performance!" I groaned as I exited the bathroom to find him on top of Mikey. "Now I have to fix both of your wigs." I sighed. "Get over here, boy of you. You're such babies." I carefully adjusted their wigs in turn and turned to face Gerard.

"Gee, you have a wild boyfriend to tame. Go deal with him." He looked up, startled.

"Frank isn't my boyfriend."

I looked up at him with a face that clearly stated, 'oh, really?'

He rolled his eyes.

"Fiance!" Frank called from the next room.

"Wait, what the fuck? Frerard is ENGAGED?!" I said, shocked. "Where's the ring? Let me see! I don't believe you, neither of you EVER wear rings. Mikey, is your prospective brother-in-law telling the truth? Oh lord and savior my dreams are coming true!" I pretended to faint with a hand to my forehead. No, really, my legs were feeling weak.

Gerard rolled his eyes. "We're not engaged. Frank is joking. We aren't even dating."

"Yeah, you are," Ray called out from the bathroom.

"Okay, we are. But not engaged, Frank!"

"Not yet!" He sang out.

"Oh, Jesus," I cried dramatically.

"You're not going to tell anyone, right?" Gerard actually looked nervous. "Like, not Brendon, Dallon, no one from the other bands, and definitely not the fans?"

I rolled my eyes. "Gee, if you don't want me to, then fine. But I swear to god, at your wedding, please make Frankie wear a dress!"

He groaned. "No one hears about this. Not one person. Got it?"

I nodded. He was actually looking kind of scary.


"One kiss?" I whispered meekly. He glared. "Or not...Frankie, come here, I need to fix your wig. Mikey, yours too."

Oh, lord, what is going on?

My Chemical Romance, or, rather, My Plastic Surgery, performed seamlessly. Other than the fact that within five minutes, Frank had broken a heel, Ray's wig had nearly been flung off, and Gerard was prancing around stage like a queen.

It was fine. Gerard and I had also bought a few spare pairs of heels for Frank, so it wasn't really much of an issue.

After the show was over, Brendon was basically throwing a hissy fit, Frank was lying on top of Gerard and Ray, I was lying on top of Frank, Pete was standing on top of the mini fridge throwing ping pong balls at everyone (don't ask where he got them), Patrick was sitting on his laptop in the corner, Dallon, Kenny, and Dan were giving each other piggyback rides, Joe and Andy were having a whisper argument at the table, and who knows where Mikey went. I definitely understood how Beebo was feeling. Tour was over, school was starting for me again, and who knows what'll happen next?

We stayed at a hotel that night. It was silent, so different than what was normally going on. Of course, now most, if not all, of the school knew who I was at this point, so there really wasn't any point in trying to hide it. Beatrice was going to be even more of an issue, the stupid attention whore.

It's okay. I have a freaking fanbase of my own now, I can handle Beatrice. No problem. Plus, I was going to see Rose again. We had been facetiming pretty consistently over the tour, and I was stoked to see her in person. And Matt, Abigail, and Aaron.

But seriously. So excited to see Rose again.

I couldn't wait to return to LA.

(A/N: And there you have it. A crappy chapter, featuring my dreams coming true. Yee.)

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