Running with the Rogues

By ItsLillieBro

369 21 1

"You expect me to what? Leave everything behind, my family, my pack, to go rogue?" I asked him, incredulously... More



34 2 0
By ItsLillieBro

© 2018, ItsLillieBro

"Just see a new tomorrow, it's who we're meant to be." -Luminate


Blakelyn P.O.V.

I got up and expected to go downstairs and eat some breakfast. As I began getting dressed for the day, after I brushed my teeth, I heard glass shatter. As soon as I jogged down the stairs, there was a screaming match going on between my two older brothers.

"Mom!" I yelled over the noise, "What's going on?!"

She had fear in her eyes and then she ran into another room to find my dad. He quickly ran in and pushed me into my mom.

"Dad, what's wrong with the boys?" I asked him, quickly becoming scared for their safety as they started getting in each other's faces, ready to start fighting once again.

"I'm not sure, I don't know that I'll be able to calm them down, either," he admitted and walked closer to them.

"Stop this, now," he demanded, using his Beta tone. They reluctantly stopped and I sighed in relief. They were covered in blood and I couldn't tell whose blood was who's.

"Now, what on earth is going on?" my dad asked, exasperated.

"I found him kissing my mate," Damien growled out, and our jaws fell open.

"I've been dating her for weeks! How was I supposed to know?!" Daniel yelled.

They both still hadn't caught their breath.

"Daniel, what were you thinking? Dating someone who isn't your mate?" my mom asked, rubbing her forehead slightly at the stressing situation. I groaned internally, this is why I wasn't sure going on that date with Brock was a good idea. I was glad we had both agreed to just be friends.

"I was thinking my mate hasn't shown up, and the girl was cute," he replied to her with a shrug.

Damien let out a feral growl before trying to lunge at him again. My dad stepped between them.

"Damien," he commanded, "Go for a run and cool off, NOW!"

Damien reluctantly stormed out of the house. A loud snarl was heard and I realized he barely made it outside without shifting. Our attention turned back to Daniel.

"So, where is she now?" my mother asked and Daniel shrugged.

"She took off crying when Damien found us," he replied nonchalantly, which caused me to roll my eyes.

"Go get cleaned up, son, and Blake, you go find her," my dad commanded.

"How am I supposed to know who she is?" I asked, confused as to how they thought I would just magically find her.

"She'll be the brunette sobbing, her name is Allison," Daniel said, once again shrugging.

I bit back the urge to smack him, "How did you get so emotionally stunted? I swear you've got the maturity level of a twelve-year-old." He flipped me off and I headed out of the house.

It's no wonder he hasn't found his mate yet. The moon goddess probably didn't want to put that on a poor she-wolf with how immature he was. I slowly made my way outside. I glanced around the yard and over into the small park across the street. It was for our pack and mostly just the mothers and children went to it. I decided if it were me, that would be where I went.

As I made my way across the street I realized there was a brunette, but she wasn't crying. I decided to approach her.

"Hey, are you Allison?" I asked and her tear-streaked face looked up at me. I took that as my answer before she even responded.

"Yeah, why?" she asked, scooting over so I could join her on the bench.

"I'm Damien and Daniel's sister, Blakelyn, but you can call me Blake," I introduced, sticking my hand out and she shook it.

"Allison, but you already knew that, obviously," she stated with a bitter chuckle.

We sat in silence for a moment before I decided to break it.

"You know," I began, "Damien will come around he's just angry because he saw you with another wolf, his brother no less."

She nodded, hurt flashed on her face as quickly as it went away, "I just became very aware of that, thanks." I tried to ignore her snapping, as I knew she was in pain. I decided to stand up and head back to my house.

"Where are you going?" she asked hesitantly as if all of a sudden she didn't want to be left alone.

"I need to go clean up their mess, we have some alphas staying with us today. Would you like to come back with me?" I asked, hoping she said yes. I knew she probably wouldn't want to, but her and Damien needed to talk.

"Sure, I guess I have to eventually, huh?" she said with a sigh. I gave her a light smile and let her follow me back over to the house. I hoped Damien had calmed down and was thinking with a clear head. How was Allison supposed to know she'd find her mate? Let alone it is Damien.

