The Tale's Willow

By Freak-of-Madness

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Collection of unrelated one shots. And mini-series'. Random Home Free members, Home Free crew, Home Free fri... More

The Accident
I Hate You
I Love You
Mutually Used
Mutually Beneficial
Mutually In Love
Gym Crush
The Game
Gym Crush 2
Gym Crush 3
Miserably Infatuated
What the...
One Wild Night
One Wild Night 2
One Wild Night 3
Wicked Life
Wicked Road
Wicked Woah
Angel in the Thorn
Angel Misunderstood
Angel in Love
Angel Lives
Convenient Love
Midnight Pleasure
Midnight Pleasure 2
Midnight Pleasure 3
Winter Seduction
Winter Seduction 2
Winter Seduction 3
Winter Seduction 4
Dangerous Friend
Dangerous Kiss
Dangerous Feels
Dangerous Heart
Voracious Angel
Whiskey Lullaby
The Teacher
Drunken idiots
The Lusty Boss
The Lusty Boss 2
The Lusty Boss 3
Taste of Heaven 1
Taste of Heaven 2
Taste of Heaven 3
Beautiful, Beloved 1
Beautiful, Beloved 2
Beautiful, Beloved 3
Moonlight and Mischief
Moonlight and Mischief 2
Fire of the Butterfly 1
Fire of the Butterfly 2
Fire of the Butterfly 3
Tarzan and the Emerald 1
Tarzan and the Emerald 2
Tarzan and the Emerald 3
Tarzan in the New World
Unexpected Changes 1
Unexpected Changes 2
Unexpected Changes 3
Some Kisses Should Yearn
The Secretary
A Midsummer Storm 1
A Midsummer Storm 2
A Midsummer Storm 3
A Flicker of Confusion
A Flicker of Love
A Flicker of Redemption
Sunlight Prince
Moonlight Prince
Starlight Prince
Fire and Silk
Voracious Angel 2
Convenient Love 2
Moonlight and Mischief 3
Flames of Adventure 1
Flames of Adventure 2
Flames of Adventure 3
Pining For You
Ravished and Ravenous
Ravished and Ravenous 2
The Confusing Desire
The Confusing Want
The Confusing Love
Sinful Hours
Sharing Season
Sinful Hours 2
Sinful Hours 3
Moonlight and Mischief 4
What happens at night. . .
Simple Fire

Miserably torn

440 16 20
By Freak-of-Madness

A/N: This is part 3 of the "mini-series". This is probably gonna be pretty long. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

The renovations were going smoothly. Adam's infatuation, or should it be called obsession, was getting worse. Thoughts of the tall, southern brunette were consuming him. He could hardly touch his wife anymore which was putting a strain on their marriage. So much so, the pair began fighting about the lack of a sex life. Adam couldn't tell her why, not the real reason anyways, so he always used work as an excuse.

One Saturday, they had forgotten Tim was in their bathroom working. Adam was just trying to relax after the long work week and Ericha was trying to get frisky. He wanted no part of it which set her off. Not wanting to fight, he left her in the living room and headed for their bedroom to lay down and read a book. She quickly followed, refusing to let things go. Adam was not a violent man and would never strike a woman in anger.

"I am not going to let this go! We haven't had sex in months!" She shouted at him.

"I bust my ass off at work trying to support you and afford all the renovations you want for this house!" He shot back making Tim stop and listen.

"If you're working so damned hard, why haven't you been promoted?" Ericha stated.

"They don't hand out promotions every week, Ericha! You don't get gold stars for doing a good job that week." Adam rolled his eyes and making Tim snicker.

"Then why won't you touch me?" She rested her hands on her hips.

"I'm exhausted when I come home from work."

"You work in an office." Ericha huffed.

"It's mentally draining! And it's not like I just sit in my office chair all day, either. I'm up and down, walking all over the office, walking all over the floor going to different people or different departments." Adam tried to explain.

"Yeah, whatever." She stated, "We still haven't had sex in months!"

"Maybe I just haven't felt up for it!" He countered, hoping his lie was believable.

'Oh, Adam. That's such a bad lie!' Tim thought as he shook his head.

"Are you having an affair? Is that why you don't want to have sex?" Ericha narrowed her eyes at him.

"What? Hell no, I'm not cheating on you! That's not how my momma raised me." Adam gasped in shock.

"Then why won't you touch me?" She screamed.

Adam stared at her, nearly giving away his secret, as he tried to think up an excuse.

"You know what? Get out! Pack a bag and just get the fuck out of my house!" Ericha screamed at him.

He sighed heavily as he moved to his closet. Adam grabbed his large suitcase and packed it not knowing when he'd be allowed back in his home. His showering essentials were in the guest bathroom so he didn't see Tim. The blond grabbed his phone charger, phone, wallet, and truck keys after he was sure he had everything he needed. Looking around the bedroom, he shouted where he'd be staying if she needed him.

"I don't need you!" She shouted back making both men roll their eyes.

Adam rolled his suitcase out to his truck then took off. Tim took his phone out and made a note of where Adam was staying. Perhaps this was his chance! Adam didn't know if he should be upset or relieved at this turn of events. This was the worst fight they'd ever had and the first time she'd thrown him out. He pulled into the lot of the motel he told her he would be staying at to rent a room for three days. He wasn't sure if he'd need it for all three days but he thought it was better to be safe than sorry.

