Kaira ff - Promise !! (Comple...

By kaira_love2106

220K 7.3K 133

Peep into know.... More

Character Sketch
Part - 1
Part - 2
Part - 3
Part - 4
Part - 5
Part - 6
Part - 7
Part - 8
Part - 9
Part - 10
Part - 11
Part - 12
Part - 13
Part - 14
Part - 15
Part - 16
Part - 17
Part - 18
Part - 19
Part - 20
Part - 22
Part - 23
Part - 24
Part - 25
Part - 26
Part - 27
Part - 28
Part - 29
Part - 30
Part - 31
Part - 32
Part - 33
Part - 34
Part - 35
Part - 36

Part - 21

5.4K 193 5
By kaira_love2106

Akshara came inside. Naira's words were ringing in her mind. She wanted to trust Naira's words. She wanted to trust Kartik but something was stopping her. Her mind went to past.


(Naksh is 18 years old. Kartik was 16 years old.)

Kartik was sitting and studying as his 12th final were going on. Akshara came inside with food.

"Kartik how much you will study?" Akshara sat beside him.

"Mumma after 2 days I have exam of this stupid economics and you are asking me to stop." Kartik looked at Akshara bewildered.

"I'm just saying to take a break you bookworm." Akshara slapped on his head.

"Mumma did Bhai tell you abt his girlfriend?" Kartik asked casually.

"Haan he called me and tol....(realising) you knew it?" Akshara was angry.

"Mumma I wanted to tell you but Bhai stopped me. He gave me your oath. He is in relationship since 1 year." Kartik revealed.

"Let him come home then I'll tell him." Akshara was in full mood to beat Naksh.

"Okay so you also tell if you have someone in your life.?" Akshara asked.

Akshara was never ever that over protective mother. She was open minded and that was the reason Kartik used to share everything with her no matter what.

"Mumma the day I'll find mine na I'll take the mike and announce in whole Udaipur." Kartik mocked.

"Which type of girl you want?" Akshara asked.

"A girl who loves everyone. She should make anyone laugh within seconds. She should stand against the wrong even if she has to stand against her known people. She should never be partial in loving anyone. She should just be the one in whom I can confide and share everything. Most imp I want a girl seeing whom on every day I remember you Mumma." Kartik hugged Akshara.

"Oh ho mera Majnu Beta. Come back from your Majnu mode to reality. I have to find at least 10 girls for you according to the qualities you made me count." Akshara moved her head in disbelief.

"Mumma don't worry I know I'll get that girl one day or the other." Kartik shrugged his shoulders proudly.

Akshara and Kartik both bursted into laughter.


Akshara chuckled remembering that incident. She knew the qualities Kartik told her that day,Naira had all those qualities. She thought Kartik will never get such girl. But finally he found her or may he she found him.

She knew something wasn't right. Something was there which was wrong. Kartik's getting scared from dark was an unusual thing because he was the bravest in the family. Akshara's heart knew something did happen wrong but what was that she didn't know.

Her mind went to Naksh. Naira's words again rang in her mind. She wanted to trust Naksh but she was worried for Keerti's future.

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