From what I had seen, Allison and Daniel had been dating for about two months. It wasn't something serious, they weren't that stupid. I guess she had never been around when Damien was home, it surprised me this had been their first run-in.

I opened the door, "I'm back!" I announced. I let Allison in and closed the door behind her. My mother met us at the entrance to the hallway, connected to the foyer. She gave Allison a small smile, "Hello dear. I'm sorry about earlier."

Allison forced a smile, "It's my fault really, anyways, I'm here to help clean up. Blakelyn said some of the visiting alphas were staying with you guys?"

I let the two continue talking as they walked towards the kitchen, unsure if they noticed I was no longer with them. I smiled, they needed to get to know each other better. I assumed that when Damien calmed down the two would talk and patch things up, they were mates after all.

I sighed as I headed to the living room to clean up the broken glass and furniture. As I was doing that, Damien entered. He silently helped me clean up the mess before turning and going up to his room. The door slammed shut and I debated whether I should go talk to him or not. After a moment or two, I decided, probably against my better judgment, that I should go talk to him.

I trudged up the door and creaked open his door, without knocking. "Guess you never learned how to knock," he grumbled from his computer desk by the window.

I walked over to his bed and plopped down. I shrugged, "I did, I just don't really care."

He rolled his eyes, "Is there a reason for you not taking the hint of me wanting to be alone?"

"I brought Allison back," I replied, hoping to get a reaction from him. I frowned when he didn't give one.

"I know, I smelled her when I walked into the house," he replied, nonchalantly.

This time it was me who rolled my eyes, "You're not even going to talk to her?"

"What is there to say? Hey, sorry I flipped out considering you've been with my brother doing god knows what for months, while I waited for my mate," he growled out and I looked at him sadly.

"It's not like she did it on purpose, Dame," I said softly, trying to keep him from lashing out. He needed to think rationally so he could move forward with Allison.

"I know that you just don't understand. It was heart-wrenching to see them kiss when I walked in and smelled her. I was overwhelmed with the feeling of this being the piece of my life I was missing until I rushed into the living room and saw my brother's tongue down her throat," he explained painfully as his grip accidentally broke off a piece of his desk.

I bit my lip as I thought over my next move very carefully, it was risky. Although I decided to go ahead with it anyway, that seemed to be working out for me pretty well today.

I left Damien and jogged downstairs to find Allison. I pulled her away from my mother when I found them in the kitchen.

"Where are we going?" she asked warily, as we reached the stairs.

"I," I paused as we reached the top, "Am making you two talk."

I flung the door open and pushed her in.

"Neither of you can leave till this is settled!" I squealed as I slammed the door shut.

I waited for a moment, to see if I would need to meddle some more. The doorknob didn't move and I heard muffled voices. I smiled to myself before deciding to go help my mother finish up the last couple chores before the alphas arrived.


"Alpha Branson! Luna Michele! How lovely it is to see you again," my mother greeted as they entered our home. They gave us polite smiles and thanked us for letting us stay with them.

"Let me show you to your room," my father gestured and they nodded before they followed him to one of our guest bedrooms.

Not long after, the other alpha who was staying with us as well knocked on the door. I opened it and greeted him with a bow.

"Alpha John," I smiled and he nodded at me with a stern face.

My father joined us at the door. He was about to welcome him in when they both froze. A growl sounded from them both.

"Blake, inside now!" he demanded as he pushed me inside, shutting the door.

I groaned at his actions. It made me so angry, although I knew it was for my own protection. I peeked out the window, frantically watching the direction they ran. I couldn't see anything, so I walked over to the door and out onto the back porch. I hesitantly glanced around, still not seeing either of them.

I turned around and placed my hand on the doorknob, planning to go inside. A loud growl sounded from behind me. I froze, unsure of what to do next.

I slowly turned around and saw a grey wolf stalking my way. Before I could react, another unknown and quite large, wolf sprung on top of the grey one. They fought for a few moments as the crimson wolf clamped down onto the grey one's neck. The fight was over.