He took his suitcase inside and plopped down on the bed. 'How did my life turn out this way?' he stared up at the ceiling. As he laid there, he thought about his life choices. Or should he say, how he let his parents make his life choices. He was miserable, he was depressed, he felt like a failure and like he'd never be able to measure up to the standards his brother set. Somehow as Adam laid there, he fell asleep. A knocking at his door made him bolt upright.

His heart was pounding in his chest as he slid off the bed. He felt like his body was shaking as his legs somehow moved him towards the door. Who knew he was here? Who could be knocking at his door? Surely his wife would just call him? It felt like someone else opening the door. The person standing there was not who he was expecting.

"Hey Adam. Uh, mind if I come in?" Tim asked, flashing him a warm smile.

Adam shook his head then smiled at the man at his door before moving, "Yeah sure."

Tim walked in and Adam shut the door behind him.

"I hope you can forgive me. I heard the fight you had with your wife earlier. That's how I knew you were here." Tim explained, "I brought pizza and beer."

"Oh. You heard that?" Adam's eyes widened at the realization of what all their handy-man had heard.

"Yeah." Tim chuckled as he set the pizza and case of beer on the dresser, "I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I was working in your bathroom and y'all were in the bedroom so it was kind of hard to not listen."

"I'm sorry you had to hear any of it, Tim. Thanks for stopping by." Adam sat down on his bed, "How did you know what room I was in?"

"I just drove around until I saw your truck. I figured whatever door it was parked in front of was where you were staying." Tim smiled at him, "I, uh, I'm a great listener. Even if I am just your handy-man."

Adam sighed. He needed a friend right now. A real one. He needed someone objective and who would give him real, honest advice. Maybe Tim could be that person.

"I don't think you have the time it would take to tell you everything." Adam shook his head as he stared ahead of him.

"Let's eat, have a few beers, and you can start at the beginning." Tim told him making Adam look over at him, "I don't care how long it takes. Clearly you need someone to talk to."

"You have no idea how true that statement really is." Adam relented making Tim smile.

The brunette opened the package of beer and got two for them while Adam set the box of pizza on the bed. The two men set on either side of it while Adam tried to gather his thoughts. Tim just watched the blond carefully as they both ate. Adam didn't know if he should start with when he got married or during his childhood. Tim did say to "start at the beginning".

"You ever feel like people don't know the real you?" Adam asked taking Tim off guard.

"Well, not exactly. But go on." Tim replied.

Adam told him how his parents were with him. How his mother always seemed to make his decisions for him, how she more or less bullied him into doing what she wanted him to do, study what they wanted him to study in college. Even down to taking the job she wanted him to take when he started getting job prospects. Tim furrowed his brows when Adam sighed. The brunette was confused but knew there was more to what Adam needed to say.

Adam explained what a nerd he was. How he loved Star Wars, gaming, and other nerdy things. How his family always poked fun at people like him who enjoyed such things so much that he never allowed himself to show his interest in them around his family. Tim was beginning to see a pattern emerging. Adam explained how he learned to beatbox, something no one in his family knew about, but several of his relatives had made fun of some contestants on a reality show that could beatbox saying it was a useless skill and it was stupid.

Adam couldn't look at Tim as he went on. He explained how his "friends" weren't really his friends. They were people his parents wanted him to hang out with and that he felt no emotional attachment or connection to them. He did stuff with them out of obligation. Tim could see Adam's body begin to tremble as they started to get a little deeper. Adam explained that he hadn't wanted to get married but did because his mother was urging him to marry Ericha. The blond glanced over at Tim briefly before mumbling that he was actually gay and afraid to come out.

"You want to say that again?" Tim asked, unsure if he actually heard the blond right.

"I'm fucking gay, alright?!" Adam shouted!

"You...are...let me get this're gay and yet you married a woman? A woman you have, in fact, had sex with? Doesn't that make you bisexual?" Tim furrowed his brows.

"No. I am not attracted to her at all." Adam sighed, "I find it...I do it out of obligation. None of my family knows I'm gay. They'd...they're so...I know they..."

Tim could see how torn up Adam was. It hurt him to know this amazing man was stuck in such a situation. He waited for Adam to continue.

"I'm just fucking miserable, Tim. I have a job I hate, married to someone I don't wanna be married to, have a family I know will hate me if they ever find out I'm actually gay. I just don't know what to do." Adam chugged the rest of his beer before sliding off the bed to grab another one.

"Man, I'm sorry to hear that. My parents were so open and accepting when I came out. I can't even imagine what you're dealing with." Tim shook his head, "Have you ever had sex with another man?"

"Oh yeah. I had a few little flings in college. I am most definitely gay." Adam chuckled.

Tim was glad his sigh of relief coincided with Adam opening up his second beer! Then it hit Adam what Tim had said: 'My parents were so open and accepting when I came out.' Tim was gay?!

"I just can't understand how you can fuck a woman, then." Tim stared at the blond.

"Grin and bear it?" Adam shrugged as he sat back down making Tim laugh.

'Man, he's got a beautiful laugh and a sexy, deep voice!' Adam thought as he glanced over at Tim.

"Damn, you're funny." Tim smiled at him, "But seriously..."

"It's difficult, believe me. For the most part I was just closing my eyes and pretending she was some random dude. It worked for a while but that's not really working anymore." Adam sighed again, "You heard the fight we had. I just can't bear to touch her anymore. I care about the woman. She's a wonderful person. Sweet, caring, funny. I don't love her, I'm not in love with her."

"I'm sorry, Adam." Tim reached over and gave Adam's shoulder a squeeze.

Adam sighed again, "Thanks. Hopefully she'll let me back in the house soon. I may not like sleeping with my wife, but I'm paying for that house so I'd like to at least be living in it!"

"How long will you be here?" Tim questioned nonchalantly.

"I booked the room for three days." Adam replied, "I figured that would give her enough time to cool off and be away from me for a while."

"Gotcha." Tim nodded.

They turned the conversation to Tim. Where he was from, how he grew up, how he came to be in Minnesota, why he was a handy-man. The more Adam found out about the gorgeous brunette, the more he liked! Sweet, gorgeous, southern man. What could be better than that? By the time Tim was ready to leave, they'd finished half the case of beer and the whole pizza.

Tim told Adam to keep the rest of the beer. The blond walked Tim to the door of his room and thanked him once again for bringing beer & dinner as well as giving him someone to talk to. Tim just smiled and said it was no problem. Adam flung his arms around Tim's neck taking the brunette by surprise. Tim wrapped his arms around Adam's waist as they hugged. It felt good to get honest affection from someone, for both parties. They pulled away and Tim couldn't help but notice the subtle blush to Adam's face.

The next two nights, Tim showed up with dinner. Each time he caught Adam off guard. The third night, the blond had just gotten out of the shower when he heard someone knocking at the door. It was later than the previous two nights when Tim had come over so he figured it was someone else. He'd gone to work that day so he wasn't sure who it could be. His hair was still dripping wet as he quickly wrapped a towel around his waist and went to open the door.

"Oh fuck..." Tim blurted out before he could stop himself.

"Oh, uh, hi Tim." Adam watched Tim's face flush and then his eyes travel down his body, "Let me go get dressed. Get settled and I'll be right back."

"Uh, yeah. Ok." Tim stuttered.

Adam couldn't help but feeling a stirring in his nether regions at the reaction he got out of Tim. 'Why am I reacting this way?' Adam thought as he shut the bathroom door. His heart was racing and he wasn't sure he was able to breath. Tim closed his eyes and tried to think of anything that would make his hard-on go away. Dead puppies. Mutilated bodies. His taxes. His grandmother naked. Tim was so engrossed in making his own erection go away, he didn't realize how long it took Adam to emerge from the bathroom.

He had to take care of his own problem but he was making it go away a different way. Adam didn't want to admit to himself why he liked the reaction he got out of Tim. He didn't want to admit how attracted to the tall brunette he truly was. After shooting his load, he cleaned himself up and quickly got dressed. He left the bathroom still trying to dry his hair.

"Sorry, long hair takes forever to dry." Adam laughed, hoping Tim would buy his lie.

"Oh, uh, that's ok. I brought dinner again. Sorry I'm a bit later than I have been." Tim held up a plastic bag.

"What's that?" Adam asked as he sat on the bed.

"Enchiladas from El Fenix. Got chips and salsa in the bag too." Tim replied, trying his best to keep his eyes above chest level.

"You didn't have to bring me dinner these past few nights." Adam said after a little period of silence.

"I know but I wanted to." Tim smiled at his employer, "You've been kind to me. It's the least I can do."

The pair talked about the renovations to Adam's house among other things. They stole glances at one another throughout the evening as they chatted away. Adam found he thoroughly enjoyed Tim's company. Tim found he actually liked hearing Adam talking about his nerdy joys. Adam knew he'd be checking out and going back to his own home tomorrow but he was liking these evening visits with Tim.

It made him sad to think that he wouldn't get to just hang out and talk with his, literally, only friend. Tim may not consider Adam his friend but the blond definitely considered Tim his! Around 10pm, Tim said he should get back to his apartment. He did have to get to work tomorrow which made Adam laugh. The blond, in his usual fashion, walked Tim to the door. He wrapped his arms around Tim's neck and gave him a tight hug.

"Thanks for dinner and just for being here for me. It means a lot." Adam told him.

Tim snaked his arms around Adam's waist, "It's really no problem. I had to eat too and since it's just me at the apartment, I figured it would be nice to have someone to have dinner with. Even temporarily."

Adam glanced down at Tim's lips which the brunette caught. Tim thought about kissing Adam but he thought the blond already had too much on his plate. They were still hugging and Tim found it odd. Men don't hug like this, even gay ones unless they're dating, much less for this long. Tim glanced down at Adam's lips and wondered how soft they'd be.

"Fuck it." Tim said before he pressed his lips to Adam's taking the blond off guard.

Tim pulled away and looked at a bewildered Adam.

"I'm sorry, I...I couldn't resist." Tim rubbed the back of his neck.

Adam pulled Tim in for another kiss. This one much more passionate than the first. The blond cupped Tim's face with both hands as they kissed. Tim finally pulled away when he needed some breathe. He searched Adam's face. There were things they were both looking for: real companionship, real love, affection, attention. Adam grabbed Tim by the belt buckle and pulled him to the bed. When Adam hit the side of the bed, he sat down then pulled Tim on top of him.

"I want you, Tim. So badly. I have from the moment I saw you." Adam confessed, slipping his hands underneath Tim's shirt, "I haven't really had sex in months if you don't count masturbation..."

"Adam, you're married. I...I can't get involved with a married man!" Tim stated.

"I need you, Tim." Adam was nearly begging.