The crimson wolf slumped down and peeked up at me, I assumed to show he meant no harm to me. I stood there stunned, not knowing what to do.

Before I could make my decision on asking the wolf to shift or going inside my father, the visiting alphas, and my alpha surrounded him.

"Shift, rogue!" Alpha Rogers commanded.

The wolf glanced at me before quickly doing so. He was very handsome, one of the most attractive men I've ever seen. He was very well built and I did my best to keep my eyes on his face.

"What is your purpose of trespassing on my land?" Alpha Rogers spat, quite unnecessarily.

The rogue remained silent.

"Answer me or I shall take you to the holding cells!" He yelled again, clearly becoming frustrated.

By now my mother and Luna Michele had joined us. Alpha John laid a hand on Alpha Rogers' shoulder.

"You shouldn't question him here, you will soon draw a crowd. Mind-link some of your warriors to relocate him," Alpha John suggested, careful of his words as he knew this was a touchy subject.

Alphas didn't like to be told how to do their job, but it was slightly different when being told by other alphas. The only problem there is it being seen as disrespectful instead of helpful.

Within seconds some of the pack warriors came to take the rogue away, his eyes never leaving mine as he was guided away.

My thoughts were pushed away as my mother shook her head. I turned my attention to her.

"It's a shame, I feel bad for them really," she said, sympathetically.

She ushered us inside to eat dinner. I couldn't get his face out of my mind. Why did he look so familiar? Why did he save me?

I had so many questions...


My father told me his name was Xavier. He also said that he refused to speak to anyone after they learned his name. I wondered why he was on our territory, or why the other rogue was. We may not be one of the largest pack, but rogues know not to mess with us. Alpha Rogers didn't take to them trespassing very well.

"Blakelyn," my mother hissed as she harshly tapped my leg with her foot, "You're being rude."

Her scolding had brought me out of my trance and I glanced up from my full plate. My father was in deep conversation with the visiting alphas.

"May I be excused?" I asked quietly.

"Darling, you've barely touched your food. What's wrong?" My mother asked, worriedly glancing me over to make sure I was alright.

"I'm fine, just not hungry. May I go?" I asked, hopeful. I just wanted to figure out what was the deal with this rogue.

"I guess," she sighed and I quickly got up, taking my plate to the counter.

My mom informed she'd box it up for me to have later, so I went outside.

Once outside I found myself venturing towards the cells. I wasn't supposed to come here, I knew that, but I couldn't stop myself. I needed to know why I was so drawn to him, he hadn't acted like I was his mate. So who was he?

When I reached the doors I had to sneak past the guards. It was stupid, again something I knew, but I did it anyway. As I walked down the hallway, I was thankful many of the people in here were locked behind actual doors. It made it much harder for me to hear their comments. I knew the rogue, Xavier, would be in the open cell though. He hadn't been placed yet.

I slowly made my way towards the end of the hallway, the bars lurking into view. He stood when he saw me.

"You shouldn't be here," his deep voice radiated through me. It gave me chills and I wasn't sure if they were the good or bad kind. The feeling seemed familiar.

"I know, but I needed to know why you saved me," I said quietly, while slowly meeting his eyes.

I gasped as I stared into them. They were beautiful. They were a light gray mixed with specks of lilac in them. I had never seen anything like them.

"You were going to die, can't you just be grateful?" he asked in a monotone voice.

I shrugged, I guess I probably should. Deep down I knew it was more than that though.

"I am grateful, I just have a strong feeling it was more than that," I stated, hoping he would stop avoiding the question.

"How did you not smell either of us? You should be more aware of your surroundings. Your father should have taught you better," his voice again held no emotion.

This made my body heat up in anger. He knew nothing about me, who was he to judge my father!

"Who are you to judge my father, rogue," I spat, before continuing faintly, "You know nothing about him or me."

He kept his face expressionlessly, "Okay, tell me then."

"I don't have to explain myself to you. You, however, do have to explain yourself to me. Especially if you want to get out of here," I stated matter-of-factly.