Tim looked into Adam's bright blue eyes and knew he couldn't tell him no. Visions of Adam naked and wet as well as all the nights he'd spent masturbating to those images came flooding to his mind. It had been probably two years since he'd been with anyone himself. He closed his eyes when he felt Adam slip his hand inside his jeans and palm him through his boxers.

"This tells me you want it too, Tim." Adam purred in his ear, "Surely you can feel how badly I want you..."

"'re married."

"Forget her. I don't love her, I'm not in love with her, I never even wanted to marry her!" Adam exclaimed before dropping his voice again, "You like it when I'm naked and I need to hop in the shower real quick?"

Tim sat up, eyes wide, and stared at the blond man below him.

"Mmm, that's right. I saw you standing there staring at me. Why do you think I dropped my towel? If you weren't coming over, I wouldn't have even had a towel around me (Adam bucked his hips up, inadvertently grinding their crotches together). I knew you were coming over but I didn't think you'd be there that early. I saw a shadow out of the corner of my eye and figured it was you (he did it again)." Adam explained, "I just want to know if you jerked off to those images that night when you went home. Me, naked, wet, fully hard..."

"Oh God, Adam." Tim exclaimed as the blond pulled him back down


"Every's all I can see..." Tim started out making Adam smile, "Wet hair sticking to you, water dripping everywhere. God you look so big."

Adam took Tim's hand and stuck it down his pants since he was just wearing pj bottoms and no underwear. The slight moan that escaped Tim wasn't lost on the blond.

"Mmm Tim..." Adam closed his eyes at the feeling of the brunette's hand on his cock.

"We...we shouldn't. You're married. It''s wrong." Tim stuttered, hand still wrapped around Adam's throbbing member.

"To hell with her. Tiiiim (Adam thrust his hips upwards), please." Adam begged.

Tim knew he couldn't resist Adam begging. Besides, he had wanted this for far too long. Yes, Adam was married. After all he'd heard about, to Tim it didn't seem like a "legal" marriage. So he gave in and crashed his lips to the blonde's. He removed his hand making the blond pout until Adam realized that Tim was about to pull his pj bottoms off. Adam began tugging his shirt upwards. The blond was already nude so Tim began helping him undress himself.

As Tim stepped out of his jeans and boxers, Adam leaned back to admire the view. 'Fuck he's even more gorgeous than I could have envisioned!'

"See something you like?" Tim asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Very much so. You are even more gorgeous than I ever envisioned." Adam said, "I want to know every inch of you."

Tim had never heard such beautiful words before. Adam opened his arms for Tim who quickly fell into them. Hand began to roam, lips left soft kisses, moans echoed out into the room. The passion and desire was there. It had been a very long time since he had honestly felt a connection to another human. Since his primary school days, to be exact. Which is why what was happening now with Tim was all the more intense.

"How bad do you want it, blondie?" Tim purred in Adam's ear.

"Sooo bad. Been months...please..." Adam begged.

"Maybe I don't let you have it. Maybe you only get to suck me off. What would you think of that?" Tim grinded their crotches together making Adam moan and dig his nails into Tim's back.

"Please Tim..." Adam begged, arching his back.

Tim couldn't deny the man release, especially after learning all about him the last few days. He did, however, like hearing him beg. It was quite the turn on!

"I like it when you beg." Tim whispered in Adam's ear before nibbling on his earlobe making Adam shiver.

"Tim, please! Fuck me! I neeeeeed this." Adam moaned.

"Ok, baby. I think I've teased you enough." Tim kissed Adam's throat, "We need to prep first. It's been a couple years since I've had sex and I can only imagine how long it's been since you've bottomed."

Adam wanted to sigh with relief! He told Tim where his lube was in his suitcase making the brunette laugh. Adam always kept a "kit" with him that consisted of lube, condoms, and massage oil. Tim found the lube and condoms and quickly made his way back to the bed. While Tim had been digging for the lube, Adam moved to lay on the bed properly. When Tim turned around, he found Adam slowly stroking himself, legs spread apart, looking at him with utter lust.

Tim was quick with the prep but also made sure it was done right. He didn't want to cause Adam any unnecessary pain. When he could move his fingers easily, he knew his soon-to-be lover was ready. Tim slipped the condom on, lubed himself up, and readied himself at Adam's entrance. He pushed himself in making both of them moan. The blond was tight, having not bottomed in many years, which made for an even better experience for them both.

Tim took his time in letting Adam adjust and loved watching the blond stroking himself. He knew this was something else that would be burned into his memory forever! Once he was as far as he could go, he let Adam adjust to him for a few moments. The he pulled out and slammed himself back in making Adam moan to the point of near yelling. Tim began thrusting faster at Adam's behest. He also pulled Adam down further on the bed and rested the blonde's ankles on his shoulders.

It didn't take Tim long to feel the tightness in his sac as he came close to orgasming. Before long, the brunette fell forward very sated. He was half-laying on Adam, half-laying on the bed as he tried to regain control of his breathing again. Adam was feeling satisfied to some degree. He loved bottoming and he loved being the top. Both were fulfilling in their own ways.

Tim finally slipped the used condom off and turned to his new lover. The blond was just looking at him with a blank expression. Tim had no intentions of just leaving the poor guy hanging like that. He let his hand slide down Adam's stomach, down his right thigh, and cup his sac in his hand. Tim watched Adam's eyes flicker closed as he gently squeezed and massaged the sensitive skin. Soft moans escaped Adam's throat.

While his eyes were closed, Tim took the opportunity to deep throat the blond. He had to laugh when Adam nearly jumped out of his skin. He watched from underneath his eyelashes as Tim licked, sucked, and hummed. The brunette ran his tongue around the underside of the head of his penis, along the length of the shaft, kissed it and the tip. Adam couldn't get over the fact that Tim could actually deep throat him. He hadn't come across anyone that could do that from the few encounters he'd had.

He wanted to watch Tim but his eyes kept closing as his back arched. He grabbed the bedding as he began to moan more and more. This was such a surreal experience for Adam he was sure he was going to wake up and find this was yet another wet dream. The shocks of electricity from Tim massaging his sac to the vibrations of Tim humming while he sucked was more than enough to finally send him over the edge. He shot his load down Tim's throat while screaming out the brunette's name.

Tim sucked up every last drop before kissing his way up Adam's body. The blond was still coming down from heaven when Tim made it to the head of the bed. He stayed on his side just watching the blissful look on Adam's face. Clearly this was the best orgasm he'd had since his encounters with his previous male lover's way back in his college days. Tim remained quiet until Adam turned his head to look at Tim.

"I should probably get home. I do have to get to work in the morning." Tim said but remained where he was.

"Stay with me?" Adam asked, "You're already close to your work. You can shower here in the morning. I'll check out when I leave for work."

Tim stared into those blue eyes and knew he couldn't refuse. He just smiled and nodded his head yes. Tim rolled onto his back, pulling Adam with him. The blond quickly snuggled into his side, burying his face in the crook of Tim's neck and draping one arm over his stomach. For a brief little while, it seemed to Tim that the weight of the world had been lifted off Adam's shoulders. He was happy and sated. Tim turned the bedside table off then pulled the covers over both of them. He pushed some hair behind Adam's ear and then kissed his fore head.

"Night, darlin'." Tim whispered.

"Night, love." Adam whispered back before falling into the most contented sleep he had had in a very long time.


Adam and Ericha were fighting again. This time about finances. He made sure Tim got paid for everything he did and for what he was worth, not skimping him on any money he'd earned. He'd promised his secret lover he'd give glowing reviews of his work. The renovations had costed money that the couple didn't really have. She wanted things she couldn't afford and he was putting his foot down.

This time when she threatened to go to his mother, he still didn't budge. They were in debt already and he wasn't going to make it worse. Adam wasn't looking forward to the thrashing he was going to get from his mother or the looks he was surely going to get from the rest of his family. 'Why can't I just leave these people and never come back?' he sighed as he ran his hands through his hair. Sure enough, his parents had come over a little while later.

Cindy wanted to know why he wasn't providing for his wife making him openly roll his eyes at his mother. Stephen shook his finger at him, warning him to not disrespect his mother again. He told them that he was providing for them and that she wanted things they didn't need. They were already in debt from the renovations and he wanted to get all that paid off before they did anything else. Stephen's snide remark, "Well if you were half as successful as your brother then this wouldn't be a problem", almost made him cry.

Adam knew he'd be spending the night away from the house, in a motel room with his gay lover. He needed real comfort, real affection, real honesty. He spent the better part of an hour arguing with his parents and wife before walking down the hall and packing a few days' worth of clothes and his toiletries. He was tired of the snide remarks about how he wasn't measuring up to his older brother! When he emerged from their bedroom, Ericha asked where he was going. He just said he was going to stay with a friend for a few days and slammed the door.


Each time he had a fight with his wife, he called up Tim. Each time he called, Tim came. The brunette listened to Adam as he explained what had gone on, what had been said, and how he felt. Each time, Tim could see his lover getting more and more depressed. It angered the Texan to hear the things his lover's own family told him. Mean, hurtful things that shouldn't be said to your own flesh and blood!

Each time they met up, they had sex. Adam was the only one Tim was involved with. In their time together, he had fallen hard and fast with the blond. Adam had fallen in love too and he felt guilty about it. Guilty for the way things were going with Tim, how they had to hide their love, and guilty for loving a man in general. He felt like he was using Tim and that hurt him. Tim only ever showed him affection, care, gave honest opinions, made him laugh. Tim was a kind and generous soul. Adam didn't want to hurt him.

Their affair carried on for two years like this. Tim called Adam up one night. They met at their usual motel. Tim hated having this conversation but he was also tired of just being at Adam's beck-and-call anytime the gorgeous blond wanted him. He was looking for companionship, for friendship, for love. If he just wanted sex, he'd either find a hooker or pick someone up at a bar. Adam arrived shortly after Tim did. He motioned for Adam to have a seat as he paced the room trying to get his thoughts together.

"We can't keep doing this, Adam." Tim huffed.

"Why?" Adam raised his eyebrow at his lover.

"You're married, remember? To a woman." Tim sassed, "I don't know why you don't just leave your shitty job, leave her, and say to hell with this place."

"I can't."

"Can't or won't?" Tim raised his voice making Adam look up at him strangely.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Adam asked.

"Seems you're getting the best of both worlds here. Nice, beautiful home with a nice, beautiful wife, living a charmed life. Then a secret life in the shadows with your lowly boyfriend." Tim yelled making Adam's eyes go wide.

" dare...I can't even..." Adam stuttered

"How dare I what? Speak the truth? You can't even what? Understand how I figured you out?" Tim's nostrils were flaring and his face was flushing.

"If you think I am truly living a 'charmed life' then you are sadly mistaken, Timothy! Best of both worlds? Ha! Hardly." Adam retorted, "I'm stuck in a job I absolutely hate, in a house I don't like, with a spouse I didn't even wanna marry."