"What makes you think I want that?" he questioned.

I shifted my weight, unsure of what to come back with. I just kind of assumed he would want out. Don't they all?

Before I could come up with a retort, Logan stalked down the hallway.

What the hell was he doing here?

"Logan, what are yo- Hey!" I yelled as he grabbed me by the arm firmly.

"What do you think you're doing down here, Blakelyn," his voice was low and dangerous.

"What are you doing down here, Logan. This isn't even your pack!" I sneered, angry to be interrupted and manhandled.

"I was headed to speak with Alpha Rogers when I caught your scent. I wanted to make sure you were okay, especially since the guards didn't know you were here," he informed a little softer this time.

I fought back the urge to roll my eyes. Stupid alpha males always trying to get in the way of everything.

He pulled me closer to him, pushing some hair from my face.

"You can't be putting yourself in danger like that," he said, now inches from my face.

A low growl erupted from the cell and both our heads snapped to the source and Logan stepped away from me. My eyes widened when I realized it came from Xavier. I had my suspicions about his behavior, but now I believed they were confirmed.

I had to be his mate.

"What are you growling at, rogue?" Logan spat at Xavier.

Xavier sat calmly staring at him as if nothing had happened.

"I asked a question," he said, smacking the bars.

"Logan, stop, he's not even on your territory. Let's leave," I said gently, trying to get him off the subject. If he knows that I'm his mate, then he will tell. I don't want that, not yet. They will use that against him, I'm sure.

Xavier looked at me with a warning in his eyes, silently telling me not to let him touch me. I had to keep up appearances with Logan though, he was used to touching me. He believed he was protecting me. In return, I silently apologized to him with my eyes as Logan's hand pulled me down the hallway.

I grimaced slightly as I heard a low rumble as we left.

When we made it back outside I was met with two angry alphas and two equally angry parents. I smiled sheepishly.

"What do you think you were doing?" my father's voice boomed.

I flinched, but replied with my voice strong, "I wanted to ask him why he saved my life."

"You did not have permission to speak with him," Alpha Rogers said, glaring at me slightly.

If I weren't his Beta's daughter I would have been in much more trouble. Alpha Rogers was pretty much like my uncle though, that's how it went with most packs. Most of the time the alpha and beta raise their children together, so they're close when they are put in power. It made sense and made their bond stronger for the pack.

"I'm sorry, but I needed to know," I apologized with my head bowed.

"Did you even get him to speak? He wouldn't respond to anyone when we questioned him," Alpha John informed.

I nodded, "He spoke to me, but he didn't tell me why he saved my life."

They looked to Logan, Alpha Rogers speaking this time, "Did he speak to you?"

He shook his head, "No."

They sighed, before Alpha John turned to Alpha Rogers, "Maybe we should bring Blake along for questioning later?"

I stiffened, which my mother seemed to notice.

"Let's not, not today at least, we don't want them to frighten her," she said slowly as if encouraging me to go along with her.

"Please?" I pleaded with a nod.

They sighed reluctantly and I headed back to the house with my mother. Once we were behind closed doors her questions began.

"Is he your mate? Is that why he saved you? Did he tell you? Is he attractive? Is he actually a r-"

"Mother!" I exclaimed, attempting to stop her rambling.

She rolled her eyes, "Fine, at least answer one of them."

"I don't know the answer to them. I don't even know if it's possible for me to have a mate," I answered honestly. I still didn't want to come out and just say it, even if it were just my mom.

"Then what did you two talk about?" she asked skeptically and this time it was I who rolled my eyes.

"I didn't get the chance to ask anything! Logan interrupted, and then you guys," I groaned.

"Well, you can't go down there again, I won't allow it. Something could have happened to you Blake," she scolded before she headed towards the sink to work on the dishes.

I nodded with a sigh, "I know, mom. I had to go ask, though. I don't know how to explain it."

A thought occurred to me, making me frown.

"If he is my mate, what does that mean? Like, what will happen?" I asked hesitantly.

She forced a sad smile, "I'm not sure, sweetie. We'll cross that bridge when we get there.."

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