"Then find a new job! Move to a different house! Divorce the bitch!" Tim yelled, bringing tears to Adam's eyes.

"Yeah ok. I'll get right on that." Adam looked down at the ring burning his ring finger.

"Why can't you leave her, Adam?" Tim demanded.

"It's not that easy, Tim!" Adam retorted as he plopped down on the bed.

"Really now?" Tim's hands rested on his hips as he sassed back.

"Yes, really!" Adam exclaimed.

"Maybe I should just leave then." Tim crossed his arms over his chest.

He was getting tired of sneaking around. Tired of hiding his feelings. Tired of walking on eggshells whenever he was at work because his lover was married and also his boss' son. Tim was tired of being second-fiddle.

"Tim, please!" Adam couldn't keep the sadness and desperation out of his voice, "You're the only thing in my life that gives me joy. Happiness. Love. You're all I got."

Tim sighed. This was a shitty situation for all involved. He knew this would be when he got involved with a married man.

"Darlin', you know I care about you. If you're so miserable at home, then do something about it." Tim sat down next to his lover.

"I...I can't."

"Yes, you can. Don't let what your family may think dictate your life. Would you rather be miserable doing what they want you to or happy doing what you want to do without them in your life?" Tim snaked his arm around Adam's waist, resting his hand on his lover's hip.

"That's like asking me to choose between you and my family." Adam stated.

"That's not my intent and you know it."

Adam sighed again, "I know."

"I can't keep doing this, though. I can't keep hiding how I feel about you. I can't keep walking on eggshells because you're married." Tim gave Adam a light squeeze, "You need to make a decision. I'm not asking for one by tomorrow. But you need to make it. If not for me, then for your own sake and sanity. If you need help getting out, I'd be more than happy to help."

Adam wasn't sure what to do. Tim was forcing him to decide. Him or his family. The same family that was making him miserable. The same family that didn't know, or wouldn't approve of, the real Adam. The same family he was sure was going to disown him when they found out about the real Adam. He sighed hating having to do this. Tim hated making him make this decision. He also hated being the "mistress" in Adam's life.

Hearing Adam sigh again, he knew he needed to show his lover what he could gain. Tim pulled Adam up off the bed then stripped him of all his clothes. The pair kissed as the brunette undressed his lover. Adam moaned at the feeling of Tim's hands on his skin. The handy-man pulled away and pushed Adam back down on the bed. The blond watched as Tim slowly did a strip tease for him.

Tim motioned for Adam to scoot to the head of the bed. The blond did as was requested watching Tim the whole time. The brunette inched his way up his lover's leg as he planted kisses. He made his way up to Adam's groin making the blond buck up into him. Tim shook his head no as he continued placing soft kisses on the tender flesh of his lover's skin.

Adam closed his eyes enjoying the feeling on Tim kissing him. It felt right to him unlike when he had sex with Ericha. Goosebumps appeared all over Adam's skin when Tim began flicking Adam's right nipple with his tongue. Tim loved hearing the soft moans of pleasure emanating from Adam's throat. It meant he was doing something right. Tim finally scooted up so they were laying on their sides facing one another.

Tim cupped Adam's face in his hands and crashed their lips together. Adam could feel the love flowing between them. Tim began kissing down his stubbled jaw as he tangled his fingers in Tim's dark hair. The brunette kissed all over his lover's throat and started down his chest. More soft moans escaped Adam's throat. Tim's right hand slid from its resting place on Adam's hip up his stomach and chest to rub the blonde's nipple.


Tim smiled to himself knowing he was making his lover feel good. He always hated fighting with Adam. It was always about the same thing: Adam leaving his wife. The make-up was always great, though. He stuck his tongue in Adam's belly button making the blond man giggle. That was something he loved doing. There was no sexual pleasure derived from it but for some reason, he loved sticking and swirling his tongue in Adam's belly button. And it always made the blond giggle.

"Tiiiiiiim" Adam moaned, arching his back as his lover worked his way down his body.

All Adam was hoping for was a good blow job. Especially after the fight they'd just had. His lover had other plans. Tim wanted something else. He wanted to show Adam what they could have together if he left his wife. Adam was painfully hard and Tim had every intention of taking care of that. He also wanted to show his lover something new that he was sure Adam had never experienced before.

When Tim sat up, Adam's eyes flew open. The brunette was moving to sit at the head of the bed. Adam watched curiously as he sat there, cross-legged, then turned to look at him. Tim beckoned Adam too him. The blond wasted no time in sitting up and moving to his lover. Tim coated his aching member as Adam kneeled, ready to take him. Both men moaned as the blond slowly slid himself down on Tim's cock.

"Wrap your legs around my waist and lock your ankles." Tim instructed before kissing on his neck.

Adam didn't know what to think but did as Tim asked him too. 'This is the strangest thing I've ever experienced! How can we have sex like this?' the blond thought to himself. Tim knew that this position tends to be a little slower and more intimate. He wanted the intimacy, he needed the intimacy. They both did. Tim's range of movement was rather restricted but he was still able to thrust into his lover. He wrapped his arms around Adam's back, holding him tightly to him, as Adam wrapped his right arm around Tim's neck and his left hand entangled itself in his lover's hair.

Adam wasn't so sure about this but after a while, he began to understand. This was a slow-build up. All of his encounters with other men had just been that needy kind of sex. "I need to get off and need dick kind of sex". This was different. This was intimate and slow. Tim began kissing Adam's throat again making the blond moan in response. The blond began moving his hips in circles making Tim smile.

After a while, Tim began making circular hip movements too except he was going in the opposite direction from his lover. The friction sent bolts of electricity through each. Adam shivered slightly as he moaned and threw his head back giving Tim access to his throat again. The brunette began to lightly nip earning another moan. He sped his movements up as best as he could. The pair were chest-to-chest as Tim thrusted and Adam made circular motions with his own hips.

The blond leaned back up and began nibbling on Tim's earlobe then down his neck. This was something his wife never liked. That or light spanking. Tim seemed to love it and so did he. His lover's sudden stop made him pull away and look at Tim curiously.

"Don't wanna cum too fast." Tim breathed out, "Want this to last."

A minute or so later, Tim began moving again. Adam drug his nails down Tim's back with his right hand and lightly pulled Tim's hair with his left. The brunette let out this deep, throaty moan which Adam absolutely loved hearing. He wished he could record it so he had it to listen to whenever he wanted. The second time Tim felt his loins tensing up, he knew he couldn't stop it. He pulled Adam to him and held him as tight as he could while he rode out his trip to ecstasy.

The blond was kissing his neck and running his hand through the soft brown hair of his lover. Adam could feel how fast Tim's heart was beating through his chest. When Tim could feel his legs again, he moved them so that he slipped out of his lover. He cleaned himself up then handed the bottle of lube to Adam. The blond looked at him curiously making Tim smile and say they were going to switch places.

"I'm going to cum too fast." Adam replied.

"I don't care. I'm not leaving you hanging and I want you to know what it's like on that end." Tim kissed Adam's cheek.

The blond sighed before coating his aching member. Just touching it was almost painful. Once he was sitting cross-legged, Tim lowered himself down, using Adam as leverage as he did.

"Oh fuck, Tim." Adam moaned out.

"Just start thrusting." Tim's hot breath tickled his ear.

Adam did but knew he wouldn't last long. Tim began biting his shoulder being careful not to leave any lasting marks. He'd already pulled Adam's hair out of its pony tail so he began running his fingers through it. When Tim began to make circles with his hips, Adam grabbed him by his hips to keep him still. The blond began to thrust as hard as he could making Tim chuckle and wrap his arms around his lover's shoulders and neck.

"Cum for me, baby." Tim whispered

Maybe 15-seconds later, Adam leaned back as he shot his load with a grunt. Tim smiled before climbing off his exhausted lover. He laid on his back before pulling Adam into his arms. The blonde's breath was still ragged as he laid there, his mind reeling, coming down from the intense orgasm he'd just had. 'What do I do? How can I just leave my wife, quit my job, and forget my family?' Adam thought with a sigh, 'On the other hand, Tim lets me be me. He embraces my nerdiness, lets me geek out at things that I like. He gives me the things that I need and want in my life.'

He was so confused. Where would he go? If he quit his job, what would he do for work? Surely Ericha would want everything? Would it be worth giving her everything just to get out of the marriage? Could he really have the life he truly wanted with Tim? What if they split? Then where would he go? He would have no one in the world! Tim could tell Adam's mind was working overtime and began rubbing his back. He wished he could do more for his lover but until Adam made the decisions, he was helpless to, well, help.

The pair showered together the next morning. After some wonderful morning sex, of course. They dressed and stood at the door. Tim cupped his lover's face in both hands while staring into the blue eyes he'd come to love so much.

"Adam, I know I've put a lot on you. I know what all you're dealing with. (Tim took a deep breath) But I was serious last night. We can't keep doing this. I'm tired of being the side piece. (When Adam opened his mouth to say something, Tim placed a finger on his lips) I'm not giving you a time frame or anything but darlin' you do need to make a decision. It's not fair to her, it's not fair to me, and it's not fair to you.

I know what I'm asking of you is scary. If you're willing to leave her, leave your job, and all that bullshit behind, come talk to me. We can figure something out together, ok? You need to do what's best for you. You've asked me before what I thought and I've told you that getting away from your family is what's best for you. I know that's hard to hear and even harder to do. But, darlin', you gotta do what's ultimately best for you. Take all the time you need to figure things out, ok?

I hope you have a wonderful week, even at the shitty job you hate, and text or call me anytime. You know I'm always here for you. Besides, you know where I work (his statement made Adam laugh). I'll talk to you soon." Tim told him before pulling Adam into a tight hug then crashing their lips together.

They kissed for several minutes before pulling away. Tim gave Adam one last peck on the lips before leaving the motel room. Adam sighed. They had been carrying on this affair for two years. This was a major life decision he had to make. Something like this you would make with your significant other. To Adam, that was Tim and he'd already told Adam his thoughts on the matter. He checked out and headed to the office where he worked.

The whole day he was a zombie. His mind was on the decision he had to make. Leave everything and everyone he knew behind and start a new life with Tim or leave the only person who ever showed any sort of interest in the real Adam, the only one who ever accepted him for him and stay miserable. Isn't it a brain-dead decision? His wife was on the phone to her sister chatting about something he cared nothing about.

There were some photos of them around their house. He got up and looked at them. Sure, they seemed like they were happy. But he could tell there was no real happiness in his own eyes. Everything was forced and strained for him. Walking into his bedroom, he sat down on the edge of the bed and took his phone out. He opened his gallery and scrolled through pictures of him and Tim. There was the real Adam. Nothing was forced or strained. He was truly, and utterly, happy. With a heavy sigh, he knew the answer. He just couldn't live like this anymore.

After his wife went to work the next day, he called in and asked for a personal day. Since he was a model employee, he was granted his request. He packed up everything he wanted to keep, basically all his clothes and toiletries along with his laptop, and loaded the suitcases into his truck. There weren't really any photos he wanted to keep and any movies or anything like that, he could just buy again later. The next thing he did was head to the bank. He took out all of their savings, which his wife didn't really know about because he never told her about that account, and closed the savings account.

He sat in his truck and searched on his phone for good divorce lawyers. When he found a few, he made some calls. To his luck, he was able to get an appointment later that afternoon. With nothing else to do, he headed to "their" motel and rented a room for the night. He needed the night to be alone and to clear his head. Shortly before his appointment, he left the hotel and made his way to the lawyer's office. It seemed like it was taking forever but he was finally brought back.

They greeted one another cordially as Adam sat down. He explained the situation, how he wanted the divorce, his wife didn't know, they had no kids, she could have the house, all he wanted was his clothes and his truck. He wanted the divorce as soon as he could get it because he would be moving out of state as soon as the divorce was final. The lawyer sat back and listened to Adam almost in disbelief.

The older gentleman asked if Adam was sure he didn't want the house or want to sell it and split the profits. Adam was sure. He didn't want to fight for or over anything. The only other thing was he didn't want to pay alimony to his ex-wife. The lawyer nodded as he began scribbling out information. He promised he'd see what he could and that everything would be taken care of. His secretary had all of Adam's information and he'd call as soon as they had a court date.

Tim was getting nervous. It had been over two weeks since he'd last seen Adam. He was working on some minor projects on his lover's parents' home but he hadn't seen his lover. Had he made his decision and simply thought telling Tim face-to-face would be too hard on them both? Was he still deciding? Tim didn't know what to do. He hated having to force Adam into making that decision but at the same time, he was tired of being Adam's "mistress".

Tim was getting depressed just thinking about how long it had been since they'd seen one another. They had never gone that long without seeing one another since that first night they'd slept together. Close to it, sure, but never this long. A few more days passed and he had finished up with the Rupp's home. He wasn't sure if he'd ever get to see Adam again. As he was packing up his tools, he received a text: 'meet at the motel tonight'.

Tim's heart began to beat faster. Was this good news? Was this going to be bad news? One last fuck before Adam breaks it off with him? Either way, he knew he had to go. There was no need to reply. Besides, he still had work to do in getting all his tools picked up and loaded into his truck! Since he wasn't sure what to expect, he headed home first to get a quick shower and change clothes. He slipped into some dark jeans, his black boots, and a Johnny Cash t-shirt. It had been quite a while since he felt this nervous.

He drove around the motel parking lot until he found Adam's truck. He parked next to it then took a few deep breaths. His whole world was going to change one way or the other. Another minute or two, and he finally slid out of his truck and walked up to the door. Knocking, he had to wait for his lover to answer. The door creaked open and Tim was afraid of what was about to happen.

"Adam?" Tim called out.

"I was in the middle of a shower." Adam called back, "Get comfortable and I'll be out in a minute or two."

Tim chuckled as he sat down on the edge of the bed and took his boots off. He scooted to lay down and wait for his lover. Tim's mind was racing on what to do if Adam rejected him. His mind was filled with possibilities if Adam accepted him. He was so busy thinking, he didn't realize Adam had left the bathroom.

"Hey there." Adam's voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Hi. I'm assuming there's a reason you wanted to meet. Another fight with Ericha?" Tim wanted to roll his eyes.

"Not...exactly." Adam smiled.

"What does that mean?" Tim raised his eyebrow as Adam reached into the bedside table and pulled out some document and then threw it at him.

"What's this?"

"Read it and find out!" Adam stated.

The top read "Divorce Decree". Tim's eyes widened as he looked from it to Adam. The blond just smiled and shook his head.

"Does...does this mean you two are already divorced?" Tim couldn't keep the hopefulness out of his voice.

"It was finalized today, baby!" Adam stated as Tim sat up.

"But, I mean, wouldn't...tell me everything!" Tim exclaimed making Adam laugh.

Adam sat down facing his lover as he went into everything. From all the thinking he'd done about what Tim had told him to looking at the photos around their home of him and Ericha and then looking at the photos he had of him & Tim and seeing the differences. He told his lover about calling in for a personal day so he could pack all his things, take out all their savings, and find a lawyer. It had taken two weeks for the court date. All he got was what he had with him and his truck making Tim pout but Adam said that's what he wanted in the divorce. She got the house and no alimony. All he was interested in was a quick divorce.

"Why didn't you tell me? You could have stayed at my house!" Tim grabbed Adam's hands.

"Well, because...I wanted this be a surprise." Adam blushed slightly.

"I was very surprised!" Tim laughed, "I finished the work on your parent's house today. There's nothing really keeping me here."

"I have to give a 2-week notice before I quit." Adam stated.

"I'll give my landlord a 2-week notice then too." Tim retorted.

"Oh? Where are we going to live?" Adam raised his eyebrow.

"Anywhere but here!" Tim laughed before pulling Adam in for a passionate kiss.

A/N: Well, this turned out waaaaaay longer than I had anticipated! I hope you enjoyed it! Please vote and comment below if you did ;)

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